1,876 research outputs found

    The Third Battle

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    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, submarines have been the weapon of choice for weaker naval powers that wish to contest a dominant power\u27s control of the seas or its ability to project power ashore from the sea. This is because submarines have been and are likely to remain the weapon system with the highest leverage in a battle for control of the ocean surface. Hence, antisubmarine warfare (ASW) will always re-main the most important element of the U.S. Navy\u27s core mission-sea control.https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/usnwc-newport-papers/1017/thumbnail.jp

    The Anglo-Saxon and Norman Eigenkirche and the Ecclesiastical Policy of William I.

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    The eigenkirche or proprietary church was an important factor in the ecclesiastical policy of William I. In previous studies, the proprietary church was considered purely a local phenomenon. William\u27s religious concerns in Normandy and England demonstrate the eigenkirche\u27s role at the local, royal, and international levels. An examination of the legal sources is critical to understanding the proprietary church in Anglo-Saxon England, Normandy, and Norman England. The Anglo-Saxon charters provide important examples of the private church and monastery in the pre-Conquest period. In Normandy, the ducal charters, once inaccessible because of archival problems, are now available for analysis of the Norman Church. For England, the Domesday Book yields detailed information about churches and ecclesiastical property before 1066 and afterwards. This study, in contrast to former works which relied upon narrative sources, depends extensively on these legal documents. The Anglo-Saxon Church, as revealed in the charters, was a loosely organized system dominated by private interests. Churches, monasteries, and ecclesiastical property were owned outright by individuals and corporations (secular and religious). Despite the efforts of reformers like Dunstan, the Anglo-Saxon Church remained fragmented until the Conquest. William\u27s invasion of England radically changed the condition of the Church. The Conqueror introduced his Norman ecclesiastical policy. In Normandy, the duke had gained control over the Church through feudalism. In particular, allodial lands and churches of the noble class were feudalized, but that group retained its independence. When William conquered England, he created an accentuated form of feudalism which tied all men and lands to the king. The Church became enmeshed in the feudal system and was considered part of his allod, the English kingdom. Though William claimed absolute control, there were serious difficulties in his eigenkirche policy. Namely, he could not solve the problem of jurisdiction between dioceses and monasteries and between feudal and ecclesiastical persons. Moreover, William\u27s policy directly opposed papal goals towards England which sought to make the kingdom a papal fief

    Satellite and ground radiotracking of elk

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    Radiotracking and monitoring of free-living animals in natural environments is providing an effective new technique for acquiring information on biological processes, including animal orientation and navigation. To test the practicability of extending the technique by using satellite systems for tracking animals, a female elk was instrumented with an electronic collar. It contained both the Interrogation Recording Location System (IRLS) transponder and a Craighead-Varney ground-tracking transmitter. The elk was successfully tracked and monitored by satellite during month of April 1970. This was the first time an animal had been tracked by satellite on the surface of the earth

    Adenosine and Autism: A Spectrum of Opportunities [post-print]

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    In rodents, insufficient adenosine produces behavioral and physiological symptoms consistent with several comorbidities of autism. In rodents and humans, stimuli postulated to increase adenosine can ameliorate these comorbidities. Because adenosine is a broad homeostatic regulator of cell function and nervous system activity, increasing adenosine\u27s influence might be a new therapeutic target for autism with multiple beneficial effects

    Are Posture Data from Simulated Tasks Representative of Field Conditions? Case Study for Overhead Electric Utility Workers

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    Many ergonomics studies are conducted in laboratory-simulated work environments to assess risks for the development of musculoskeletal disorders under more controlled conditions. However, the simulated conditions could be of questionable validity with respect to reproduction of field conditions involving risk factors. The objective of this study was to verify whether the postures recorded for neck extension/flexion and upper arm elevation of overhead electric utility workers in a simulated environment were similar to those recorded in a field environment. Of the three frequently performed tasks analysed, two presented similar exposure in both conditions. However, differences were identified for a more complex task (relay replacement). These results suggest that simulated tasks may be more representative for more standardised tasks. This may indicate that researchers investigating risks should avoid simplifying complex tasks when reproducing field posture exposure in laboratories, since omitting extra subtasks may lead to an inaccurate reproduction of field exposure. Practitioner Summary: Studies comparing results from field and simulated environments are necessary to evaluate to what degree postural exposure reproduced in laboratory is representative of the exposure occurring in real work situations. This is particularly relevant for tasks involving training in simulated environment due to safety constraints

