44 research outputs found

    A server and database for dipole moments of proteins

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    An Internet server at http://bip.weizmann.ac.il/dipol calculates the net charge, dipole moment and mean radius of any 3D protein structure or its constituent peptide chains, and displays the dipole vector superimposed on a ribbon backbone of the protein. The server can also display the angle between the dipole and a selected list of amino acid residues in the protein. When the net charges and dipole moments of ∼12 000 non-homologous PDB biological units (PISCES set), and their unique chains of length 50 residues or longer, were examined, the great majority of both charges and dipoles fell into a very narrow range of values, with long extended tails containing a few extreme outliers. In general, there is no obvious relation between a protein's charge or dipole moment and its structure or function, so that its electrostatic properties are highly specific to the particular protein, except that the majority of chains with very large positive charges or dipoles bind to ribosomes or interact with nucleic acids

    Proteopedia - a scientific 'wiki' bridging the rift between three-dimensional structure and function of biomacromolecules

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    Proteopedia is an interactive wiki-style web resource that presents 3D structural and functional information in a user-friendly manner and allows real-time community annotation

    SPACE: a suite of tools for protein structure prediction and analysis based on complementarity and environment

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    We describe a suite of SPACE tools for analysis and prediction of structures of biomolecules and their complexes. LPC/CSU software provides a common definition of inter-atomic contacts and complementarity of contacting surfaces to analyze protein structure and complexes. In the current version of LPC/CSU, analyses of water molecules and nucleic acids have been added, together with improved and expanded visualization options using Chime or Java based Jmol. The SPACE suite includes servers and programs for: structural analysis of point mutations (MutaProt); side chain modeling based on surface complementarity (SCCOMP); building a crystal environment and analysis of crystal contacts (CryCo); construction and analysis of protein contact maps (CMA) and molecular docking software (LIGIN). The SPACE suite is accessed at

    Honing the in silico

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    FoldIndex©: a simple tool to predict whether a given protein sequence is intrinsically unfolded

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    Summary: An easy-to-use, versatile and freely available graphic web server, FoldIndex© is described: it predicts if a given protein sequence is intrinsically unfolded implementing the algorithm of Uversky and co-workers, which is based on the average residue hydrophobicity and net charge of the sequence. FoldIndex© has an error rate comparable to that of more sophisticated fold prediction methods. Sliding windows permit identification of large regions within a protein that possess folding propensities different from those of the whole protein. Availability: FoldIndex© can be accessed at http://bioportal.weizmann.ac.il/fldbin/findex Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/sb/faculty_pages/Sussman/papers/suppl/Prilusky_200

    Community standards for open cell migration data

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    Cell migration research has become a high-content field. However, the quantitative information encapsulated in these complex and high-dimensional datasets is not fully exploited owing to the diversity of experimental protocols and non-standardized output formats. In addition, typically the datasets are not open for reuse. Making the data open and Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) will enable meta-analysis, data integration, and data mining. Standardized data formats and controlled vocabularies are essential for building a suitable infrastructure for that purpose but are not available in the cell migration domain. We here present standardization efforts by the Cell Migration Standardisation Organisation (CMSO), an open community-driven organization to facilitate the development of standards for cell migration data. This work will foster the development of improved algorithms and tools and enable secondary analysis of public datasets, ultimately unlocking new knowledge of the complex biological process of cell migration

    Dynamic Proteomics: a database for dynamics and localizations of endogenous fluorescently-tagged proteins in living human cells

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    Recent advances allow tracking the levels and locations of a thousand proteins in individual living human cells over time using a library of annotated reporter cell clones (LARC). This library was created by Cohen et al. to study the proteome dynamics of a human lung carcinoma cell-line treated with an anti-cancer drug. Here, we report the Dynamic Proteomics database for the proteins studied by Cohen et al. Each cell-line clone in LARC has a protein tagged with yellow fluorescent protein, expressed from its endogenous chromosomal location, under its natural regulation. The Dynamic Proteomics interface facilitates searches for genes of interest, downloads of protein fluorescent movies and alignments of dynamics following drug addition. Each protein in the database is displayed with its annotation, cDNA sequence, fluorescent images and movies obtained by the time-lapse microscopy. The protein dynamics in the database represents a quantitative trace of the protein fluorescence levels in nucleus and cytoplasm produced by image analysis of movies over time. Furthermore, a sequence analysis provides a search and comparison of up to 50 input DNA sequences with all cDNAs in the library. The raw movies may be useful as a benchmark for developing image analysis tools for individual-cell dynamic-proteomics. The database is available at http://www.dynamicproteomics.net/

    QSalignWeb: A Server to Predict and Analyze Protein Quaternary Structure

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    The identification of physiologically relevant quaternary structures (QSs) in crystal lattices is challenging. To predict the physiological relevance of a particular QS, QSalign searches for homologous structures in which subunits interact in the same geometry. This approach proved accurate but was limited to structures already present in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Here, we introduce a webserver ( www.QSalign.org ) allowing users to submit homo-oligomeric structures of their choice to the QSalign pipeline. Given a user-uploaded structure, the sequence is extracted and used to search homologs based on sequence similarity and PFAM domain architecture. If structural conservation is detected between a homolog and the user-uploaded QS, physiological relevance is inferred. The web server also generates alternative QSs with PISA and processes them the same way as the query submitted to widen the predictions. The result page also shows representative QSs in the protein family of the query, which is informative if no QS conservation was detected or if the protein appears monomeric. These representative QSs can also serve as a starting point for homology modeling. </p