4,455 research outputs found

    Cosmic web alignments with the shape, angular momentum and peculiar velocities of dark matter haloes

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    We study the alignment of dark matter haloes with the cosmic web characterized by the tidal and velocity shear fields. We focus on the alignment of their shape, angular momentum and peculiar velocities. We use a cosmological N-body simulation that allows to study dark matter halos spanning almost five orders of magnitude in mass (10910^{9}-101410^{14}) h1h^{-1}MM_{\odot} and spatial scales of (0.5(0.5-1.0)1.0) h1h^{-1} Mpc to define the cosmic web. We find that the halo shape presents the strongest alignment along the smallest tidal eigenvector, e.g. along filaments and walls, with a signal that gets stronger as the halo mass increases. In the case of the velocity shear field only massive halos >1012>10^{12} h1h^{-1}MM_{\odot} tend to have their shapes aligned along the largest tidal eigenvector; that is, perpendicular to filaments and walls. For the angular momentum we find alignment signals only for halos more massive than 101210^{12} h1h^{-1}MM_{\odot} both in the tidal and velocity shear webs where the preferences are for it to be parallel to the middle eigenvector; perpendicular to filaments and parallel to walls. Finally, the peculiar velocities show a strong alignment along the smallest tidal eigenvector for all halo masses; halos move along filaments and walls. In the velocity shear the same alignment is present but weaker and only for haloes less massive than 101210^{12} h1h^{-1}MM_{\odot}. Our results clearly show that the two different algorithms we used to define the cosmic web describe different physical aspects of non-linear collapse and should be used in a complementary way to understand the effect of the cosmic web on galaxy evolution.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Systematic uncertainties from halo asphericity in dark matter searches

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    Although commonly assumed to be spherical, dark matter halos are predicted to be non-spherical by N-body simulations and their asphericity has a potential impact on the systematic uncertainties in dark matter searches. The evaluation of these uncertainties is the main aim of this work, where we study the impact of aspherical dark matter density distributions in Milky-Way-like halos on direct and indirect searches. Using data from the large N-body cosmological simulation Bolshoi, we perform a statistical analysis and quantify the systematic uncertainties on the determination of local dark matter density and the so-called JJ factors for dark matter annihilations and decays from the galactic center. We find that, due to our ignorance about the extent of the non-sphericity of the Milky Way dark matter halo, systematic uncertainties can be as large as 35%, within the 95% most probable region, for a spherically averaged value for the local density of 0.3-0.4 GeV/cm3^3. Similarly, systematic uncertainties on the JJ factors evaluated around the galactic center can be as large as 10% and 15%, within the 95% most probable region, for dark matter annihilations and decays, respectively.Comment: 29 pages, 6 artistic figures, version accepted for publication in JCA

    Recuperando espacios y resignificando el concepto patrimonio desde los movimientos sociales. El caso del CSOA La Higuera (Cádiz, Andalucía)

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    Las relaciones entre patrimonio histórico, sociedad civil y Estado en las ciudades históricas son de elevado interés y su estudio requiere de una visión multidisciplinar desde las ciencias sociales. Existen contradicciones entre el destino público del patrimonio garantizado por el Estado y las formas en las que la conservación y gestión del mismo se llevan a cabo, en tanto tienden a marginar iniciativas que provienen de la ciudadanía, de los movimientos sociales, y potencian aquellas orientadas a la tematización y mercantilización del mismo. Se argumenta que en estos procesos juegan un papel importante los intereses de sectores privados, que buscan su propio beneficio y se oponen al modelo social de patrimonio histórico o cultural. Frente a esta situación, se evalúa la capacidad de proyectos radicales ciudadanos en la lucha práctica frente a la neoliberalización de la ciudad histórica y sus repercusiones en el discurso teórico patrimonial a través de un ejemplo en Cádiz

    Récupération des espaces et requalification du concept de patrimoine depuis les mouvements sociaux: le cas du Centre social squatté autogéré La Higuera (Cadix, Andalousie)

