6,534 research outputs found

    Low Shrinkage Bleaching of Unbleached Neutral Sulphite Semichemical Pulp

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    The main objective of this research project was the investigation of the most feasible method for the bleaching of a soft-cooked unbleached neutral sulphite semichemical aspen pulp cooked to a 70 percent yield. Furthermore, treatment of unbleached, laboratory bleached and commercially bleached neutral sulphite semichemical pulp with a new chemical, sodium borohydride, was also carried out. The results of our experimental work showed that, the best bleaching procedure was when 15 percent chlorine as hypochlorite was used in the first stage, followed by a hydrochloric acid soaking stage with a final treatment of 2.6 percent hydrogen peroxide. With the above procedure brightness values over 80 percent were obtained with the yields in the 90 percent range based on the weight of the pulp. Sodium borohydride treatment of the three pulps showed that, with regards to ultra-violet light and heat stability the chemical, sodium borohydride, had no effect on the unbleached and the bleached lignin-containing pulps. Treatment of the commercially bleached, lignin-free, pulp however showed that the chemical had a marked effect in improving the heat and light stability of the pulp. It was noted that with all three types of pulp the chemical sodium borohydride did procedure a bleaching effect

    The Ghost in the Courtroom: When Opinions Are Adopted Verbatim from Prosecutors

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    Judicial opinions captivate the legal community, serving as a hub for teaching new lawyers and developing the law. These opinions also provide a method for the justice system to communicate with the people it servesā€”both the parties to the cases and the public. This communication should be well-reasoned and developed from a neutral standpoint. However, this ideal is being seriously threatened by ghostwriting, the practice of allowing a party to write the opinion. This is particularly troubling in criminal cases, where the very lawyers charged with prosecuting defendants are writing the opinions against them. This Note proposes that opinions written by prosecutors should be subject to de novo appellate review. Additionally, states should pass legislation and revise ethics rules to require that judges critically review a proposed opinion, refrain from adopting it verbatim, give the opposing party an opportunity to reply, and write an original legal analysis section. Change is necessary to ensure that opinions are not just a recitation of a prosecutorā€™s argument, but a thoughtful product of an impartial judge. Left unchecked, ghostwriting will destroy the value of opinions and undermine the integrity of adjudication

    Ice-Cover and Jamming Effects on Inline Structures and Upstream Water Levels

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    River ice cover is a reoccurring phenomenon in the Northern United States every year. Sheets and layers of ice result in a rise of water surface elevation and may lead to ice jams in a river. This research explains the modeling of a river reach through Northern Illinois containing a structural weir and how the water profile is effected during ice cover and ice jam events. The Hydraulic Engineering Centerā€™s River Analysis System was used in conjunction with Esri ArcMap software to model a portion of the river for analysis. The study area of the Rock River flowing through Oregon, IL is known to freeze and ice over during the winter months in Northern Illinois. Data from the United States Geological Survey and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration were utilized to obtain cross-section and discharge measurements. The impacts of an ice jam occurring upstream of the weir and downstream of the weir were studied. The effects of the ice jam on the upstream water levels were also evaluated to observe if any flooding may occur inside the town or even farther upstream. Results of the ice cover and ice jam data were then compared to those of the Rock River under normal open flow conditions thus observing the change in water level, Froude number, and flow velocity. Results from this study help to point out the significance of ice jam occurrences and their effects on inline structures and future flooding concerns in the surrounding area

    On the Diversity of Erosion Control Products: Implications for Snake Entanglement

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    After a road construction project, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) mandates that erosion control products (ECPs) are installed to prevent soil loss and promote plant growth. However, their presence on the landscape pose negative consequences to wildlife via entanglement. TxDOT provides an Approved Products List (APL) of ECPs meeting soil erosion prevention and plant growth standards. In Texas, multiple types of ECPs are produced with a range of materials and attributes to decrease the erosion potential on multiple soil types and slopes. Certain attributes are more likely to lead to snake entanglement (Ebert et al. 2019 Wildl. Soc. Bull.; Fig. 1A & B). The purpose of this study was to quantify the diversity of traits of the erosion control products to determine which products pose the least risk of snake entanglement to limit this additional source of mortality

    Use of new biochemical plasmatic markers, plasma free and total metanephrines, for the diagnosis and follow-up of neuroblastoma in children with clinical correlation

