221 research outputs found

    Schopenhauer and Luhmann: Some Unlikely Similarities?

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    The purpose of this paper is to compare similarities between Schopenhauer's conception of the world as Representation and Niklas Luhmann's notion of society as Communication. We explore the similarities between the way in which Schopenhauer constructs his speculations on the comprehension of reality, and how Luhmann describes what he considers contemporary society’s intelligibility. The analyses presented here do not deal with the discussion of the nature of the Will and its manifestations in the process of construction of reality, which constitutes a relevant part of Schopenhauer's thought. At the end of our exposition we infer some points of convergence in these authors’ explanatory models, although it is not possible to deduce, in a direct and categorical way, a theoretical affiliation between them. Keywords: Schopenhauer. Representation. Luhmann. Communication. Systems. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/12-16-06 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Work and Inmate Resocialization: An Ambiguous Solution

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    This article evaluates the efficiency of an agreement between the SEAP-Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration of Pará state, Brazil and a metallurgical company located in the metropolitan region of Belém, Pará, Brazil, which sought to provide jobs to prisoners during their sentences. We used qualitative and quantitative research methods and included data on the 240 inmates who participated in the above-mentioned initiative while serving in a semi-open prison regime, after being accepted into the program. Results show a blatant mismatch between the rhetoric that supports resocialization strategies and the reality of the situation, in which such initiatives are minor accessories in the context of the responsibilities involved in managing prison institutions

    The Invisible Indigence of the Homeless

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    This article analyzes indigence as a social phenomenon and discusses the factors that have contributed to its permanence over time. The study focuses on street people in Belém, Pará state, Brazil, as an expression of indigence and how public authorities have treated the issue. To provide context, we discuss 19th century social hygiene polices and show how attitudes toward the homeless and thus treatment of this group has changed over time. The current homeless situation is related to the effects of neoliberal policies, psychiatric and prison deinstitutionalization processes and changes related to drug use and availability. Perception and treatment of the homeless are based are based on the biased view that these individuals are unproductive citizens or even criminals. Research results show that, while homeless populations have generally increased across the globe, we observe specific traits related to social exclusion tendencies present for centuries at the local level in Belém

    Homicide Rates in Fragile Democracies : Reflections on the Paradoxes of Latin America

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    This article analyzes the relationship between the quality of democracy and homicide rates in Latin America Our hypothesis is that governments with authoritarian tendencies in Latin America do not necessarily have higher homicide rates than those without these tendencies Our research focuses analyzing the quality of democracy in four countries Brazil and Colombia categorized as weak democracies and Peru and Bolivia considered hybrid regimes Secondary data obtained from the Economist Intelligence Unit Our World in Data and the World Bank Group websites were used for this analysis Findings indicate that weakening of institutions is an important contributor to homicide rates in weak democracies Brazil and Colombia However this factor has less of an impact on homicide rates in hybrid regime countries Peru and Bolivia where the fragility of democracy coexists with lower homicide rate

    Brazilian Police Officers Killed in the Line of Duty: Daily Life of a Violent Reality

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    This paper presents data on the causes and circumstances of on-duty police deaths in Pará state, Brazil. We specifically analyzed deaths occurring from January 2010 to December 2017. Fifty-two deaths were examined using the database of the Secretary of Intelligence and Criminal Investigations (Siac) of Pará State Secretary for Public Security (Segup) and the investigative procedures undertaken by the internal inspector of the Pará Military Police and by the Homicide Division of Pará Civil Police. Results show that in a little less than fifty percent of all cases, on-duty police deaths are not directly related to direct confrontations with criminals even when they occur during work shifts. Despite the common discourse that police are killed by criminals seeking revenge, or because their equipment, especially guns are robbed, the number and nature of police deaths during the period of investigation does not corroborate these speculations. Keywords: Police deaths. Improper conduct. Performance. Execution. Accidents. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-4-05 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Human Trafficking and Prostitution in Mozambique: the Mualy, Amalapos and the Police

