1,308 research outputs found

    Governments should consider the consequences when they decide whether to adopt Internet voting

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    It sometimes seems to be a matter of when, and not if, online and remote voting will become available across advanced democracies. A combination of loyalty to the traditional model of voting that is generally still used, and concerns about privacy and security continue to hold back its wider application – despite successful trials in Estonia. Here Jo Saglie and Signe Bock Segaard discusses the findings of Norway’s recent e-voting trials, and argue that hat governments should consider the consequences when they decide whether they shall adopt Internet voting or remote voting in general

    Likestilt lokalpolitikk? En kunnskapsstatus

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    -Rapporten er en kunnskapsstatus som presenterer sentrale funn fra tidligere forskning om hva som har betydning for rekruttering generelt og kvinnerepresentasjon mer spesifikt i lokaldemokratiske organ. Her skiller vi mellom ulike nivåer av forhold: makronivå som omfatter institusjonelle og kulturelle faktorer på samfunnsnivå, mesonivå som omfatter forhold i partiene/listene og kommunene, mikronivå som omfatter kjennetegn hos individuelle aktører som kandidater og velgere. I tillegg skiller vi mellom en tilbudsside og en etterspørselsside. Etterspørselssiden omfatter de «utvelgerne» som prioriterer mannlige og kvinnelige kandidater. Gitt den valgordningen vi har ved kommunestyrevalg, er det to grupper utvelgere å ta hensyn til: partiene (ved nominasjonskomiteer og nominasjonsmøter) og velgerne som gir personstemmer. Tilbudssiden omfatter de potensielle kandidatene. Rapporten avsluttes med en kort oppsummering i form av noen generelle og sammenfattende perspektiver på hva som forklarer variasjon i kvinnerepresentasjon

    Lokale partilag og lister. Organisasjon, aktiviteter og økonomi

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    Lokale partilag og lokale lister har fått lite oppmerksomhet i forskningen til tross for deres viktige rolle i demokratiet. Denne rapporten gir et oversiktsbilde av kommunepartier og lokale lister i Norge og beskriver så vel deres interne arbeid og organisering som deres forhold til kommunestyret, lokalsamfunnet, partienes fylkesledd og nasjonale ledd samt de økonomiske rammebetingelsene for driften. Rapporten bygger på tre datakilder: en spørreundersøkelse til alle kommunepartier og lokale lister som ble representert i norske kommunestyrer etter valget i 2019, en spørreundersøkelse til alle norske kommuner og kvalitative intervjuer med 19 ledere av kommunepartier og lokale lister. Den overordnede konklusjonen er at det står nokså bra til med lokalpartiene og listene: De fungerer fortsatt som rekrutteringskanaler til lokalpolitikken, som medlemsorganisasjoner, som medspillere for kommunestyregruppene og som bindeledd til samfunnet for øvrig. De opplever også at rammevilkårene generelt er gode nok til at de kan utføre sine demokratiske kjernefunksjoner

    Tilgjengelighet og tilrettelegging for funksjonshemmede ved stortingsvalget 2021

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    Et formål med valgloven er at alle personer med stemmerett skal kunne stemme uavhengig av funksjonsevne. Selv om tilgjengeligheten og tilretteleggingen er god for velgerne i norske valg, kan enkelte oppleve at praktiske forhold gjør det vanskelig å bruke stemmeretten. Med det som utgangspunkt undersøker denne rapporten tilgjengeligheten for velgere med funksjonsnedsettelser i stortingsvalget 2021. Kommunene har ansvaret for at formålet i valgloven blir realisert i landets i overkant av 2800 valglokaler. Måten kommunene løser denne oppgaven på, er dermed avgjørende for tilretteleggingen i og utenfor valglokalene. Rapporten konsentreres om kommunenes arbeid med tilrettelegging for velgerne under forberedelsene til valget, og i hvilken grad de oppfyller kravene til tilgjengelighet og tilrettelegging i og rundt valglokalene. Datamaterialet består av tre kilder: en elektronisk spørreundersøkelse til alle landets kommuner, kvalitative intervjuer med valgansvarlige i ni kommuner, og faktiske observasjoner i 27 valglokaler fordelt på de sistnevnte ni kommunene. Med hensyn til valgforberedelsene viser analysen at kun et mindretall av kommunene involverer representanter for velgere med funksjonsnedsettelser når valget planlegges. Det gjelder med hensyn til valg av valglokaler og i utformingen av informasjonsmateriell. Med hensyn til selve stemmegivningen mener hele 90 prosent av kommunene at den aktuelle velgergruppen vil kunne avgi stemme i samtlige valglokaler i kommunen. Likevel viser observasjonene i valglokalene at det er rom for forbedring når det gjelder blant annet framkommelighet og merking/skilting. Avslutningsvis diskuterer rapporten enkelte konkrete forslag til hvordan tilretteleggingen kan forbedres ytterligere for velgere med funksjonsnedsettelser.publishedVersio

    A Case of Ocular Benign Lymphoid Hyperplasia Treated with Bevacizumab Injection

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    We report the first case of ocular benign lymphoid hyperplasia (BLH) treated with subconjunctival injection of bevacizumab (Avastin). A 27-year-old man presented to our clinic with conjunctival masses and limbal neovascularization. An incisional biopsy yielded the diagnosis of BLH. The patient was subsequently given a subconjunctival injection of bevacizumab (1.25 mg / 0.1 mL). The patient did not experience recurrence or malignant metaplasia during the one-year follow-up period. In patients with conjunctival BLH, subconjunctival injection of bevacizumab can be a useful treatment option in patients unable to undergo a surgical procedure due to limbal neovascularization

