926 research outputs found

    Quaternion kinematics for the error-state KF

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    A complete compendium of Quaternion formulas, with applications to Kalman filtering for visual-inertial navigation.Preprin

    Pose-graph SLAM sparsification using factor descent

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    Since state of the art simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms are not constant time, it is often necessary to reduce the problem size while keeping as much of the original graph’s information content. In graph SLAM, the problem is reduced by removing nodes and rearranging factors. This is normally faced locally: after selecting a node to be removed, its Markov blanket sub-graph is isolated, the node is marginalized and its dense result is sparsified. The aim of sparsification is to compute an approximation of the dense and non-relinearizable result of node marginalization with a new set of factors. Sparsification consists on two processes: building the topology of new factors, and finding the optimal parameters that best approximate the original dense distribution. This best approximation can be obtained through minimization of the Kullback-Liebler divergence between the two distributions. Using simple topologies such as Chow-Liu trees, there is a closed form for the optimal solution. However, a tree is oftentimes too sparse and produces bad distribution approximations. On the contrary, more populated topologies require nonlinear iterative optimization. In the present paper, the particularities of pose-graph SLAM are exploited for designing new informative topologies and for applying the novel factor descent iterative optimization method for sparsification. Several experiments are provided comparing the proposed topology methods and factor descent optimization with state-of-the-art methods in synthetic and real datasets with regards to approximation accuracy and computational cost.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La retòrica i la lingüística, 1775-1990

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    It is a well known fact that school manuals' of the 18th and 19th centuries centred on the teaching of Rhetoric are closely linked with those geared towards the study of language in general and of Grammar in particular. The article, based on the work by Marcet-SolĂ , shows the relevance of this especial relationship and offers illustrative material from these manuals, restricted, like the work referred to, to the Catalan speaking area

    Tractats de barbarismes fins a Pompeu Fabra

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    La lexicografia general i la normativa

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    As a starting point we take the real needs of the present language users, specially those professionals of linguistic Services, in order to get a clear picture of which of their needs could be satisfied by a general language dictionary and which by a normative dictionary. The vagueness of the concept «normativity» is pointed out and the opinion is expressed that it is not easy to define in a precise way which of the needs mentioned ought to be the subject of normativity. The article concludes with a series of concrete examples which illustrate the concepts presented

    Joint on-manifold self-calibration of odometry model and sensor extrinsics using pre-integration

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper describes a self-calibration procedure that jointly estimates the extrinsic parameters of an exteroceptive sensor able to observe ego-motion, and the intrinsic parameters of an odometry motion model, consisting of wheel radii and wheel separation. We use iterative nonlinear onmanifold optimization with a graphical representation of the state, and resort to an adaptation of the pre-integration theory, initially developed for the IMU motion sensor, to be applied to the differential drive motion model. For this, we describe the construction of a pre-integrated factor for the differential drive motion model, which includes the motion increment, its covariance, and a first-order approximation of its dependence with the calibration parameters. As the calibration parameters change at each solver iteration, this allows a posteriori factor correction without the need of re-integrating the motion data. We validate our proposal in simulations and on a real robot and show the convergence of the calibration towards the true values of the parameters. It is then tested online in simulation and is shown to accommodate to variations in the calibration parameters when the vehicle is subject to physical changes such as loading and unloading a freight.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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