978 research outputs found

    Do wholes become more than the sum of their parts in the rodent (Rattus Norvegicus) visual system? A test case with the configural superiority effect

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    The rodent has been used to model various aspects of the human visual system, but it is unclear to what extent human visual perception can be modelled in the rodent. Research suggests rodents can perform invariant object recognition tasks in a manner comparable to humans. There is further evidence that rodents also make use of certain grouping cues, but when performing a shape discrimination they have a tendency to rely much more on local image cues than human participants. In the current work, we exploit the fact that humans sometimes discriminate better between whole shapes, rather than the parts from which they are constructed, to ask whether rodents show a classic Configural Superiority Effect. Using touchscreen-equipped operant boxes, rats were trained to discriminate ‘part’ or ‘whole’ images based off of those used by J. R. Pomerantz et al. (1977) J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 3, 422–435. Here, we show that rats show no advantage for wholes and that they perform better when presented with simpler image parts, a pattern of effect opposite to what was seen in humans when highly comparable stimuli were used. These results add to our understanding of the similarities and differences between the human and rodent visual system, and suggest that the rodent visual system may not compute part whole relationships in a way comparable to humans. These results are significant from both a comparative anatomy perspective, and of particular relevance for those wishing to use rodents to model visuo-perceptual deficits associated with human psychiatric disorders

    Current position of 5HT3 antagonists and the additional value of NK1 antagonists; a new class of antiemetics

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    The advent of the 5HT3 receptor antagonists (5HT3 antagonists) in the 1990s and the combination with dexamethasone has resulted in acute emesis protection in 70% of patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy. Despite complete protection in the acute phase, however, 40% of patients as yet have symptoms in the delayed phase, 5HT3 antagonists and dexamethasone are only modestly effective in this delayed phase. Moreover, the antiemetic protection over repeated cycles is not sustained. Neurokinine 1 receptor antagonists (NK1 antagonists) belong to a new class of antiemetic agents that specifically target the NK1 receptor, which is involved in both the acute and, particularly, the delayed phase of emesis. Clinical studies have demonstrated that the addition of NK1 antagonists to dual therapy with a 5HT3 antagonist plus dexamethasone improves the acute emesis protection by a further 10-15%. In the delayed phase, the proportion of patients remaining free of emesis increases by even 20-30%. Since the effectiveness of this triplet combination was found to be sustained over six cycles of chemotherapy, the chance for an individual patient to remain completely protected during both the acute and the delayed phase over six chemotherapy cycles is nearly doubled

    Discrete Information from CHL Black Holes

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    AdS_2/CFT_1 correspondence predicts that the logarithm of a Z_N twisted index over states carrying a fixed set of charges grows as 1/N times the entropy of the black hole carrying the same set of charges. In this paper we verify this explicitly by calculating the microscopic Z_N twisted index for a class of states in the CHL models. This demonstrates that black holes carry more information about the microstates than just the total degeneracy.Comment: LaTeX file, 24 pages; v2: references adde

    Magnetic connectivity of the ecliptic plane within 0.5 AU : PFSS modeling of the first PSP encounter

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    We compare magnetic field measurements taken by the FIELDS instrument on Parker Solar Probe (PSP) during its first solar encounter to predictions obtained by Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) modeling. Ballistic propagation is used to connect the spacecraft to the source surface. Despite the simplicity of the model, our results show striking agreement with PSPs first observations of the heliospheric magnetic field from 0.5 AU (107.5 Rs) down to 0.16 AU (35.7 Rs). Further, we show the robustness of the agreement is improved both by allowing the photospheric input to the model to vary in time, and by advecting the field from PSP down to the PFSS model domain using in situ PSP/SWEAP measurements of the solar wind speed instead of assuming it to be constant with longitude and latitude. We also explore the source surface height parameter (RSS) to the PFSS model finding that an extraordinarily low source surface height (1.3-1.5Rs) predicts observed small scale polarity inversions which are otherwise washed out with regular modeling parameters. Finally, we extract field line traces from these models. By overlaying these on EUV images we observe magnetic connectivity to various equatorial and mid-latitude coronal holes indicating plausible magnetic footpoints and offering context for future discussions of sources of the solar wind measured by PSP

    Retrograde semaphorin-plexin signalling drives homeostatic synaptic plasticity.

