6 research outputs found

    Problematic Internet Use in University Students: associated factors and differences of gender

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar un análisis descriptivo del uso problemático de Internet en estudiantes universitarios, evaluando la posible asociación con problemas de salud y conductas adictivas, así como diferencias de género en los tipos utilización. Un total de 2780 alumnos participaron en el estudio entre los años 2011 – 2014, siendo un 29% varones (edad 20.8 ± 5.1 años) y un 71% mujeres (edad de 20.3 ± 4.4 años). La prevalencia de uso problemático de Internet evaluada mediante el Internet Addiction Test fue del 6.08%. Ser menor de 21 años y cursar titulaciones diferentes a ciencias de la salud fueron factores asociados a una mayor frecuencia de este problema, no existiendo diferencias en función del sexo o tipo de domicilio. Los resultados muestran una asociación significativa con algunos problemas de salud (migrañas, dolor lumbar, sobrepeso u obesidad, descanso insuficiente), aspectos psicológicos (riesgo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, riesgo de trastorno mental, depresión), problemas familiares y discriminación; no encontrándose asociaciones con consumo de sustancias adictivas (alcohol, tabaco o cannabis). Respecto al tiempo de uso de Internet, las horas de conexión semanales fueron significativamente mayores en las mujeres que en los hombres, tanto en el tiempo total como por motivos de ocio. El análisis del perfil de utilización en usuarios problemáticos reveló que los varones se relacionan más con aspectos de ocio como los juegos o las compras online y las mujeres con aspectos de socialización, como el chat o las redes sociales

    Abdominal muscle activity and pelvic motion according to active straight leg raising test results in adults with and without chronic low back pain

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    Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR) is a clinical test that challenges lumbopelvic stability and have been used in low back pain patients. There are reports of positive tests in asymptomatic individuals, however, it is not clear if they are false positives or a consequence of performing the test differently.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Health impact of an intervention sport-competitionbased in elderly: the \u2018\u2018In-Common sport\u2019\u2019 project

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    Background: The health benefits of a regular physical activity (PA) in older people are well known but the majority of older people in Europe do not meet the recommended levels to maintain health. How to promote a regular PA in elderly is a responsibility and a challenge for Local Authorities. \u2018\u2018IN COMMON SPORTS-Intergenerational Competition As Motivation For Sport And Healthy Lifestyle Of Senior Citizens\u2019\u2019 is a three year Erasmus+ Sport project which promotes active lifestyle in senior citizens bringing them closer to sport activities. The project involved five countries: Portugal, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Hungary. The aim of the study is to present one-year follow-up data of the Italian sample. Methods: Quasi-experimental study with 121 participants over 60-aged recruited in Cesena (Italy) through newspaper advertising. The experimental group (EG) attended twice a week structured training sessions for two years. Sessions included aerobic activity of moderate intensity and muscle-strengthening activities interspersed with aerobic activity of vigorous intensity. The training was the basis for the preparation in a competition that took place in each country. The control group (CG) received the advice to practice regular PA. Upper limb muscle strength (Handgrip Test) was measured as primary outcome. Results: One year follow-up analysis were conducted on 76 participants, 52 in EG and 24 in CG (mean age: 716.7) using ANOVA and ANCOVA to test the effects of the intervention. The EG significantly improved upper limb muscle strength (1.92.8) vs CG significantly worsened (-1.93.5). After adjusted for unbalanced variables, the comparison between groups showed a significant effect of intervention on handgrip test (p value=0,012). Conclusions: \u2019\u2019IN COMMON SPORTS\u2019\u2019 project has significantly improved handgrip strength in Italian participants. This test has shown to be a proxy of decline in cognition, mobility, functional status and mortality in older community-dwelling populations. Key messages: IN COMMON SPORTS promotes active lifestyle in senior citizens bringing them closer to sport activities. The project has proven to be effective in improving handgrip strength

    Is water-based exercise training sufficient to improve physical fitness in the elderly?: a systematic review of the evidence

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    The research on the effects of aquatic exercise is a field that has grown rapidly in the last decade. The majority of the available literature is focused on the benefits of water-based exercise programs for people with rheumatologic disease and back pain; however, there is a lack of evidence reporting the effects of exercise performed in an aquatic medium for healthy elderly adults. The purpose of this study was to critically review the existing evidence of a potential relationship between water-based exercise and improvement of physical fitness in healthy elderly subjects. A systematic database search for manuscripts and a quality control were performed. A system of rating was defined. Aerobic, muscular strength, flexibility and body composition outcomes were then extracted. Nine studies were analyzed after the screening for eligibility: five randomized controlled trials (RCT), three randomized uncontrolled trials (UT) and one controlled trial (CT). Four RCT and two randomized UT were classified as high quality studies. One RCT, one randomized UT and one CT were considered low quality studies. Strong evidence supports the use of water-based exercise for the improvement of aerobic capacity and strength. Moderate evidence highlights the benefits on flexibility, and inconclusive evidence was found supporting the modification of body composition