479 research outputs found

    Lubricating Bacteria Model for Branching growth of Bacterial Colonies

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    Various bacterial strains (e.g. strains belonging to the genera Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Serratia and Salmonella) exhibit colonial branching patterns during growth on poor semi-solid substrates. These patterns reflect the bacterial cooperative self-organization. Central part of the cooperation is the collective formation of lubricant on top of the agar which enables the bacteria to swim. Hence it provides the colony means to advance towards the food. One method of modeling the colonial development is via coupled reaction-diffusion equations which describe the time evolution of the bacterial density and the concentrations of the relevant chemical fields. This idea has been pursued by a number of groups. Here we present an additional model which specifically includes an evolution equation for the lubricant excreted by the bacteria. We show that when the diffusion of the fluid is governed by nonlinear diffusion coefficient branching patterns evolves. We study the effect of the rates of emission and decomposition of the lubricant fluid on the observed patterns. The results are compared with experimental observations. We also include fields of chemotactic agents and food chemotaxis and conclude that these features are needed in order to explain the observations.Comment: 1 latex file, 16 jpeg files, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Viscous fingering in liquid crystals: Anisotropy and morphological transitions

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    We show that a minimal model for viscous fingering with a nematic liquid crystal in which anisotropy is considered to enter through two different viscosities in two perpendicular directions can be mapped to a two-fold anisotropy in the surface tension. We numerically integrate the dynamics of the resulting problem with the phase-field approach to find and characterize a transition between tip-splitting and side-branching as a function of both anisotropy and dimensionless surface tension. This anisotropy dependence could explain the experimentally observed (reentrant) transition as temperature and applied pressure are varied. Our observations are also consistent with previous experimental evidence in viscous fingering within an etched cell and simulations of solidification.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to PR

    Fronts with a Growth Cutoff but Speed Higher than vv^*

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    Fronts, propagating into an unstable state ϕ=0\phi=0, whose asymptotic speed vasv_{\text{as}} is equal to the linear spreading speed vv^* of infinitesimal perturbations about that state (so-called pulled fronts) are very sensitive to changes in the growth rate f(ϕ)f(\phi) for ϕ1\phi \ll 1. It was recently found that with a small cutoff, f(ϕ)=0f(\phi)=0 for ϕ<ϵ\phi < \epsilon, vasv_{\text{as}} converges to vv^* very slowly from below, as ln2ϵ\ln^{-2} \epsilon. Here we show that with such a cutoff {\em and} a small enhancement of the growth rate for small ϕ\phi behind it, one can have vas>vv_{\text{as}} > v^*, {\em even} in the limit ϵ0\epsilon \to 0. The effect is confirmed in a stochastic lattice model simulation where the growth rules for a few particles per site are accordingly modified.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Rapid Comm., Phys. Rev.

    The Weakly Pushed Nature of "Pulled" Fronts with a Cutoff

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    The concept of pulled fronts with a cutoff ϵ\epsilon has been introduced to model the effects of discrete nature of the constituent particles on the asymptotic front speed in models with continuum variables (Pulled fronts are the fronts which propagate into an unstable state, and have an asymptotic front speed equal to the linear spreading speed vv^* of small linear perturbations around the unstable state). In this paper, we demonstrate that the introduction of a cutoff actually makes such pulled fronts weakly pushed. For the nonlinear diffusion equation with a cutoff, we show that the longest relaxation times τm\tau_m that govern the convergence to the asymptotic front speed and profile, are given by τm1[(m+1)21]π2/ln2ϵ\tau_m^{-1} \simeq [(m+1)^2-1] \pi^2 / \ln^2 \epsilon, for m=1,2,...m=1,2,....Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Brief Reports, Phys. Rev.

