89 research outputs found

    On the Singularity Structure of Maximally Supersymmetric Scattering Amplitudes

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    We present evidence that loop amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric N=4\mathcal{N}=4 Yang-Mills (SYM) beyond the planar limit share some of the remarkable structures of the planar theory. In particular, we show that through two loops, the four-particle amplitude in full N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM has only logarithmic singularities and is free of any poles at infinity---properties closely related to uniform transcendentality and the UV-finiteness of the theory. We also briefly comment on implications for maximal (N=8\mathcal{N}=8) supergravity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    On-Shell Structures of MHV Amplitudes Beyond the Planar Limit

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    We initiate an exploration of on-shell functions in N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM beyond the planar limit by providing compact, combinatorial expressions for all leading singularities of MHV amplitudes and showing that they can always be expressed as a positive sum of differently ordered Parke-Taylor tree amplitudes. This is understood in terms of an extended notion of positivity in G(2,n)G(2,n), the Grassmannian of 2-planes in nn dimensions: a single on-shell diagram can be associated with many different "positive" regions, of which the familiar positive region associated with planar diagrams is just one example. The decomposition into Parke-Taylor factors is simply a "triangulation" of these extended positive regions. The U(1)U(1) decoupling and Kleiss-Kuijf (KK) relations satisfied by the Parke-Taylor amplitudes also follow naturally from this geometric picture. These results suggest that non-planar MHV amplitudes in N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM at all loop orders can be expressed as a sum of polylogarithms weighted by color factors and (unordered) Parke-Taylor amplitudes.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figure


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    This study aims to analyze business management based on business methods and the effect of capital on the profits of MSME restaurants. This research was conducted in March to June 2019 in Manado City, North Sulawesi Province. The selection of respondents is done deliberately (purposive sampling). Primary data collection was carried out by interviewing 50 SME restaurant business owners. Secondary data were obtained from related agencies and journal articles. The analysis is carried out by analyzing the capital management of the profits of the restaurant business (business method of business) per year and analyzing the effect of capital on profits affected by costs and revenues (using SPSS Ver.22). The results showed that the capital and wealth per year, the smallest amounted to Rp 200,000.- and the highest capital and wealth Rp 107,100,000. While the average capital and wealth of micro and small restaurant businesses is Rp.10,862,360.- per year. Costs incurred per year, the lowest amounted to Rp. 800,000.- and costs incurred the highest Rp. 161,920,000. While the average annual costs incurred by micro small and medium restaurant businesses are Rp. 31,897,600. - The lowest receipts received were Rp. 24,675,000. - and the highest received receipts were Rp. 33,000,000,000. - While the average annual revenue received by micro and small restaurant restaurants was Rp. 1,463,471,300, - Profits obtained per year, the lowest is Rp. 60,300,000. - and the highest profit is Rp. 6,000,000,000. 800, - The calculation results from the data collected produce Regression Equation Y = 863,536.6,537 + 5,011X1 + 3,690X2 + 0,146X3. This states that the hypothesis is accepted that capital and wealth, costs and revenues have a very significant effect on profits (confidence level of 99%).*eprm

    A Note on Polytopes for Scattering Amplitudes

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    In this note we continue the exploration of the polytope picture for scattering amplitudes, where amplitudes are associated with the volumes of polytopes in generalized momentum-twistor spaces. After a quick warm-up example illustrating the essential ideas with the elementary geometry of polygons in CP^2, we interpret the 1-loop MHV integrand as the volume of a polytope in CP^3x CP^3, which can be thought of as the space obtained by taking the geometric dual of the Wilson loop in each CP^3 of the product. We then review the polytope picture for the NMHV tree amplitude and give it a more direct and intrinsic definition as the geometric dual of a canonical "square" of the Wilson-Loop polygon, living in a certain extension of momentum-twistor space into CP^4. In both cases, one natural class of triangulations of the polytope produces the BCFW/CSW representations of the amplitudes; another class of triangulations leads to a striking new form, which is both remarkably simple as well as manifestly cyclic and local.Comment: 24 pages, 22 figure

