18 research outputs found

    Identifying dead regions in the cochlea through the TEN Test

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    SummaryAn audiogram is not sufficient to indicate cochlear dead regions.AimTo investigate cochlear dead regions in sensorineural hearing loss subjects using the TEN test. Site: CEDALVI/ HRAC-USP-Bauru/Sao Paulo/Brazil, August 2003 to February 2004.Study DesignA contemporary cross-sectional cohort study. Material and Methods: The TEN test was applied in three groups: G1(5 women with pure-tone thresholds within normal limits); G2(4 women and 5 men with moderate sensorineural flat hearing loss); G3(19 women and 24 men with mild to severe sloping sensorineural hearing loss).ResultsIn the G1 group the TEN value required to eliminate the test tone was, on average, close to the absolute threshold for all frequencies. No dead regions were found in the ears tested in group G2. 76 ears were tested in group G3, and six showed no evidence of dead regions in the cochlea.ConclusionsThe TEN test was an effective test to indicate a dead region in the cochlea of subjects with sloping sensorineural hearing loss. There is evidence that pure-tone detection is different for subjects with high frequency sensorineural hearing loss and flat hearing loss; we observed a significant difference between the masked threshold and the absolute threshold only in sloping hearing loss and not for flat hearing loss

    When less is better: insights from the product mix dilemma from the Theory of Constraints perspective

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    Perhaps due to its origins in a production scheduling software called Optimised Production Technology (OPT), plus the\ud idea of focusing on system constraints, many believe that the Theory of Constraints (TOC) has a vocation for optimal\ud solutions. Those who assess TOC according to this perspective indicate that it guarantees an optimal solution only in\ud certain circumstances. In opposition to this view and founded on a numeric example of a production mix problem, this\ud paper shows, by means of TOC assumptions, why the TOC should not be compared to methods intended to seek optimal\ud or the best solutions, but rather sufficiently good solutions, possible in non-deterministic environments. Moreover, we\ud extend the range of relevant literature on product mix decision by introducing a heuristic based on the uniquely identified\ud work that aims at achieving feasible solutions according to the TOC point of view. The heuristic proposed is tested\ud on 100 production mix problems and the results are compared with the responses obtained with the use of Integer Linear\ud Programming. The results show that the heuristic gives good results on average, but performance falls sharply in some\ud situations

    Public Administration of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW): the experience in Lençóis Paulista City

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    Neste artigo, discute-se sobre a gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos no município de Lençóis Paulista. A ineficiência da administração pública quanto aos resíduos e à degradação social de um grupo de pessoas que sobreviviam dos restos desses resíduos gerou a necessidade da organização de um Plano de Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (Pgirsu), implementado pela administração municipal em parceria com a Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). Os resultados obtidos são apresentados com a reestruturação da Usina de Reciclagem e Compostagem, a implementação da coleta seletiva, criação de uma cooperativa de reciclagem em parceria com uma associação de deficientes físicos, promovendo inclusão social, aumento no volume de materiais reciclados e da vida útil do aterro municipal, assim como a implementação do processo de compostagem.In this article, the management of the MSW in Lençóis Paulista city is discussed. The ineficient public administration of the wastes and also the social awareness of a group of people who survived by using the leftover of these wastes, have made necessary the organization of an Integrated Management Plan of MSW, which was created by the Municipality in partnership with São Paulo State University (Unesp). The results were obtained with the restructuring of the Recycling and Composting Plant, the implementation of selective collection, the creation of a collector cooperative in partnership with the Disabled Association, and thus generating social inclusion, an increase in recyclable materials, as well as in the increase in the life of the landill, and the implementation of the composting process

    Mães avaliam comportamentos socialmente desejados e indesejados de pré-escolares

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    Comportamentos socialmente habilidosos promovem o desenvolvimento, ao passo que problemas de comportamento dificultam o acesso a novas contingências de reforçamento, facilitadoras da aquisição de repertórios de aprendizagem. Esta pesquisa investiga avaliações maternas de repertórios socialmente desejados e indesejados de crianças que, segundo o professor, apresentam problemas de comportamento. Participaram mães de 24 crianças indicadas pelo professor como tendo problemas de comportamento e mães de 24 crianças indicadas como tendo comportamentos socialmente desejados. O Questionário de Comportamentos Socialmente Desejados e a Escala Comportamental Infantil de Rutter foram aplicados nas residências das participantes. Os resultados indicaram mais problemas de comportamento externalizante no grupo previamente indicado como tendo problemas; os grupos não diferiram quanto a comportamentos desejados. em ambos os grupos, as crianças obtiveram altos escores de comportamentos socialmente desejados, apontando reservas comportamentais. Também em ambos foram identificadas crianças que poderiam ser beneficiadas com programas para a promoção de interações sociais mais equilibradas, prevenindo problemas de comportamento.Socially desirable behaviors promote development but behavior problems prevent the access to new reinforcement contingencies that could facilitate the acquisition of relevant learning repertoires. This work investigated assessments of mothers concerning socially desirable and undesirable behaviors in children whose teachers identified as having behavior problems. The sample consisted of 24 mothers of children indicated as having behavioral problems, and 24 mothers of children indicated as presenting socially desirable behaviors. Data about children's behaviors were collected during a home interview, when the Socially Desired Behavior Questionnaire and the Rutter Scale for Parents were filled out. Results indicated more externalized behavior problems among children previously identified as having problems, but there was no group difference in socially desirable behavior. Children in both groups had high socially desirable behavior scores, thus showing behavioral resources. Nevertheless, in both groups there were children who could benefit from programs to promote more balanced social interactions in order to prevent behavioral problems

