680 research outputs found

    Mapping and characterization of novel parthenocarpy QTLs in tomato

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    Parthenocarpy is the development of the fruit in absence of pollination and/or fertilization. In tomato, parthenocarpy is considered as an attractive trait to solve the problems of fruit setting under unfavorable conditions. We studied the genetics of parthenocarpy in two different lines, IL5-1 and IVT-line 1, both carrying Solanum habrochaites chromosome segments. Parthenocarpy in IL5-1 is under the control of two QTLs, one on chromosome 4 (pat4.1) and one on chromosome 5 (pat5.1). IVT-line 1 also contains two parthenocarpy QTLs, one on chromosome 4 (pat4.2) and one on chromosome 9 (pat9.1). In addition, we identified one stigma exsertion locus in IL5-1, located on the long arm of chromosome 5 (se5.1). It is likely that pat4.1, from IL5-1 and pat4.2, from IVT-line 1, both located near the centromere of chromosome 4 are allelic. By making use of the microsynteny between tomato and Arabidopsis in this genetic region, we identified ARF8 as a potential candidate gene for these two QTLs. ARF8 is known to act as an inhibitor for further carpel development in Arabidopsis, in absence of pollination/fertilization. Expression of an aberrant form of the ArabidopsisARF8 gene, in tomato, has been found to cause parthenocarpy. This candidate gene approach may lead to the first isolation of a parthenocarpy gene in tomato and will allow further use in several crop species

    A genome scan for quantitative trait loci affecting cyanogenic potential of cassava root in an outbred population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cassava (<it>Manihot esculenta </it>Crantz) can produce cyanide, a toxic compound, without self-injury. That ability was called the cyanogenic potential (CN). This project aimed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with the CN in an outbred population derived from 'Hanatee' × 'Huay Bong 60', two contrasting cultivars. CN was evaluated in 2008 and in 2009 at Rayong province, and in 2009 at Lop Buri province, Thailand. CN was measured using a picrate paper kit. QTL analysis affecting CN was performed with 303 SSR markers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The phenotypic values showed continuous variation with transgressive segregation events with more (115 ppm) and less CN (15 ppm) than either parent ('Hanatee' had 33 ppm and 'Huay Bong 60' had 95 ppm). The linkage map consisted of 303 SSR markers, on 27 linkage groups with a map that encompassed 1,328 cM. The average marker interval was 5.8 cM. Five QTL underlying CN were detected. <it>CN08R1</it>from 2008 at Rayong, <it>CN09R1</it>and <it>CN09R2 </it>from 2009 at Rayong, and <it>CN09L1 </it>and <it>CN09L2 </it>from 2009 at Lop Buri were mapped on linkage group 2, 5, 10 and 11, respectively. Among all the identified QTL, <it>CN09R1 </it>was the most significantly associated with the CN trait with LOD score 5.75 and explained the greatest percentage of phenotypic variation (%Expl.) of 26%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Five new QTL affecting CN were successfully identified from 4 linkage groups. Discovery of these QTL can provide useful markers to assist in cassava breeding and studying genes affecting the trait.</p

    QTL analysis for resistance to foliar damage caused by Thrips tabaci and Frankliniella schultzei (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) feeding in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]

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    Three quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to Thrips tabaci and Frankliniella schultzei were identified using a cowpea recombinant inbred population of 127 F2:8 lines. An amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genetic linkage map and foliar feeding damage ratings were used to identify genomic regions contributing toward resistance to thrips damage. Based on Pearson correlation analysis, damage ratings were highly correlated (r ≥ 0.7463) across seven field experiments conducted in 2006, 2007, and 2008. Using the Kruskall–Wallis and Multiple-QTL model mapping packages of MapQTL 4.0 software, three QTL, Thr-1, Thr-2, and Thr-3, were identified on linkage groups 5 and 7 accounting for between 9.1 and 32.1% of the phenotypic variance. AFLP markers ACC-CAT7, ACG-CTC5, and AGG-CAT1 co-located with QTL peaks for Thr-1, Thr-2, and Thr-3, respectively. Results of this study will provide a resource for molecular marker development and the genetic characterization of foliar thrips resistance in cowpea

    Towards the genetic architecture of seed lipid biosynthesis and accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    We report the quantitative genetic analysis of seed oil quality and quantity in six Arabidopsis thaliana recombinant inbred populations, in which the parent accessions were from diverse geographical origins, and were selected on the basis of variation for seed oil content and lipid composition. Although most of the biochemical steps involved in lipid biosynthesis are known and the key genes have been identified, the regulation of the processes that results in the final oil composition and total amount is not understood. By using physically anchored markers it was possible to compare results across populations. A total of 219 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified, of which 81 were significant at P<0.001. Some of these colocalise with QTLs identified previously, but many novel QTLs were also identified. The results highlight the importance of studying traits in multiple populations, which will lead to a better understanding of the contribution that natural variation makes to the genetic architecture of a phenotype

