16 research outputs found

    Generating and measuring the anisotropic elastic behaviour of Co thin films with oriented surface nano-strings on micro-cantilevers

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    In this research, the elastic behaviour of two Co thin films simultaneously deposited in an off-normal angle method was studied. Towards this end, two Si micro-cantilevers were simultaneously coated using pulsed laser deposition at an oblique angle, creating a Co nano-string surface morphology with a predetermined orientation. The selected position of each micro-cantilever during the coating process created longitudinal or transverse nano-strings. The anisotropic elastic behaviour of these Co films was determined by measuring the changes that took place in the resonant frequency of each micro-cantilever after this process of creating differently oriented plasma coatings had been completed. This differential procedure allowed us to determine the difference between the Young's modulus of the different films based on the different direction of the nano-strings. This difference was determined to be, at least, the 20% of the Young's modulus of the bulk Co

    In situ X-ray diffraction measurement of shock-wave-driven twinning and lattice dynamics

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    Pressure-driven shock waves in solid materials can cause extreme damage and deformation. Understanding this deformation and the associated defects that are created in the material is crucial in the study of a wide range of phenomena, including planetary formation and asteroid impact sites, the formation of interstellar dust clouds, ballistic penetrators, spacecraft shielding and ductility in high-performance ceramics. At the lattice level, the basic mechanisms of plastic deformation are twinning (whereby crystallites with a mirror-image lattice form) and slip (whereby lattice dislocations are generated and move), but determining which of these mechanisms is active during deformation is challenging. Experiments that characterized lattice defects have typically examined the microstructure of samples after deformation, and so are complicated by post-shock annealing and reverberations. In addition, measurements have been limited to relatively modest pressures (less than 100 gigapascals). In situ X-ray diffraction experiments can provide insights into the dynamic behaviour of materials, but have only recently been applied to plasticity during shock compression and have yet to provide detailed insight into competing deformation mechanisms. Here we present X-ray diffraction experiments with femtosecond resolution that capture in situ, lattice-level information on the microstructural processes that drive shock-wave-driven deformation. To demonstrate this method we shock-compress the body-centred-cubic material tantalum-an important material for high-energy-density physics owing to its high shock impedance and high X-ray opacity. Tantalum is also a material for which previous shock compression simulations and experiments have provided conflicting information about the dominant deformation mechanism. Our experiments reveal twinning and related lattice rotation occurring on the timescale of tens of picoseconds. In addition, despite the common association between twinning and strong shocks, we find a transition from twinning to dislocation-slip-dominated plasticity at high pressure (more than 150 gigapascals), a regime that recovery experiments cannot accurately access. The techniques demonstrated here will be useful for studying shock waves and other high-strain-rate phenomena, as well as a broad range of processes induced by plasticity

    Temperature dependence of dynamic deformation in FCC metals, aluminum and invar

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    Laser-driven shock experiments were performed on fcc metals, aluminum and invar, at a range of initial temperatures from approximately 120-800 K to explore the effect of initial temperature on dynamic strength properties at strain rates reaching up to 107 s−1. In aluminum, velocimetry data demonstrated an increase of peak stress of the elastic wave, σE, with initial temperature. Alternatively, for invar, σE exhibits little-to-no decrease over the same initial temperature range. Aluminum’s unusual deformation behavior is found to primarily be due to anharmonic vibrational effects. Differences in the magnetic structure of aluminum and invar can account for discrepancies in high rate deformation behavior

    Phase Transformation in Tantalum under Extreme Laser Deformation

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    The structural and mechanical response of metals is intimately connected to phase transformations. For instance, the product of a phase transformation (martensite) is responsible for the extraordinary range of strength and toughness of steel, making it a versatile and important structural material. Although abundant in metals and alloys, the discovery of new phase transformations is not currently a common event and often requires a mix of experimentation, predictive computations, and luck. High-energy pulsed lasers enable the exploration of extreme pressures and temperatures, where such discoveries may lie. The formation of a hexagonal (omega) phase was observed in recovered monocrystalline body-centered cubic tantalum of four crystallographic orientations subjected to an extreme regime of pressure, temperature, and strain-rate. This was accomplished using high-energy pulsed lasers. The omega phase and twinning were identified by transmission electron microscopy at 70 GPa (determined by a corresponding VISAR experiment). It is proposed that the shear stresses generated by the uniaxial strain state of shock compression play an essential role in the transformation. Molecular dynamics simulations show the transformation of small nodules from body-centered cubic to a hexagonal close-packed structure under the same stress state (pressure and shear)

    Anisotropy and Strain Localization in Dynamic Impact Experiments of Tantalum Single Crystals

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    Abstract Deformation mechanisms in bcc metals, especially in dynamic regimes, show unusual complexity, which complicates their use in high-reliability applications. Here, we employ novel, high-velocity cylinder impact experiments to explore plastic anisotropy in single crystal specimens under high-rate loading. The bcc tantalum single crystals exhibit unusually high deformation localization and strong plastic anisotropy when compared to polycrystalline samples. Several impact orientations - [100], [110], [111] and [1ˉ49\bar{1}49 1¯49 ] - are characterized over a range of impact velocities to examine orientation-dependent mechanical behavior versus strain rate. Moreover, the anisotropy and localized plastic strain seen in the recovered cylinders exhibit strong axial symmetries which differed according to lattice orientation. Two-, three-, and four-fold symmetries are observed. We propose a simple crystallographic argument, based on the Schmid law, to understand the observed symmetries. These tests are the first to explore the role of single-crystal orientation in Taylor impact tests and they clearly demonstrate the importance of crystallography in high strain rate and temperature deformation regimes. These results provide critical data to allow dramatically improved high-rate crystal plasticity models and will spur renewed interest in the role of crystallography to deformation in dynamics regimes

    Probing the limits of metal plasticity with molecular dynamics simulations

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    Ordinarily, the strength and plasticity properties of a metal are defined by dislocations—line defects in the crystal lattice whose motion results in material slippage along lattice planes1. Dislocation dynamics models are usually used as mesoscale proxies for true atomistic dynamics, which are computationally expensive to perform routinely2. However, atomistic simulations accurately capture every possible mechanism of material response, resolving every “jiggle and wiggle”3 of atomic motion, whereas dislocation dynamics models do not. Here we present fully dynamic atomistic simulations of bulk single-crystal plasticity in the body-centred-cubic metal tantalum. Our goal is to quantify the conditions under which the limits of dislocation-mediated plasticity are reached and to understand what happens to the metal beyond any such limit. In our simulations, the metal is compressed at ultrahigh strain rates along its [001] crystal axis under conditions of constant pressure, temperature and strain rate. To address the complexity of crystal plasticity processes on the length scales (85–340 nm) and timescales (1 ns–1ÎŒs) that we examine, we use recently developed methods of in situ computational microscopy4, 5 to recast the enormous amount of transient trajectory data generated in our simulations into a form that can be analysed by a human. Our simulations predict that, on reaching certain limiting conditions of strain, dislocations alone can no longer relieve mechanical loads; instead, another mechanism, known as deformation twinning (the sudden re-orientation of the crystal lattice6), takes over as the dominant mode of dynamic response. Below this limit, the metal assumes a strain-path-independent steady state of plastic flow in which the flow stress and the dislocation density remain constant as long as the conditions of straining thereafter remain unchanged. In this distinct state, tantalum flows like a viscous fluid while retaining its crystal lattice and remaining a strong and stiff metal