136 research outputs found
Therapeutical use of the cannabinoids in psychiatry
OBJETIVO: Revisar os principais avanços no potencial uso terapêutico de alguns compostos canabinoides em psiquiatria. MÉTODO: Foi realizada busca nos bancos de dado PubMed, SciELO e Lilacs e identificados estudos e revisões da literatura sobre o uso terapêutico dos canabinoides em psiquiatria, em particular canabidiol, rimonabanto, Δ9-tetraidrocanabinol e seus análogos. RESULTADOS: O canabidiol demonstrou apresentar potencial terapêutico como antipsicótico, ansiolítico, antidepressivo e em diversas outras condições. O Δ9-tetraidrocanabinol e seus análogos demonstraram efeitos ansiolíticos, na dependência de cannabis, bem como adjuvantes no tratamento de esquizofrenia, apesar de ainda carecerem de mais estudos. O rimonabanto demonstrou eficácia no tratamento de sintomas subjetivos e fisiológicos da intoxicação pela cannabis e como adjuvante no tratamento do tabagismo. Os potenciais efeitos colaterais, de induzir depressão e ansiedade limitaram o uso clínico deste antagonista CB1. CONCLUSÃO: Os canabinoides têm demonstrado que podem ter amplo interesse terapêutico em psiquiatria, porém mais estudos controlados são necessários para confirmar estes achados e determinar a segurança destes compostos.OBJECTIVE: To review the main advances related to the potential therapeutic use of cannabinoid compounds in psychiatry. METHOD: A search was performed in the online databases PubMed, ScieELO, and Lilacs for studies and literature reviews concerning therapeutic applications of cannabinoids in psychiatry, especially cannabidiol, rimonabant, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and their analogues. RESULTS: Cannabidiol was found to have therapeutic potential with antipsychotic, anxiolytic, and antidepressant properties, in addition to being effective in other conditions. Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and its analogues were shown to have anxiolytic effects in the treatment of cannabis dependence and to function as an adjuvant in the treatment of schizophrenia, although additional studies are necessary to support this finding. Rimonabant was effective in the treatment of the subjective and physiological symptoms of cannabis intoxication and functioned as an adjuvant in the treatment of tobacco addiction. The potential to induce adverse reactions such as depression and anxiety restrained the clinical use of this CB1 antagonist. CONCLUSION: Cannabinoids may be of great therapeutic interest to psychiatry; however, further controlled trials are necessary to confirm the existing findings and to establish the safety of such compounds
Long-term effects of ayahuasca in patients with recurrent depression: a 5-year qualitative follow-up
Background Ayahuasca is a botanical hallucinogenic preparation traditionally used by indigenous populations of Northwestern Amazonian countries for ritual and therapeutic purposes. It is rich in β-carboline alkaloids and N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Preclinical, observational, and experimental studies suggest that ayahuasca and its alkaloids have anxiolytic and antidepressive effects. We recently reported in an open-label trial that ayahuasca administration was associated with significant decreases in depression symptoms for 2-3 weeks after the experimental session in 17 patients with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder. Objectives To investigate if the experiment had any long-lasting effects on patients Methods Eight patients were interviewed 4 to 7 years after ayahuasca intake. Results Our results suggest that ayahuasca was well tolerated and that symptom reductions were limited to a few weeks. Importantly, most patients believed that the experience was among the most important of their lives, even 4-7 years later. Discussion To the best of our knowledge, this is the first long-term follow-up of a clinical sample that participated in an ayahuasca trial. Further studies with different and repeated dosing should be designed to further explore the antidepressive and anxiolytic effects of ayahuasca
O uso do canabidiol (CBD) no tratamento da doença de Parkinson e suas comorbidades
Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor (bradykinesia, tremors, stiffness) and non-motor (psychotic, mood and sleep disorders) symptoms. The available pharmacological treatments are not effective for a significant portion of the patients. Recent research suggests that the phytocannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) could be effective in treating some PD symptoms. Objectives: To review the preclinical and clinical studies of the effects of CBD on the symptoms of PD. Methods: Narrative review of the main basic and clinical studies on the effects of CBD on the symptoms of PD. Due to the small number of clinical studies, research with other cannabinoids was also included. Results: A total of 15 articles were included in the review: 5 preclinical studies involving the administration of CBD and 10 studies with patients involving the administration of different cannabinoids (cannabis, nabilone, CBD). Most of the basic studies reported a positive effect of CBD on PD-related behavior or biochemical changes. Observational and clinical studies using smoked cannabis, oral cannabis extract, nabilone (synthetic