    Efficient QTL detection for nonhost resistance in wild lettuce: backcross inbred lines versus F2 population

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    In plants, several population types [F2, recombinant inbred lines, backcross inbred lines (BILs), etc.] are used for quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses. However, dissection of the trait of interest and subsequent confirmation by introgression of QTLs for breeding purposes has not been as successful as that predicted from theoretical calculations. More practical knowledge of different QTL mapping approaches is needed. In this recent study, we describe the detection and mapping of quantitative resistances to downy mildew in a set of 29 BILs of cultivated lettuce (L. sativa) containing genome segments introgressed from wild lettuce (L. saligna). Introgression regions that are associated with quantitative resistance are considered to harbor a QTL. Furthermore, we compare this with results from an already existing F2 population derived from the same parents. We identified six QTLs in our BIL approach compared to only three in the F2 approach, while there were two QTLs in common. We performed a simulation study based on our actual data to help us interpret them. This revealed that two newly detected QTLs in the BILs had gone unnoticed in the F2, due to a combination of recessiveness of the trait and skewed segregation, causing a deficit of the wild species alleles. This study clearly illustrates the added value of extended genetic studies on two different population types (BILs and F2) to dissect complex genetic traits

    Evolution of a unique predatory feeding apparatus: functional anatomy, development and a genetic locus for jaw laterality in Lake Tanganyika scale-eating cichlids

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    Background While bilaterality is a defining characteristic of triploblastic animals, several assemblages have managed to break this symmetry in order to exploit the adaptive peaks garnered through the lateralization of behaviour or morphology. One striking example of an evolved asymmetry in vertebrates comes from a group of scale-eating cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika. Members of the Perissodini tribe of cichlid fishes have evolved dental and craniofacial asymmetries in order to more effectively remove scales from the left or right flanks of prey. Here we examine the evolution and development of craniofacial morphology and laterality among Lake Tanganyika scale-eating cichlids. Results Using both geometric and traditional morphometric methods we found that the craniofacial evolution in the Perissodini involved discrete shifts in skeletal anatomy that reflect differences in habitat preference and predation strategies. Further, we show that the evolutionary history of the Perissodini is characterized by an accentuation of craniofacial laterality such that certain taxa show elaborate sided differences in craniofacial shape consistent with the sub-partitioning of function between sides of the head during attacks. Craniofacial laterality in the scale-eating specialist Perissodus microlepis was found to be evident early in development and exhibited a unimodal distribution, which is contrary to the adult condition where jaw laterality has been described as a discrete, bimodal antisymmetry. Finally, using linkage and association analyses we identified a conserved locus for jaw handedness that segregates among East African cichlids. Conclusions We suggest that, during the evolution of the Perissodini, selection has accentuated a latent, genetically determined handedness of the craniofacial skeleton, enabling the evolution of jaw asymmetries in order to increase predation success. Continued work on the developmental genetic basis of laterality in the Perissodini will facilitate a better understanding of the evolution of this unique group of fishes, as well as of left-right axis determination among vertebrates in general

    Tuber shape and eye depth variation in a diploid family of Andean potatoes.

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    BACKGROUND: Tuber appearance is highly variable in the Andean cultivated potato germplasm. The diploid backcross mapping population ‘DMDD’ derived from the recently sequenced genome ‘DM’ represents a sample of the allelic variation for tuber shape and eye depth present in the Andean landraces. Here we evaluate the utility of morphological descriptors for tuber shape for identification of genetic loci responsible for the shape and eye depth variation. RESULTS: Subjective morphological descriptors and objective tuber length and width measurements were used for assessment of variation in tuber shape and eye depth. Phenotypic data obtained from three trials and male–female based genetic maps were used for quantitative trait locus (QTL) identification. Seven morphological tuber shapes were identified within the population. A continuous distribution of phenotypes was found using the ratio of tuber length to tuber width and a QTL was identified in the paternal map on chromosome 10. Using toPt-437059, the marker at the peak of this QTL, the seven tuber shapes were classified into two groups: cylindrical and non-cylindrical. In the first group, shapes classified as ‘compressed’, ‘round’, ‘oblong’, and ‘long-oblong’ mainly carried a marker allele originating from the male parent. The tubers in this group had deeper eyes, for which a strong QTL was found at the same location on chromosome 10 of the paternal map. The non-cylindrical tubers classified as ‘obovoid’, ‘elliptic’, and ‘elongated’ were in the second group, mostly lacking the marker allele originating from the male parent. The main QTL for shape and eye depth were located in the same genomic region as the previously mapped dominant genes for round tuber shape and eye depth. A number of candidate genes underlying the significant QTL markers for tuber shape and eye depth were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Utilization of a molecular marker at the shape and eye depth QTL enabled the reclassification of the variation in general tuber shape to two main groups. Quantitative measurement of the length and width at different parts of the tuber is recommended to accompany the morphological descriptor classification to correctly capture the shape variation. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12863-015-0213-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    A role for a neo-sex chromosome in stickleback speciation.