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    Background: Neuroblastoma is a paediatrictumour derived from the neural crest. Biochemical diagnosis and follow up rely on quantitation of urinary catecholamines (dopamine and noradrenaline) and their metabolites vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) (gold-standard). When combined, these analyses have a sensitivity of 95%. However, they are clearly limited by inaccuracy of urine collection in young children and normalisation of catecholamine concentrations by creatininuria. Recent development in biochemical diagnosis of pheochromocytoma, another neural crest tumour found in adults, shows that plasmatic measurement of methoxylated catecholamines called metanephrines are more sensitive and specific than other biomarkers. Moreover, a study to determine the reference intervals for metanephrines in a pediatric population has recently been completed. The aim of this work is to describe the role of metanephrines monitoring in the follow up of neuroblastoma. Method: This retrospective study included patients with neuroblastoma in whom the following parameters were determined: plasma free and total metanephrines, plasma catecholamines, 24h urinary catecholamines and metanephrines in absolute value and corrected by creatinine, VMA and HVA at the diagnosis and during treatment at the University Hospital of Lausanne (Switzerland). Eleven patients aged between the first day of life and 7 years old were followed between 2005 and 2012. Clinical outcome and biochemical concentrations of the analytes were correlated. Results: At diagnosis, plasma free and total normetanephrines and methoxytyramine have a sensitivity of 100% compared to 85% for the actual gold standard. Metanephrine remain below the upper reference limit as expected since these tumours do not produce adrenaline. The relationship between biochemical markers and clinical outcome is illustrated graphically. Plasma or urinary normetanephrine and methoxytyramine correlate better with the history of the patient than VMA and HVA, as evaluated by ordinal logistic regression. Concentrations of analytes in urine show a better correlation with clinical events when the results are corrected by creatininuria. Conclusion: Normetanephrine and methoxytyramine reflect disease history in neuroblastoma patients and could play a significant role in the follow up of this type of tumour. Formal studies in a sufficient number of patients are needed to confirm this preliminary observation

    The Aging Athlete

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    Jean-Paul Sartreā€™s Theory of Literature

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    The thesis of this paper is twofold. First, there is the general concern to investigate and demonstrate clearly that there are relationships between certain superficially unrelated disciplines, namely philosophy, aesthetics and literary criticism. Second, by way of accomplishing the first aim, there is an attempt made to synthesize and explicate the contributions of a significant twentieth century intellectual. The particular procedure employed to attain these ends is the consideration of an academic field which is continually being reshaped by other separate but related disciplines. For my purposes the figure of Jean Paul Sartre and the field of literary criticism are both, as shall be demonstrated, appropriate for this investigation. The format for analyzing Sartreā€™s literary criticism shall be as follows. (1) There is an investigation of Sartreā€™s philosophical claims. (2) There follows a discussion of Sartreā€™s view of literature, its value, significance, and role in society. (3) The next section relates Sartreā€™s views of literature to traditional problems in literary criticism. (4) In the final portion there is a brief evaluation of Sartreā€™s contributions to a contemporary literary criticism

    A flexible housing approach for self-help housing in Botswana

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    The effect of automation on workload management and pilot role

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    Outpatient Physical Therapy Management of a Patient Diagnosed with Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy Type 2

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    Background and Purpose. This article describes the 3-week outpatient Physical Therapy management of a 63-year-old female with a diagnosis of Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy (MMD) Type 2. MMD is an inherited disorder, which progressively impacts muscular, respiratory, cardiac, nervous, and endocrine systems. MMD Type 2 is characterized by muscle weakness, muscle pain, and myotonia. The patient in this case study presented to physical therapy with upper and lower extremity weakness and balance impairment. The purpose of this article is to describe the initial physical therapy evaluation process for a patient with MMD, as well as the interventions used for this patient and the patient\u27s response to treatment. Research involving the physical therapy management of a patient with MMD Type 2 is scarce, and this article intends to add to the limited available information. Description. The treatment of this patient involved a generalized strengthening program for the upper and lower extremities, aerobic conditioning, balance training, and soft tissue massage for tissue restrictions. Outcomes. Following physical therapy intervention, the patient improved in functional outcome scores and balance assessment scores. The patient also demonstrated increased tolerance to aerobic exercise. Grip and pinch strength dynamometry were recorded revealing increased strength. Variable results were compiled from the manual muscle testing strength assessment, with a general trend of increased strength following the 3-week period of therapy. Discussion. The rationale for treatment was based on addressing the patient\u27s presenting symptoms and goals. Information gathered from a thorough literature review was used to guide treatment. Treatment was altered or progressed based on the patient\u27s response
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