167 research outputs found

    Quasielastic electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering in a continuum random phase approximation approach

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    We present a continuum random phase approximation approach to study electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering cross sections, in the kinematic region where quasielastic scattering is the dominant process. We show the validity of the formalism by confronting inclusive (e,e′e,e') cross sections with the available data. We calculate flux-folded cross sections for charged-current quasielastic antineutrino scattering off 12^{12}C and compare them with the MiniBooNE cross-section measurements. We pay special emphasis to the contribution of low-energy nuclear excitations in the signal of accelerator-based neutrino-oscillation experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Future Neutrino Beam Facilities (NUFACT-2014

    Electron-neutrino scattering off nuclei from two different theoretical perspectives

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    We analyze charged-current electron-neutrino cross sections on Carbon. We consider two different theoretical approaches, on one hand the Continuum Random Phase Approximation (CRPA) which allows a description of giant resonances and quasielastic excitations, on the other hand the RPA-based calculations which are able to describe multinucleon emission and coherent and incoherent pion production as well as quasielastic excitations. We compare the two approaches in the genuine quasielastic channel, and find a satisfactory agreement between them at large energies while at low energies the collective giant resonances show up only in the CRPA approach. We also compare electron-neutrino cross sections with the corresponding muon-neutrino ones in order to investigate the impact of the different charged-lepton masses. Finally, restricting to the RPA-based approach we compare the sum of quasielastic, multinucleon emission, coherent and incoherent one-pion production cross sections (folded with the electron-neutrino T2K flux) with the charged-current inclusive electron-neutrino differential cross sections on Carbon measured by T2K. We find a good agreement with the data. The multinucleon component is needed in order to reproduce the T2K electron-neutrino inclusive cross sections

    Helicity asymmetries in neutrino-nucleus interactions

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    We investigate the helicity properties of the ejectile in quasi-elastic neutrino-induced nucleon-knockout reactions and consider the 12C target as a test case. A formalism based on a relativistic mean-field model is adopted. The influence of final-state interactions is evaluated within a relativistic multiple-scattering Glauber approximation (RMSGA) model. Our calculations reveal that the helicity asymmetries A_l in A(\overline{\nu},\overline{\nu}'N) processes are extremely sensitive to strange-quark contributions to the weak vector form-factors. Thereby, nuclear corrections, such as final-state interactions and off-shell ambiguities in the electroweak current operators, are observed to be of marginal importance. This facilitates extracting strange-quark information from the helicity asymmetry A_l.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 1 table submitted to PL

    Relativistic models for quasi-elastic neutrino scattering

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    We present quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus cross sections in the energy range from 150 MeV up to 5 GeV for the target nuclei 12C and 56Fe. A relativistic description of the nuclear dynamics and the neutrino-nucleus coupling is adopted. For the treatment of final-state interactions (FSI) we rely on two frameworks succesfully applied to exclusive electron-nucleus scattering: a relativistic optical potential and a relativistic multiple-scattering Glauber approximation. At lower energies, the optical-potential approach is considered to be the optimum choice, whereas at high energies a Glauber approach is more natural. Comparing the results of both calculations, it is found that the Glauber approach yields valid results down to the remarkably small nucleon kinetic energies of 200 MeV. We argue that the nuclear transparencies extracted from A(e,e'p) measurements can be used to obtain realistic estimates of the effect of FSI mechanisms on quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus cross sections. We present two independent relativistic plane-wave impulse approximation (RPWIA) calculations of quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus cross sections. They agree at the percent level, showing the reliability of the numerical techniques adopted and providing benchmark RPWIA results.Comment: revised version,28 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Phys.Rev.

