845 research outputs found

    An investigation into the effects of National Socialism on secondary education in Germany and some problems involved in its reconstruction

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    The first part of this dissertation consists of an examination of the effects of National Socialism on secondary education for boys. In the Introductory chapter the backgrounds and the fundamental principles of National Socialist educational philosophy are considered. The application of these principles and the subsequent innovations in both the form and content of secondary education are then described, with special reference to the part played by the racial doctrines. In Chapter IV the effects of National Socialism on the secondary school teacher, his training and his professional associations are discussed. To conclude Part One, the Hitler Youth, rated by many theorists as a more important educational institution than the school itself, is reviewed. Part Two contains first of all an account of the disintegration of secondary education during the last years of the war, and the situation which confronted the allied education authorities during the early stages of the occupation. The emphasis throughout Part Two is on developments in the British Zone in Germany, but reference is also made to educational tendencies noted in the other zones. Some of the divergent aims and methods pursued in the zones in the re-organisation of the form and content of secondary education along democratic lines are detailed in Chapter VII. In conclusion certain parallel lines of development in contemporary English and National Socialist educational thought have been included which point to the conclusion that the Nazi diagnosis was often correct but that the remedy applied was wholly false. Finally the conditions of and the prospects for education for democracy in Germany are discussed, which lead to the ultimate belief that unless the Western powers can rapidly provide some spiritual goal, the more dynamic, all-embracing totalitarian ideology of the Russians may in the end make more appeal to the Germans

    Special Education and the Risk of Becoming Less Educated in Germany and the United States. CES Germany & Europe Working Papers, No. 05.1, 13 December, 2004

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    Over the twentieth century, a growing group of students has been transferred into considerably expanded special education systems. These programs serve children with diagnosed impairments and disabilities and students with a variety of learning difficulties. Children and youth “with special educational needs” constitute a heterogeneous group with social, ethnic, linguistic, and physical disadvantages. An increasingly large percentage of those students at risk of leaving school without credentials participate in special education, a highly legitimated low status (and stigmatizing) school form. While most countries commit themselves to school integration or inclusive education to replace segregated schools and separate classes, cross-national and regional comparisons of special education’s diverse student bodies show considerable disparities in their (1) rates of classification, (2) provided learning opportunities, and (3) educational attainments. Analyzing special education demographics and organizational structures indicates which children and youth are most likely to grow up less educated and how educational systems distribute educational success and failure. Findings from a German-American comparison show that which students bear the greatest risk of becoming less educated depends largely on definitions of “special educational needs” and the institutionalization of special education systems

    From Ableism to Accessibility in the Universal Design University

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    Educational expansion has reached the tertiary level; however, inclusive higher education remains an elusive goal despite the ratification, in more than a hundred countries, of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities since 2006. The Convention mandates inclusive education throughout the life course and thus increased access to universities. Enhancing accessibility requires us to remove barriers and defeat ableism. Analyzing contemporary trends in Europe and North America, this article compares universities’ attempts to implement elements of the “UniversalDesignUniversity.” Because universities serve as role models and provide community services, these organizations can and should implement universal design principles. Universities have myriad opportunities and responsibilities to enhance access to their programs. In embracing social and political paradigms of disability, in giving voice to diverse participants, and in implementing universal design principles, the university can engage and change public awareness and attitudes. Advancing the educational and social inclusion of persons with disabilities in higher education provides benefits far beyond the university campus

    Competing Institutional Logics and Paradoxical Universalism: School-to-Work Transitions of Disabled Youth in Switzerland and the United States

