200 research outputs found

    Le transport bénévole : fait juridique ou acte juridique?

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    "L'étude de la responsabilité civile du transporteur bénévole, telle qu'elle existe en France et au Québec, nous permet de constater qu'une jurisprudence aujourd'hui unanime attribue au transport bénévole un caractère strictement délictuel, en affirmant qu'entre le transporteur et son passager il n'existe aucun contrat. [...]

    Les sûretés mobilières sans dépossession sur des biens en stock en vertu de la Loi sur les banques et du droit québécois

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    "C'est devenu un cliché que d'affirmer que l'adage "res mobilis res vilis" ne cadre plus avec la réalité qui nous entoure. Les biens mobiliers ont en effet cessé depuis longtemps d'être considérés comme des choses de peu de valeur et partant d'intérêt négligeable et cette évolution est telle qu'elle prend figure de révolution. La notion de richesse mobilière a conquis définitivement ses lettres de noblesse et fait perdre tout sens à l'adage ancien. [...]Chapitre I. La constitution des garanties -- Chapitre II. Nature juridique des garanties -- Chapitre III. Les effets des garanties

    La condition juridique de la femme mariée en droit coutumier

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    "La domination du mari est certes le trait le plus caractéristique de l'histoire du droit des gens mariés. C'est une constante que l'on retrouve aussi bien au Moyen-Âge qu'à la veille de la codification de 1866. Cependant, il s'agit là d'une constante dont l'intensité et les pôles d'attraction ont varié au cours des âges. [...]

    Les régimes de société d'acquêts et de participation aux acquêts

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    "L'époque actuelle s'est attaquée avec acharnement au dogmatisme sous quelque forme qu'il se présente et le droit n'a pas échappé à ce courant de réforme. Parmi les institutions juridiques les plus susceptibles de se voir remises en question, figuraient, au tout premier plan, les institutions matrimoniales. Dans les pays de communauté, on déplorait dans celle-ci son archaïsme et surtout la situation inférieure qu'elle fait à la femme et dans les pays de séparation, l'irréalisme d'une indépendance totale des époux. [...]

    Allium compounds, dipropyl and dimethyl thiosulfinates, as antiproliferative and differentiating agents of human acute myeloid leukemia cell lines: Antiproliferative effects of thiosulfinates

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    There is increasing evidence that certain Allium derivatives have beneficial effects on coronary diseases and cancer. Thus, thiosulfinates have already been shown to inhibit platelet aggregation and clot retraction. Here, we have examined the effects of dipropyl and dimethyl thiosulfinates against acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell lines. Both thiosulfinates inhibited proliferation of cell lines in a concentation-dependent fashion without inducing necrosis. Moreover, they inhibited the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) protein and its gelatinolytic activity. The mechanisms by which these molecules inhibit MMP9 are now studied using the RT-PCR approach. In parallel, the effects of the related molecules dipropyl and dimethyldisulfides are being evaluated. Already, our data highlight the potential application of such molecules to cancer control.International audienceEpidemiologic studies support the premise that Allium vegetables may lower the risk of cancers. The beneficial effects appear related to the organosulfur products generated upon processing of Allium. Leukemia cells from patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) display high proliferative capacity and have a reduced capacity of undergoing apoptosis and maturation. Whether the sulfur-containing molecules thiosulfinates (TS), diallyl TS (All2TS), dipropyl TS (Pr2TS) and dimethyl TS (Me2TS), are able to exert chemopreventative activity against AML is presently unknown. The present study was an evaluation of proliferation, cytotoxicity, differentiation and secretion of AML cell lines (U937, NB4, HL-60, MonoMac-6) in response to treatment with these TS and their related sulfides (diallylsulfide, diallyl disulfide, dipropyl disulfide, dimethyl disulfide). As assessed by flow cytometry, ELISA, gelatin zymogaphy and RT-PCR, we showed that Pr2TS and Me2TS, but not All2TS and sulfides, 1) inhibited cell proliferation in dose- and time-dependent manner and this process was neither due to cytotoxicity nor apoptosis, 2) induced macrophage maturation, and 3) inhibited the levels of secreted MMP-9 (protein and activity) and TNF-? protein, without altering mRNA levels. By establishing for the first time that Pr2TS and Me2TS affect proliferation, differentiation and secretion of leukemic cel lines, this study provides the opportunity to explore the potential efficiency of these molecules in AML

