249 research outputs found

    Dry granular avalanche impact force on a rigid wall of semi-infinite height

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    The present paper tackles the problem of the impact of a dry granular avalanche-flow on a rigid wallof semi-infinite height. An analytic force model based on depth-averaged shock theory is proposed to describethe flow-wall interaction and the resulting impact force on the wall. Provided that the analytic force modelis fed with the incoming flow conditions regarding thickness, velocity and density, all averaged over a certaindistance downstream of the undisturbed incoming flow, it reproduces very well the time history of the impactforce actually measured by detailed discrete element simulations, for a wide range of slope angles

    Capturing of the internal mechanics of liquid-granular flows comprised of polydisperse spherical particles

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    This paper presents a series of flume experiments designed to examine the motion and arrest of concentrated granular-fluid flows, with a view to understanding the role of polydispersity in debris flows. A non-intrusive technique is used to investigate the internal behaviour of small scale experimental flows. Three different particle size distributions comprised of polydisperse spherical particles and one with the finer component made of angular particles were analysed. The choice of using spherical shaped particles was made to improve the visualization of the internal mechanics without reducing overmuch the complexity involved in the study of these flows. We examined and compared the internal velocities of the flows and their depositional spreads. While the optical performance of the non-intrusive technique was improved, some of the characteristics commonly seen in these types of granular flows were not observed. Velocity profiles obtained in the body of the flows were similar in shape but with differences in velocity magnitude depending on the amount of fines and the angularity of the particle in one case. Depositional runouts between flows were similar at low inclinations when little internal energy was supplemented to the system or when the viscous effects dominated the mechanics at steeper angles

    Towards minimal models for realistic granular materials: Tomographic analysis of bidispersed assemblies of ellipsoid

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    In this paper, we report experimental results on granular compaction in a model system made of mono- and bidisperse ellipsoidal packings as well as sand packings with grain size polydispersity. The packings are subject to vertical tapping of varying duration (number of taps) and their internal three-dimensional structure is obtained using x-ray computed tomography. Particles positions and orientations are reconstructed and the global packing densities are computed. The analysis of the vertical and horizontal local packing fraction profiles reveal a homogeneous densification in the ellipsoidal packings, however, sand packings exhibit radial density gradient, possibly linked to the onset of convection

    Observation of microstructure of silty sand obtained from gelpush sampler and reconstituted sample

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    Observation of microstructure study of natural sand i.e. clean sand with fines (particles adjudged to be smaller than 75ÎĽm) content < 5% (Gel Push A) and silty sand with 35% fine content (Gel Push B) obtained by gel-push sampling was described. In addition, some observations from reconstituted samples prepared by dry pluviation and moist tamping were presented. Microstructures were investigated statistically by measuring particle orientation. It was evidence that natural sand (either gel push A and B) have a preferred orientation i.e. horizontally oriented. Similar particle orientation trend were observed by dry pluviated sample. Undisturbed and dry pluviated samples shows that they are anisotropic in terms of particles orientation. Moist tamped sample on the other hand, results in fairly random orientation with a slight bias towards vertical, thus does not replicate natural sand fabric

    Pomelo, a tool for computing Generic Set Voronoi Diagrams of Aspherical Particles of Arbitrary Shape

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    We describe the development of a new software tool, called “Pomelo”, for the calculation of Set Voronoi diagrams. Voronoi diagrams are a spatial partition of the space around the particles into separate Voronoi cells, e.g. applicable to granular materials. A generalization of the conventional Voronoi diagram for points or monodisperse spheres is the Set Voronoi diagram, also known as navigational map or tessellation by zone of influence. In this construction, a Set Voronoi cell contains the volume that is closer to the surface of one particle than to the surface of any other particle. This is required for aspherical or polydisperse systems. Pomelo is designed to be easy to use and as generic as possible. It directly supports common particle shapes and offers a generic mode, which allows to deal with any type of particles that can be described mathematically. Pomelo can create output in different standard formats, which allows direct visualization and further processing. Finally, we describe three applications of the Set Voronoi code in granular and soft matter physics, namely the problem of packings of ellipsoidal particles with varying degrees of particle-particle friction, mechanical stable packings of tetrahedra and a model for liquid crystal systems of particles with shapes reminiscent of pears

    Effect of Structure on Strength of Agglomerates using Distinct Element Method

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    Knowledge of agglomerate strength is highly desirable for compression and tableting, dissolution and dispersion and mitigation of dust formation. The behaviour of agglomerates is affected by parameters such as density, agglomerate size, primary particle size, and interparticle bond strength. The method of agglomeration influences the evolution of structure, and this in turn affects its strength. Furthermore, the methods of strength characterisation, i.e. quasi-static or impact produce different results. To understand the role of structure and the influence of test method, agglomerate failure behaviour has been analysed by the use of the Distinct Element Method (DEM). We report on our work on the simulation of the breakage of the agglomerates for different porosities and impact conditions, where the role of impact speed and angle and type of contact bonding model have been evaluated. The adhesive contact model of JKR is used to form an agglomerate. The effect of the bonding level on the strength and size distribution of the clusters released as a result of failure has been investigated. This work also evaluates the effect of structure (porosity) on the strength of the agglomerates

    Fluid-particle energy transfer in spiral jet milling

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    Spiral jet milling is a size reduction process driven by the fluid energy of high velocity gas jets. Inter-particle and particle-wall interactions are responsible for size reduction. The process is energy intensive, but inefficient. The underlying mechanisms for size reduction in the mill are also not very well understood. The optimum grinding conditions are still currently found by trial and error experimentation. In this work, the Discrete Element Method coupled with Computational Fluid Dynamics is used to investigate the effects of different parameters on the particle collisional behaviour in a spiral jet mill. These include the particle concentration in the grinding chamber, the particle size, and the fluid power input. We report on our work analysing the efficiency of energy transfer and how it can be improved by changing the milling conditions and particle properties
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