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    Las relaciones entre patrimonio histórico, sociedad civil y Estado en las ciudades históricas son de elevado interés y su estudio requiere de una visión multidisciplinar desde las ciencias sociales. Existen contradicciones entre el destino público del patrimonio garantizado por el Estado y las formas en las que la conservación y gestión del mismo se llevan a cabo, en tanto tienden a marginar iniciativas que provienen de la ciudadanía, de los movimientos sociales, y potencian aquellas orientadas a la tematización y mercantilización del mismo. Se argumenta que en estos procesos juegan un papel importante los intereses de sectores privados, que buscan su propio beneficio y se oponen al modelo social de patrimonio histórico o cultural. Frente a esta situación, se evalúa la capacidad de proyectos radicales ciudadanos en la lucha práctica frente a la neo-liberalización de la ciudad histórica y sus repercusiones en el discurso teórico patrimonial a través de un ejemplo en Cádiz.The relations between historical heritage, civil society and the State in historical cities are of outstanding interest, and a multidisciplinary approach from social sciences is required to tackle them. There are contradictions between the cultural heritage public-destiny guaranteed by the State and the forms by which conservation and management have been carried out, due to the marginalization of initiatives from citizens, from social movements, whereas other initiatives fostering heritage thematization and marketization have been implemented. It is argued that these processes respond to private interests acting for their own benefit, and therefore in opposition to the socially based conceptualisation of cultural heritage. Given this situation, the capacity of radical movements and projects in the daily struggle against the neoliberalisation of the historical city is explored, focusing on the repercussions for urban heritage discourse and praxis through an example in the city of Cadiz.Les relacions entre patrimoni històric, societat civil i Estat en les ciutats històriques són d’elevat interès i el seu estudi requereix d’una visió multidisciplinària des de les ciències socials. Hi ha contradiccions entre el destí públic del patrimoni garantit per l’Estat i les formes per les quals la conservació i la gestió d’aquest patrimoni es duen a terme, en tant que tendeixen a marginar iniciatives que provenen de la ciutadania, dels moviments socials, i per contra potencien aquelles orientades a la tematització i mercantilització d’aquest. S’argumenta que en aquests processos juguen un paper important els interessos dels sectors privats, que busquen el seu propi benefici i s’oposen al model social de patrimoni històric o cultural. Davant d’aquesta situació, i a través d’un exemple a la ciutat de Cadis, s’avalua la capacitat de projectes radicals ciutadans en la lluita pràctica davant la neoliberalització de la ciutat històrica i les seves repercussions en el discurs teòric patrimonial.Les rapports entre le patrimoine, la société civile et l’État au sein des villes historiques soulèvent un intérêt croissant et leur étude demande une approche multidisciplinaire depuis les Sciences Sociales. Des contradictions existent entre la destination publique du patrimoine garantie par l’Etat et la mise en œuvre de sa conservation et de sa gestion: celle-ci montre une tendance à la marginalisation des initiatives provenant des habitants, des mouvements sociaux, et renforcent celles qui sont orientées vers la thématisation et la marchandisation de soi-même. Il fait valoir que dans ces processus les intérêts du secteur privé qui cherche son propre bénéfice jouent un rôle important, en opposition au modèle social du patrimoine historique ou culturel. Devant cette situation, la capacité des projets radicaux des citoyens dans la lutte pratique contre la néo-libéralisation de la ville historique et leur impact sur le discours théorique sont évalués à travers un exemple situé dans la ville de Cadix

    Competitors' strategic heterogeneity and firm performance

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    This paper explores intra-industry heterogeneity by proposing a new perspective. Whereas the strategic management literature tends to conceptualize strategic heterogeneity as the divergence between a focal firm and its rivals, we offer a complementary view in which we consider it to be the result of the differences among the strategic positions of the rivals of a firm. We argue that, when heterogeneity is examined from this perspective, vicarious learning and competitive alignment (instead of competition, collusion or legitimation) are the mechanisms that explain the impact of heterogeneity on performance. We also propose that the experience that firms accumulate by competing with the same rivals moderates this relationship. We test our hypotheses on the Spanish banking sector over the period 1999–2009. The results are consistent with them

    Game-related statistics that discriminated winning and losing teams from the spanish mens professional basketball teams

