1,441 research outputs found

    Branes at conical singularities and holography

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    For supergavrity solutions which are the product of an anti-de Sitter space with an Einstein space X, we study the relation between the amount of supersymmetry preserved and the geometry of X. Depending on the dimension and the amount of supersymmetry, the following geometries for X are possible, in addition to the maximally supersymmetric spherical geometry: Einstein-Sasaki in dimension 2k+1, 3-Sasaki in dimension 4k+3, 7-dimensional manifolds of weak G_2 holonomy and 6-dimensional nearly Kaehler manifolds. Many new examples of such manifolds are presented which are not homogeneous and have escaped earlier classification efforts. String or M theory in these vacua are conjectured to be dual to superconformal field theories. The brane solutions interpolating between these anti-de Sitter near-horizon geometries and the product of Minkowski space with a cone over X lead to an interpretation of the dual superconformal field theory as the world-volume theory for branes at a conical singularity (cone branes). We propose a description of those field theories whose associated cones are obtained by (hyper-)Kaehler quotients.Comment: 38 pages (published version

    Spatially Resolved Magnetic Field Structure in the Disk of a T Tauri Star

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    Magnetic fields in accretion disks play a dominant role during the star formation process but have hitherto been observationally poorly constrained. Field strengths have been inferred on T Tauri stars themselves and possibly in the innermost part of the accretion disk, but the strength and morphology of the field in the bulk of the disk have not been observed. Unresolved measurements of polarized emission (arising from elongated dust grains aligned perpendicular to the field) imply average fields aligned with the disks. Theoretically, the fields are expected to be largely toroidal, poloidal, or a mixture of the two, which imply different mechanisms for transporting angular momentum in the disks of actively accreting young stars such as HL Tau. Here we report resolved measurements of the polarized 1.25 mm continuum emission from HL Tau's disk. The magnetic field on a scale of 80 AU is coincident with the major axis (~210 AU diameter) of the disk. From this we conclude that the magnetic field inside the disk at this scale cannot be dominated by a vertical component, though a purely toroidal field does not fit the data well either. The unexpected morphology suggests that the magnetic field's role for the accretion of a T Tauri star is more complex than the current theoretical understanding.Comment: Accepted for publication in Natur

    Self-duality of the D1-D5 near-horizon

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    We explore fermionic T-duality and self-duality in the geometry AdS3 x S3 x T4 in type IIB supergravity. We explicitly construct the Killing spinors and the fermionic T-duality isometries and show that the geometry is self-dual under a combination of two bosonic AdS3 T-dualities, four fermionic T-dualities and either two additional T-dualities along T4 or two T-dualities along S3. In addition, we show that the presence of a B-field acts as an obstacle to self-duality, a property attributable to S- duality and fermionic T-duality not commuting. Finally, we argue that fermionic T-duality may be extended to CY2 = K3, a setting where we cannot explicitly construct the Killing spinors.Comment: 24 pages, references added, changes made to reinforce the point that S-duality and fermionic T-duality generically do not commute, version accepted to JHE

    Cyclooxygenase activity mediates colorectal cancer cell resistance to the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid

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    Purpose The naturally-occurring omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is safe, well-tolerated and inexpensive, making it an attractive anti-cancer intervention. However, EPA has only modest anti-colorectal cancer (CRC) activity, when used alone. Both cyclooxygenase (COX) isoforms metabolise EPA and are over-expressed in CRC cells. We investigated whether COX inhibition increases the sensitivity of CRC cells to growth inhibition by EPA. Methods A panel of 18 human and mouse CRC cell lines was used to characterize the differential sensitivity of CRC cells to the growth inhibitory effects of EPA. The effect of CRISPR-Cas9 genetic deletion and pharmacological inhibition of COX-1 and COX-2 on the anti-cancer activity of EPA was determined using in vitro and in vivo models. Results Genetic ablation of both COX isoforms increased sensitivity of CT26 mouse CRC cells to growth inhibition by EPA in vitro and in vivo. The non-selective COX inhibitor aspirin and the selective COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib increased sensitivity of several human and mouse CRC cell lines to EPA in vitro. However, in a MC38 mouse CRC cell tumour model, with dosing that mirrored low-dose aspirin use in humans, thereby producing significant platelet COX-1 inhibition, there was ineffective intra-tumoral COX-2 inhibition by aspirin and no effect on EPA sensitivity of MC38 cell tumours. Conclusion Cyclooxygenase inhibition by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs represents a therapeutic opportunity to augment the modest anti-CRC activity of EPA. However, intra-tumoral COX inhibition is likely to be critical for this drug-nutrient interaction and careful tissue pharmacodynamic profiling is required in subsequent pre-clinical and human studies

