454 research outputs found
Social work through the ages: The case study of Portuguese higher education
Social Work is an academic discipline that promotes social development and change, social cohesion, empowerment, and human improvement. The values of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility, and respect for diversity are essential to social work. Embedded in the social sciences and humanities but endowed with its own conceptual framework, social work connects people with social structures to respond to life's challenges and improve personal and social well-being.
The present study aims to explore and understand how curriculum design, reflects the emergence and institutionalization of Social Work within
the framework of the Social Sciences and Humanities and the theoretical-methodological evolution of Social Work. To this end, it was necessary to explore and understand how higher education curricular proposals problematize the social construction not only of their theory, but also of their own methodologies and practices.
For that purpose, a documentary analysis was carried out covering all the curricular plans of higher education in Social Work in Portugal, between 2009 and 2015.
The results point to the existence of an articulation between qualification and the global standards for the education and training of the social work profession, which has repercussions on the definition of competences and the very status of the profession. There is a clear evolution not only in terms of professional competences, but also in the fields of activity. There is a consistent movement towards higher education in Social Work, together with the development not only of the profession itself but also of the social and human sciences.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Precision stop control for motors
An improved stop control system and method are provided for a motor having a drive mechanism in which the motor is coupled to a motor controller that controls the speed and position of the drive mechanism using a first signal indicative of a commanded position of the drive mechanism, a second signal indicative of the actual speed of the drive mechanism and a third signal indicative of the actual position of the drive mechanism. The improved system/method uses a first circuit that receives the first and third signal and generates an error signal indicative of a difference therebetween. A second circuit receives the error signal and compares same with a threshold position error. The result of this comparison is used to selectively supply the second signal (i.e., speed) to the motor controller at least whenever the error signal is less than the threshold position error so that the motor controller can use the second signal in conjunction with the third signal to stop the motor
Yield Components and Biomass Partition in Soybean: Climate Change Vision
Long-term climate change and inter-annual climate variability are events of concern to farmers and humanity. Global warming could affect agriculture in various ways and it is anticipated that agricultural systems will face great pressure from the variability of climate factors and their extreme events, which in most cases are difficult to predict, particularly extreme events of rainfall, higher dry season, hot and cold waves and their interactions. Global warming could also have some positive effects for plants such as increasing the temperature of current cold regions and increasing carbon dioxide with its positive effect on photosynthesis, growth rates, the use of water and production. Meanwhile, there are still many questions that remain about this possible future. This chapter, brings the response of plants to future conditions through specifics alterations in its components of yield on environmental conditions with enrichment of CO2 and elevated temperature, two climatic factors, which is understood to be the factors of climatic change of greater global extent. The study of the components of yield and their alterations, can guide diverse sectors of the sciences and decision makers, in order to structure strategies of resilience in the cultivation of soybean
Diversity in higher education: Students' grits and fears
Demographic changes, which have taken on a new paradigm after the COVID-19 pandemic, have led researchers to approach diversity with a focus on gaining a competitive advantage. Therefore, one of the objectives is to obtain knowledge regarding the new generations in the changing landscape of education, which requires attention to the needs of teaching a multicultural audience (Unruh & McCord, 2010). With globalization and the migration of people from different backgrounds to different countries, classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse, which means that teachers need to be prepared to work with students who have different cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as different experiences and learning styles. In this sense, it becomes urgent to get to know the students who make up the University, so that we can understand the diversity in each of the domains that make up the MGUD-S scale, in the dimensions of Diversity of Contact with others, Relativistic Appreciation, and Comfort with Differences, which require adequate measurement of attitudes and dispositions towards diversity.
Our aim is to validate the Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale (MGUD-S) for the Portuguese population, specifically for higher education students, and it has been applied in institutions of higher education in Portugal in the field of Social Sciences.
During the period from November 2021 to January 2022, the survey was administered to 820 students from various academic programs and courses, during a time of adaptation to the new reality of physical presence in classrooms. The MGUD-S scale comprises three subscales that evaluate the corresponding dimensions of Diversity of Contact, Relativistic Appreciation, and Comfort with Differences. Structural equation modeling, specifically confirmatory factor analysis, was employed to validate the adaptation and translation of the scale.
The final sample consisted of 820 Portuguese university students from the Social Sciences area. In terms of age range, 54.1% belonged to the 17-20 age group, while 37.3% were from the 21-25 age group. 83.4% were Portuguese, 7.9% were from African countries, and 7.6% were Brazilian. 88.4% were undergraduate students, and 11.1% were graduate students. Regarding gender, females predominated with 62.2%. The factorial validity of the Portuguese adaptation of the MGUDS-Short Form scale was performed, and the three-factor model was composed of 14 out of the original 15 items, showing reasonable goodness-of-fit.