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    The purpose of the present study was to analyse men’s basketball competitions, trying to identify which game-related statistics allow to discriminate winning and losing teams. The sample used corresponded to 306 games from the 2004– 2005 Regular Season of the Spanish Men’s Professional League. The game-related statistics gathered were: 2 and 3 points field-goals (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), offensive and defensive rebounds, blocks, assists, fouls, turnovers and steals. The data were analysed in two groups: balanced games (final score differences equal or below 12 points) and unbalanced games (final score differences above 12 points). Discriminant analysis allowed to conclude the following: (i) in balanced games, the variable that best differentiate both groups were the defensive rebounds; (ii) in unbalanced games, the variables that discriminate between both groups were the successful 2 points field-goals, the defensive rebounds and the assists; and (iii) in all games, the statistical analysis identified two variables that discriminate winning and losing teams (defensive rebounds and assists). The defensive rebounds were the only game-related statistic that discriminates both groups in all performed analysis. Coaches and players should be aware of these different profiles in order to increase knowledge about game cognitive and motor solicitation and, therefore, to enhance specificity at the time of practice and game planning

    Game location influences basketball players performance across playing positions.

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    Home advantage in sport has been the subject of much empirical work, although the 3 causes underlying this effect are still unclear. In team sports such as Basketball, available 4 literature has analyzed home versus away performances at a team level. The present study 5 investigated the presence of home advantage at the level of the individual player’s position. It 6 also attempted to identify a subset of game-related statistics that could discriminate home and 7 away performances according to each player’s position. To achieve these aims, archival data 8 were obtained from 225 games for the 2004-2005 Euroleague. Players were subdivided so 9 that the “point guards” and “offguards” were pooled as guards (n=493), the “small forwards” 10 and “power forwards” were grouped as forwards (n=485) and the centres (n=233). A 2x3 11 (game location: home and away; playing position: guards, forwards and centres) factorial 12 MANOVA followed by a discriminant analysis was performed. For the guards, the 13 discriminant function was significant and the game-related statistics that differentiated most 14 home and away performances were the successful two point field-goals, defensive rebounds, 15 assists, steals, blocks and committed fouls. The forwards’ home and away performances were 16 discriminated by successful free-throws, assists, steals, blocks and committed fouls. The 17 function for centres was non significant. Results suggested a differential effect of home 18 advantage in basketball players by role in the team, with guards from home teams playing 19 more assertively, whereas in away teams forwards played more assertively. These results 20 provide initial evidence to support a position specific approach when preparing for home and 21 away games in team sports

    Infraestructuras y productividad industrial en Colombia

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    Este trabajo analiza el impacto de las infraestructuras públicas sobre la productividad de las industrias manufactureras en Colombia entre 1990 y 2005, mediante el enfoque basado en la teoría de la dualidad. Concretamente, estudia los efectos que tiene la inversión en capital público sobre la estructura de costos de la industria, a través de la interrelación de los diferentes factores de producción privados y dicho capital.infraestructuras públicas, productividad, crecimiento económico, teoría de la dualidad.

    La ley 18610 y los orígenes de la fragmentación del sistema sanitario argentino: una mirada desde el institucionalismo histórico

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    Los sistemas de salud son esencialmente sistemas sociales complejos que requieren la observación de fenómenos trascendentes a través de múltiples enfoques para su correcta comprensión. El institucionalismo histórico es uno de esos enfoques, que a través de la identificación de un suceso que genera un camino ulterior permite comprender como se desarrollan las instituciones y sus consecuencias, intencionales o no. La ley 18.610 del año 1970 que regula el funcionamiento y financiamiento de las obras sociales impresiona ser ese hito trascendental en la configuración del sistema de salud argentino, descripto comúnmente como fragmentado y de bajo desempeño. Esta ley determinó el camino ulterior en cuanto a el modo de asegurar a los ciudadanos y en términos generales las leyes del juego de los actores institucionales involucrados (el estado, el sector de obras sociales y el sector privado). Este trabajo se propone analizar desde una mirada alternativa el fenómeno de fragmentación en salud del sistema de salud argentino con el objeto de lograr una mejor comprensión de este y aportar al debate de un sistema superador