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    Sexual antagonism, or conflict between the sexes, has been proposed as a driving force in both sex-chromosome turnover and speciation. Although closely related species often have different sex-chromosome systems, it is unknown whether sex-chromosome turnover contributes to the evolution of reproductive isolation between species. Here we show that a newly evolved sex chromosome contains genes that contribute to speciation in threespine stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus). We first identified a neo-sex chromosome system found only in one member of a sympatric species pair in Japan. We then performed genetic linkage mapping of male-specific traits important for reproductive isolation between the Japanese species pair. The neo-X chromosome contains loci for male courtship display traits that contribute to behavioural isolation, whereas the ancestral X chromosome contains loci for both behavioural isolation and hybrid male sterility. Our work not only provides strong evidence for a large X-effect on reproductive isolation in a vertebrate system, but also provides direct evidence that a young neo-X chromosome contributes to reproductive isolation between closely related species. Our data indicate that sex-chromosome turnover might have a greater role in speciation than was previously appreciated

    Multiple QTLs linked to agro-morphological and physiological traits related to drought tolerance in potato.

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    Dissection of the genetic architecture of adaptation and abiotic stress-related traits is highly desirable for developing drought-tolerant potatoes and enhancing the resilience of existing cultivars, particularly as agricultural production in rain-fed areas may be reduced by up to 50 % by 2020. The “DMDD” potato progeny was developed at International Potato Center (CIP) by crossing the sequenced double monoploid line DM and a diploid cultivar of the Solanum tuberosum diploid Andigenum Goniocalyx group. Recently, a high-density integrated genetic map based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), diversity array technology (DArT), simple sequence repeats (SSRs), and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers was also made available for this population. Two trials were conducted, in greenhouse and field, for drought tolerance with two treatments each, well-watered and terminal drought, in which watering was suspended 60 days after planting. The DMDD population was evaluated for agro-morphological and physiological traits before and after initiation of stress, at multiple time points. Two dense parental genetic maps were constructed using published genotypic data, and quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis identified 45 genomic regions associated with nine traits in well-watered and terminal drought treatments and 26 potentially associated with drought stress. In this study, the strong influence of environmental factors besides water shortage on the expression of traits and QTLs reflects the multigenic control of traits related to drought tolerance. This is the first study to our knowledge in potato identifying QTLs for drought-related traits in field and greenhouse trials, giving new insights into genetic architecture of drought-related traits. Many of the QTLs identified have the potential to be used in potato breeding programs for enhanced drought tolerance

    Identification and validation of a QTL influencing bitter pit symptoms in apple (Malus x domestica)

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    Bitter pit is one of the most economically important physiological disorders affecting apple fruit production, causing soft discrete pitting of the cortical flesh of the apple fruits which renders them unmarketable. The disorder is heritable; however, the environment and cultural practices play a major role in expression of symptoms. Bitter pit has been shown to be controllable to a certain extent using calcium sprays and dips; however, their use does not entirely prevent the incidence of the disorder. Previously, bitter pit has been shown to be controlled by two dominant genes, and markers on linkage group 16 of the apple genome were identified that were significantly associated with the expression of bitter pit symptoms in a genome-wide association study. In this investigation, we identified a major QTL for bitter pit defined by two microsatellite (SSR) markers. The association of the SSRs with the bitter pit locus, and their ability to predict severe symptom expression, was confirmed through screening of individuals with stable phenotypic expression from an additional mapping progeny. The data generated in this current study suggest a two gene model could account for the control of bitter pit symptom expression; however, only one of the loci was detectable, most likely due to dominance of alleles carried by both parents of the mapping progeny used. The SSR markers identified are cost-effective, robust and multi-allelic and thus should prove useful for the identification of seedlings with resistance to bitter pit using marker-assisted selection in apple breeding programs