20 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular y disfunción endotelial en pacientes con espondiloartritis

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    Estimar la prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular y disfunción endotelial en un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de Espondiloartritis (EAS), con la prevalencia en pacientes con artritis Reumatoide (AR). Se identificaron características demográficas y realizaron medidas antropométricas incluyendo edad, genero, presión arterial, talla peso y perímetro abdominal así como la toma de sangre venosa para procesamiento de perfil lipídico glicemia y reactantes de fase aguda. Se indagó por antecedentes de dislipidemia e hipertensión arterial. Se planeó la realización de una prueba no invasiva de disfunción endotelial la cual no pudo ser realizada debido a limitaciones técnicas.Magíster en Epidemiología ClínicaMaestrí

    Procesos agroindustriales en piña md2

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    Ilustraciones (principalmente a color), diagramas, figuras, fotografías,En este documento se incluyen los resultados de los productos y los procesos seleccionados de acuerdo con las brechas identificadas para piña md2, tanto en fresco como procesada, y se realiza un análisis comparativo de dichos resultados. La vigilancia tecnológica se llevó a cabo incluyendo 4 tipos de vigilancias (competitiva, comercial, científico-tecnológica y estratégica). Con base en estas, se seleccionaron los productos y procesos correspondientes a la fruta que fue objeto de este estudio. (Texto tomado de la fuente)1° ed

    Procesos agroindustriales en mora de Castilla

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    Ilustraciones (principalmente a color), diagramas, figuras, fotografías, mapasDentro del proyecto BPIN 2014000100010 “Incremento de la competitividad sostenible en la agricultura de ladera en todo el departamento, Valle del Cauca, Occidente”, la Universidad del Valle propuso la actividad 2: diseñar e implementar procesos agroindustriales que generen, con base en estándares internacionales, valor agregado a los productos seleccionados, así como desarrollar y/o evaluar empaques innovadores apropiados para los productos seleccionados en fresco y procesados. Esta actividad incluye las siguientes acciones específicas: 1) vigilancia tecnológica sobre procesos agroindustriales y productos; 2) selección de productos procesados a desarrollar y 3) selección de los procesos, entre otras. Este documento corresponde al entregable de las actividades específicas 1, 2 y 3. Se incluyen los resultados de los productos y los procesos seleccionados de acuerdo con las brechas identificadas en mora de Castilla, tanto en fresco como procesada, tras un análisis comparativo de los resultados. La vigilancia tecnológica se llevó a cabo incluyendo cuatro tipos de vigilancias (competitiva, comercial, científico-tecnológica y estratégica). Con base en estas, se seleccionaron los productos y procesos correspondientes a la fruta objeto de este estudio. A partir de lo anterior, se evidenció que aumentar la vida útil del producto fresco es un reto para la exportación. En el caso de mora de Castilla, se presentan problemas como el carácter altamente perecedero de esta fruta, con altas pérdidas poscosecha a causa de la escasa tecnología de conservación y transformación en las zonas de producción. El transporte del producto fresco es difícil, debido a que las zonas de producción generalmente están en regiones de ladera con malas vías de comunicación. Para responder a las situaciones presentadas, es necesario buscar alternativas de conservación y transformación que permitan aumentar la productividad y competitividad de los sectores mencionados. Se definieron los siguientes productos y procesos: • Mora fresca: mora refrigerada y congelada. • Mora procesada: mora en polvo obtenida por secado en bandejas.1° ed

    May-Thurner syndrome as a differential diagnosis in recurrent thrombosis

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    4 páginasEl síndrome de May-Thurner es una anomalía anatómica que genera insuficiencia venosa y episodios trombóticos recurrentes de los miembros inferiores. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 29 años, con cuadro de trombosis venosas profundas en miembros inferiores a repetición desde los 20 años, sin factores de riesgo identificados, en quien se realizan estudios de extensión para neoplasia y trombofilia con resultados negativos, además de estudios para patología reumatológica con anticuerpos antinucleares (ANAS) positivo a títulos bajos como único hallazgo, con lo que se hace diagnóstico de enfermedad del tejido conectivo no diferenciado y se instaura manejo con anticoagulación plena; sin embargo, ante la persistencia de eventos trombóticos se realiza angio-TAC, la cual reporta obstrucción de la vena ilíaca izquierda, por lo cual se realiza una venografía más cavografía documentándose obstrucción de la vena ilíaca externa izquierda y la común estableciéndose el diagnóstico de síndrome de May-Thurner, el cual debe considerarse dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales de los episodios trombóticos recurrente

    SPIRIT 2013 checklist: Recommended items to address in a clinical trial protocol and related documents*.

