54 research outputs found

    Sequential bayesian filtering for spatial arrival time estimation

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    Locating and tracking a source in an ocean environment as well as estimating environmental parameters of a sound propagation medium is of utmost importance in underwater acoustics. Matched field processing is often the method of choice for the estimation of such parameters. This approach, based on full field calculations, is computationally intensive and sensitive to assumptions on the structure of the environment. As an alternative, methods that use only select features of the acoustic field for source localization and environmental inversion have been proposed. The focus here is on inversion using arrival times of identified paths within recorded time-series. After a short study of a linearization techniques employing such features and numerical issues on their implementation, we turn our attention to the need for accurate extraction of arrival times for accurate estimation. We develop a particle filtering approach that treats arrival times as targets , dynamically modeling their location at arrays of spatially separated receivers. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we perform an evaluation of our method and compare it to conventional Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation. The comparison demonstrates an advantage in using the proposed approach, which can be employed as a pre-inversion tool for minimization and quantification of uncertainty in arrival time estimation


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    Traditional notions around research and teaching tend to project the two as separate, often conflicting, activities. My dissertation challenges this perceived dichotomy and explores points of connections, or continuities, between teaching and research through my own practice as an adjunct community-college English as a Second Language (ESL) instructor as well as a doctoral candidate at a research-intensive university. I use Wenger's (1998) framework of communities of practice to locate my practitioner research at the intersections of the academic community and the teaching community. I also employ Cochran-Smith and Lytle's (2009) ideas around the dialectic of practice and research to conceptualize the integration of research and practice in my dissertation project. I employ a pluralistic approach to the dissertation design and procedures by drawing upon and adapting elements from different research traditions and approaches in ways that best fitted my integrated practitioner research. Keeping doability and ethicality as my guiding principles, I provide authenticity to the thesis report by writing with deep reflexivity. With inquiry as my ongoing stance, I identify ways in which I integrated teaching and research: by primarily harnessing teaching tools to do research, and research tools to teach. I then propose that practitioner inquiry is an ongoing process, wherein the practitioner researcher analyzes in-depth a specific aspect of her pedagogy post-instruction to make research non-parasitic on teaching. I provide an example of such an ongoing inquiry by analyzing deeply a specific aspect of my own instruction--global Englishes and translinguistic identities in my ESL classroom. I thus make a case for engaging in practitioner inquiry that integrates teaching and research, and discuss the implications of my dissertation work for teacher preparation and professional development, doctoral education, TESOL and community college practice, as well as practitioner research at large. I finally conclude my doctoral thesis by reimagining myself as a pracademic: a coherent unified and hybrid identity that allows me to be both a practitioner and an academic at the same time without privileging either role; and invite my readers to push the boundaries of their own thinking about the roles of teachers and researchers in the academy

    Amlodepine induced gingival enlargement - presentation of a clinical case series

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    Objectives: Gingival enlargement as an adverse effects of drugs has been found to be long associated with the use of anticonvulsants; phenytoin, anti-hypertensives; calcium channel blockers and immunosuppressants; cyclosporine. Nifedepine was found to cause gingival overgrowth with an incidence ranging from 15-85%. However, Amlodepine a relatively newer agent of the same group which is being routinely and vastly prescribed either alone or as part of combination therapy to middle to older aged adults has also been found to exhibit this adverse effect with very few cases reported till date. The effect of the dose of amlodepine on the severity of gingival enlargement needs to be assessed. Study design: A clinical presentation of a series of five cases in the age range of 45-65 yrs with gingival over-growth as a side effect of therapy with amlodepine is presented with prescription of variable doses of 2.5 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg per day. A brief review on the pathogenesis of this condition, commonly associated etiological mechanisms and sequence of periodontal therapy rendered have also been included. Conclusion: Irrespective of the dose of amlodepine administered, gingival enlargement continues to be a predominant side effect in all of the five cases presented. The accentuated gingival contours accumulate plaque leading further to the destruction of the underlying periodontium. Dental professionals need to identify and then guide the patient to seek necessary medical interventio