    Ekowisata berbasis fauna: Potensi pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal di Papua : Review

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    Makalah ini membahas potensi dan penyebaran burung endemik yang erat kaitannya dengan tren ekowisata. Dengan memanfaatkan informasi Daerah Burung Endemik (DBE) Papua dan penyebaran burung lainnya (terutama kelompok burung Cenderawasih dan burung Namdur) yang dipadukan dengan keadaan infrastruktur (jalan atau lapangan udara), dapat digunakan untuk menentukan daerah yang berpotensi dalam pengembangan wisata. Daerah yang memiliki lebih dari satu spesies burung endemik dan burung Cenderawasih serta potensi wisata alam lainnya (pantai, laut) dapat ditetapkan sebagai daerah dengan potensi ekowisata utama. Pemerintah perlu menyiapkan dan mendorong keterlibatan masyarakat dalam kegiatan ekowisata, misalnya melalui pembangunan homestay yang bernuansa tradisional. Homestay yang sederhana menjadikan  pemeliharaannya relatif mudah serta dapat dipastikan hampir tidak membutuhkan biaya yang besar. Selain itu, pemerintah dapat memberikan kemudahan untuk memperoleh izin masuk bagi turis mancanegara, serta meningkatkan komitmen komunitas setempat untuk menjaga kelestarian habitat  (terutama burung endemik)

    PENGELOLAAN DAN KONSERVASI SATWA BERBASIS KEARIFAN TRADISIONAL DI PAPUA (Wildlife Management and Conservation Based on Traditional Wisdom in Papua)

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    ABSTRAKKearifan tradisional didefinisikan sebagai sistem sosial, politik, budaya, ekonomi dan lingkungan dalam kehidupan suatu komunitas tertentu yang dinamis, berkelanjutan dan dapat diterima. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan konsep kearifan tradisional dalam akitivitas perburuan satwa pada kelompok etnik tertentu di Papua sebagai langkah alternatif konservasi satwa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek kearifan tradisional oleh masyarakat asli Papua bervariasi antara satu dengan lainnya. Konsep-konsep yang berhasil diidentifikasi dan masih tetap dipraktekkan sampai dengan saat ini di antaranya teknik dan peralatan berburu, lokasi perburuan, musim berburu dan target perburuan. Kesemuanya adalah potensi yang harus dilestarikan dan deikembangkan guna menunjang program konservasi satwa di Papua.ABSTRACTTraditional wisdom is defined as social, politic, culture, economics and environment system in particular communities life which dynamic, sustainably and acceptable. This article aimed to discuss traditional wisdom concept in wildlife hunting by some ethnic groups in Papua as an alternative way on wildlife conservation. The study indicated that traditional wisdom aspect of the native Papuan was varies among others. An identified concept of traditional wisdom which still put into practice around the study site was technique and tools of hunting, location, hunting season and hunting target. This concept is the potency which could be sustained and developed in order to support the wildlife conservation program in Papua

    Singularity Structure of Maximally Supersymmetric Scattering Amplitudes

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    We present evidence that loop amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric (N=4) Yang-Mills theory (SYM) beyond the planar limit share some of the remarkable structures of the planar theory. In particular, we show that through two loops, the four-particle amplitude in full N=4 SYM has only logarithmic singularities and is free of any poles at infinity—properties closely related to uniform transcendentality and the UV finiteness of the theory. We also briefly comment on implications for maximal (N=8) supergravity theory (SUGRA)

    The impact of a physician-staffed helicopter on outcome in patients admitted to a stroke unit: a prospective observational study

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    Patient characteristics, patients admitted to the stroke unit and diagnosed with stroke. GEMS: ground emergency medical services; HEMS: helicopter emergency medical services; IQR: interquartile range; AMI: acute myocardial infarction. Co-morbidity was defined as having at least one of the following conditions: diabetes, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, previous myocardial infarction, previous stroke. (DOCX 20 kb