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    SPIRIT 2013 checklist: Recommended items to address in a clinical trial protocol and related documents*.</p

    S2 File -

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    BackgroundAxial spondyloarthritis (AxSpA) produces structural changes that cause alterations in body functions. One tissue that seems to have a predictive role in the etiology and progression of the disease is the soft tissue, particularly the fascia. However, little is known about the use of myofascial induction in people with AxSpA, and clinical evidence from physiotherapy regarding potential strategies is limited.ObjectiveTo evaluate the efficacy of myofascial induction compared with its simulation on joint amplitude in people with AxSpA.MethodsIn this randomized controlled parallel superiority clinical trial, 84 people with an AxSpA diagnosis confirmed by a rheumatologist will be randomly assigned to groups: the experimental group or the control group. The experimental group will receive myofascial induction, and the control group will undergo a simulation of the technique. Both groups will receive an examination session and six intervention sessions twice per week for three weeks. A baseline follow-up will be performed immediately after the intervention and four weeks after treatment.ConclusionThe results of this study may contribute to a better understanding of the efficacy of myofascial induction for joint mobility in people with AxSpA. The implications of these results have a potential transformative effect on the understanding, analysis, evaluation, and physiotherapeutic treatment of this health condition.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT04424589. Registered 11 June 2020.</div

    Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) timeline of measurements.

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    Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) timeline of measurements.</p

    Study flow diagram, adapted from CONSORT.

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    BackgroundAxial spondyloarthritis (AxSpA) produces structural changes that cause alterations in body functions. One tissue that seems to have a predictive role in the etiology and progression of the disease is the soft tissue, particularly the fascia. However, little is known about the use of myofascial induction in people with AxSpA, and clinical evidence from physiotherapy regarding potential strategies is limited.ObjectiveTo evaluate the efficacy of myofascial induction compared with its simulation on joint amplitude in people with AxSpA.MethodsIn this randomized controlled parallel superiority clinical trial, 84 people with an AxSpA diagnosis confirmed by a rheumatologist will be randomly assigned to groups: the experimental group or the control group. The experimental group will receive myofascial induction, and the control group will undergo a simulation of the technique. Both groups will receive an examination session and six intervention sessions twice per week for three weeks. A baseline follow-up will be performed immediately after the intervention and four weeks after treatment.ConclusionThe results of this study may contribute to a better understanding of the efficacy of myofascial induction for joint mobility in people with AxSpA. The implications of these results have a potential transformative effect on the understanding, analysis, evaluation, and physiotherapeutic treatment of this health condition.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT04424589. Registered 11 June 2020.</div


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    BackgroundAxial spondyloarthritis (AxSpA) produces structural changes that cause alterations in body functions. One tissue that seems to have a predictive role in the etiology and progression of the disease is the soft tissue, particularly the fascia. However, little is known about the use of myofascial induction in people with AxSpA, and clinical evidence from physiotherapy regarding potential strategies is limited.ObjectiveTo evaluate the efficacy of myofascial induction compared with its simulation on joint amplitude in people with AxSpA.MethodsIn this randomized controlled parallel superiority clinical trial, 84 people with an AxSpA diagnosis confirmed by a rheumatologist will be randomly assigned to groups: the experimental group or the control group. The experimental group will receive myofascial induction, and the control group will undergo a simulation of the technique. Both groups will receive an examination session and six intervention sessions twice per week for three weeks. A baseline follow-up will be performed immediately after the intervention and four weeks after treatment.ConclusionThe results of this study may contribute to a better understanding of the efficacy of myofascial induction for joint mobility in people with AxSpA. The implications of these results have a potential transformative effect on the understanding, analysis, evaluation, and physiotherapeutic treatment of this health condition.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT04424589. Registered 11 June 2020.</div

    Improving skills in pediatric rheumatology in Colombia: a combined educational strategy supported by ILAR

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    5 páginasColombia is a densely populated country with a small number of pediatric rheumatology specialists, including 14 specialists for a population of 1,927,000 children in 2014. The objective of the study was to improve the skills required for early identification, timely referral, and management of musculoskeletal diseases, especially juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), in a group of pediatricians and pediatric residents in a remote region of Colombia. Supported by grant programs developed by the International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR), a combined educational strategy (blended learning) was implemented based on two classroom educational activities and four online modules. The students’ acquired knowledge and perception of the strategy were evaluated. Scores were reported as median values and interquartile ranges (IQR), and the differences between scores were estimated using the Wilcoxon test for equal medians. Forty-one students were enrolled, 37 completed the online modules, and 33 attended the final in-person session. The results of the written tests demonstrated an improved ability to solve clinical problems compared with the results of the tests before the course (the median initial vs. final test scores 3 (IQR = 1) vs. 5 (IQR = 0), p = 0.000). The students reported high levels of satisfaction related to compliance with the proposed objectives, the relevance of the contents and activities performed, and the impact on everyday practice. These types of strategies are useful as tools for continuing medical education. However, the results pertain only to short-term learning. It is necessary to evaluate their impact on “lifelong learning.