    COVIDentistry Combating Corona Virus Spread in Dental Setup Indian Prospective

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    Making its first presence in humans in China in late 2019, SARS-CoV-2 has been identified as a highly contagious viral particle causing distress of lower respiratory system, named COVID-19. Since January 2020, there has been a worldwide increase in the number of COVID-19 cases and associated deaths. Owing to the contagious nature of the disease and socializing human culture, the disease has spanned over continents resulting in some countries being more severely affected than others. Since the first knowledge of the disease, interim guidelines have been constantly issued by competent authorities to safeguard the interest of masses and healthcare professionals. As and when new details are procured, these guidelines are adequately modified and circulated. As a standard measure, all individuals are expected to maintain social distancing, cover their face with a mask during any outdoor activity and practice hand hygiene and cough etiquettes. Respiratory droplet spread is the most potential source identified for this uncontrolled disease spread. Being of smaller size, aerosols produced during medical treatment too act a potential source of viral particle dissemination. Almost all dental procedures involve production of aerosols in some form or the other, irrespective of the kind of instrumentation used. Additionally, proximity to the oral cavity, one of the sources of droplet production, poses a high risk of disease contraction by dental healthcare workers and visiting patients. With consideration to dental practice, various guidelines have been issued to minimise and control the spread of COVID-19. This article is written with an aim of reviewing these guidelines and sensitizing and encouraging the dental fraternity to follow them and contribute in the current world health crisis

    Comparative study between the evolutionary history of development of blood vessels in various species (Brahmanda or Srushti) and the Human Embryo (Pinda) to evaluate ‘Yata Pindam Tata Brahmandam’

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    Introduction: Embryology is considered to provide evidence for evolution and is a way to link various species on the phylogenetic tree of life. To higher recognize the evolutionary embryology in the back of the blood vascular device and endothelium recognition of the taxonomy is very essential. By this we came to know that different species achieve the goals of reproduction, nutrition and survival by different means. These changes diverge due to change in body size and variation in structural complexity. The same way vascular system in mammals develops. Materials and Methods: From various published articles through google search, texts of Ayurveda mainly Charaka Samhita and modern embryology texts and internet media. Aim & Objective: To compare the process of evolution of blood vessels in Garbha with that of evolution of various species on phylogenetic tree on basis of their functional requirements. Result and Discussion: Before the formation of placenta there is histotrophic nutrition in which embryo gets its nutrition through diffusion from uterine glands. This diffusion state is the Srotas in Ayurveda mentioned as Sravanatsrotansi. This diffusion can provide nutrition to small area or cell group only. With the beginning of formation of placenta, the histotrophic nutrition is replaced by the hemotrophic nutrition. As embryo further grows, the nutrition demand increases so to balance, tube circulation (vasculature) develops in embryo in order to increase the flow. This vasculature is the state of Sira in Ayurveda mentioned as Sarnatsira. Similarly, development of vessels from Srotas to Dhamani occurs in Fetus due to change in functional requirements. This occurs in human body. Thus, in this paper “Yata Pinde Tata Brahmande” Nyaya of Yajurveda which is very much similar to Ayurveda “Lok Purusha Samya Siddhanth” is justified in context of taxonomical circulatory system evolution and development

    Isolation, characterization and osteogenic differentiation of dental stem cells in vitro for bone tissue engineering