We believe that the validation of the MGUD-S scale for the Portuguese language is crucial to measure and understand attitudes and dispositions towards cultural and linguistic diversity among higher education students in Portugal. Understanding students' diversity is essential to promote an inclusive and welcoming classroom environment, which can have a significant impact on academic success and student satisfaction. Furthermore, adapting teaching methods and materials to meet the needs of students from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds can improve the quality of education and prepare students for the increasingly diverse and globalized world we live in.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
A intervenção do AS na atribuição de prestações sociais com recurso a plataformas eletrónicas
A ação social no ensino superior português é empreendida através dos serviços de ação social das instituições de ensino superior públicas.
A candidatura, estudo dos processos e a atribuição de bolsas aos estudantes candidatos a esta prestação social, é integralmente realizada numa plataforma eletrónica de gestão centralizada, cujos resultados podem ser dados para alguns processos sem intervenção humana. Perante esta nova realidade, pretende-se aferir em que situações há intervenção do Assistente Social para retificação dos dados inseridos nos processos, e qual o impacto dessa intervenção no resultado e no valor final da prestação social atribuída.
O estudo exploratório, foi realizado com recurso aos dados de caraterização do ano letivo 2015/2016, tendo como base as declarações prestadas pelos estudantes candidatos a bolsa de estudo na Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD).
Os casos recolhidos da plataforma, foram tratados através do programa SPSS (Statistics 23), ordenados por número de candidatura, de onde foi extraída, aleatoriamente a amostra, de 5 em 5 casos, num total de 581 casos (20,45%), de entre 2841 candidaturas.
Da análise dos dados estatísticos foram identificados os vários motivos que levaram à alteração do resultado após a intervenção do Assistente Social, nomeadamente, o pedido adicional de documentos para retificação da origem e do detalhe sobre os rendimentos familiares. A intervenção do Assistente Social alterou os resultados dos processos em 36% dos casos analisados.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Análisis procesal constitucional y penal de la legislación que crea el sistema de educación bilingüe en Panamá.
Objetivos de la investigación.
Todo trabajo de investigación requiere que se definan los propósitos que tiene el tratamiento del tema que se ha seleccionado, para determinar la repercusión que
éste tiene para la vida de la sociedad. En el caso que nos ocupa es importante determinar cuáles son las implicaciones jurídicas, definidas en el proceso constitucional y penal, por el medio legal, Decretos Ejecutivos, con el cual se está promoviendo el cambio del sistema educativo panameño y en qué consisten estas implicaciones jurídicas y judiciales. Por esto, es importante definir los
objetivos que guiarán este proceso de investigación que los hemos dividido en generales y específicos.
Los objetivos generales y específicos definen qué se persigue con la investigación y éstos deben guardar relación entre sí, para que el desarrollo de
la investigación tenga la coherencia que permita la comprensión del tema en estudio y se pueda llegar a descubrir soluciones adecuadas que resuelvan el problema, que es preocupación, no sólo del investigador, sino, lo más importante, de la sociedad.
Objetivo general de la investigación.
El objetivo general es la guía más amplia que define el límite que orientará la investigación jurídico - procesal que pretendemos desarrollar. Para esta investigación tendremos como guía el siguiente objetivo general:
“Analizar las consecuencias procesales del contenido de la
legislación formal y material que crea el sistema de educación bilingüe en la República de Panamá, frente al contenido de las normativas de la Constitución Política vigente y del Código Penal”.
De este objetivo general desprenderemos otros objetivos que nos permitirán desglosar el tema de investigación para llegar a sus componentes más detallados de manera coherente y que nos permitirán arribar a conclusiones reales sobre el
El Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos Productivos de la Secretaría de la Reforma Agraria como política de gestión pública de atención a las demandas de financiamiento al campo y la necesidad de perfeccionarlo. Evaluación 2001 – 2006.
Evaluación para determinar si el Programa del Fondo de Apoyo a
Proyectos Productivos ha cumplido con su objetivo. En el primer capítulo se abordan los antecedentes del
programa, analizando la cuestión del fin del reparto agrario como una cuestión
esencial en el surgimiento del programa, así como la reforma al artículo 27
Constitucional de 1992, las implicaciones del Tratado de Libre Comercio en la
implementación de políticas públicas en el campo, la definición de las
características de los Acuerdos Agrarios y del Fondo de Apoyo a Proyectos
Productivos. En el segundo capítulo se abordan las políticas
públicas de apoyo al campo a cargo de la Secretaría de la Reforma Agraria
durante el periodo de 2003 a 2006, así como las Reglas de Operación de programa en
cuestión para el periodo comprendido de los años 2001 a 2006.
