24,556 research outputs found

    IBM Cloud Strategic Audit

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    An examination of IBM Cloud\u27s strategy and history and a recommendation for what to do moving forward

    Reducing a class of two-dimensional integrals to one-dimension with application to Gaussian Transforms

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    Quantum theory is awash in multidimensional integrals that contain exponentials in the integration variables, their inverses, and inverse polynomials of those variables. The present paper introduces a means to reduce pairs of such integrals to one dimension when the integrand contains powers times an arbitrary function of xy/(x+y) multiplying various combinations of exponentials. In some cases these exponentials arise directly from transition-amplitudes involving products of plane waves, hydrogenic wave functions, Yukawa and/or Coulomb potentials. In other cases these exponentials arise from Gaussian transforms of such functions

    Be-10/Be-7 tracer of atmospheric transport and stratosphere-troposphere exchange

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    The 10Be/7Be ratio is a sensitive tracer of atmospheric transport and stratosphere-troposphere exchange (STE). Data from five NASA aircraft field missions (PEM: West A and B, Tropics A; SONEX; and SUCCESS) have been assembled to produce the largest data set of 10Be,7Be, and their ratio collected to date (\u3e300 samples). Ratios near 0.60 are indicative of tropospheric air with little stratospheric influence, while higher ratios are found in stratospheric air. Samples from the lower stratosphere were all collected within 2.5 km of the tropopause and had ratios \u3e1.27. Of these lower stratosphere samples only 16% had ratios in excess of 3.0, suggesting that higher ratio air resides away from the tropopause. Seasonality observed in the10Be/7Be ratios results from the downwelling of air with elevated ratios from higher in the stratosphere in the spring and summer (midlatitudes) and from the decay of 7Be during descent in the winter polar vortex (high latitudes). Our results illustrate the complexity of STE and some of the mechanisms through which it occurs, including tropopause folding, mixing associated with subtropical jets, and the effect of synoptic systems such as hurricanes and northeasters. The10Be/7Be ratio provides important information beyond that which can be derived from studies that rely on chemical mixing ratios alone

    Enterprise Risk Management In The Oil And Gas Industry: An Analysis Of Selected Fortune 500 Oil And Gas Companies Reaction In 2009 And 2010

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    In 2009, four of the top ten Fortune 500 companies were classified within the oil and gas industry. Organizations of this size typically have an advanced Enterprise Risk Management system in place to mitigate risk and to achieve their corporations\u27 objectives. The companies and the article utilize the Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework developed by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) as a guide to organize their risk management and reporting. The authors used the framework to analyze reporting years 2009 and 2010 for Fortune 500 oil and gas companies. After gathering and examining information from 2009 and 2010 annual reports, 10-K filings, and proxy statements, the article examines how the selected companies are implementing requirements identified in the previously mentioned publications. Each section examines the companies Enterprise Risk Management system, risk appetite, and any other notable information regarding risk management. One observation was the existence or non-existence of a Chief Risk Officer or other Senior Level Manager in charge of risk management. Other observations included identified risks, such as changes in economic, regulatory, and political environments in the different countries where the corporations do business. Still others identify risks, such as increases in certain costs that exceed natural inflation, volatility and instability of market conditions. Fortune 500 oil and gas companies included in this analysis are ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Baker Hughes, Valero Energy, and Frontier Oil Corporation. An analysis revealed a sophisticated understanding and reporting of many types of risks, including those associated with increasing production capacity. Specific risks identified by companies included start-up timing, operational outages, weather events, regulatory changes, geo-political and cyber security risks, among others. Mitigation efforts included portfolio management and financial strength. There is evidence that companies in later reports (2013) are more comprehensive in their risk management and reports as evidenced by their 10-K and Proxy Statements (Marathon Oil Corporation, 2013)

    A nearly-linear computational-cost scheme for the forward dynamics of an N-body pendulum

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    The dynamic equations of motion of an n-body pendulum with spherical joints are derived to be a mixed system of differential and algebraic equations (DAE's). The DAE's are kept in implicit form to save arithmetic and preserve the sparsity of the system and are solved by the robust implicit integration method. At each solution point, the predicted solution is corrected to its exact solution within given tolerance using Newton's iterative method. For each iteration, a linear system of the form J delta X = E has to be solved. The computational cost for solving this linear system directly by LU factorization is O(n exp 3), and it can be reduced significantly by exploring the structure of J. It is shown that by recognizing the recursive patterns and exploiting the sparsity of the system the multiplicative and additive computational costs for solving J delta X = E are O(n) and O(n exp 2), respectively. The formulation and solution method for an n-body pendulum is presented. The computational cost is shown to be nearly linearly proportional to the number of bodies

    Interim report on the ground-water resources of Seminole County, Florida

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    Salt-water encroachment is undoubtedly the problem of most concern to users of ground water in Florida. This is a problem in many coastal areas where water levels are lowered excessively by heavy pumping. It is a problem also in some inland areas where the water-bearing formations contain salty water at relatively shallow depths. Among the coastal areas where wells have become contaminated with salt water are Pinellas County and the Miami area of Dade County. Inland areas where wells are likely to become contaminated with salt water include Seminole County and the southwestern part of Volusia County. The purpose of the investigation is to make a detailed study of the geology and ground-water resources of the county with special emphasis on the problems associated with declining water levels and salt-water contamination. This report reviews briefly the progress of the investigation through February 1954. (PDF contains 43 pages.
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