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    Aikuisen kantasolut ovat erilaistumattomia soluja, joilla on rajoittunut jakaantumiskyky. Viisaudenhampaasta eli kolmannesta poskihampaasta peräisin olevat hampaan kantasolut ovat uusi solutyyppi käytettäväksi regeneratiivisessa lääketieteessä. Hampaan kantasoluja saadaan pulpasta eli hammasytimestä, hampaan follikkelista sekä periodontaaliligamenttikudoksesta. Hampaan pulpan kantasolut ovat hyvin saatavilla oleva solutyyppi useisiin kudosteknologian sovelluksiin. Nämä solut ovat monikykyisiä kantasoluja, jotka voivat erilaistua mm. rusto-, rasva-, luu- ja lihassoluiksi sekä hermokudoksen solutyypeiksi. Viimeaikoina luukudosteknologia on kehittynyt yhdeksi lupaavimmista kudosteknologian muodoista. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin hampaan kantasolujen kasvatusolosuhteita ja erilaistamista luusoluiksi. Töissä käytettiin mm. kasvutekijöitä kuten luun morfogeneettinen proteiini 2 ja 6 (BMP-2 ja -6), glukokortikoidi dexamethasonia sekä D3-vitamiinin metaboliitteja. Tulokset osoittivat että BMP-2 ja -6 lisäävät periodontaaliligamentin kantasolujen luuerilaistumista vain jos ne yhdistetään muihin luusolujen muodostusta tukeviin tekijöihin, kuten dexamethasoniin, askorbiinihappoon ja β-glyserofosfaattiin. Lisäksi havaittiin että D3-vitamiinin metaboliitit ovat tehokkaampia kuin perinteisesti käytetty dexamethasoni pulpan ja follikkelin kantasolujen erilaistumisessa luusoluiksi. Naudan tai ihmisen seerumia sisältäviä sekä seerumittomia ja eläinperäisistä ainesosista vapaita (SF/XF) soluviljelyelatusaineita vertailtiin pulpan kantasolujen viljelyssä. Ihmisen seerumin tai SF/XF-olosuhteiden käyttö mahdollistaisi solujen turvallisemman käytön soluhoidoissa. Lopulta tutkimme kliiniseen käyttöön soveltuvan solu-biomateriaali-yhdistelmän käyttöä luukudosteknologiassa. Tulosten mukaan pulpan kantasolut kiinnittyvät, säilyvät elinkykyisinä, jakaantuvat ja voivat erilaistua luusoluiksi käytettäessä kolmiulotteista β-TCP/P(LLA-CL) (β-tricalcium phosphate/Poly L-Lactic acid- caprolactone) biomateriaalitukirakennetta. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä on että hampaan pulpan kantasolut ovat monikykyisiä, helposti saatavilla olevia soluja tutkimustarkoituksiin. D3-vitamiinin metaboliitit ovat tehokkaita pulpan ja follikkelin kantasolujen luuerilaistuksessa. Ihmisen seerumia sisältävissä elatusaineissa pulpan kantasolut jakaantuivat nopeasti ja erilaistuivat rasva-, rusto- ja luusoluiksi ja siten ihmisen seerumi voisi toimia naudan seerumin korvaavana ainesosana hampaan pulpan kantasolujen kasvatuksessa. Lisätutkimuksia kuitenkin tarvitaan SF/XF-olosuhteista, sillä kantasolujen jakaantuminen näissä olosuhteissa oli hidasta ja erilaistumiskyky oli heikko verrattuna muihin olosuhteisiin. Tämän väitöskirjan tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää tulevissa kudosteknologiaa ja hampaan kantasoluja hyödyntävissä hoitomuodoissa.This dissertation thesis was designed to contribute to a better understanding of isolation, proliferation and differentiation of dental stem cells (DSCs) derived from human teeth under specific treatment conditions for bone regeneration. The extracted impacted third molar teeth are discarded source of human waste, which harbor tissues that have potential stem cells. The dental tissues that can be obtained from the teeth are dental pulp tissue, dental follicle tissue and periodontal tissue. These tissues can be enzymatically digested to isolate cells; DSCs obtained from all three tissues proliferated and could be differentiated osteogenically in our studies. The advantage of these cells over the more standard, more clinically developed mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) source derived from bone marrow tissues (BM-MSCs) is that DSCs can be obtained from discarded teeth from routine dental procedure, with low tissue site morbidity and the cell numbers obtained are higher. Furthermore, the combination of various growth factors or hormones in culture media results in osteogenic differentiation. Hence, in this thesis, the effect of growth factors and hormones were compared on osteogenic differentiation ability. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) are growth factors that play a critical role in tooth morphogenesis and were originally identified as proteins that induce bone formation at extra- skeletal sites, BMP-2 induces alveolar bone formation and BMP-6 regulates osteogenic differentiation of cells. Therefore, these growth factors were tested in study I on periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs) osteogenic differnetiation ability. However, BMP-2 and BMP-6 did not suppport the osteogenic differentiation of PDLCs. Thereafter, in study II, hormones such as vitamin D3 metabolites (VD) and dexamethasone (DEX) were compared for their osteogenic induction abilty in dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) and dental follicle stem cells (DFSCs). Vitamin D3 metabolites were found to support osteogenic differentiation of the DPSCs and DFSCs better than DEX. Therefore, VD was chosen as an osteogenic inducer for our subsequent studies. Apart from that, by considering the ease of accessibility of the tissue and its stem cell potential, DPSCs were chosen to be further studied for this thesis. There are several studies showing the potential of DPSCs over BM-MSCs in comparison to their proliferation, multilineage differentiation ability and immunosuppressive response. However, the culture techniques used for isolation of cells seems to be a major concern in terms of clinically applicability of DPSCs. In most of the studies, the cells are cultured in medium containing fetal bovine serum (FBS) animal derived component, which initiates immunogenic or allergic responses in patients treated with those cells. Therefore, in study III we have shown that DPSCs isolated and cultured in allogenic human serum medium (HS-M) maintained their stemness as they expressed the OCT3/4, SOX-2 markers that are responsible for altering the progenitor status and NANOG that has been reported to be a key gene for maintaining pluripotency. Furthermore, the cells were also cultured in serum free/xeno free medium (SF/XF-M), DPSCs proliferated at a slower rate in comparison to the cells cultured in HS and FBS media, however, the expression of the mesenchymal stem cell markers was similar in DPSCs cultured in all the media. Moreover, the differentiation in osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic lineages was more in HS-M cultured DPSCs. Also, as shown in study IV, the HS-M cultured cells were able to proliferate and differentiate into osteoblasts on a medical grade β-Tricalcium phosphate/Poly L-Lactic acid- caprolactone (β-TCP/P (LLA-CL)) 3D biomaterial scaffold