En el capítulo tercero se hace
un análisis de evaluación de resultados de aplicación del Programa de Apoyo a
Proyectos Productivos del período 2001-2006,
iniciando con un análisis
institucional respecto de las diferentes reglas de operación que han estado
vigentes, para posteriormente referirnos a los resultados de aplicación del
programa en cada uno de los ejercicios del 2001 al 2006.
Finalmente, se hacen
algunas propuestas de mejoramiento en la aplicación de este programa, que
ante la inminente desgravación de aranceles de varios productos agrícolas
podrá ser de utilidad para mantener una estabilidad en el campo. Por
ejemplo darle continuidad a aquellos proyectos productivos que siendo
apoyados en años anteriores pueden fortalecerse y evidentemente elevar el
nivel de vida de los integrantes de los grupos solicitantes
Physiological seed quality of 'BRS Mari' hot pepper during seed development and maturation.
Abstract 78
Ejercicios de traducción graduada del francés a español dispuesto sobre los dos cursos del Maestro francés
Copia digital : Biblioteca de Asturias "Ramón Pérez de Ayala" : Biblioteca Pública Estatal de Oviedo, 201
Comparação entre os desfechos clínicos de recém-nascidos de baixo peso que ficaram internados em unidades de cuidado neonatal intermediário convencional versus canguru
The Kangaroo Method is a care model focused on humanized care for low birth weight newborns and families. However, despite being a cheap and effective method, there are still barriers to its implementation. Thus, it is necessary to conduct research that proves the benefits of MC in Brazil, specifically in relation to the second step of the method. Objective: To compare the clinical outcomes - type of feeding, weight gain and length of stay - of newborns admitted to the Conventional Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit (UCINco) with those who were admitted to the Kangaroo Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit (UCINca). Method: This is a pilot study that is part of a large prospective cohort study with a quantitative approach. Data were collected through a questionnaire elaborated and documentary analysis in medical records. We included preterm newborn infants at birth weighing <1800g who were admitted to the neonatal units from October 30, 2018 to August 30, 2019. The 20 included PTNB were divided into two groups: those who were admitted to UCINca and those who stayed only at UCINco. Results: Exclusive breastfeeding rates were higher in infants admitted to the UCINca (28.57%), and no newborns admitted to this unit were discharged with the exclusive use of formulas. The discharge weight at UCINca (2070.7 ± 129.30) was lower when compared to UCINco (2380.8 ± 502.45), which proves earlier discharge and, consequently, shorter hospital stay (21 ± 12.15). Conclusion: MC promotes exclusive breastfeeding and favors early hospital discharge, that is, newborns who were admitted to the UCINca were discharged with less weight and had shorter hospital stays. As this is a pilot study, we suggest that further studies be conducted in the context of this theme.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O Método Canguru (MC) é um modelo de assistência voltada ao cuidado humanizado para o recém-nascido (RN) de baixo peso e família. Entretanto, apesar de ser um método barato e efetivo, ainda há barreiras para a implementação do mesmo. Sendo assim, se faz necessário a realização de pesquisas que comprovem os benefícios do MC no Brasil, especificamente em relação a segunda etapa do método. Objetivo: Comparar os desfechos clínicos - tipo de alimentação, ganho de peso e tempo de internação - dos RN´s internados em Unidade de Cuidados Intermediários Neonatal Convencional (UCINco) com aqueles que ficaram internados na Unidade de Cuidados Intermediários Neonatal Canguru (UCINca). Método: Trata-se de um estudo piloto que faz parte de um estudo amplo do tipo coorte prospectivo, de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário elaborado e análise documental em prontuários. Foram incluídos os recém-nascidos pré-termo (RNPT) ao nascer, com peso <1800g, internados nas unidades neonatais no período de 30 de outubro de 2018 a 30 de agosto de 2019. Os 20 RNPT incluídos foram divididos em dois grupos: aqueles que ficaram internados na UCINca e aqueles que ficaram somente na UCINco. Resultados: As taxas de aleitamento materno exclusivo foram maiores nos RNs internados na UCINca (28,57%), além disso nenhum RN internado nesta unidade recebeu alta com o uso exclusivo de fórmulas. O peso de alta na UCINca (2070,7 ± 129,30) foi inferior quando comparado com a UCINco (2380,8 ± 502,45), o que comprova a alta mais precoce e, consequentemente, menor tempo de internação (21±12,15). Conclusão: o MC promove o aleitamento materno exclusivo e favorece a alta hospitalar precoce, ou seja, os RN que ficaram internados na UCINca receberam alta com menor peso e apresentaram menor tempo de internação. Como se trata de um estudo piloto, sugerimos que outros estudos sejam realizados no contexto desta temática
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