8,156 research outputs found

    Assessment of alternative strategies for sludge disposal into deep ocean basins off Southern California

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    The general framework of engineering alternatives for regional ocean sludge disposal is well described in a report by Raksit, and will not be repeated here. The various ocean disposal alternatives are less costly than all land-disposal and incineration/pyrolysis systems studied. Even though ocean sludge disposal is currently contrary to both state and federal regulations, it is hoped that this study will advance our scientific and engineering knowledge of the behavior and effects of sludge discharge in deep water, in case the regulatory policy is reexamined in the future. With this report we hope we have demonstrated the potential and difficulties of some new modeling techniques for predicting the effects of sludge discharge in the ocean. In the future. we believe it will be possible to formulate policy of ocean sludge discharges with much better case-by-case predictions of impacts for comparison with other alternatives (such as land disposal). not only for the Los Angeles/Orange County areas, but for all coastal urban areas

    Deep ocean disposal of sewage sludge off Orange County, California: a research plan

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    Even though the discharge of sludge into the ocean via an outfall is not now permitted, this research plan has been prepared to show what could be learned with a full scale experimental sludge discharge of 150 dry tons/day by the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County into deep water (over 1000 feet). To provide a wide range of inputs and evaluation, a broad-based Research Planning Committee was established to advise the Environmental Quality Laboratory on the overall content and details of the research plan. Two meetings were held at EQL on: March 4-5, 1982: The entire Committee July 19-20, 1982: A working subgroup of the Committee The entire Committee is listed in Appendix B, with footnotes to indicate meeting attendance. Those unable to come to a meeting were asked to comment on the drafts by mail or telephone. We gratefully acknowledge the members of the Research Planning Committee for their generous help in formulating the research tasks and reviewing report drafts

    Closed-loop phase equilibria of a symmetrical associating mixture of square-well molecules examined by Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulation

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    A closed loop of liquid-liquid immiscibility for a simple model binary symmetrical mixture of square-well monomers with a single short-ranged interaction site has been recently observed using the Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo technique @L. A. Davies, G. Jackson, and L. F. Rull, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 5285 ~1999!#. This model system has unfavorable mean-field interactions between unlike components which leads to phase separation at intermediate temperatures; the addition of a directional bonding site leads to association and miscibilty of the system at low temperatures. In this work we present a detailed study of the effect of a variation in pressure and of the strength of the bonding interaction on the phase equilibria of such a model system by Gibbs ensemble simulation. The phase diagram is dominated by regions of liquid-liquid immiscibility which are bounded at high temperatures by an upper critical solution temperature and by a lower critical solution temperature ~LCST! for specific values of the pressure and association strength. This closed-loop region is seen to increase in size as the pressure of the system is increased. For weak bonding interaction strengths the system does not possess a LCST and is seen to exhibit regions of two-phase vapor-liquid coexistence which are separated from the region of liquid-liquid immiscibility by a three-phase line. The phase equilibria of the same model system is also determined using the statistical associating fluid theory as adapted for potentials of variable range; the theory provides a good description of the closed-loop immiscibility and other features of the phase diagram

    Book Reviews

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    Applying Accelerator Mass Spectrometry for Low-Level Detection of Complex Engineered Nanoparticles in Biological Media

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    Complex engineered nanoparticles (CENPs), which have different core and surface components, are being developed for medicinal, pharmaceutical and industrial applications. One of the key challenges for environmental health and safety assessments of CENPs is to identify and quantity their transformations in biological environments. This study reports the effects of in vivo exposure of citrate-coated nanoalumina with different rare isotope labels on each component. This CENP was dosed to the rat and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) was used to quantify 26Al, 14C, and their ratio in the dosing material and tissue samples. For CENPs detected in the liver, the rare isotope ratio, 14C/26Al, was 87% of the dosing material\u27s ratio. The citrate coating on the nanoalumina in the liver was stable or, if it degraded, its metabolites were incorporated with nearby tissues. However, in brain and bone where little alumina was detected, the rare isotope ratio greatly exceeded that of the dosing material. Therefore, in the animal, citrate dissociated from CENPs and redistributed to brain and bone. Tracking both the core and surface components by AMS presents a new approach for characterizing transformations of CENPs components in biological milieu or environments

    Monte Carlo Simulation of the Rapid Crystallization of Bismuth-Doped Silicon

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    In this Letter we report Ising model simulations of the growth of alloys which predict quite different behavior near and far from equilibrium. Our simulations reproduce the phenomenon which has been termed 'solute trapping,' where concentrations of solute, which are far in excess of the equilibrium concentrations, are observed in the crystal after rapid crystallization. This phenomenon plays an important role in many processes which involve first order phase changes which take place under conditions far from equilibrium. The underlying physical basis for it has not been understood, but these Monte Carlo simulations provide a powerful means for investigating it

    Application of OCT to examination of easel paintings

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    We present results of applying low coherence interferometry to gallery paintings. Infrared low coherence interferometry is capable of non-destructive examination of paintings in 3D, which shows not only the structure of the varnish layer but also the paint layers

    The accuracy and completeness for receipt of colorectal cancer care using Veterans Health Administration administrative data.

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    The National Comprehensive Cancer Network and the American Society of Clinical Oncology have established guidelines for the treatment and surveillance of colorectal cancer (CRC), respectively. Considering these guidelines, an accurate and efficient method is needed to measure receipt of care
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