cannabinoid) and CBD suggest that these cannabinoids can reduce motor (bradykinesia, tremors, stiffness) and non-motor (psychotic, mood and sleep disorders, quality of life) symptoms of PD. Moreover, they are well tolerated substances with few significant adverse effects. Conclusion: Although CBD has shown favorable results in both preclinical and clinical studies, this evidence is not yet sufficient to indicate the use of this cannabinoid in patients with PD. New controlled studies should be performed with different dosages of CBD to replicate this data.Fundamento: A doença de Parkinson (DP) é um transtorno neurodegenerativo crônico caracterizado por sintomas motores (bradicinesia, tremores, rigidez) e não motores (transtornos psicóticos, do humor e do sono). Os tratamentos farmacológicos disponíveis não são eficazes para uma parcela significativa dos pacientes. Pesquisas recentes sugerem que o fitocanabinóide canabidiol (CBD) poderia ser eficaz no tratamento de alguns sintomas da DP. Objetivos: Revisar os estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos dos efeitos do CBD nos sintomas da DP. Métodos: Revisão narrativa dos principais estudos básicos e clínicos sobre os efeitos do CBD nos sintomas da DP. Devido ao número pequeno de estudos clínicos, pesquisas com outros canabinóides também foram incluídas. Resultados: No total, 15 artigos foram incluídos na revisão: 5 estudos pré-clínicos envolvendo a administração de CBD e 10 estudos com pacientes envolvendo a administração de diferentes canabinóides (maconha, nabilona, CBD). A maioria dos estudos básicos mostraram um efeito positivo do CBD em comportamentos ou alterações bioquímicas relacionadas à DP. Estudos observacionais e clínicos com uso de maconha fumada, extrato oral de maconha, nabilona (canabinóide sintético) e CBD sugerem que estes canabinóides podem reduzir sintomas motores (bradicinesia, tremores, rigidez) e não motores (transtornos psicóticos, do humor e do sono, qualidade de vida) da DP. Além disso, são substâncias bem toleradas e com poucos efeitos adversos significativos. Conclusão: Embora o CBD tenha demonstrado resultados favoráveis tanto em estudos pré-clínicos como em estudos clínicos, estas evidências ainda não são suficientes para indicar o uso deste canabinóide em pacientes com distúrbios do DP. Novos estudos controlados devem ser realizados com diferentes dosagens de CBD para replicar estes dados
Effects of cannabinoid drugs on the deficit of prepulse inhibition of startle in an animal model of schizophrenia: the SHR strain
Clinical and neurobiological findings suggest that the cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system may be implicated in the pathophysiology and treatment of schizophrenia. We described that the spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) strain presents a schizophrenia behavioral phenotype that is specifically attenuated by antipsychotic drugs, and potentiated by proschizophrenia manipulations. Based on these findings, we have suggested this strain as an animal model of schizophrenia. the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of cannabinoid drugs on the deficit of prepulse inhibition (PPI) of startle, the main paradigm used to study sensorimotor gating impairment related to schizophrenia, presented by the SHR strain. the following drugs were used: (1) WIN55212,2 (cannabinoid agonist), (2) rimonabant (CB1 antagonist), (3) AM404 (anandamide uptake inhibitor), and (4) cannabidiol (CBD; indirect CB1/CB2 receptor antagonist, among other effects). VVistar rats (VVRs) and SHRs were treated with vehicle (VEH) or different doses of WIN55212 (0.3, 1, or 3 mg/kg), rimonabant (0.75, 1.5, or 3 mg/kg), AM404 (1, 5, or 10 mg/kg), or CBD (15, 30, or 60 mg/kg). VEH-treated SHRs showed a decreased PPI when compared to VVRs. This PPI deficit was reversed by 1 mg/kg WIN and 30 mg/kg CBD. Conversely, 0.75 mg/kg rimonabant decreased PPI in SHR strain, whereas AM404 did not modify it. Our results reinforce the role of the endocannabinoid system in the sensorimotor gating impairment related to schizophrenia, and point to cannabinoid drugs as potential therapeutic strategies.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pharmacol, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psychiat, Lab Interdisciplinar Neurociencias Clin, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Dept Neurosci & Behav, BR-14049 Ribeirao Preto, BrazilNatl Council Sci & Technol Dev, Natl Inst Sci & Technol Translat Med, Ribeirao Preto, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pharmacol, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psychiat, Lab Interdisciplinar Neurociencias Clin, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: FAPESP - 2010/07994-3Web of Scienc
The Psychedelic State Induced by Ayahuasca Modulates the Activity and Connectivity of the Default Mode Network
The experiences induced by psychedelics share a wide variety of subjective features, related
to the complex changes in perception and cognition induced by this class of drugs. A remarkable increase in introspection is at the core of these altered states of consciousness. Self-oriented mental activity has been consistently linked to the Default Mode Network (DMN), a
set of brain regions more active during rest than during the execution of a goal-directed task.