    Ketogenic Diet Improves Core Symptoms of Autism in BTBR Mice

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    Autism spectrum disorders share three core symptoms: impaired sociability, repetitive behaviors and communication deficits. Incidence is rising, and current treatments are inadequate. Seizures are a common comorbidity, and since the 1920’s a high-fat, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet has been used to treat epilepsy. Evidence suggests the ketogenic diet and analogous metabolic approaches may benefit diverse neurological disorders. Here we show that a ketogenic diet improves autistic behaviors in the BTBR mouse. Juvenile BTBR mice were fed standard or ketogenic diet for three weeks and tested for sociability, self-directed repetitive behavior, and communication. In separate experiments, spontaneous intrahippocampal EEGs and tests of seizure susceptibility (6 Hz corneal stimulation, flurothyl, SKF83822, pentylenetetrazole) were compared between BTBR and control (C57Bl/6) mice. Ketogenic diet-fed BTBR mice showed increased sociability in a three-chamber test, decreased self-directed repetitive behavior, and improved social communication of a food preference. Although seizures are a common comorbidity with autism, BTBR mice fed a standard diet exhibit neither spontaneous seizures nor abnormal EEG, and have increased seizure susceptibility in just one of four tests. Thus, behavioral improvements are dissociable from any antiseizure effect. Our results suggest that a ketogenic diet improves multiple autistic behaviors in the BTBR mouse model. Therefore, ketogenic diets or analogous metabolic strategies may offer novel opportunities to improve core behavioral symptoms of autism spectrum disorders

    Municipal Non-Residential Real Property Valuation Forecast Accuracy

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    The objective of this study is to estimate the accuracy and/or reliability of alternative methods of forecasting property valuations of non-residential real commercial and industrial property in El Paso to improve municipal revenue forecasting. This study seeks to identify and evaluate four econometric and statistical alternatives to present forecasting practices for nonresidential property valuation forecasts: (1) a traditional income elasticity method, (2) a regional structural econometric model, (3) a statistical ARIMA method, and (4) trend analysis. In order to evaluate the four models, ex ante forecast simulations are created for each modeling approach and then compared to random walk and random walk with drift models for both commercial and industrial property values. Results indicate that the random walk with drift model outperformed all four models for both commercial and industrial property values. In addition, results also indicate that the random walk model outperformed all four models for industrial property values

    Municipal Non-Residential Real Property Valuation Forecast Accuracy

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    The objective of this study is to estimate the accuracy and/or reliability of alternative methods of forecasting property valuations of non-residential real commercial and industrial property in El Paso to improve municipal revenue forecasting. This study seeks to identify and evaluate four econometric and statistical alternatives to present forecasting practices for nonresidential property valuation forecasts: (1) a traditional income elasticity method, (2) a regional structural econometric model, (3) a statistical ARIMA method, and (4) trend analysis. In order to evaluate the four models, ex ante forecast simulations are created for each modeling approach and then compared to random walk and random walk with drift models for both commercial and industrial property values. Results indicate that the random walk with drift model outperformed all four models for both commercial and industrial property values. In addition, results also indicate that the random walk model outperformed all four models for industrial property values

    A parametric integer programming algorithm for bilevel mixed integer programs

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    We consider discrete bilevel optimization problems where the follower solves an integer program with a fixed number of variables. Using recent results in parametric integer programming, we present polynomial time algorithms for pure and mixed integer bilevel problems. For the mixed integer case where the leader's variables are continuous, our algorithm also detects whether the infimum cost fails to be attained, a difficulty that has been identified but not directly addressed in the literature. In this case it yields a ``better than fully polynomial time'' approximation scheme with running time polynomial in the logarithm of the relative precision. For the pure integer case where the leader's variables are integer, and hence optimal solutions are guaranteed to exist, we present two algorithms which run in polynomial time when the total number of variables is fixed.Comment: 11 page
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