    Isolation, characterization and osteogenic differentiation of dental stem cells in vitro for bone tissue engineering

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    Aikuisen kantasolut ovat erilaistumattomia soluja, joilla on rajoittunut jakaantumiskyky. Viisaudenhampaasta eli kolmannesta poskihampaasta peräisin olevat hampaan kantasolut ovat uusi solutyyppi käytettäväksi regeneratiivisessa lääketieteessä. Hampaan kantasoluja saadaan pulpasta eli hammasytimestä, hampaan follikkelista sekä periodontaaliligamenttikudoksesta. Hampaan pulpan kantasolut ovat hyvin saatavilla oleva solutyyppi useisiin kudosteknologian sovelluksiin. Nämä solut ovat monikykyisiä kantasoluja, jotka voivat erilaistua mm. rusto-, rasva-, luu- ja lihassoluiksi sekä hermokudoksen solutyypeiksi. Viimeaikoina luukudosteknologia on kehittynyt yhdeksi lupaavimmista kudosteknologian muodoista. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin hampaan kantasolujen kasvatusolosuhteita ja erilaistamista luusoluiksi. Töissä käytettiin mm. kasvutekijöitä kuten luun morfogeneettinen proteiini 2 ja 6 (BMP-2 ja -6), glukokortikoidi dexamethasonia sekä D3-vitamiinin metaboliitteja. Tulokset osoittivat että BMP-2 ja -6 lisäävät periodontaaliligamentin kantasolujen luuerilaistumista vain jos ne yhdistetään muihin luusolujen muodostusta tukeviin tekijöihin, kuten dexamethasoniin, askorbiinihappoon ja β-glyserofosfaattiin. Lisäksi havaittiin että D3-vitamiinin metaboliitit ovat tehokkaampia kuin perinteisesti käytetty dexamethasoni pulpan ja follikkelin kantasolujen erilaistumisessa luusoluiksi. Naudan tai ihmisen seerumia sisältäviä sekä seerumittomia ja eläinperäisistä ainesosista vapaita (SF/XF) soluviljelyelatusaineita vertailtiin pulpan kantasolujen viljelyssä. Ihmisen seerumin tai SF/XF-olosuhteiden käyttö mahdollistaisi solujen turvallisemman käytön soluhoidoissa. Lopulta tutkimme kliiniseen käyttöön soveltuvan solu-biomateriaali-yhdistelmän käyttöä luukudosteknologiassa. Tulosten mukaan pulpan kantasolut kiinnittyvät, säilyvät elinkykyisinä, jakaantuvat ja voivat erilaistua luusoluiksi käytettäessä kolmiulotteista β-TCP/P(LLA-CL) (β-tricalcium phosphate/Poly L-Lactic acid- caprolactone) biomateriaalitukirakennetta. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä on että hampaan pulpan kantasolut ovat monikykyisiä, helposti saatavilla olevia soluja tutkimustarkoituksiin. D3-vitamiinin metaboliitit ovat tehokkaita pulpan ja follikkelin kantasolujen luuerilaistuksessa. Ihmisen seerumia sisältävissä elatusaineissa pulpan kantasolut jakaantuivat nopeasti ja erilaistuivat rasva-, rusto- ja luusoluiksi ja siten ihmisen seerumi voisi toimia naudan seerumin korvaavana ainesosana hampaan pulpan kantasolujen kasvatuksessa. Lisätutkimuksia kuitenkin tarvitaan SF/XF-olosuhteista, sillä kantasolujen jakaantuminen näissä olosuhteissa oli hidasta ja erilaistumiskyky oli heikko verrattuna muihin olosuhteisiin. Tämän väitöskirjan tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää tulevissa kudosteknologiaa ja hampaan kantasoluja hyödyntävissä hoitomuodoissa.This dissertation thesis was designed to contribute to a better understanding of isolation, proliferation and differentiation of dental stem cells (DSCs) derived from human teeth under specific treatment conditions for bone regeneration. The extracted impacted third molar teeth are discarded source of human waste, which harbor tissues that have potential stem cells. The dental tissues that can be obtained from the teeth are dental pulp tissue, dental follicle tissue and periodontal tissue. These tissues can be enzymatically digested to isolate cells; DSCs obtained from all three tissues proliferated and could be differentiated osteogenically in our studies. The advantage of these cells over the more standard, more clinically developed mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) source derived from bone marrow tissues (BM-MSCs) is that DSCs can be obtained from discarded teeth from routine dental procedure, with low tissue site morbidity and the cell numbers obtained are higher. Furthermore, the combination of various growth factors or hormones in culture media results in osteogenic differentiation. Hence, in this thesis, the effect of growth factors and hormones were compared on osteogenic differentiation ability. