498 research outputs found

    Illyrian-Albanian Continuity on the Areal of Kosova

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    Albanian continuity in the areal of Kosova, a scientific problem, which, due to the reasons of daily policy, has extremely become exploited (harnessed) until the present days. The politicisation of the ancient history of Kosova begins with the Eastern Crisis, a time when the programmes of Great-Serb aggression for the Balkans started being drafted. These programmes, inspired by the extra-scientific history dressed in myths, legends and folk songs, expressed the Serb aspirations to look for their cradle in Kosova, Vojvodina. Croatia, Dalmatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Montenegro. Such programmes, based on the instrumentalized history, have always been strongly supported by the political circles on the occasion of great historical changes, that have overwhelmed the Balkans

    Kontinuiteti iliro-arbëror në arealin e Kosovës

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    Në studim shqyrtohet çështja e kontinuitetit iliro-arbëror në arealin e Kosovës, problem shkencor ky i cili, për shkaqe të politikës ditore, është instrumentalizuar skajshmërisht deri në ditët e sotme. Politizimi i historisë së lashtë të Kosovës zë fill me Krizën Lindore, kohë kjo kur zunë fill të hartoheshin programet e agresionit serbomadh për Ballkanin. Këto programe të inspiruar nga historia extrashkencore e veshur me mite, legjenda dhe këngë popullore, shprehnin aspiratat serbe për të kërkuar djepin e tyre në Kosovë, Vojvodinë, Kroaci, Dalmaci, Bosnje e Hercegovinë dhe Mal të Zi. Programet e këtilla të mbështetura në historinë e instrumentalizuar, janë përkrahur gjithherë fuqimisht nga qarqet politike me rastin e kthesave të mëdha historike, që kanë përfshirë Ballkanin

    Ellipsis in English and Albanian

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    This research attempted to conduct an in-depth analysis of the text-forming elements based on the fact that cohesive devices are insufficiently treated in the Albanian language, although considerable research and publications have been made in other languages.   This study aims to bring evidence in recognizing, determining, and categorizing the structures of ellipsis and substitution which perform in English and Albanian. Comparing these important elements of grammatical cohesion in two languages will bring light upon the differences and similarities between the two languages. It will also show how frequently they are used in English and Albanian. Particularly, the aim is to show how these two mechanisms enable the avoidance of repetition, either by choosing other short words, phrases, and clauses or by removal of words, phrases, and clauses.   This study involved samples of fiction and non-fiction texts of English and Albanian language, consisting of two novels and two daily newspapers. The findings of the research indicate that in fiction texts, ellipsis is used more in the Albanian language rather than in English whereas substitution prevails more in English than Albanian. Ellipsis is used more in the Albanian language rather than in English in non-fiction texts too. Nevertheless, the frequency of substitution seems to be the same in both languages with a total of 4 items in English and 3 items in Albanian

    Perinatal mortality in Indonesia: an unfinished agenda

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    Perinatal mortality is a profound issue in maternal and child health due to its close relation with the maternal condition. There exist Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which are to be achieved by 2015. These are coupled with a continuing need for comprehensively monitoring and identifying factors associated with perinatal mortality, which is a primary concern for developing countries inclusive of Indonesia. Previous and on-going health programs could have brought about strategic interventions but as different attributes can emerge due to epidemiological transition, and given the fact that associated factors may remain persistent, forward thinking strategies in public health are forever in need of renewal.     Results from our research show that educational variables, poor awareness towards proper antenatal care visits and weak services at the front-line of healthcare delivery (community outreach) worsen the condition of childbearing women, raising the question of biological risk factors in line with socio-economic variables


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    This paper presents E-Learning (E-L) to support the Programs of Education and Training (E&T), Research and Development (R&D) for improvement quality of the Indonesian Human Resources (IQIHR). The programs of the IQIHR must be related with the modern Art, Science, Engineering and Technology (ASET). The prosperity of the Human Resources will be approached from prosperity approach which is mainly emphasized with three universes of aspects: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual (PIES) aspects. There are three basic requirements for developing these aspects: Material, Energy and Information (MEI). Social welfare and increase of life quality are desired output that must be attained from the MEI aspects. Current standard of living of human being should be reported as feedback information in the programs of the IQIHR. In global communication, developed countries and developing countries should build several attractive and sound symbiosis bridges, to prevent loss of universe balances. High quality of human resources as products of IQIHR activities, have social impacts not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. A new work force strategy without denying the existing of high quality of human resources is established by retooling the work forces, thus the challenges of social impacts could be answered wisely and would be bright opportunities to improve human standards of living

    Analisis Penerapan Manajemen Waktu pada Proyek Peningkatan Struktur Jalan By Pass (Studi Kasus : PT. Lia Membangun Persada)

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      Manajemen waktu sangat diperlukan selain untuk mempertajam prioritas, juga mengusahakan peningkatan efisiensi dan efektivitas pengelolaan proyek agar dicapai hasil yang maksimal dari sumber daya yang tersedia.Saat ini banyak dijumpai proyek jalan raya yang memiliki manajemen waktu yang kurang, sehingga proyek mengalami keterlambatan dari jadwal rencana. Seperti halnya proyek Peningkatan Struktur Jalan By Pass yang dilaksanakan oleh PT. Lia Membangun Persada untuk tahun anggaran 2016. Proyek ini sementara dilaksanakan dengan waktu pelaksanaan selama 120 hari kalender yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara. PT. Lia Membangun Persada merupakan salah satu Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa konstruksi dan banyak menangani proyek-proyek di bidang konstruksi jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan manajemen waktu proyek jalan raya pada PT. Lia Membangun Persada dan mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi dalam manajemen waktu proyek dan memberikan masukan atau solusi dari kendala tersebut. Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh bahwa pelaksanaan sistem manajemen waktu yang dilakukan oleh PT. Lia Membangun Persada belum sepenuhnya mampu melaksanakan secara ideal, karena ada beberapa aspek dalam manajemen waktu yang belum terpenuhi secara maksimal. Monitoring merupakan salah satu aspek yang belum bisa dilakukan secara akurat dan teliti karenaka jumlah tenaga kerja dalam skala besar menyebabkan tidak dilakukannya pencatatan terhadap produktivitas tenaga kerja. Selain itu, aspek Corrective Action dapat dikendalikan pada saat terjadi keterlambatan schedule yakni dengan cara menambah kapasitas sumber daya seperti penambahan jumlah alat, mempercepat kedatangan material, serta menambah tenaga kerja dan jam kerja (lembur, shift).   Kata Kunci : Manajemen Waktu, Monitoring, Corrective Actio

    Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Anggaran Sektor Pendidikan

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    Based on the 1945 Constitution, the government is obliged to provide annual budget for conducting national education at amount of 20% from APBN and APBD. The implementation of this regulation is controversial and has not been done fully. This article discusses the provision of education budget by reviewing the rule of region in contributing there local budget for education development in their regions. It is concluded that in general the contribution of each region is still low. The article suggests that the local governments should improve their policy in allocating their budget for education development to improve the quality as well as the quantity of education in their own regions
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