    T-folds, doubled geometry, and the SU(2) WZW model

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    The SU(2) WZW model at large level N can be interpreted semiclassically as string theory on S^3 with N units of Neveu-Schwarz H-flux. While globally geometric, the model nevertheless exhibits an interesting doubled geometry possessing features in common with nongeometric string theory compactifications, for example, nonzero Q-flux. Therefore, it can serve as a fertile testing ground through which to improve our understanding of more exotic compactifications, in a context in which we have a firm understanding of the background from standard techniques. Three frameworks have been used to systematize the study of nongeometric backgrounds: the T-fold construction, Hitchin's generalized geometry, and fully doubled geometry. All of these double the standard description in some way, in order to geometrize the combined metric and Neveu Schwarz B-field data. We present the T-fold and fully doubled descriptions of WZW models, first for SU(2) and then for general group. Applying the formalism of Hull and Reid-Edwards, we indeed recover the physical metric and H-flux of the WZW model from the doubled description. As additional checks, we reproduce the abelian T-duality group and known semiclassical spectrum of D-branes.Comment: 69 pages; uses amslatex; v4 minor revision

    Scale without Conformal Invariance at Three Loops

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    We carry out a three-loop computation that establishes the existence of scale without conformal invariance in dimensional regularization with the MS scheme in d=4-epsilon spacetime dimensions. We also comment on the effects of scheme changes in theories with many couplings, as well as in theories that live on non-conformal scale-invariant renormalization group trajectories. Stability properties of such trajectories are analyzed, revealing both attractive and repulsive directions in a specific example. We explain how our results are in accord with those of Jack & Osborn on a c-theorem in d=4 (and d=4-epsilon) dimensions. Finally, we point out that limit cycles with turning points are unlike limit cycles with continuous scale invariance.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, Erratum adde

    Stringy effects in black hole decay

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    We compute the low energy decay rates of near-extremal three(four) charge black holes in five(four) dimensional N=4 string theory to sub-leading order in the large charge approximation. This involves studying stringy corrections to scattering amplitudes of a scalar field off a black hole. We adapt and use recently developed techniques to compute such amplitudes as near-horizon quantities. We then compare this with the corresponding calculation in the microscopic configuration carrying the same charges as the black hole. We find perfect agreement between the microscopic and macroscopic calculations; in the cases we study, the zero energy limit of the scattering cross section is equal to four times the Wald entropy of the black hole.Comment: 32 page

    Moduli Stabilization and Cosmology of Type IIB on SU(2)-Structure Orientifolds

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    We consider type IIB flux compactifications on six-dimensional SU(2)-structure manifolds with O5- and O7-planes. These six-dimensional spaces allow not only for F_3 and H_3 fluxes but also for F_1 and F_5 fluxes. We derive the four-dimensional N=1 scalar potential for such compactifications and present one explicit example of a fully stabilized AdS vacuum with large volume and small string coupling. We then discuss cosmological aspects of these compactifications and derive several no-go theorems that forbid dS vacua and slow-roll inflation under certain conditions. We also study concrete examples of cosets and twisted tori and find that our no-go theorems forbid dS vacua and slow-roll inflation in all but one of them. For the latter we find a dS critical point with \epsilon numerically zero. However, the point has two tachyons and eta-parameter \eta \approx -3.1.Comment: 35 pages + appendices, LaTeX2e; v2: numerical dS extremum added, typos corrected, references adde
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