100 research outputs found

    Centennial-scale vegetation and North Atlantic Oscillation changes during the Late Holocene in the southern Iberia

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    High-reso CE to lution pollen analysis, charcoal, non-pollen palynomorphs and magnetic susceptibility have been analyzed in the sediment record of a peat bog in Sierra Nevada in southern Iberia. The study of these proxies provided the reconstruction of vegetation, climate, fire and human activity of the last ∼4500 cal yr BP. A progressive trend towards aridification during the late Holocene is observed in this record. This trend is interrupted by millennial- and centennial-scale variability of relatively more humid and arid periods. Arid conditions are recorded between ∼4000 and 3100 cal yr BP, being characterized by a decline in arboreal pollen and with a spike in magnetic susceptibility. This is followed by a relatively humid period from ∼3100 to 1600 cal yr BP, coinciding partially with the Iberian-Roman Humid Period, and is indicated by the increase of Pinus and the decrease in xerophytic taxa. The last 1500 cal yr BP are characterized by several centennial-scale climatic oscillations. Generally arid conditions from ∼450 to 1300 CE, depicted by a decrease in Pinus and an increase in Artemisia, comprise the Dark Ages and the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Since ∼ 1300 to 1850 CE pronounced oscillations occur between relatively humid and arid conditions. Four periods depicted by relatively higher Pinus coinciding with the beginning and end of the Little Ice Age are interrupted by three arid events characterized by an increase in Artemisia. These alternating arid and humid shifts could be explained by centennial-scale changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation and solar activity

    Increased pCO2 changes the lipid production in important aquacultural feedstock algae Isochrysis galbana, but not in Tetraselmis suecica

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    Increased anthropogenic CO2 emissions are leading to an increase in CO2 uptake by the world's oceans and seas, resulting in ocean acidification with a decrease in global ocean water pH by as much as 0.3–0.4 units by the year 2100. The direct effects of changing pCO2 on important microalgal feedstocks are not as well understood. Few studies have focused on lipid composition changes in specific algal species in response to ocean acidification and yet microalgae are an indispensable food source for various marine species, including juvenile shellfish. Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis suecica are widely used in aquaculture as feeds for mussels and other shellfish. The total lipid contents and concentrations of I. galbana and T. suecica were investigated when grown under present day (400 ppm) and ocean acidification conditions (1000 ppm) to elucidate the impact of increasing pCO2 on an important algae feedstock. Total lipids, long-chain alkenones (LCAs) and alkenoates decreased at 1000 ppm in I. galbana. I. galbana produces higher lipids than T. suecica, and is perhaps as a result more impacted by the change in carbon available for lipid production under higher pCO2. I. galbana is an important feedstock, more easily assimilated for growth in juvenile shellfish and reductions in lipid composition may prove problematic for the growth of future shellfish aquaculture. Our findings suggest that higher pCO2 impacts on algal lipid growth are species specific and warrant further study. It is therefore vital to examine the impact of high CO2 on algal lipid production, especially those commercial shellfish feed varieties to predict future impacts on commercial aquaculture

    Assessing environmental controls on the distribution of long-chain alkenones in the Canadian Prairies

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    Long-chain alkenones (LCAs) have been used for decades to reconstruct quantitative sea-surface temperature records, but they also have a great potential for paleotemperature reconstructions in lacustrine settings. Here, we investigated how the presence and abundance of LCAs in surface sediments from 106 lakes varied with environmental conditions in lakes of the northern Great Plains (Canadian Prairies) in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Consistent with preliminary research, we found LCAs in 55% of surveyed lakes, with mean concentrations of 143 μg/g dry sediment, but very high concentrations (up to 2.3 mg/g dry sediment) in 7% of lakes. Statistical analyses indicate that salinity and stratification play key roles in determining LCA presence and abundance supporting previous research in Spain and the northern Great Plains, USA. Overall, the alkenone unsaturation index (U37K) was not correlated significantly with average summer water temperature, probably because the timing of maximum LCA production occurs during the spring season. We conclude that improved seasonal sampling is required within the study lakes to better identify the timing and habitat of haptophyte production, and allow development of environmental temperature reconstruction tools

