14 research outputs found

    Структура и стабильность бессвинцового сплава Zn-10 мас. % Sn, полученного сверхбыстрым затвердеванием

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    Материалы XIII Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. (науч. чтения, посвящ. 125-летию со дня рождения П. О. Сухого), Гомель, 22 окт. 2020 г

    In the shadow of extraversion : - A qualitative study of introverted individuals' experience of the Covid-19 pandemic and a norm of extraversion.

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    Syftet med denna sociologiska undersökning var att studera hur introverta individer har upplevt sin tillvaro innan och under Covid-19 pandemin i relation till en norm om extraversion. Studien har fokuserat på följande frågeställningar: Hur upplever introverta individer normen om extraversion? Hur upplever introverta individer att deras tillvaro har förändrats av Covid-19 pandemins utveckling? Hur upplever introverta individer att normen om extraversion har förändrats av Covid-19 pandemin? Ambitionen var att belysa problematiken med en extravert samhällsnorm vilket har genomförts utefter en hermeneutisk vetenskapsteoretisk ansats. Empiriinsamlingen baserades på åtta semi-strukturerade intervjuer med individer som identifierade sig som introverta. Studiens teoretiska ramverk bestod av Erving Goffmans (2014) dramaturgiska teori och Thomas J. Scheffs (1990) teori om sociala band vilka låg till grund för analysen av empirin.    Resultaten av studien påvisade att en norm om extraversion finns och påverkar introverta individers tillvaro negativt. Vidare kom studien fram till att introverta individer haft en övergripande positiv tillvaro under Covid-19 pandemin. Avslutningsvis visade studien på att normen om extraversion kvarstod efter det att Covid-19 pandemins restriktioner släppt. Detta innebar att en slutsats kunde dras om att normer har en stark inverkan på vårt samhälle och att förändring av dessa kan ta tid.The aim of this study in sociology was to examine how introverted individuals have experienced their being before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in relation to a norm of extraversion. The study focused on the following questions: How do introverted individuals experience the norm of extraversion? How do introverted individuals experience that their being have been changed during the Covid-19 pandemic? How do introverted individuals experience that the norm of extraversion have changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic? The ambition was to illuminate the issue of an extraverted social norm, which have been done through a hermeneutic theoretical approach. The empirical collection are based on eight semi-structured interviews of individuals who identify themselves as introverts. The theoretical framework includes Erving Goffman´s (2014) dramaturgical theory and Thomas J. Scheff´s (1990) theory of social bonds.   The result indicated that a norm of extraversion exists and affects introverted individuals negatively. The study also shows that introverted individuals had an overall positive being during the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, a conclusion was made that norms have a strong impact on our society and that changing them takes time, which refers to the experience that the extraverted norm remains after the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions have been lifted

    In the shadow of extraversion : - A qualitative study of introverted individuals' experience of the Covid-19 pandemic and a norm of extraversion.

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    Syftet med denna sociologiska undersökning var att studera hur introverta individer har upplevt sin tillvaro innan och under Covid-19 pandemin i relation till en norm om extraversion. Studien har fokuserat på följande frågeställningar: Hur upplever introverta individer normen om extraversion? Hur upplever introverta individer att deras tillvaro har förändrats av Covid-19 pandemins utveckling? Hur upplever introverta individer att normen om extraversion har förändrats av Covid-19 pandemin? Ambitionen var att belysa problematiken med en extravert samhällsnorm vilket har genomförts utefter en hermeneutisk vetenskapsteoretisk ansats. Empiriinsamlingen baserades på åtta semi-strukturerade intervjuer med individer som identifierade sig som introverta. Studiens teoretiska ramverk bestod av Erving Goffmans (2014) dramaturgiska teori och Thomas J. Scheffs (1990) teori om sociala band vilka låg till grund för analysen av empirin.    Resultaten av studien påvisade att en norm om extraversion finns och påverkar introverta individers tillvaro negativt. Vidare kom studien fram till att introverta individer haft en övergripande positiv tillvaro under Covid-19 pandemin. Avslutningsvis visade studien på att normen om extraversion kvarstod efter det att Covid-19 pandemins restriktioner släppt. Detta innebar att en slutsats kunde dras om att normer har en stark inverkan på vårt samhälle och att förändring av dessa kan ta tid.The aim of this study in sociology was to examine how introverted individuals have experienced their being before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in relation to a norm of extraversion. The study focused on the following questions: How do introverted individuals experience the norm of extraversion? How do introverted individuals experience that their being have been changed during the Covid-19 pandemic? How do introverted individuals experience that the norm of extraversion have changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic? The ambition was to illuminate the issue of an extraverted social norm, which have been done through a hermeneutic theoretical approach. The empirical collection are based on eight semi-structured interviews of individuals who identify themselves as introverts. The theoretical framework includes Erving Goffman´s (2014) dramaturgical theory and Thomas J. Scheff´s (1990) theory of social bonds.   The result indicated that a norm of extraversion exists and affects introverted individuals negatively. The study also shows that introverted individuals had an overall positive being during the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, a conclusion was made that norms have a strong impact on our society and that changing them takes time, which refers to the experience that the extraverted norm remains after the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions have been lifted

