19,656 research outputs found

    Scaling properties in the production range of shear dominated flows

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    Recent developments in turbulence are focused on the effect of large scale anisotropy on the small scale statistics of velocity increments. According to Kolmogorov, isotropy is recovered in the large Reynolds number limit as the scale is reduced and, in the so-called inertial range, universal features -namely the scaling exponents of structure functions - emerge clearly. However this picture is violated in a number of cases, typically in the high shear region of wall bounded flows. The common opinion ascribes this effect to the contamination of the inertial range by the larger anisotropic scales, i.e. the residual anisotropy is assumed as a weak perturbation of an otherwise isotropic dynamics. In this case, given the rotational invariance of the Navier-Stokes equations, the isotropic component of the structure functions keeps the same exponents of isotropic turbulence. This kind of reasoning fails when the anisotropic effects are strong as in the production range of shear dominated flows. This regime is analyzed here by means of both numerical and experimental data for a homogeneous shear flow. A well defined scaling behavior is found to exist, with exponents which differ substantially from those of classical isotropic turbulence. Contrary to what predicted by the perturbation approach, such a deep alteration concerns the isotropic sector itself. The general validity of these results is discussed in the context of turbulence near solid walls, where more appropriate closure models for the coarse grained Navier-Stokes equations would be advisable.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Uniform Decay of Local Energy and the Semi-Linear Wave Equation on Schwarzchild Space

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    We provide a uniform decay estimate of Morawetz type for the local energy of general solutions to the inhomogeneous wave equation on a Schwarzchild background. This estimate is both uniform in space and time, so in particular it implies a uniform bound on the sup norm of solutions which can be given in terms of certain inverse powers of the radial and advanced/retarded time coordinate variables. As a model application, we show these estimates give a very simple proof small amplitude scattering for nonlinear scalar fields with higher than cubic interactions.Comment: 24 page


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    American Bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) have been widely introduced beyond their native range in North America and can negatively affect organisms in wetland environments via a suite of mechanisms including interspecific interactions and disease transmission. Bullfrogs were introduced to the Valentine National Wildlife Refuge in the Sandhill Region of Nebraska, USA, yet little is known regarding their distribution, abundance, and potential effects on other vertebrates in the Refuge. Surveys in 1991-1992 documented bullfrogs in only one lake by the Refuge headquarters, and anecdotal historical observations indicated that bullfrogs were present primarily in lakes open to public fishing. In 2012, we determined the distribution of bullfrogs across the Refuge, examined their diets, and sampled them for the occurrence of the pathogenic fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. We documented that bullfrogs were almost ubiquitous across the Refuge lakes and wetlands. From diet analyses, we observed that adult bullfrogs consumed several vertebrate species on the Refuge including: a Blanding’s Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii), small bullfrogs, an unidentifiable frog species, and numerous invertebrates, including crayfish. The amphibian chytrid fungus was prevalent on the refuge with 73.7% of bullfrogs testing positive for the fungus in early June and 6.3% in late June-July. Preliminary data indicate that bullfrogs likely have already affected interspecific interactions with native amphibians via predation, competition, and/or disease transmission. Bullfrogs likely cannot be eradicated from the Refuge, but expanding the season of harvest of bullfrogs might reduce their abundance, which may benefit native amphibians and reptiles

    Rock magnetic and geochemical evidence for authigenic magnetite formation via iron reduction in coal-bearing sediments offshore Shimokita Peninsula, Japan (IODP Site C0020)

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    Sediments recovered at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site C0020, in a fore‐arc basin offshore Shimokita Peninsula, Japan, include numerous coal beds (0.3–7 m thick) that are associated with a transition from a terrestrial to marine depositional environment. Within the primary coal‐bearing unit (∼2 km depth below seafloor) there are sharp increases in magnetic susceptibility in close proximity to the coal beds, superimposed on a background of consistently low magnetic susceptibility throughout the remainder of the recovered stratigraphic sequence. We investigate the source of the magnetic susceptibility variability and characterize the dominant magnetic assemblage throughout the entire cored record, using isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM), thermal demagnetization, anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), iron speciation, and iron isotopes. Magnetic mineral assemblages in all samples are dominated by very low‐coercivity minerals with unblocking temperatures between 350 and 580°C that are interpreted to be magnetite. Samples with lower unblocking temperatures (300–400°C), higher ARM, higher‐frequency dependence, and isotopically heavy δ56Fe across a range of lithologies in the coal‐bearing unit (between 1925 and 1995 mbsf) indicate the presence of fine‐grained authigenic magnetite. We suggest that iron‐reducing bacteria facilitated the production of fine‐grained magnetite within the coal‐bearing unit during burial and interaction with pore waters. The coal/peat acted as a source of electron donors during burial, mediated by humic acids, to supply iron‐reducing bacteria in the surrounding siliciclastic sediments. These results indicate that coal‐bearing sediments may play an important role in iron cycling in subsiding peat environments and if buried deeply through time, within the subsequent deep biosphere

    2025 Workforce Planning

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    Our shortage of qualified workers will affect public- and private-sector stakeholders in infrastructure, education, economic development, and other areas. In this session we will focus on improving workforce development efforts and planning

    Towards Error Handling in a DSL for Robot Assembly Tasks

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    This work-in-progress paper presents our work with a domain specific language (DSL) for tackling the issue of programming robots for small-sized batch production. We observe that as the complexity of assembly increases so does the likelihood of errors, and these errors need to be addressed. Nevertheless, it is essential that programming and setting up the assembly remains fast, allows quick changeovers, easy adjustments and reconfigurations. In this paper we present an initial design and implementation of extending an existing DSL for assembly operations with error specification, error handling and advanced move commands incorporating error tolerance. The DSL is used as part of a framework that aims at tackling uncertainties through a probabilistic approach.Comment: Presented at DSLRob 2014 (arXiv:cs/1411.7148

    Evidence for CO2-rich fluids in rocks from the type charnockite area near Pallavaram, Tamil Nadu

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    Fluid inclusion and mineral chemistry data was presented for samples from the type charnockite area near Pallavaram (Tamil Nadu, India). The results indicate the presence of a dense CO2 fluid phase, but the data cannot distinguish between influx of this fluid from elsewhere or localized migration of CO2-rich fluids associated with dehydration melting

    Definitive Evidence for Order-by-Quantum-Disorder in Er2Ti2O7

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    Here we establish the systematic existence of a U(1) degeneracy of all symmetry-allowed Hamiltonians quadratic in the spins on the pyrochlore lattice, at the mean-field level. By extracting the Hamiltonian of Er2Ti2O7 from inelastic neutron scattering measurements, we then show that the U(1)-degenerate states of Er2Ti2O7 are its classical ground states, and unambiguously show that quantum fluctuations break the degeneracy in a way which is confirmed by experiment. This is the first definitive observation of order-by-disorder in any material. We provide further verifiable consequences of this phenomenon, and several additional comparisons between theory and experiment.Comment: 4.5 pages, 3 figures, 7.5 pages of Supplemental Material, 8 supplemental figure