Here we used fMRI technique to inspect the DMN during the psychedelic state induced by
Ayahuasca in ten experienced subjects. Ayahuasca is a potion traditionally used by Amazonian Amerindians composed by a mixture of compounds that increase monoaminergic transmission. In particular, we examined whether Ayahuasca changes the activity and connectivity
of the DMN and the connection between the DMN and the task-positive network (TPN). Ayahuasca caused a significant decrease in activity through most parts of the DMN, including
its most consistent hubs: the Posterior Cingulate Cortex (PCC)/Precuneus and the medial
Prefrontal Cortex (mPFC). Functional connectivity within the PCC/Precuneus decreased
after Ayahuasca intake. No significant change was observed in the DMN-TPN orthogonality.
Altogether, our results support the notion that the altered state of consciousness induced by
Ayahuasca, like those induced by psilocybin (another serotonergic psychedelic), meditation
and sleep, is linked to the modulation of the activity and the connectivity of the DMN.The Brazilian
Federal Agencies: CNPq, CAPES; FINEP; The Sao
Paulo State financial agency (FAPESP)
Tripping to cope: coping strategies and use of hallucinogens during the COVID-19 pandemic in three cultural contexts
The COVID-19 pandemic has made evident the need to develop effective strategies to
cushion the psychological consequences of social catastrophes. Preliminary evidence suggests that
the use of hallucinogens is a protective factor that mitigates against such stressors. However, the
underlying mechanisms must be further explored. This study specifically focused on the potential
role of coping strategies in this regard, analyzing them through an online survey completed by a total
of 2971 subjects who were followed up with from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic until six
months after baseline. The survey was published in three different cultures (English, Spanish, and
Portuguese), allowing for the collection of data from three different cultural contexts. The results show
that coping strategies were generally more related to psychological well-being and psychopathology
than to hallucinogenic drug use. However, regarding the latter, users of hallucinogens had higher
scores on problem-focused engagement and disengagement and lower scores on wishful thinking
than non-users. Longitudinally, while most baseline coping scores were associated with psychological
distress and the severity of psychological symptoms, some coping strategies were related to the use
of hallucinogens. These results show an adaptive pattern of coping strategies among hallucinogen
users. Further research should take into account that coping strategies are only marginally associated
with hallucinogenic drug use. Other underlying mechanisms explaining the better adjustment of
users of hallucinogens to pandemics should be explore
Desempenho de pacientes esquizofrênicos no Stroop Color Word Test e responsividade eletrodérmica após administração aguda de canabidiol (CBD)
OBJECTIVE: The last decade has seen increasing evidence of dysfunctions in the endogenous cannabinoid system in schizophrenia and of its relationship with the typical cognitive impairment of the disorder. Studies in animal models, healthy volunteers, and psychotic patients clearly suggest an antipsychotic-like effect of cannabidiol. This study investigated the effects of cannabidiol on selective attention in 28 schizophrenic patients using the Stroop Color Word Test and on these patients' electrodermal responsiveness to auditive stimuli. METHOD: The subjects attended two experimental sessions, the first one without the administration of drugs. In the second session the subjects were divided into three groups that received either a single dose of cannabidiol 300mg or cannabidiol 600mg or placebo. RESULTS: The three groups did not differ significantly with respect to electrodermal measures in the two experimental sessions. When the first and second sessions were compared improved performance was found in all three groups, with patients who received placebo and cannabidiol 300mg performing better than those who received cannabidiol 600mg. CONCLUSION: The single, acute administration of cannabidiol seems to have no beneficial effects on the performance of schizophrenic patients in the Stroop Color Word Test, although the hypothesis that chronic administration may lead to improvement cannot be disregarded.OBJETIVO: Descobertas relativas a possíveis disfunções do sistema canabinóide endógeno na esquizofrenia e sua relação com o prejuízo cognitivo característico da doença têm aumentado durante a última década. Estudos com modelos animais, voluntários saudáveis e pacientes psicóticos sugerem claramente que o canabidiol possui efeitos antipsicóticos. Este estudo investigou os efeitos do canabidiol sobre a atenção seletiva por meio do Stroop Color Word Test e a responsividade eletrodérmica a estímulos auditivos em 28 pacientes com esquizofrenia. MÉTODO: Duas sessões experimentais foram realizadas, a primeira sem a administração de drogas. Na segunda sessão, os sujeitos foram divididos em três grupos que receberam dose única de canabidiol 300mg, canabidiol 600mg ou placebo. RESULTADOS: Os três grupos não diferiram significativamente no que se refere às medidas eletrodérmicas nas duas sessões experimentais. Os três grupos apresentaram melhora da primeira para a segunda avaliação, com os grupos placebo e canabidiol 300mg superiores ao grupo canabidiol 600mg. CONCLUSÃO: A administração aguda de canabidiol em dose única parece não ter efeitos benéficos sobre o desempenho de pacientes com esquizofrenia no Stroop Color Word Test, embora estes dados não sejam suficientes para refutar a hipótese de que a administração continuada de canabidiol possa resultar em melhora no funcionamento cognitivo em esquizofrenia
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