5,587 research outputs found

    Comparative study of theoretical methods for nonequilibrium quantum transport

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    We present a detailed comparison of three different methods designed to tackle nonequilibrium quantum transport, namely the functional renormalization group (fRG), the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (tDMRG), and the iterative summation of real-time path integrals (ISPI). For the nonequilibrium single-impurity Anderson model (including a Zeeman term at the impurity site), we demonstrate that the three methods are in quantitative agreement over a wide range of parameters at the particle-hole symmetric point as well as in the mixed-valence regime. We further compare these techniques with two quantum Monte Carlo approaches and the time-dependent numerical renormalization group method.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures; published versio

    The TFAM-to-mtDNA ratio defines inner-cellular nucleoid populations with distinct activity levels

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    In human cells, generally a single mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is compacted into a nucleoprotein complex denoted the nucleoid. Each cell contains hundreds of nucleoids, which tend to cluster into small groups. It is unknown whether all nucleoids are equally involved in mtDNA replication and transcription or whether distinct nucleoid subpopulations exist. Here, we use multi-color STED super-resolution microscopy to determine the activity of individual nucleoids in primary human cells. We demonstrate that only a minority of all nucleoids are active. Active nucleoids are physically larger and tend to be involved in both replication and transcription. Inactivity correlates with a high ratio of the mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) to the mtDNA of the individual nucleoid, suggesting that TFAM-induced nucleoid compaction regulates nucleoid replication and transcription activity in vivo. We propose that the stable population of highly compacted inactive nucleoids represents a storage pool of mtDNAs with a lower mutational load

    The process gg -> WW as a background to the Higgs signal at the LHC

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    The production of W pairs from the one-loop gluon fusion process is studied. Formulas are presented for the helicity amplitudes keeping the top mass finite, but all other quark masses zero. The correlations among the leptons coming from the W bosons are kept. The contribution of this background to the Higgs boson search in the WW decay mode at the LHC is estimated by applying the cuts foreseen in experimental searches using the PYTHIA Monte Carlo program. Kinematic distributions for the final state leptons are compared to those of the Higgs boson signal and of the q qbar -> WW background. After applying final cuts, the gg background is found to be large, at the level of 35% of the q qbar background.The characteristics of the gg background are very similar to those of the signal. Therefore, an experimental normalization of this background component appears to be very difficult and the uncertainty must largely be determined by theory. As a result, the significance of a Higgs signal in the gg -> H -> WW mode at the LHC is reduced.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Mitochondrial protein abundance gradients require the distribution of separated mitochondria

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    Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that interchange their contents mediated by fission and fusion. However, it has previously been shown that the mitochondria of cultured human epithelial cells exhibit a gradient in the relative abundance of several proteins, with the perinuclear mitochondria generally exhibiting a higher protein abundance than the peripheral mitochondria. The molecular mechanisms that are required for the establishment and the maintenance of such inner-cellular mitochondrial protein abundance gradients are unknown. We verified the existence of inner-cellular gradients in the abundance of clusters of the mitochondrial outer membrane protein Tom20 in the mitochondria of kidney epithelial cells from an African green monkey (Vero cells) using STED nanoscopy and confocal microscopy. We found that the Tom20 gradients are established immediately after cell division and require the presence of microtubules. Furthermore, the gradients are abrogated in hyperfused mitochondrial networks. Our results suggest that inner-cellular protein abundance gradients from the perinuclear to the peripheral mitochondria are established by the trafficking of individual mitochondria to their respective cellular destination

    Exact results for nonlinear ac-transport through a resonant level model

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    We obtain exact results for the transport through a resonant level model (noninteracting Anderson impurity model) for rectangular voltage bias as a function of time. We study both the transient behavior after switching on the tunneling at time t = 0 and the ensuing steady state behavior. Explicit expressions are obtained for the ac-current in the linear response regime and beyond for large voltage bias. Among other effects, we observe current ringing and PAT (photon assisted tunneling) oscillations.Comment: 7 page

    A renormalization group approach to time dependent transport through correlated quantum dots

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    We introduce a real time version of the functional renormalization group which allows to study correlation effects on nonequilibrium transport through quantum dots. Our method is equally capable to address (i) the relaxation out of a nonequilibrium initial state into a (potentially) steady state driven by a bias voltage and (ii) the dynamics governed by an explicitly time-dependent Hamiltonian. All time regimes from transient to asymptotic can be tackled; the only approximation is the consistent truncation of the flow equations at a given order. As an application we investigate the relaxation dynamics of the interacting resonant level model which describes a fermionic quantum dot dominated by charge fluctuations. Moreover, we study decoherence and relaxation phenomena within the ohmic spin-boson model by mapping the latter to the interacting resonant level model

    Determination of the laser-induced damage threshold of polymer optical fibers

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    Investigating the properties of manufactured polymer optical fibers is essential to determine proper areas of application. Using pulsed laser radiation, especially with respect to laser activity in optical fibers, the maximum acceptable transmittable energy without inducing damage is of particular interest. Therefore, this work is related to laser-induced damage in polymer optical fibers at a wavelength of 532 nm and a pulse duration of 7.3 ns. In particular, the influence of the coupling condition on the transmittable pulse energy and the damage behavior applying an R-on-1 test procedure are analyzed in this study. The obtained results give information about the long-Term behavior and will be used to optimize the manufacturing process. © COPYRIGHT SPI
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