13 research outputs found

    A Four-Way Comparison of Cardiac Function with Normobaric Normoxia, Normobaric Hypoxia, Hypobaric Hypoxia and Genuine High Altitude.

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    There has been considerable debate as to whether different modalities of simulated hypoxia induce similar cardiac responses.This was a prospective observational study of 14 healthy subjects aged 22-35 years. Echocardiography was performed at rest and at 15 and 120 minutes following two hours exercise under normobaric normoxia (NN) and under similar PiO2 following genuine high altitude (GHA) at 3,375m, normobaric hypoxia (NH) and hypobaric hypoxia (HH) to simulate the equivalent hypoxic stimulus to GHA.All 14 subjects completed the experiment at GHA, 11 at NN, 12 under NH, and 6 under HH. The four groups were similar in age, sex and baseline demographics. At baseline rest right ventricular (RV) systolic pressure (RVSP, p = 0.0002), pulmonary vascular resistance (p = 0.0002) and acute mountain sickness (AMS) scores were higher and the SpO2 lower (p<0.0001) among all three hypoxic groups (GHA, NH and HH) compared with NN. At both 15 minutes and 120 minutes post exercise, AMS scores, Cardiac output, septal S', lateral S', tricuspid S' and A' velocities and RVSP were higher and SpO2 lower with all forms of hypoxia compared with NN. On post-test analysis, among the three hypoxia groups, SpO2 was lower at baseline and 15 minutes post exercise with GHA (89.3±3.4% and 89.3±2.2%) and HH (89.0±3.1 and (89.8±5.0) compared with NH (92.9±1.7 and 93.6±2.5%). The RV Myocardial Performance (Tei) Index and RVSP were significantly higher with HH than NH at 15 and 120 minutes post exercise respectively and tricuspid A' was higher with GHA compared with NH at 15 minutes post exercise.GHA, NH and HH produce similar cardiac adaptations over short duration rest despite lower SpO2 levels with GHA and HH compared with NH. Notable differences emerge following exercise in SpO2, RVSP and RV cardiac function

    Acute and chronic changes in baroreflex sensitivity in hypobaric vs. normobaric hypoxia

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    Normobaric hypoxia (NH) is used as a surrogate for hypobaric hypoxia (HH). Recent studies reported physiological differences between NH and HH. Baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) decreases at altitude or following intense training. However, until now no study compared the acute and chronic changes of BRS in NH vs. HH. First, BRS was assessed in 13 healthy male subjects prior and after 20 h of exposure at 3450 m (study 1), and second in 15 well-trained athletes prior and after 18 days of "live-high train-low" (LHTL) at 2250 m (study 2) in NH vs. HH. BRS decreased (p &lt; 0.05) to the same extent in NH and HH after 20 h of hypoxia and after LHTL. These results confirm that altitude decreases BRS but the decrease is similar between HH and NH. The persistence of this decrease after the cessation of a chronic exposure is new and does not differ between HH and NH. The previously reported physiological differences between NH and HH do not appear strong enough to induce different BRS responses

    Alterations in Postural Control during the World's Most Challenging Mountain Ultra-Marathon

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    We investigated postural control (PC) effects of a mountain ultra-marathon (MUM): a 330-km trail run with 24000 m of positive and negative change in elevation. PC was assessed prior to (PRE), during (MID) and after (POST) the MUM in experienced ultra-marathon runners (n = 18; finish time = 126+/-16 h) and in a control group (n = 8) with a similar level of sleep deprivation. Subjects were instructed to stand upright on a posturographic platform over a period of 51.2 seconds using a double-leg stance under two test conditions: eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC). Traditional measures of postural stability (center of pressure trajectory analysis) and stabilogram-diffusion analysis (SDA) parameters were analysed. For the SDA, a significantly greater short-term effective diffusion was found at POST compared with PRE in the medio-lateral (ML; Dxs) and antero-posterior (AP) directions (Dys) in runners (p&lt;0.05) The critical time interval (Ctx) in the ML direction was significantly higher at MID (p&lt;0.001) and POST (p&lt;0.05) than at PRE in runners. At MID (p&lt;0.001) and POST (p&lt;0.05), there was a significant difference between the two groups. The critical displacement (Cdx) in the ML was significantly higher at MID and at POST (p&lt;0.001) compared with PRE for runners. A significant difference in Cdx was observed between groups in EO at MID (p&lt;0.05) and POST (p&lt;0.005) in the ML direction and in EC at POST in the ML and AP directions (p&lt;0.05). Our findings revealed significant effects of fatigue on PC in runners, including, a significant increase in Ctx (critical time in ML plan) in EO and EC conditions. Thus, runners take longer to stabilise their body at POST than at MID. It is likely that the mountainous characteristics of MUM (unstable ground, primarily uphill/downhill running, and altitude) increase this fatigue, leading to difficulty in maintaining balance

    Long‐term stability study and evaluation of intact steroid conjugate ratios after the administration of endogenous steroids

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    The most frequently detected substances prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) belong to the anabolic steroids class. The most challenging compounds among this class are the endogenous anabolic steroids, which are detected by quantitative measurement of testosterone (T) and its metabolites with a so-called "steroid profiling" method. The current steroid profile is based on the concentrations and ratios of the sum of free and glucuronidated steroids. Recently, our group developed a steroid profiling method for the detection of three free steroids and 14 intact steroid conjugates, including both the glucuronic acid conjugated and sulfated fraction. The study aimed at evaluating the long-term stability of steroid conjugate concentrations and ratios, and the influence of different endogenous steroids on this extended steroid profile. A single dose of oral T undecanoate (TU), topical T gel, topical dihydrotestosterone (DHT) gel, and oral dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) was administered to six healthy male volunteers. One additional volunteer with a homozygote deletion of the UGT2B17 gene (del/del genotype) received a single topical dose of T gel. An intramuscular dose of TU was administered to another volunteer. To avoid fluctuation of steroid concentrations caused by variations in urinary flow rates, steroid ratios were calculated and evaluated as possible biomarkers for the detection of endogenous steroid abuse with low doses. Overall, sulfates do not have substantial additional value in prolonging detection times for the investigated endogenous steroids and administration doses. The already monitored glucuronides were overall the best markers and were sufficient to detect the administered steroids