88 research outputs found

    Progress and prospects in the quantum anomalous Hall effect

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    The quantum anomalous Hall effect refers to the quantization of Hall effect in the absence of applied magnetic field. The quantum anomalous Hall effect is of topological nature and well suited for field-free resistance metrology and low-power information processing utilizing dissipationless chiral edge transport. In this Perspective, we provide an overview of the recent achievements as well as the materials challenges and opportunities, pertaining to engineering intrinsic/interfacial magnetic coupling, that are expected to propel future development of the field.Comment: Invited for APL Materials, Special Topic - Materials Challenges and Synthesis Science of Emerging Quantum Material

    Independent tuning of electronic properties and induced ferromagnetism in topological insulators with heterostructure approach

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    The quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) has been recently demonstrated in Cr- and V-doped three-dimensional topological insulators (TIs) at temperatures below 100 mK. In those materials, the spins of unfilled d-electrons in the transition metal dopants are exchange coupled to develop a long-range ferromagnetic order, which is essential for realizing QAHE. However, the addition of random dopants does not only introduce excess charge carriers that require readjusting the Bi/Sb ratio, but also unavoidably introduces paramagnetic spins that can adversely affect the chiral edge transport in QAHE. In this work, we show a heterostructure approach to independently tune the electronic and magnetic properties of the topological surface states in (BixSb1-x)2Te3 without resorting to random doping of transition metal elements. In heterostructures consisting of a thin (BixSb1-x)2Te3 TI film and yttrium iron garnet (YIG), a high Curie temperature (~ 550 K) magnetic insulator, we find that the TI surface in contact with YIG becomes ferromagnetic via proximity coupling which is revealed by the anomalous Hall effect (AHE). The Curie temperature of the magnetized TI surface ranges from 20 to 150 K but is uncorrelated with the Bi fraction x in (BixSb1-x)2Te3. In contrast, as x is varied, the AHE resistivity scales with the longitudinal resistivity. In this approach, we decouple the electronic properties from the induced ferromagnetism in TI. The independent optimization provides a pathway for realizing QAHE at higher temperatures, which is important for novel spintronic device applications.Comment: Accepted by Nano Letter

    Absence of Magnetic Fluctuations in the Ferromagnetic/Topological Heterostructure EuS/Bi2_{2}Se3_{3}

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    Heterostructures of topological insulators and ferromagnets offer new opportunities in spintronics and a route to novel anomalous Hall states. In one such structure, EuS/Bi2_{2}Se3_{3} a dramatic enhancement of the Curie temperature was recently observed. We performed Raman spectroscopy on a similar set of thin films to investigate the magnetic and lattice excitations. Interfacial strain was monitored through its effects on the Bi2_{2}Se3_{3} phonon modes while the magnetic system was probed through the EuS Raman mode. Despite its appearance in bare EuS, the heterostructures lack the corresponding EuS Raman signal. Through numerical calculations we rule out the possibility of Fabry-Perot interference suppressing the mode. We attribute the absence of a magnetic signal in EuS to a large charge transfer with the Bi2_{2}Se3_{3}. This could provide an additional pathway for manipulating the magnetic, optical, or electronic response of topological heterostructures.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Spatially modulated magnetic structure of EuS due to the tetragonal domain structure of SrTiO3_3

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    The combination of ferromagnets with topological superconductors or insulators allows for new phases of matter that support excitations such as chiral edge modes and Majorana fermions. EuS, a wide-band-gap ferromagnetic insulator with a Curie temperature around 16 K, and SrTiO3_3 (STO), an important substrate for engineering heterostructures, may support these phases. We present scanning superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) measurements of EuS grown epitaxially on STO that reveal micron-scale variations in ferromagnetism and paramagnetism. These variations are oriented along the STO crystal axes and only change their configuration upon thermal cycling above the STO cubic-to-tetragonal structural transition temperature at 105 K, indicating that the observed magnetic features are due to coupling between EuS and the STO tetragonal structure. We speculate that the STO tetragonal distortions may strain the EuS, altering the magnetic anisotropy on a micron-scale. This result demonstrates that local variation in the induced magnetic order from EuS grown on STO needs to be considered when engineering new phases of matter that require spatially homogeneous exchange