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    Homeostatic signalling systems ensure stable but flexible neural activity and animal behaviour. Presynaptic homeostatic plasticity is a conserved form of neuronal homeostatic signalling that is observed in organisms ranging from Drosophila to human. Defining the underlying molecular mechanisms of neuronal homeostatic signalling will be essential in order to establish clear connections to the causes and progression of neurological disease. During neural development, semaphorin-plexin signalling instructs axon guidance and neuronal morphogenesis. However, semaphorins and plexins are also expressed in the adult brain. Here we show that semaphorin 2b (Sema2b) is a target-derived signal that acts upon presynaptic plexin B (PlexB) receptors to mediate the retrograde, homeostatic control of presynaptic neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular junction in Drosophila. Further, we show that Sema2b-PlexB signalling regulates presynaptic homeostatic plasticity through the cytoplasmic protein Mical and the oxoreductase-dependent control of presynaptic actin. We propose that semaphorin-plexin signalling is an essential platform for the stabilization of synaptic transmission throughout the developing and mature nervous system. These findings may be relevant to the aetiology and treatment of diverse neurological and psychiatric diseases that are characterized by altered or inappropriate neural function and behaviour

    Context-specific regulation of surface and soluble IL7R expression by an autoimmune risk allele.

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    IL-7 is a key factor in T cell immunity and common variants at IL7R, encoding its receptor, are associated with autoimmune disease susceptibility. IL7R mRNA is induced in stimulated monocytes, yet a function for IL7R in monocyte biology remains unexplored. Here we characterize genetic regulation of IL7R at the protein level in healthy individuals, and find that monocyte surface and soluble IL7R (sIL7R) are markedly induced by lipopolysaccharide. In monocytes, both surface IL7R and sIL7R expression strongly associate with allelic carriage of rs6897932, a disease-associated IL7R polymorphism. Monocytes produce more sIL7R than CD4 + T cells, and the amount is additionally correlated with the expression of DDX39A, encoding a splicing factor. Synovial fluid-derived monocytes from patients with spondyloarthritis are enriched for IL7R+ cells with a unique transcriptional profile that overlaps with IL-7-induced gene sets. Our data thus suggest a previously unappreciated function for monocytes in IL-7 biology and IL7R-associated diseases

    Whistler wave occurrence and the interaction with strahl electrons during the first encounter of Parker Solar Probe

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    Aims. We studied the properties and occurrence of narrowband whistler waves and their interaction with strahl electrons observed between 0.17 and 0.26 au during the first encounter of Parker Solar Probe. Methods. We used Digital Fields Board band-pass filtered (BPF) data from FIELDS to detect the signatures of whistler waves. Additionally parameters derived from the particle distribution functions measured by the Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and Protons (SWEAP) instrument suite were used to investigate the plasma properties, and FIELDS suite measurements were used to investigate the electromagnetic (EM) fields properties corresponding to the observed whistler signatures. Results. We observe that the occurrence of whistler waves is low, nearly ~1.5% and less than 0.5% in the analyzed peak and average BPF data, respectively. Whistlers occur highly intermittently and 80% of the whistlers appear continuously for less than 3 s. The spacecraft frequencies of the analyzed waves are less than 0.2 electron cyclotron frequency (fce). The occurrence rate of whistler waves was found to be anticorrelated with the solar wind bulk velocity. The study of the duration of the whistler intervals revealed an anticorrelation between the duration and the solar wind velocity, as well as between the duration and the normalized amplitude of magnetic field variations. The pitch-angle widths (PAWs) of the field-aligned electron population referred to as the strahl are broader by at least 12 degrees during the presence of large amplitude narrowband whistler waves. This observation points toward an EM wave electron interaction, resulting in pitch-angle scattering. PAWs of strahl electrons corresponding to the short duration whistlers are higher compared to the long duration whistlers, indicating short duration whistlers scatter the strahl electrons better than the long duration ones. Parallel cuts through the strahl electron velocity distribution function (VDF) observed during the whistler intervals appear to depart from the Maxwellian shape typically found in the near-Sun strahl VDFs. The relative decrease in the parallel electron temperature and the increase in PAW for the electrons in the strahl energy range suggests that the interaction with whistler waves results in a transfer of electron momentum from the parallel to the perpendicular direction

