5,726 research outputs found

    Dynamic stability study for sounding rockets Final report

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    Joint rotation and compliance, body and fin flexibility, and aerodynamic characteristics effect on roll resonance of sounding rocket

    Instrument for measuring potentials on two dimensional electric field plots Patent

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    Instrument for measuring potentials on two dimensional electric field plo

    A modular approach toward extremely large apertures

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    Modular antenna construction can provide a significant increase in reflector aperture size over deployable reflectors. The modular approach allows reflective mesh surfaces to be supported by a minimum of structure. The kinematics of the selected deployable design approach were validated by the subscale demonstration model. Further design refinements on the module structural/joints and design optimization on intermodule joints are needed

    A Cost Assessment of the Dayton Public Schools Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The routing and scheduling problem involves both constructing efficient routes to deliver goods or services to and from customers from a single depot or set of depots, as well as scheduling particular vehicles to these routes such that customers receive their goods within a specified time window. There have been several different methods developed to reduce the costs incurred in transporting goods or services (i.e. students) to customers (i.e. schools). This problem may be used to model many circumstances in logistics and public transportation. Several school districts do not utilize operations research techniques to minimize, as much as possible, the costs associated with the operation of its pupil transportation system. In contrast, Dayton Public Schools (DPS) employs the optimization software package VersaTrans to minimize its transportation expenses. However, due to the importance it has placed on customer satisfaction, DPS has ultimately been reduced to door-to-door pickups. This, combined with an open enrollment policy and higher fuel prices, has resulted in an explosion of transportation related costs. Though DPS has made many great strides to gain control of its spending, due primarily to better management, there is still much to accomplish. This thesis seeks to utilize the VersaTrans routing software available to the Dayton Public School district to construct efficient routes that are feasible under a consolidated bell schedule so that both bus usage and route times are minimized

    U.S. Navy Regulations, International Law, and the Organization of American States

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    In the 19th century, international law recognized the right of a nation to use force to protect the lives and property af its nationals. In recent years the advent of regional and international organizations with their ancillary treaties has made the right to intervene to preserve property extremely tenuous

    The Effects of Different Levels Of Octyl Hydroquinone On The Utilization Of Carotene By The Rat

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    Substances which prevent polymerization or oxidative reactions from occurring are well known. Such substances have been termed antioxidants or inhibitors . A considerable amount of research has been devoted to the study of these inhibitors of reactions or negative catalysts during the past 30 years. It is pointed out that certain substances susceptible to polymerization or oxidation must be protected. Leather oils, rubber, fats, unsaturated hydrocarbons, aldehydes, and some vitamins and their precursors are substances which are either easily oxidized or are subject to polymerization. Consequently, if their usefulness to man is to be retained they must be protected from oxidative deterioration or polymerization into unwanted substances. Some aromatic amines are known to protect rubber and oils from aging. The polymerization of acrolein may be diminished by the addition of small quantities of resorcinol or other phenolic substances. Tetraethyl lead prevents the oxidation of benzaldehyde in motor fuels, and vitamin S is a well-known antioxygenic substance for fats. Much of the research done on antioxidants has been in the test tube with homogeneous systems. However, in biological systems one is not dealing with homogeneous conditions, thus the study of biological antioxidants becomes complicated. In addition, most metabolic processes cannot be controlled in living organisms as one may regulate the temperature of a test tube reaction, or control the concentration of the reacting substances therein. It has been demonstrated in the test tube that antioxidants can function by breaking chain reactions involving free radicals and by being reversibly oxidized and reduced very easily. Some evidence seems to point to these phenomena taking place with biological antioxidants. The question of how biological antioxidants function in living organisms remains unanswered

    Teacher Ratings of Problem Behaviors: Examining Racial Bias in an Online Study

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    After decades of advancement in education equality, a disproportional number ofUnited States racial minority students are placed in special education. One possible causeis the bias that exists in teachers’ referral and rating of behaviors for special education.This study investigated the effect that the student’s race has on teachers’ referrals forspecial education and resulting assessments. In an online-study, the race of an AfricanAmerican student, Asian American student, and European American student weremanipulated in a vignette of a hypothetical child. Participants read one of three vignettesand completed a comprehensive rating scale and a 7-item questionnaire. No racial bias inratings of internalizing behaviors, externalizing behaviors, referral for special education, likelihood of post-secondary education, quality of home life, and academic functioningwere found in this specific study. Psychologists should continue to measure and evaluatethe role of race and culture on the disproportionality


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