    Direct measurement of proximity-induced magnetism at the interface between a topological insulator and a ferromagnet

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    When a topological insulator (TI) is in contact with a ferromagnet, both time reversal and inversion symmetries are broken at the interface. An energy gap is formed at the TI surface, and its electrons gain a net magnetic moment through short-range exchange interactions. Magnetic TIs can host various exotic quantum phenomena, such as massive Dirac fermions, Majorana fermions, the quantum anomalous Hall effect and chiral edge currents along the domain boundaries. However, selective measurement of induced magnetism at the buried interface has remained a challenge. Using magnetic second harmonic generation, we directly probe both the in-plane and out-of-plane magnetizations induced at the interface between the ferromagnetic insulator (FMI) EuS and the three-dimensional TI Bi2Se3. Our findings not only allow characterizing magnetism at the TI-FMI interface but also lay the groundwork for imaging magnetic domains and domain boundaries at the magnetic TI surfaces.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures Journal reference added; title modifie

    Unconventional Planar Hall Effect in Exchange-Coupled Topological Insulator-Ferromagnetic Insulator Heterostructures

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    The Dirac electrons occupying the surface states (SSs) of topological insulators (TIs) have been predicted to exhibit many exciting magneto-transport phenomena. Here we report on the first experimental observation of an unconventional planar Hall effect (PHE) and an electrically gate-tunable hysteretic planar magnetoresistance (PMR) in EuS/TI heterostructures, in which EuS is a ferromagnetic insulator (FMI) with an in-plane magnetization. In such exchange-coupled FMI/TI heterostructures, we find a significant (suppressed) PHE when the in-plane magnetic field is parallel (perpendicular) to the electric current. This behavior differs from previous observations of the PHE in ferromagnets and semiconductors. Furthermore, as the thickness of the 3D TI films is reduced into the 2D limit, in which the Dirac SSs develop a hybridization gap, we find a suppression of the PHE around the charge neutral point indicating the vital role of Dirac SSs in this phenomenon. To explain our findings, we outline a symmetry argument that excludes linear-Hall mechanisms and suggest two possible non-linear Hall mechanisms that can account for all the essential qualitative features in our observations.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Band structure of topological insulators from noise measurements in tunnel junctions

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    The unique properties of spin-polarized surface or edge states in topological insulators (TIs) make these quantum coherent systems interesting from the point of view of both fundamental physics and their implementation in low power spintronic devices. Here we present such a study in TIs, through tunneling and noise spectroscopy utilizing TI/Al2_2O3_3/Co tunnel junctions with bottom TI electrodes of either Bi2_2Te3_3 or Bi2_2Se3_3. We demonstrate that features related to the band structure of the TI materials show up in the tunneling conductance and even more clearly through low frequency noise measurements. The bias dependence of 1/f noise reveals peaks at specific energies corresponding to band structure features of the TI. TI tunnel junctions could thus simplify the study of the properties of such quantum coherent systems, that can further lead to the manipulation of their spin-polarized properties for technological purposes

    Interfacial control of vortex-limited critical current in type-II superconductor films

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    In a small subset of type-II superconductor films, the critical current is determined by a weakened Bean-Livingston barrier posed by the film surfaces to vortex penetration into the sample. A film property thus depends sensitively on the surface or interface to an adjacent material. We theoretically investigate the dependence of vortex barrier and critical current in such films on the Rashba spin-orbit coupling at their interfaces with adjacent materials. Considering an interface with a magnetic insulator, we find the spontaneous supercurrent resulting from the exchange field and interfacial spin-orbit coupling to substantially modify the vortex surface barrier, consistent with a previous prediction. Thus, we show that the critical currents in superconductor-magnet heterostructures can be controlled, and even enhanced, via the interfacial spin-orbit coupling. Since the latter can be controlled via a gate voltage, our analysis predicts a class of heterostructures amenable to gate-voltage modulation of superconducting critical currents. It also sheds light on the recently observed gate-voltage enhancement of critical current in NbN superconducting film