18 research outputs found

    A study of the dry forest communities in the Dominican Republic

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    This paper is a floristic and phytosociological study of the dry forest communities of the Dominican Republic. A total of 69 relevés in dry forest biotopes were carried out. The samples were subsequently subjected to Detrended Correspondence Analysis for the determination and study of possible groupings. The study does not cover tree formations growing on serpentines, nor the so-called semideciduous forests, peculiar to areas with higher rainfall. A total of nine phytocoenoses were identified. The most significant results led to the description of six new phytosociological associations: Simaroubetum berteroani (thorny dry forest on coastal dunes), Phyllostylo rhamnoidis-Prosopidetum juliflorae (southern Dominican disturbed dry forest), Consoleo moniliformis-Camerarietum linearifoliae (dry forest on hard limestones), Lemaireocereo hystricis-Prosopidetum juliflorae (northern Dominican disturbed dry forest), Lycio americani-Prosopidetum juliflorae (disturbed dry forest on saline soils) and Guettardo ellipticae-Guapiretum discoloris (dry forest on flat-topped hillocks in Montecristi). This is an important step forward in the phytosociological and floristic studies of the Caribbean territories.Este trabalho apresenta um estudo florístico e fitossociológico das comunidades de florestas secas da República Dominicana. Um total de 69 amostras foram obtidas pelo método relevé em biótopos florestais secos. As amostras foram posteriormente submetidas à análise de correspondência destendenciada para a determinação e estudo de possíveis agrupamentos. O estudo não abrange formações arbóreas desenvolvidas sobre serpentinitos, nem as chamadas florestas semideciduais, peculiares às áreas de maior pluviosidade. Foram identificados nove fitocenoses. Os resultados mais significativos levaram à descrição de seis novas associações fitossociológicas: Simaroubetum berteroani (floresta espinhosa seca em dunas costeiras), Phyllostylo rhamnoidis-Prosopidetum juliflorae (floresta seca perturbada do sul da República Dominicana), Consoleo moniliformis-Camerarietum linearifoliae (floresta seca sobre calcários compactos), Lemaireocereo hystricis-Prosopidetum juliflorae (floresta seca perturbada do norte da República Dominicana), Lycio americani-Prosopidetum juliflorae (floresta seca perturbada desenvolvida em solos salinos) Guettardo ellipticae-Guapiretum discoloris (floresta seca em colinas de topo achatado em Montecristi). O trabalho realizado representa um importante avanço nos estudos fitossociológicos e florísticos dos territórios do Caribe.This research paper was possible thanks to the sponsorship of the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), under the auspices of the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación de España, which funded the project (cod. A/3499/05)

    Impacts of Climate Change on the Global Invasion Potential of the African Clawed Frog Xenopus laevis

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    International audienceBy altering or eliminating delicate ecological relationships, non-indigenous species are con- sidered a major threat to biodiversity, as well as a driver of environmental change. Global cli- mate change affects ecosystems and ecological communities, leading to changes in the phenology, geographic ranges, or population abundance of several species. Thus, predicting the impacts of global climate change on the current and future distribution of invasive species is an important subject in macroecological studies. The African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), native to South Africa, possesses a strong invasion potential and populations have become established in numerous countries across four continents. The global invasion potential of X. laevis was assessed using correlative species distribution models (SDMs). SDMs were com- puted based on a comprehensive set of occurrence records covering South Africa, North America, South America and Europe and a set of nine environmental predictors. Models were built using both a maximum entropy model and an ensemble approach integrating eight algo- rithms. The future occurrence probabilities for X. laevis were subsequently computed using bioclimatic variables for 2070 following four different IPCC scenarios. Despite minor differ- ences between the statistical approaches, both SDMs predict the future potential distribution of X. laevis, on a global scale, to decrease across all climate change scenarios. On a conti- nental scale, both SDMs predict decreasing potential distributions in the species’ native range in South Africa, as well as in the invaded areas in North and South America, and in Australia where the species has not been introduced. In contrast, both SDMs predict the potential range size to expand in Europe. Our results suggest that all probability classes will be equally affected by climate change. New regional conditions may promote new invasions or the spread of established invasive populations, especially in France and Great Britain