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    This article discusses processes of human trafficking for prostitution in Mozambique It begins by situating the African continent within the dynamics of globalization processes associating human trafficking with poverty and discussing it as a profitable illegal activity conducted on a global scale It continues by presenting the historical factors and economic constraints that put the Mozambican population in a vulnerable situation in relation to human trafficking and prostitution The article then examines how the perceptions of police regarding women trafficked for prostitution are affected by the local institution referred to as Mualy Quantitative data come from the Statistic Brain Research Institute compiled from the following reports UNAIDS World Bank and Demographic Dividend for the period of 2010 to 2017 Qualitative data were collected through ten interviews with the Provincial Command Squads of the Police of the Mozambique Republic PRM of Nampula a city located in northern Mozambique Results show that cultural factors interfere with how Mozambican police perceive human trafficking for prostitution and that such interferences undermine authorities strategies to combat this type of crim

    Policiais e o “bico”: a formação de redes de trabalho paralelo de segurança

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um perfil das redes de absorção de policiais no que denominamos “bico” ou atividadesde segurança exercidas paralelamente ao trabalho policial. O exercício da atividade paralela é atraído por um mercadode trabalho muito específico, capaz de incluir uma força de trabalho bastante especial, como a exercida pelos agentes desegurança pública. Para demonstrar a importância dessa questão, temos como estudos de caso a Polícia Militar do Estado doPará. Em primeiro lugar, será explorada a formação das estruturas paralelas de trabalho; em segundo, apresenta-se a relaçãoentre os principais atores que compõem a estrutura do “bico”; e, por fim, serão localizados alguns setores da economia queempregam policiais como segurança


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    O texto, especialmente, objetiva trazer uma reflexão sobre a sociedade de consumo e suas implicações, tanto para os sujeitos quanto para o processo civilizatório. O trabalho parte da tentativa de uma caracterização da modernidade com base na teoria elaborada por Karl Marx e o conceito de mercadoria; a partir de então apoiado na teoria de Sigmud Freud mostra os fatores desencadeantes do mal-estar na civilização; e, finalmente, com as contribuições de Theodor Adorno e Max Horkheimer, Anthony Giddens e Zygmunt Bauman aponta as consequências de uma época de aprofundamentos alienantes em torno da sociedade de consumo

    Cultura policial e Direitos Humanos: contradições e conflitos na Polícia Militar do Estado do Pará

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    This paper aims to present an analysis of the relationship between the police culture, making this study from three of its elements - the burnout, authoritarianism and code of silence - and the incidence of deviant behavior related to human rights violations. The study subjects were 50 sergeants Military Police of the State of Pará, divided into two groups: the first consisting of 25 officers without problems with the sector of internal control of the institution, and the second consists of 25 police with investigations in history Magistrate. The main perspective and show how strongly these characteristics are reflected in the behavior of the police during the work. For both mobilized, and field research, some authors who have dedicated themselves to the study of the relationship between institutions and the collective behavior of police officers.Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma análise da relação entre a cultura policial, tomada neste estudo a partir de três dos seus elementos - a síndrome de burnout, o autoritarismo e o código de silêncio – e a incidência de comportamentos desviantes relacionados à violação dos direitos humanos. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 50 sargentos da Polícia Militar do Estado do Pará, divididos em dois grupos: o primeiro formado por 25 policiais sem problemas junto ao setor de controle interno da instituição; e o segundo formado por 25 policiais com histórico de inquéritos na Corregedoria. A principal perspectiva é mostrar com que intensidade estas características se refletem nos comportamentos dos policiais durante o trabalho. Para tanto se mobilizou, além da pesquisa de campo, alguns autores que têm se dedicado ao estudo da relação entre as instituições de polícia e o comportamento coletivo dos policiais


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    Dentre as principais políticas públicas encontra-se as políticas públicas de segurança, que comporta em seu bojo a formação do agente público denominado de policial militar e entre a formação desse agente e sua efetiva atuação na prestação do serviço de segurança pública existe uma enorme dificuldade para preservar os padrões de legalidade na atuação do agente público. Embora existam práticas policiais ilegais, como por exemplo, o arrego ou o bico, aqui queremos destacar a prática da catação. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a lógica de funcionamento, a formação dos policiais nas redes de catação e estabelecer a diferença desta prática perante outras. A catação constitui um pagamento rotineiro por comerciantes da periferia das cidades, que pode ser mensal ou semanal, em dinheiro ou mesmo em mercadorias, para que a presença da polícia seja ostensiva nesses locais. Embora o foco seja essa prática nela podemos encontrar uma série de nuances de um patrimonialismo, em que o policial privatiza o serviço da polícia em seu benefício e de quem lhe paga.Palavras-Chaves: Policiamento. Segurança Pública. Práticas Policiai