    Correlação entre gestão da tecnologia e gestão ambiental nas empresas

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    Este trabalho analisa a correlação entre a gestão da tecnologia de produtos e processos e a gestão ambiental em empresas de manufatura. Partindo de um modelo conceitual simplificado e desdobramentos das dimensões gestão da tecnologia e gestão ambiental, foi possível analisar em pesquisa de campo vários conceitos disponíveis na literatura para esses dois campos, envolvendo 78 empresas do setor de manufaturados, através de projeto de pesquisa survey e projeto de pesquisa qualitativa. Visando avaliar a capabilidade tecnológica das organizações, foram usados os conceitos de microtecnologia e macrotecnologia relatados em Silva (2003). Concluiu-se que, dentro do campo pesquisado de empresas, existe correlação positiva entre os níveis de capabilidade tecnológica e os níveis de capabilidade ambiental.This work analyzes the correlation between the technology management of products and processes and the environmental management, in manufacture companies. Leaving from a simplified conceptual model, and doing deployment of the dimensions technology management and environmental management, it was possible to analyze several concepts available in the literature for these fields, involving 78 manufacture companies, through survey research project and qualitative research project, regarding also the technology capability of the organization through the new concepts of microtecnologia and macrotecnologia related in Silva (2003). It concluded that, inside the field searched of companies, there is a positive correlation between the levels of technology capability and environmental capability

    Habilidades sociais e problemas de comportamento de pré-escolares: comparando avaliações de mães e de professoras

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    Este estudo comparou avaliações de mães e professoras, sobre habilidades sociais e problemas de comportamento de crianças, identificadas pelas professoras, como tendo problemas de comportamento. Participaram mães e professoras de 24 crianças com problemas de comportamento e 24 crianças indicadas como sendo socialmente habilidosas. Foram utilizados o Questionário de Comportamentos Socialmente Adequados e a Escala Comportamental Infantil, versões para pais e professores. Os principais resultados foram: (a) mães e professoras de crianças sem problemas não diferiram na avaliação das habilidades sociais, mas diferiram quanto aos problemas, percebidos em nível mais alto pelas mães; (b) mães e professoras de crianças com problemas diferiram na avaliação dos problemas de comportamento e das habilidades sociais; as mães perceberam mais habilidades e menos problemas; (c) diferenças de gênero foram encontradas apenas para problemas de comportamento das crianças com problemas. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de ter diferentes informantes, em diferentes contextos, na avaliação do comportamento de crianças.This work compared assessments carried out by mothers and teachers about the social skills and behavior problems of children identified by their teachers as having behavior problems. Participants were mothers and teachers of 24 preschool children presenting behavior problems, and 24 preschool children with high levels of social skills. The instruments used were the Socially Desired Behavior Questionnaire and the Rutter Child Behavior Scale: versions for parents and teachers. The main results were: (a) mothers and teachers of children without behavior problems scored similar social skills, but different behavior problems, in which mothers perceived more behavior problems than teachers; (b) mothers and teachers of children presenting behavior problems scored both social skills and behavior problems differently, in which mothers perceived higher levels of social skills and less behavior problems; (c) gender differences were found only for behavior problems of the children presenting behavior problems. Results point to the need to have different informants, in different settings, in the assessment of child behavior

    Correlation between technology management and environmental management in the companies

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    This work analyzes the correlation between the technology management of products and processes and the environmental management, in manufacture companies. Leaving from a simplified conceptual model, and doing deployment of the dimensions technology management and environmental management, it was possible to analyze several concepts available in the literature for these fields, involving 78 manufacture companies, through survey research project and qualitative research project, regarding also the technology capability of the organization through the new concepts of microtecnologia and macrotecnologia related in Silva (2003). It concluded that, inside the field searched of companies, there is a positive correlation between the levels of technology capability and environmental capability.Este trabalho analisa a correlação entre a gestão da tecnologia de produtos e processos e a gestão ambiental em empresas de manufatura. Partindo de um modelo conceitual simplificado e desdobramentos das dimensões gestão da tecnologia e gestão ambiental, foi possível analisar em pesquisa de campo vários conceitos disponíveis na literatura para esses dois campos, envolvendo 78 empresas do setor de manufaturados, através de projeto de pesquisa survey e projeto de pesquisa qualitativa. Visando avaliar a capabilidade tecnológica das organizações, foram usados os conceitos de microtecnologia e macrotecnologia relatados em Silva (2003). Concluiu-se que, dentro do campo pesquisado de empresas, existe correlação positiva entre os níveis de capabilidade tecnológica e os níveis de capabilidade ambiental.19822