    A comprehensive inventory of TLX1 controlled long non-coding RNAs in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia through polyA+ and total RNA sequencing

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    Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) assessment has been shown to be a challenge for healthcare professionals, leading to the development of the eGVHD App (www.uzleuven.be/egvhd). In this study, we formally evaluated the accuracy of using the App compared to traditional assessment methods to assess GvHD. Our national multicenter randomized controlled trial involved seven Belgian transplantation centers and 78 healthcare professionals selected using a 2-stage convenience sampling approach between January and April 2017. Using a 1:1 randomization stratified by profession, healthcare professionals were assigned to use either the App ("APP") or their usual GvHD assessment aids ("No APP") to assess the diagnosis and severity score of 10 expert-validated clinical vignettes. Our main outcome measure was the difference in accuracy for GvHD severity scoring between both groups. The odds of being correct were 6.14 (95% CI: 2.83-13.34) and 6.29 (95% CI: 4.32-9.15) times higher in favor of the "APP" group for diagnosis and scoring, respectively (P<0.001). Appassisted GvHD severity scoring was significantly superior for both acute and chronic GvHD, with an Odds Ratio of 17.89 and 4.34 respectively (P<0.001) and showed a significantly increased inter-observer agreement compared to standard practice. Despite a mean increase of 24 minutes (95% CI: 20.45-26.97) in the time needed to score the whole GvHD test package in the "APP" group (P<0.001), usability feedback was positive. The eGVHD App shows superior GvHD assessment accuracy compared to standard practice and has the potential to improve the quality of outcome data registration in allogeneic stem cell transplantation

    Patterns of Retinal Damage Facilitate Differential Diagnosis between Susac Syndrome and MS

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    Susac syndrome, a rare but probably underdiagnosed combination of encephalopathy, hearing loss, and visual deficits due to branch retinal artery occlusion of unknown aetiology has to be considered as differential diagnosis in various conditions. Particularly, differentiation from multiple sclerosis is often challenging since both clinical presentation and diagnostic findings may overlap. Optical coherence tomography is a powerful and easy to perform diagnostic tool to analyse the morphological integrity of retinal structures and is increasingly established to depict characteristic patterns of retinal pathology in multiple sclerosis. Against this background we hypothesised that differential patterns of retinal pathology facilitate a reliable differentiation between Susac syndrome and multiple sclerosis. In this multicenter cross-sectional observational study optical coherence tomography was performed in nine patients with a definite diagnosis of Susac syndrome. Data were compared with age-, sex-, and disease duration-matched relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis patients with and without a history of optic neuritis, and with healthy controls. Using generalised estimating equation models, Susac patients showed a significant reduction in either or both retinal nerve fibre layer thickness and total macular volume in comparison to both healthy controls and relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis patients. However, in contrast to the multiple sclerosis patients this reduction was not distributed over the entire scanning area but showed a distinct sectorial loss especially in the macular measurements. We therefore conclude that patients with Susac syndrome show distinct abnormalities in optical coherence tomography in comparison to multiple sclerosis patients. These findings recommend optical coherence tomography as a promising tool for differentiating Susac syndrome from MS

    Key components of anaphylaxis management plans: consensus findings from a national electronic Delphi study

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    OBJECTIVES: There is no international consensus on the components of anaphylaxis management plans and responsibility for their design and delivery is contested. We set out to establish consensus among relevant specialist and generalist clinicians on this issue to inform future randomized controlled trials. DESIGN: A two-round electronic Delphi study completed by a 25-person, multidisciplinary expert panel. Participants scored the importance of a range of statements on anaphylaxis management, identified from a systematic review of the literature, on a five-point scale ranging from 'very important' to 'irrelevant'. Consensus was defined a priori as being achieved if 80% or more of panel members rated a statement as 'important' or 'very important' after Round 2. SETTING: Primary and secondary care and academic settings in the UK and Ireland. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-five medical, nursing and allied health professionals. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Consensus on the key components of anaphylaxis management plans. RESULTS: The response rate was 84% (n = 21) for Round 1 and 96% (n = 24) for Round 2. The key components of emergency care on which consensus was achieved included: awareness of trigger factors (100%); recognition and emergency management of reactions of different severity (100%); and clear information on adrenaline (epinephrine) use (100%). Consensus on longer-term management issues included: clear written guidelines on anaphylaxis management (96%); annual review of plans (87%); and plans that were tailored to individual needs (82%). CONCLUSIONS: This national consensus-building exercise generated widespread agreement that emergency plans need to be simple, clear and generic, making them easy to implement in a crisis. In contrast, long-term plans need to be negotiated between patient/carers and professionals, and tailored to individual needs. The effectiveness of this expert-agreed long-term plan now needs to be evaluated rigorously

    Widespread impact of horizontal gene transfer on plant colonization of land

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    In complex multicellular eukaryotes such as animals and plants, horizontal gene transfer is commonly considered rare with very limited evolutionary significance. Here we show that horizontal gene transfer is a dynamic process occurring frequently in the early evolution of land plants. Our genome analyses of the moss Physcomitrella patens identified 57 families of nuclear genes that were acquired from prokaryotes, fungi or viruses. Many of these gene families were transferred to the ancestors of green or land plants. Available experimental evidence shows that these anciently acquired genes are involved in some essential or plant-specific activities such as xylem formation, plant defence, nitrogen recycling as well as the biosynthesis of starch, polyamines, hormones and glutathione. These findings suggest that horizontal gene transfer had a critical role in the transition of plants from aquatic to terrestrial environments. On the basis of these findings, we propose a model of horizontal gene transfer mechanism in nonvascular and seedless vascular plants