    Allium compounds, dipropyl and dimethyl thiosulfinates as antiproliferative and differentiating agents of human acute myeloid leukemia cell lines

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    Epidemiologic studies support the premise that Allium vegetables may lower the risk of cancers. The beneficial effects appear related to the organosulfur products generated upon processing of Allium. Leukemia cells from patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) display high proliferative capacity and have a reduced capacity of undergoing apoptosis and maturation. Whether the sulfur-containing molecules thiosulfinates (TS), diallyl TS (All2TS), dipropyl TS (Pr2TS) and dimethyl TS (Me2TS), are able to exert chemopreventative activity against AML is presently unknown. The present study was an evaluation of proliferation, cytotoxicity, differentiation and secretion of AML cell lines (U937, NB4, HL-60, MonoMac-6) in response to treatment with these TS and their related sulfides (diallylsulfide, diallyl disulfide, dipropyl disulfide, dimethyl disulfide). As assessed by flow cytometry, ELISA, gelatin zymogaphy and RT-PCR, we showed that Pr2TS and Me2TS, but not All2TS and sulfides, 1) inhibited cell proliferation in dose- and time-dependent manner and this process was neither due to cytotoxicity nor apoptosis, 2) induced macrophage maturation, and 3) inhibited the levels of secreted MMP-9 (protein and activity) and TNF-α protein, without altering mRNA levels. By establishing for the first time that Pr2TS and Me2TS affect proliferation, differentiation and secretion of leukemic cell lines, this study provides the opportunity to explore the potential efficiency of these molecules in AML

    Effects of growth conditions on biofilm formation by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

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    Biofilm formation is an important virulence trait of many bacterial pathogens. It has been reported in the literature that only two of the reference strains of the swine pathogen Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, representing serotypes 5b and 11, were able to form biofilm in vitro. In this study, we compared biofilm formation by the serotype 1 reference strain S4074 of A. pleuropneumoniae grown in five different culture media. We observed that strain S4074 of A. pleuropneumoniae is able to form biofilms after growth in one of the culture conditions tested brain heart infusion (BHI medium, supplier B). Confocal laser scanning microscopy using a fluorescent probe specific to the poly-N-acetylglucosamine (PGA) polysaccharide further confirmed biofilm formation. In accordance, biofilm formation was susceptible to dispersin B, a PGA hydrolase. Transcriptional profiles of A. pleuropneumoniae S4074 following growth in BHI-B, which allowed a robust biofilm formation, and in BHI-A, in which only a slight biofilm formation was observed, were compared. Genes such as tadC, tadD, genes with homology to autotransporter adhesins as well as genes pgaABC involved in PGA biosynthesis and genes involved in zinc transport were up-regulated after growth in BHI-B. Interestingly, biofilm formation was inhibited by zinc, which was found to be more present in BHI-A (no or slight biofilm) than in BHI-B. We also observed biofilm formation in reference strains representing serotypes 3, 4, 5a, 12 and 14 as well as in 20 of the 37 fresh field isolates tested. Our data indicate that A. pleuropneumoniae has the ability to form biofilms under appropriate growth conditions and transition from a biofilm-positive to a biofilm-negative phenotype was reversible

    How do GP practices and patient characteristics influence the prescription of antidepressants? A cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Under-prescription of antidepressants (ADs) among people meeting the criteria for major depressive episodes and excessive prescription in less symptomatic patients have been reported. The reasons influencing general practitioners’ (GPs) prescription of ADs remain little explored. This study aimed at assessing the influence of GP and patient characteristics on AD prescription. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was based on a sample of 816 GPs working within the main health care insurance system in the Seine-Maritime district of France during 2010. Only GPs meeting the criteria for full-time GP practice were included. The ratio of AD prescription to overall prescription volume, a relative measure of AD prescription level, was calculated for each GP, using the defined daily dose (DDD) concept. Associations of this AD prescription ratio with GPs’ age, gender, practice location, number of years of practice, number of days of sickness certificates prescribed, number of home visits and consultations, number and mean age of registered patients, mean patient income, and number of patients with a chronic condition were assessed using univariate and multivariate analysis. RESULTS: The high prescribers were middle-aged (40–59) urban GPs, with a moderate number of consultations and fewer low-income and chronic patients. GPs’ workload (e.g., volume of prescribed drug reimbursement and number of consultations) had no influence on the AD prescription ratio. GPs with more patients with risk factors for depression prescribed fewer ADs, however, which could suggest the medications were under-prescribed among the at-risk population. CONCLUSIONS: Our study described a profile of the typical higher AD prescriber that did not include heavy workload. In future work, a more detailed assessment of all biopsychosocial components of the consultation and other influences on GP behavior such as prior training would be useful to explain AD prescription in GP’s practice. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12991-015-0041-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    An unusual VLF signature structure recorded by the DEMETER satellite

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    A type of electromagnetic phenomenon has been found in the electric VLF data measured by the low Earth orbit DEMETER satellite, which was nonidentified earlier as a different class of electromagnetic VLF events. The phenomenon, termed as “swallow-tailed whistler” (STW) after its shape, seems to be similar to a whistler, but following the main trace, an additional trace appears with monotonously increasing frequency. The secondary trace, lasting less than 80 ms within the recorded 20 kHz bandwidth joins at a given Starting Furcation Frequency. In a 7 month long time interval three series of strong STWs were found in a geographically confined search zone. Further, 10 weak STW periods have been identified by a thorough review of a 2 month long recording. Several STWs were found by the investigation of randomly selected DEMETER burst VLF recording acquired globally. On the basis of comparisons with previous studies, we can exclude that this phenomenon is generated by plasma processes in the vicinity of the satellite though the formation mechanism of this (ionospheric) signal is so far unclear. It is possible that this event type appeared in earlier records too, however, without identification

    Chronic Dietary Exposure to a Low-Dose Mixture of Genistein and Vinclozolin Modifies the Reproductive Axis, Testis Transcriptome, and Fertility

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    Background: The reproductive consequences and mechanisms of action of chronic exposure to low-dose endocrine disruptors are poorly understood.[br/] Objective: We assessed the effects of a continuous, low-dose exposure to a phytoestrogen (genistein) and/or an antiandrogenic food contaminant (vinclozolin) on the male reproductive tract and fertility.[br/] Methods: Male rats were exposed by gavage to genistein and vinclozolin from conception to adulthood, alone or in combination, at low doses (1 mg/kg/day) or higher doses (10 and 30 mg/kg/day). We studied a number of standard reproductive toxicology end points and also assessed testicular mRNA expression profiles using long-oligonucleotide microarrays.[br/] Results: The low-dose mixture and high-dose vinclozolin produced the most significant alterations in adults: decreased sperm counts, reduced sperm motion parameters, decreased litter sizes, and increased post implantation loss. Testicular mRNA expression profiles for these exposure conditions were strongly correlated. Functional clustering indicated that many of the genes induced belong to the “neuroactive ligand-receptor interactions” family encompassing several hormonally related actors (e.g., follicle-stimulating hormone and its receptor). All exposure conditions decreased the levels of mRNAs involved in ribosome function, indicating probable decreased protein production.[br/] Conclusions: Our study shows that chronic exposure to a mixture of a dose of a phytoestrogen equivalent to that in the human diet and a low dose—albeit not environmental—of a common anti-androgenic food contaminant may seriously affect the male reproductive tract and fertility