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) are growth factors that play a critical role in tooth morphogenesis and were originally identified as proteins that induce bone formation at extra- skeletal sites, BMP-2 induces alveolar bone formation and BMP-6 regulates osteogenic differentiation of cells. Therefore, these growth factors were tested in study I on periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs) osteogenic differnetiation ability. However, BMP-2 and BMP-6 did not suppport the osteogenic differentiation of PDLCs. Thereafter, in study II, hormones such as vitamin D3 metabolites (VD) and dexamethasone (DEX) were compared for their osteogenic induction abilty in dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) and dental follicle stem cells (DFSCs). Vitamin D3 metabolites were found to support osteogenic differentiation of the DPSCs and DFSCs better than DEX. Therefore, VD was chosen as an osteogenic inducer for our subsequent studies. Apart from that, by considering the ease of accessibility of the tissue and its stem cell potential, DPSCs were chosen to be further studied for this thesis. There are several studies showing the potential of DPSCs over BM-MSCs in comparison to their proliferation, multilineage differentiation ability and immunosuppressive response. However, the culture techniques used for isolation of cells seems to be a major concern in terms of clinically applicability of DPSCs. In most of the studies, the cells are cultured in medium containing fetal bovine serum (FBS) animal derived component, which initiates immunogenic or allergic responses in patients treated with those cells. Therefore, in study III we have shown that DPSCs isolated and cultured in allogenic human serum medium (HS-M) maintained their stemness as they expressed the OCT3/4, SOX-2 markers that are responsible for altering the progenitor status and NANOG that has been reported to be a key gene for maintaining pluripotency. Furthermore, the cells were also cultured in serum free/xeno free medium (SF/XF-M), DPSCs proliferated at a slower rate in comparison to the cells cultured in HS and FBS media, however, the expression of the mesenchymal stem cell markers was similar in DPSCs cultured in all the media. Moreover, the differentiation in osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic lineages was more in HS-M cultured DPSCs. Also, as shown in study IV, the HS-M cultured cells were able to proliferate and differentiate into osteoblasts on a medical grade β-Tricalcium phosphate/Poly L-Lactic acid- caprolactone (β-TCP/P (LLA-CL)) 3D biomaterial scaffold

    Ovarian mature cystic teratoma with malignant transformation and fistula formation into ascending colon: an unusual presentation of a dermoid cyst

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    Mature cystic teratoma of ovarian origin in postmenopausal female is an unusual differentiation. It is usually a straight forward diagnosis on imaging due to its fat and calcified contents. Here we present how a malignant transformation in mature cystic teratoma causing fistulous communication with bowel loops makes the diagnosis difficult even after using almost all the imaging modalities in the patient's workup and subsequently how it was managed surgically.