    Mapping Exoplanets

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    The varied surfaces and atmospheres of planets make them interesting places to live, explore, and study from afar. Unfortunately, the great distance to exoplanets makes it impossible to resolve their disk with current or near-term technology. It is still possible, however, to deduce spatial inhomogeneities in exoplanets provided that different regions are visible at different times---this can be due to rotation, orbital motion, and occultations by a star, planet, or moon. Astronomers have so far constructed maps of thermal emission and albedo for short period giant planets. These maps constrain atmospheric dynamics and cloud patterns in exotic atmospheres. In the future, exo-cartography could yield surface maps of terrestrial planets, hinting at the geophysical and geochemical processes that shape them.Comment: Updated chapter for Handbook of Exoplanets, eds. Deeg & Belmonte. 17 pages, including 6 figures and 4 pages of reference

    The Radial Dependence of Proton-scale Magnetic Spectral Break in Slow Solar Wind during PSP Encounter 2

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    International audienceMagnetic field fluctuations in the solar wind are commonly observed to follow a power-law spectrum. Near proton-kinetic scales, a spectral break occurs that is commonly interpreted as a transition to kinetic turbulence. However, this transition is not yet entirely understood. By studying the scaling of the break with various plasma properties, it may be possible to constrain the processes leading to the onset of kinetic turbulence. Using data from the Parker Solar Probe, we measure the proton-scale break over a range of heliocentric distances, enabling a measurement of the transition from inertial to kinetic-scale turbulence under various plasma conditions. We find that the break frequency f(b) increases as the heliocentric distance r decreases in the slow solar wind following a power law of f(b) similar to r(-1.11). We also compare this to the characteristic plasma ion scales to relate the break to the possible physical mechanisms occurring at this scale. The ratio f(b)/f(c) (f(c) for Doppler-shifted ion cyclotron resonance scale) is close to unity and almost independent of plasma beta(p). While f(b)/f(p) (f(p) for Doppler-shifted proton thermal gyroradius) increases with beta(p) approaching to unity at larger beta(p), f(b)/f(d) (f(d) for Doppler-shifted proton inertial length) decreases with beta(p) from unity at small beta(p). Due to the large comparable Alfven and solar wind speeds, we analyze these results using both the standard and modified Taylor hypotheses, demonstrating the robust statistical results

    Cross Helicity Reversals in Magnetic Switchbacks

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    International audienceWe consider 2D joint distributions of normalized residual energy, sigma(r)(s, t), and cross helicity, sigma(c)(s, t), during one day of Parker Solar Probe's (PSP's) first encounter as a function of wavelet scale s. The broad features of the distributions are similar to previous observations made by Helios in slow solar wind, namely well-correlated and fairly Alfvenic wind, except for a population with negative cross helicity that is seen at shorter wavelet scales. We show that this population is due to the presence of magnetic switchbacks, or brief periods where the magnetic field polarity reverses. Such switchbacks have been observed before, both in Helios data and in Ulysses data in the polar solar wind. Their abundance and short timescales as seen by PSP in its first encounter is a new observation, and their precise origin is still unknown. By analyzing these MHD invariants as a function of the wavelet scale, we show that magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves do indeed follow the local mean magnetic field through switchbacks, with a net Elsasser flux propagating inward during the field reversal and that they, therefore, must be local kinks in the magnetic field and not due to small regions of opposite polarity on the surface of the Sun. Such observations are important to keep in mind as computing cross helicity without taking into account the effect of switchbacks may result in spurious underestimation of sigma(c) as PSP gets closer to the Sun in later orbits