    The Future Evolution of White Dwarf Stars Through Baryon Decay and Time Varying Gravitational Constant

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    Motivated by the possibility that the fundamental ``constants'' of nature could vary with time, this paper considers the long term evolution of white dwarf stars under the combined action of proton decay and variations in the gravitational constant. White dwarfs are thus used as a theoretical laboratory to study the effects of possible time variations, especially their implications for the future history of the universe. More specifically, we consider the gravitational constant GG to vary according to the parametric relation G=G0(1+t/t)pG = G_0 (1 + t/t_\ast)^{-p}, where the time scale tt_\ast is the same order as the proton lifetime. We then study the long term fate and evolution of white dwarf stars. This treatment begins when proton decay dominates the stellar luminosity, and ends when the star becomes optically thin to its internal radiation.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted to Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Asymptotic Scaling of the Diffusion Coefficient of Fluctuating "Pulled" Fronts

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    We present a (heuristic) theoretical derivation for the scaling of the diffusion coefficient DfD_f for fluctuating ``pulled'' fronts. In agreement with earlier numerical simulations, we find that as NN\to\infty, DfD_f approaches zero as 1/ln3N1/\ln^3N, where NN is the average number of particles per correlation volume in the stable phase of the front. This behaviour of DfD_f stems from the shape fluctuations at the very tip of the front, and is independent of the microscopic model.Comment: Some minor algebra corrected, to appear in Rapid Comm., Phys. Rev.

    ISML: an interface specification meta-language

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    In this paper we present an abstract metaphor model situated within a model-based user interface framework. The inclusion of metaphors in graphical user interfaces is a well established, but mostly craft-based strategy to design. A substantial body of notations and tools can be found within the model-based user interface design literature, however an explicit treatment of metaphor and its mappings to other design views has yet to be addressed. We introduce the Interface Specification Meta-Language (ISML) framework and demonstrate its use in comparing the semantic and syntactic features of an interactive system. Challenges facing this research are outlined and further work proposed

    Fluctuating "Pulled" Fronts: the Origin and the Effects of a Finite Particle Cutoff

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    Recently it has been shown that when an equation that allows so-called pulled fronts in the mean-field limit is modelled with a stochastic model with a finite number NN of particles per correlation volume, the convergence to the speed vv^* for NN \to \infty is extremely slow -- going only as ln2N\ln^{-2}N. In this paper, we study the front propagation in a simple stochastic lattice model. A detailed analysis of the microscopic picture of the front dynamics shows that for the description of the far tip of the front, one has to abandon the idea of a uniformly translating front solution. The lattice and finite particle effects lead to a ``stop-and-go'' type dynamics at the far tip of the front, while the average front behind it ``crosses over'' to a uniformly translating solution. In this formulation, the effect of stochasticity on the asymptotic front speed is coded in the probability distribution of the times required for the advancement of the ``foremost bin''. We derive expressions of these probability distributions by matching the solution of the far tip with the uniformly translating solution behind. This matching includes various correlation effects in a mean-field type approximation. Our results for the probability distributions compare well to the results of stochastic numerical simulations. This approach also allows us to deal with much smaller values of NN than it is required to have the ln2N\ln^{-2}N asymptotics to be valid.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Phys. rev.

    Instanton Contribution to the Pion Electro-Magnetic Formfactor at Q^2 > 1 GeV^2

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    We study the effects of instantons on the charged pion electro-magnetic formfactor at intermediate momenta. In the Single Instanton Approximation (SIA), we predict the pion formfactor in the kinematic region Q^2=2-15 GeV^2. By developing the calculation in a mixed time-momentum representation, it is possible to maximally reduce the model dependence and to calculate the formfactor directly. We find the intriguing result that the SIA calculation coincides with the vector dominance monopole form, up to surprisingly high momentum transfer Q^2~10 GeV^2. This suggests that vector dominance for the pion holds beyond low energy nuclear physics.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, minor revision

    Universality in Bacterial Colonies

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    The emergent spatial patterns generated by growing bacterial colonies have been the focus of intense study in physics during the last twenty years. Both experimental and theoretical investigations have made possible a clear qualitative picture of the different structures that such colonies can exhibit, depending on the medium on which they are growing. However, there are relatively few quantitative descriptions of these patterns. In this paper, we use a mechanistically detailed simulation framework to measure the scaling exponents associated with the advancing fronts of bacterial colonies on hard agar substrata, aiming to discern the universality class to which the system belongs. We show that the universal behavior exhibited by the colonies can be much richer than previously reported, and we propose the possibility of up to four different sub-phases within the medium-to-high nutrient concentration regime. We hypothesize that the quenched disorder that characterizes one of these sub-phases is an emergent property of the growth and division of bacteria competing for limited space and nutrients.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure