12 research outputs found

    Severe Outbreak of Sorbitol-Fermenting Escherichia coli O157 via Unpasteurized Milk and Farm Visits, Finland 2012

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    Shiga toxin-producing, sorbitol-fermenting Escherichia coli O157 (SF O157) has emerged as a cause of severe human illness. Despite frequent human findings, its transmission routes and reservoirs remain largely unknown. Foodborne transmission and reservoir in cattle have been suspected, but with limited supporting evidence. This study describes the outbreak of SF O157 that occurred in Finland in 2012. The outbreak originated from a recreational farm selling unpasteurized milk, as revealed by epidemiologic and microbiological investigations, and involved six hospitalized children and two asymptomatic adults with culture-confirmed infection. An identical strain of SF O157 was isolated from patients, cattle and the farm environment, and epidemiologic analysis suggested unpasteurized milk as the vehicle of transmission. This study reports the first milkborne outbreak of SF O157, provides supporting evidence of cattle as a reservoir and highlights the health risks related to the consumption of unpasteurized milk

    Longitudinal Study of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli and Campylobacter jejuni on Finnish Dairy Farms and in Raw Milk

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    Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and Campylobacter jejuni are notable health hazards associated with the consumption of raw milk. These bacteria may colonize the intestines of asymptomatic cattle and enter bulk tank milk via fecal contamination during milking. We studied the frequency of STEC O157:H7 and C. jejuni contamination in tank milk (n = 785) and the in-line milk filters of milking machines (n = 631) versus the frequency of isolation from cattle feces (n = 257) on three Finnish dairy farms for 1 year. Despite simultaneous isolation of STEC O157:H7 (17%) or C. jejuni (53%) from cattle, these bacteria were rarely isolated from milk filters (2% or <1%, respectively) and milk (0%). As revealed by phylogenomics, one STEC O157:H7 strain at a time was detected on each farm and persisted for ≤12 months despite rigorous hygienic measures. C. jejuni strains of a generalist sequence type (ST-883 and ST-1080) persisted in the herds for ≥11 months, and several other C. jejuni types were detected sporadically. The stx gene carried by STEC was detected more frequently from milk filters (37%) than from milk (7%), suggesting that milk filters are more suitable sampling targets for monitoring than milk. A questionnaire of on-farm practices suggested lower stx contamination of milk when major cleansing in the barn, culling, or pasturing of dairy cows was applied, while a higher average outdoor temperature was associated with higher stx contamination. Because pathogen contamination occurred despite good hygiene and because pathogen detection from milk and milk filters proved challenging, we recommend heat treatment for raw milk before consumption

    Mielisairaanhoitajien koulutus Suomessa vuosina 1906–1969

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    Pro gradu -tutkielmani käsittelee mielisairaanhoitajien koulutuksen muutosta vuosina 1906–1969. Tutkielmani on perustutkimusta, jonka tavoitteena on luoda yleiskuva mielisairaanhoitajien ammatillisesta peruskoulutuksesta tutkittavana ajanjaksona. Lähestyn aihetta koulutuksen aloittamiseen johtaneiden taustatekijöiden, yleisen kehityksen piirteiden ja yhteiskunnallisten kiinnekohtien näkökulmasta. Historiantutkimuksessa mielisairaanhoitajien koulutus on jäänyt vähälle huomiolle, sillä aihetta ei ole aiemmin tutkittu tässä laajuudessa. Tutkielmani päälähteet ovat mielisairaanhoitajien ammattiliiton julkaisema Mielisairaanhoitaja -aikakauslehden vuosikerrat 1938–1969 ja mielisairaanhoitajien koulutusta käsitelleiden komiteoiden mietinnöt. Lisäksi olen käyttänyt Suomen säädöskokoelmasta mielisairaanhoitajien ammattiin ja koulutukseen liittyneitä lakeja ja asetuksia. Mahdollisuuksien mukaan olen käyttänyt myös yksittäisiä oppikirjoja, joita mielisairaanhoitajien koulutuksessa on käytetty. Tutkielmani on luonteeltaan laadullista tutkimusta. Mielisairaanhoitajien koulutus kietoutui tutkittavana ajanjaksona mielisairaaloiden, mielisairaanhoidon ja psykiatrian, ammatillisen koulutuksen sekä yhteiskunnan kehitykseen. Mielisairaanhoitajien koulutus alkoi vuonna 1906 ja oli alkuvaiheessa suunnattu mielisairaaloiden omalle henkilökunnalle. Vuonna 1914 mielisairaanhoitajien koulutuksen viralliset kurssit alkoivat Lapinlahden ja Pitkäniemen mielisairaaloissa. Vuodesta 1917 lähtien koulutus oli vuoden mittainen. 1930-luvun taitteessa mielisairaanhoitajien koulutuksen asema vahvistettiin lainsäädännössä ja uusi opetusohjelma laajensi harjoittelupainotteisen koulutuksen teoreettisten oppiaineiden osuutta koulutuksessa. 1950-luvun alussa koulutustoiminta oli laajentunut niin, että hoitajia koulutettiin aktiivisesti kuudessa A-mielisairaalassa. Samaan aikaan keskustelu mielisairaanhoitajien koulutusuudistuksista laajeni, sillä sekä asiantuntijat että mielisairaanhoitajat pitivät koulusta vanhanaikaisena mielisairaanhoidon kehityksen vuoksi. Koulutuksen uudistamattomuus johti opetusohjelmien eriytymiseen ja huomattaviin sisällöllisiin eroavaisuuksiin. Osana laajempaa terveydenhuoltoalojen koulutuksen kehitystyötä mielisairaanhoitajien koulutuksessa otettiin uusi ajan vaatimustason mukainen opetusohjelma käyttöön vuonna 1965. Mielisairaanhoitajien koulutuksen uudistamispaineet olivat osa laajempaa yhteiskunnallista keskustelua, jota koulutuksesta käytiin sotien jälkeisessä Suomessa. 1960-luvun ammatillisen koulutusjärjestelmien ja hallinnon yhtenäistämispolitiikan seurauksena mielisairaanhoitajien koulutus siirtyi mielisairaaloista sairaanhoitokouluihin vuonna 1969