    High Content Analysis of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes Reveals Drug Induced Steatosis and Phospholipidosis

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    Hepatotoxicity is one of the most cited reasons for withdrawal of approved drugs from the market. The use of nonclinically relevant in vitro and in vivo testing systems contributes to the high attrition rates. Recent advances in differentiating human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) into pure cultures of hepatocyte-like cells expressing functional drug metabolizing enzymes open up possibilities for novel, more relevant human cell based toxicity models. The present study aimed to investigate the use of hiPSC derived hepatocytes for conducting mechanistic toxicity testing by image based high content analysis (HCA). The hiPSC derived hepatocytes were exposed to drugs known to cause hepatotoxicity through steatosis and phospholipidosis, measuring several endpoints representing different mechanisms involved in drug induced hepatotoxicity. The hiPSC derived hepatocytes were benchmarked to the HepG2 cell line and generated robust HCA data with low imprecision between plates and batches. The different parameters measured were detected at subcytotoxic concentrations and the order of which the compounds were categorized (as severe, moderate, mild, or nontoxic) based on the degree of injury at isomolar concentration corresponded to previously published data. Taken together, the present study shows how hiPSC derived hepatocytes can be used as a platform for screening drug induced hepatotoxicity by HCA

    Comparisons between comorbid conditions and health care consumption in rheumatoid arthritis patients with or without biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs : a register-based study

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    BACKGROUND: Symptoms and prognosis of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have improved with more intensive therapy, including the biological disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs). Real life data concerning how comorbidities are distributed among patients treated or not treated with bDMARDs are scarce. Our objective was to investigate differences in comorbidity and health care consumption in RA patients, with and without bDMARDs. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed in the Southwestern part of Sweden. Patients, aged ≥ 18 years and diagnosed with RA in secondary health care during 2009-2010, were identified in the regional health care database. Aggregated data of comorbidity and health care consumption were retrieved between 2006 and 2010. RA patients treated with bDMARDs on 31st December 2010 were identified in the Swedish Rheumatology Quality Register (SRQ), which includes the biologics register Anti-Rheumatic Therapy in Sweden (ARTIS). Descriptive, comparative, univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were used to identify factors associated with bDMARDs. RESULTS: Seven thousand seven hundred and twelve (7712) RA patients were identified (age 64.8 ± 14.9 years, women 74.3%), of whom 1137 (14.7%) were treated with bDMARDs. Overall, the most common comorbidities were infections (69.2%), hypertension (41.1%), chronic respiratory disease (15.3%), ischemic heart disease (14.0%) and malignancy (13.7%). Patients without bDMARDs were older and had more comorbidity. In the multiple logistic regression analysis, older age, cerebrovascular and chronic respiratory disease, heart failure, depression and malignancy were all associated with no present bDMARDs. Infections were associated with bDMARDs. Patients treated with bDMARDs consumed more secondary outpatient care but less visits in primary health care compared to patients without bDMARDs. CONCLUSIONS: Patients treated with bDMARDs versus no bDMARDs were younger and had significantly lower period prevalence for most common comorbidities, with the exception of infections. Differences in comorbidities between RA patients with or without bDMARDs should be taken into consideration when evaluating effectiveness and safety of bDMARDs in ordinary care