    Impact of low-energy nuclear excitations on neutrino-nucleus scattering at MiniBooNE and T2K kinematics

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    [Background] Meticulous modeling of neutrino-nucleus interactions is essential to achieve the unprecedented precision goals of present and future accelerator-based neutrino-oscillation experiments. [Purpose] Confront our calculations of charged-current quasielastic cross section with the measurements of MiniBooNE and T2K, and to quantitatively investigate the role of nuclear-structure effects, in particular, low-energy nuclear excitations in forward muon scattering. [Method] The model takes the mean-field (MF) approach as the starting point, and solves Hartree-Fock (HF) equations using a Skyrme (SkE2) nucleon-nucleon interaction. Long-range nuclear correlations are taken into account by means of the continuum random-phase approximation (CRPA) framework. [Results] We present our calculations on flux-folded double differential, and flux-unfolded total cross sections off 12^{12}C and compare them with MiniBooNE and (off-axis) T2K measurements. We discuss the importance of low-energy nuclear excitations for the forward bins. [Conclusions] The CRPA predictions describe the gross features of the measured cross sections. They underpredict the data (more in the neutrino than in the antineutrino case) because of the absence of processes beyond pure quasielastic scattering in our model. At very forward muon scattering, low-energy nuclear excitations (ω<\omega < 50 MeV) account for nearly 50% of the flux-folded cross section.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. Version published in Physical Review

    Can One Distinguish Tau Neutrinos from Antineutrinos in Neutral-Current Pion Production Processes?

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    A potential way to distinguish tau-neutrinos from antineutrinos, below the tau-production threshold, but above the pion production one, is presented. It is based on the different behavior of the neutral current pion production off the nucleon, depending on whether it is induced by neutrinos or antineutrinos. This procedure for distinguishing tau-neutrinos from antineutrinos neither relies on any nuclear model, nor it is affected by any nuclear effect (distortion of the outgoing nucleon waves, etc...). We show that neutrino-antineutrino asymmetries occur both in the totally integrated cross sections and in the pion azimuthal differential distributions. To define the asymmetries for the latter distributions we just rely on Lorentz-invariance. All these asymmetries are independent of the lepton family and can be experimentally measured by using electron or muon neutrinos, due to the lepton family universality of the neutral current neutrino interaction. Nevertheless and to estimate their size, we have also used the chiral model of hep-ph/0701149 at intermediate energies. Results are really significant since the differences between neutrino and antineutrino induced reactions are always large in all physical channels.Comment: Revised version. 8 pages, 3 figures. The abstract has been changed and discussion extende

    Towards a more complete description of nucleon distortion in lepton-induced single-pion production at low-Q2Q^2

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    Theoretical predictions for lepton-induced single-pion production (SPP) on 12^{12}C are revisited in order to assess the effect of different treatments of the current operator. On one hand we have the asymptotic approximation, which consists in replacing the particle four-vectors that enter in the operator by their asymptotic values, i.e., their values out of the nucleus. On the other hand we have the full calculation, which is a more accurate approach to the problem. We also compare with results in which the final nucleon is described by a relativistic plane wave, to rate the effect of the nucleon distortion. The study is performed for several lepton kinematics, reproducing inclusive and semi-inclusive cross sections belonging to the low-Q2Q^2 region (between 0.05 and 1 GeV2^2), which is of special interest in charged-current (CC) neutrino-nucleus 1Ď€\pi production. Inclusive electron results are compared with experimental data. We find non-trivial corrections comparable in size with the effect of the nucleon distortion, namely, corrections up to 6\%, either increasing or diminishing the asymptotic prediction, and a shift of the distributions towards higher energy transfer. For the semi-inclusive cross sections, we observe the correction to be prominent mainly at low values of the outgoing nucleon kinetic energy. Finally, for CC neutrino-induced 1Ď€+\pi^+ production, we find a reduction at low-Q2Q^2 with respect to both the plane-wave approach and the asymptotic case

    Effect of Surface Treatments on the Nanomechanical Properties of Human Hair.

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    The structural properties of hair are largely determined by the state of the surface. Advanced imaging modes of atomic force microscopy, where the surface mechanics can be correlated with surface topography, have been used to spatially map variations in hair surfaces following chemical and mechanical treatments. Through analysis of multilayered data obtained in this way, we show that the processes of bleaching and combing of hair not only alter the surface roughness, but also alter the mechanical stiffness, adhesion properties, and surface potential of hair, in terms of the mean values and their distributions. These treatments are shown to have a significant effect on the nanoscale surface properties, consistent with what has previously been observed at the macroscopic fiber-level scale.Unileve
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