    Flycatchers copy conspecifics in nest-site selection but neither personal experience nor frequency of tutors have an effect

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    Abstract Using the behavior of others in guiding one’s own behavior is a common strategy in animals. The prevailing theory predicts that young age and the inexperience of an individual are expected to increase the probability of adopting the behaviors of others. Also, the most common behavior in the population should be copied. Here, we tested the above predictions by examining social information use in the selection of nest-site features with a field experiment using a wild cavity nesting bird, the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). We used an experimental design in which geometric symbols depict nestsite features. By manipulating the apparent symbol choices of early settled individuals and monitoring the choices of later arriving birds, we can study social information use without bias from learned or innate preferences. Flycatchers were found to use social information in the selection of nest-site features, with about 60% of the population preferring the manipulated conspecific choices. However, age and experience as explanatory factors suggested by the social information use theory did not explain the choices. The present result, in concert with earlier similar experiments, implies that flycatchers may in some situations rely more on interspecific information in the selection of nest-site characteristics

    Validation of EN ISO method 10273 : Detection of pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica in foods

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    EN ISO 10273 method for the detection of pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica in foods was validated in the project Mandate M/381 funded by European Commission. A total of 14 laboratories from five European countries participated in the interlaboratory study (ILS) organized during 2013 and 2014. Before the ILS, the method was revised by an international group of experts and the performance of the revised method was assessed in an ILS study. The results are published as a part of the standard EN ISO 10273 revision. The study included three rounds with different sample types; raw milk, iceberg lettuce and minced meat, inoculated with a low and high level of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica strains representing major pathogenic bioserotypes 4/O:3 and 2/O:9. The homogeneity and stability of the samples were verified before dispatching them to the laboratories. The results demonstrated the method sensitivity of 96% in raw milk, 97% in minced meat, and 98% in lettuce at high inoculation level of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica. The specificity was 100% in raw milk, 96% in minced meat, and 98% in lettuce. The level of detection, LOD50, varied between study rounds, being 9.4 CFU/25 ml in raw milk, 9.9 CFU/25 g in minced meat and 63 CFU/25 g in lettuce samples. During the study, confirmation by using real-time PCR method ISO/TS 18867 together with pyrazinamidase testing was also validated, as alternative to conventional biochemical confirmation. When comparing different isolation steps used in the revised method during the study rounds, PSB enrichment and plating on CIN after alkaline (KOH) treatment showed the highest sensitivity (52–92%) in raw milk and minced meat samples. In lettuce samples, however, ITC with KOH treatment before plating on CIN showed higher sensitivity (64% at low level; 82% at high level) than plating on CIN from PSB with KOH treatment (44% at low level; 74% at high level). Statistical analysis of different isolation steps supported the use of two enrichment media, PSB and ITC, in the revised method. Recovery of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica on CIN was most efficient after KOH treatment and, based on the analysis, plating on CIN agar without KOH treatment could be left as optional procedure in the method