    Production and temperature sensitivity of long chain alkenones in the cultured haptophyte Pseudoisochrysis paradoxa

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    The alkenone unsaturation index (U<sub>37</sub><sup>K</sup> or U<sub>37</sub><sup>K′</sup>) serves as a critical tool for reconstructing temperature in marine environments. Lacustrine haptophyte algae are genetically distinct from their ubiquitous and well studied marine counterparts, and the unknown species-specific genetic imprints on long chain alkenone production by lacustrine species have hindered the widespread application of the U37<sup>K</sup> temperature proxy to lake sediment records. The haptophyte Pseudoisochrysis paradoxa produces alkenones but its U37<sup>K</sup> calibration has never been determined. It has an alkenone fingerprint abundant in tetraunsaturated alkenones, a hallmark of lacustrine environments. We present here the first calibration of the U37<sup>K</sup> index to temperature for a culture of P. paradoxa. We found that the U37<sup>K</sup> index accurately captured the alkenone response to temperature whereas the U37<sup>K′</sup> index failed to do so, with U37<sup>K′</sup> values below 0.08 projecting to two different temperature values. Our results add a fifth species-specific U37<sup>K</sup> calibration and provide another line of evidence that different haptophyte species require different U37<sup>K</sup> calibrations. The findings also highlight the necessary inclusion of the C<sub>37:4</sub> alkenone when reconstructing temperatures from P. paradoxa-derived alkenone records

    Indian Summer Monsoon variations and competing influences between hemispheres since ~35 ka recorded in Tengchongqinghai Lake, southwest China

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    The southwestern Yunnan Province of China, which is located at the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and close to Bay of Bengal, is significantly influenced by the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM). In this study, we reconstruct proxies for the ISM from 35 to 1 ka through detailed analysis of grain-size distribution, geochemical composition and environmental magnetism from a 7.96 m sediment core from Tengchongqinghai Lake, Yunnan Province, China. Globally recognized, abrupt climatic events, including Heinrich Events 0–3 (H0−H3) and the Bølling-Allerød (B/A) warm period are identified in most of our proxies, and the long-term trend is consistent with other published records such as stalagmite oxygen isotopes (δ18O) from Sangxing Cave. Northern Hemisphere (NH) temperature, which is influenced by NH solar insolation, is commonly suggested to play a dominant role in controlling the ISM. A comparison of our record with the δ18O variations of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, a sea surface temperature (SST) record from the Bay of Bengal, and summer solar insolation at 25°N latitude demonstrates that the general pattern of ISM change does follow variations in summer insolation; however, the ISM lags summer insolation by thousands of years. While the ISM fluctuations are highly correlated with NH temperature on shorter timescales (centennial-millennial), the gradually weakened ISM from 22.5 ka until the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) indicates a close relationship with the rise of Southern Hemisphere (SH) temperature and the relatively cold background of the SH. Our record expands on the findings of ISM records from Heqing paleolake basin in southwestern China and the Arabian Sea sediments, suggesting that the NH and SH have a competitive influence on ISM by controlling the cross-equatorial pressure gradient. This relationship means that when NH temperatures are relatively high, it has a stronger influence on the ISM than SH influences. In contrast, when the SH temperature is relatively low, it has a dominant influence on ISM. In addition, we speculate that the change of SH temperature not only influences the cross-equatorial pressure gradient directly, but also likely modulates the circulation system of ocean energy by influencing the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)

    Climate mitigation and adaptation action in the UK and devolved nations - A typology

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    Typology document generated by policy review to inform a systematic review search strateg

    Culturing of the first 37:4 predominant lacustrine haptophyte : geochemical, biochemical, and genetic implications

