1,913 research outputs found

    The influence of paternal height and weight on birth-weight

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    Analysis of 5,989 couples, for whom fathers' and mothers' heights and weights were recorded, showed that paternal height had a significant influence (p less than 0.0007) on birth-weight while paternal body mass index (Quetelets Index) had no significant effect (p greater than 0.05). Depending upon mother's height, the average effect of father's height (ranging from 165 cm to 184 cm) on birth-weight was up to 152 g, with a greater effect where the mother was taller (up to 235 g) and a lesser effect where the mother was shorter (confirming the effect of maternal constraint). The significance of these findings lies more with the need to consider this effect as an important variable in statistical analysis involving birth-weight than in its immediate obstetrical implications

    Farmworker Exposure to Pesticides: Methodologic Issues for the Collection of Comparable Data

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    The exposure of migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their families to agricultural and residential pesticides is a continuing public health concern. Pesticide exposure research has been spurred on by the development of sensitive and reliable laboratory techniques that allow the detection of minute amounts of pesticides or pesticide metabolites. The power of research on farmworker pesticide exposure has been limited because of variability in the collection of exposure data, the predictors of exposure considered, the laboratory procedures used in analyzing the exposure, and the measurement of exposure. The Farmworker Pesticide Exposure Comparable Data Conference assembled 25 scientists from diverse disciplinary and organizational backgrounds to develop methodologic consensus in four areas of farmworker pesticide exposure research: environmental exposure assessment, biomarkers, personal and occupational predictors of exposure, and health outcomes of exposure. In this introduction to this mini-monograph, first, we present the rationale for the conference and its organization. Second, we discuss some of the important challenges in conducting farmworker pesticide research, including the definition and size of the farmworker population, problems in communication and access, and the organization of agricultural work. Third, we summarize major findings from each of the conference’s four foci—environmental exposure assessment, biomonitoring, predictors of exposure, and health outcomes of exposure—as well as important laboratory and statistical analysis issues that cross-cut the four foci

    Non-invasive Predictors of Human Cortical Bone Mechanical Properties: T2-Discriminated 1H NMR Compared with High Resolution X-ray

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    Recent advancements in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have enabled clinical imaging of human cortical bone, providing a potentially powerful new means for assessing bone health with molecular-scale sensitivities unavailable to conventional X-ray-based diagnostics. To this end, 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and high-resolution X-ray signals from human cortical bone samples were correlated with mechanical properties of bone. Results showed that 1H NMR signals were better predictors of yield stress, peak stress, and pre-yield toughness than were the X-ray derived signals. These 1H NMR signals can, in principle, be extracted from clinical MRI, thus offering the potential for improved clinical assessment of fracture risk

    The pathology of familial breast cancer: Immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis

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    Extensive studies of BRCA1- and BRCA2-associated breast tumours have been carried out in the few years since the identification of these familial breast cancer predisposing genes. The morphological studies suggest that BRCA1 tumours differ from BRCA2 tumours and from sporadic breast cancers. Recent progress in immunohistochemistry and molecular biology techniques has enabled in-depth investigation of molecular pathology of these tumours. Studies to date have investigated issues such as steroid hormone receptor expression, mutation status of tumour suppressor genes TP53 and c-erbB2, and expression profiles of cell cycle proteins p21, p27 and cyclin D(1). Despite relative paucity of data, strong evidence of unique biological characteristics of BRCA1-associated breast cancer is accumulating. BRCA1-associated tumours appear to show an increased frequency of TP53 mutations, frequent p53 protein stabilization and absence of imunoreactivity for steroid hormone receptors. Further studies of larger number of samples of both BRCA1- and BRCA2-associated tumours are necessary to clarify and confirm these observations

    Preeclampsia: a gestational cardiorenal syndrome.

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    It is generally accepted today that there are two different types of preeclampsia: an early-onset or placental type and a late-onset or maternal type. In the latent phase, the first one presents with a low output/high resistance circulation eventually leading in the late second or early third trimester to an intense and acutely aggravating systemic disorder with an important impact on maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity; the other type presents initially as a high volume/low resistance circulation, gradually evolving to a state of circulatory decompensation usually in the later stages of pregnancy, with a less severe impact on maternal and neonatal outcome. For both processes, numerous dysfunctions of the heart, kidneys, arteries, veins and interconnecting systems are reported, most of them presenting earlier and more severely in early- than in late-onset preeclampsia; however, some very specific dysfunctions exist for either type. Experimental, clinical and epidemiological observations before, during and after pregnancy are consistent with gestation-induced worsening of subclinical pre-existing chronic cardiovascular dysfunction in early-onset preeclampsia, and thus sharing the pathophysiology of cardiorenal syndrome type II, and with acute volume overload decompensation of the maternal circulation in late-onset preeclampsia, thus sharing the pathophysiology of cardiorenal syndrome type 1. Cardiorenal syndrome type V is consistent with the process of preeclampsia superimposed upon clinical cardiovascular and/or renal disease, alone or as part of a systemic disorder. This review focuses on the specific differences in haemodynamic dysfunctions between the two types of preeclampsia, with special emphasis on the interorgan interactions between heart and kidneys, introducing the theoretical concept that the pathophysiological processes of preeclampsia can be regarded as the gestational manifestations of cardiorenal syndromes

    Grid-texture mechanisms in human vision:contrast detection of regular sparse micro-patterns requires specialist templates

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    Previous work has shown that human vision performs spatial integration of luminance contrast energy, where signals are squared and summed (with internal noise) over area at detection threshold. We tested that model here in an experiment using arrays of micro-pattern textures that varied in overall stimulus area and sparseness of their target elements, where the contrast of each element was normalised for sensitivity across the visual field. We found a power-law improvement in performance with stimulus area, and a decrease in sensitivity with sparseness. While the contrast integrator model performed well when target elements constituted 50–100% of the target area (replicating previous results), observers outperformed the model when texture elements were sparser than this. This result required the inclusion of further templates in our model, selective for grids of various regular texture densities. By assuming a MAX operation across these noisy mechanisms the model also accounted for the increase in the slope of the psychometric function that occurred as texture density decreased. Thus, for the first time, mechanisms that are selective for texture density have been revealed at contrast detection threshold. We suggest that these mechanisms have a role to play in the perception of visual textures

    Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome with scoliosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Study Design</p> <p>Case report.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The authors present the case of a 14-year-old boy with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RSTS) presenting scoliosis.</p> <p>Summary of Background Data</p> <p>There have been no reports on surgery for RSTS presenting scoliosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The patient was referred to our hospital for evaluation of a progressive spinal curvature. A standing anteroposterior spine radiograph at presentation to our hospital revealed an 84-degree right thoracic curve from T6 to T12, along with a 63-degree left lumbar compensatory curve from T12 to L4. We planned a two-staged surgery and decided to fuse from T4 to L4. The first operation was front-back surgery because of the rigidity of the right thoracic curve. The second operation of lumbar anterior discectomy and fusion was arranged 9 months after the first surgery to prevent the crankshaft phenomenon due to his natural course of adolescent growth. To avoid respiratory complications, the patient was put on a respirator in the ICU for several days after both surgeries.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Full-length spine radiographs after the first surgery revealed no instrumentation failure and showed that the right thoracic curve was corrected to 31 degrees and the left lumbar curve was corrected to 34 degrees. No postoperative complications occurred after both surgeries.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We succeeded in treating the patient without complications. Full-length spine standing radiographs at one year after the second operation demonstrated a stable bony arthrodesis with no loss of initial correction.</p