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 78 (2012): 51–64, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2011.11.024.Long chain alkenones (LCAs) are potential biomarkers for quantitative paleotemperature reconstructions from lacustrine environments. However, progress in this area has been severely hindered by the lack of culture studies of haptophytes responsible for alkenone distributions in lake sediments: the predominance of C37:4 LCA. Here we report the first enrichment culturing of a novel haptophyte phylotype (Hap-A) from Lake George, ND that produces predominantly C37:4-LCA. Hap-A was enriched from its resting phase collected from deep sediments rather than from water column samples. In contrast, enrichments from near surface water yielded a different haptophyte phylotype (Hap-B), closely related to Chrysotila lamellosa and Pseudoisochrysis paradoxa, which does not display C37:4-LCA predominance (similar enrichments have been reported previously). The LCA profile in sediments resembles that of Hap-A enrichments, suggesting that Hap-A is the dominant alkenone producer of the sedimentary LCAs. In enrichments, excess lighting appeared to be crucial for triggering blooms of Hap-A. Both and indices show a linear relationship with temperature for Hap-A in enrichments, but the relationship appears to be dependent on the growth stage. Based on 18S rRNA gene analyses, several lakes from the Northern Great Plains, as well as Pyramid Lake, NV and Tso Ur, Tibetan Plateau, China contain the same two haptophyte phylotypes. The Great Plains lakes show the Hap-A-type LCA distribution, whereas Pyramid and Tso Ur show the Hap-B type distribution. Waters of the Great Plain lakes are dominated by sulfate, whereas those Pyramid and Tso Ur are dominated by carbonate, suggesting that the sulfate to carbonate ratio may be a determining factor for the competitiveness of the Hap-A and Hap-B phylotypes in natural settings.This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation to Y. Huang (EAR06-02325) and a Brown University Graduate School Dissertation Fellowship to J. L. Toney

    Chronological control and centennial-scale climatic subdivisions of the Last Glacial Termination in the western Mediterranean region

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    The Last Glacial Termination is marked by changing environmental conditions affected by abrupt and rapid climate oscillations, such as Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), which is characterized by extremely low sea surface temperatures (SST) and significant changes in northern hemisphere terrestrial landscape (e.g., vegetation) and human dispersion. Previous studies show that overall cold/dry conditions occurred during HS1, but the lack of high-resolution records precludes whether climate was stable or instead characterized by instability. A high-resolution paleoclimatic record from the Padul wetland (southern Iberian Peninsula), supported by a high-resolution chronology and contrasted with other records from southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, shows 1) that the age boundaries of HS1 in this area occurred at similar to 18.0 kyr BP (median age = 17,970 cal yr BP; mean age = 18,030 +/- 330 cal yr BP) and similar to 15.2 kyr BP (median age = 15,210 cal yr BP; mean age = 15,200 +/- 420 cal yr BP) and 2) that climate during HS1 was non-stationary and centennial-scale variability in moisture is superimposed on this overall cold climatic period. In this study, we improve the pollen sampling resolution with respect to previous studies on the same Padul-15-05 sedimentary core and suggest a novel subdivision of HS1 in 7 sub-phases, including: i) 3 sub-phases (a.1-a.3) during an arid early phase (HS1a; similar to 18.4-17.2 kyr BP), ii) a relatively humid middle phase (HS1b; similar to 17.2-16.9 kyr BP), and iii) 3 sub-phases (c.1-c.3) during an arid late phase (HS1c; similar to 16.9-15.7 kyr BP). This climatic subdivision is regionally supported by SST oscillations from the Mediterranean Sea, suggesting a strong land-sea coupling. A cyclostratigraphic analysis of pollen data between 20 and 11 kyr BP indicates that the climate variability and the proposed subdivisions characterized by similar to 2000 and similar to 800-yr periodicities could be related to solar forcing controlling climate in this area. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
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