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    Disablement is a complex social phenomenon in contemporary societies, reflected in disability policies oriented towards contrasting paradigms. Fraught with ambivalence, disability raises dilemmas of classification and targeted supports. Paradoxical universalism emphasizes that to achieve universality requires recognizing individual dis/abilities and particular contextual conditions and barriers that disable. Myriad aspects of educational and disability policies challenge both conceptualization and realization of universal policies, such as compulsory schooling, with widespread exclusion or segregation prevalent. Resulting tensions between providing support and ubiquitous stigmatization and separation are endemic, and particularly evident during life course transitions that imply shifting memberships in institutions and organizations. Particularly visible among disabled youth, school-to-work transitions are fundamentally challenged by contrasting policies, institutional logics, and institutionalized organizations. Analyzing institutional logics facilitates understanding of the lack of coordination that hinders successful transitions. Examining such challenges in the United States and Switzerland, we compare their labor markets and federal governance structures and contrasting education, welfare, and employment systems. Whereas lacking inter-institutional coordination negatively impacts disabled young adults in the United States, Switzerland’s robust vocational education and training system, while not a panacea, does provide more coordinated support during school-to-work transitions. These two countries provide relevant cases to examine ambivalence and contestation around the human right to inclusive education as well as the universality of the right (not) to work

    Internationalization of vocational and higher education systems: a comparative-institutional approach

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    "Dieses Papier versucht darzulegen, welche Forschungsleitfragen, theoretischen ZugĂ€nge und welches Forschungsdesign fĂŒr eine Untersuchung von Internationalisierung und nationalen VerĂ€nderungsdynamiken von Berufsbildungs- und Hochschulsystemen in Ansatz zu bringen sind. Gegenstand des vergleichenden Forschungsprojekts ist die Untersuchung des institutionellen Wandels an den Schnittstellen von höherer Allgemein- und beruflicher Bildung mit der Perspektive auf VerĂ€nderungen im beruflichen Bildungssystem. Welche VerĂ€nderungen ergeben sich im Berufsbildungssystem und seinem VerhĂ€ltnis zum System der höheren Allgemeinbildung durch den exogenen isomorphen VerĂ€nderungsdruck, etwa durch Bologna und Kopenhagen? Mit detaillierten Analysen der nationalen Bildungsstrukturen und -pfade werden gegenwĂ€rtige VerĂ€nderungsprozesse und -dynamiken untersucht. Von zentraler Bedeutung sind dabei Aspekte des Wettbewerbs zwischen den beiden unterschiedlich institutionalisierten und organisierten Bildungsbereichen. Ferner werden die Implikationen des festgestellten institutionellen Wandels fĂŒr die Beteiligung der Individuen an höherer Allgemein- und beruflicher Bildung eruiert. Die LĂ€ndervergleiche dienen als Kontrastfolien fĂŒr den Wandel des deutschen Berufsbildungssystem: Deutschland wird in den drei vergleichenden Projekten mit den USA und Großbritannien, der Schweiz und Österreich sowie Frankreich verglichen. Ziel dieser LĂ€ndervergleiche ist es, Institutionalisierungs- und EuropĂ€isierungsprozesse der kulturell-kognitiven, normativen, und regulativen Dimensionen zu analysieren und damit den Wettbewerb dieser organisatorischen Felder aufzuzeigen." (Autorenreferat)"This paper sketches a comparative-institutional approach that seeks to enhance our understanding of internationalization and the resultant national dynamics of institutional change in vocational and higher education systems. Focusing on change at the nexus of general and vocational skill formation institutions, we discuss shifts in the relationship between higher education and vocational training systems. How are such national systems responding to the exogenous pressures of international diffusion and Europe-wide Bologna and Copenhagen processes more specifically? Changes in the competition between the differentially institutionalized organizational fields of general and vocational education also imply the adjustment of individual pathways, participation rates, and life chances. Three complementary studies serve to compare and contrast the transformation of Germany's vocational and higher education systems. The comparison of Germany, Great Britain and the United States analyzes the diffusion and cross-national transfer of educational models in specific historical periods. To highlight different national responses to internationalization and Europeanization, Germany will also be compared with Switzerland and Austria as well as with France. If the first study charts primarily the origins of models to be emulated because of their global salience (cultural-cognitive dimension), then the second and third comparative studies analyze the normative and regulative dimensions, showing the consequences of institutional change processes for the on-going competition between these organizational fields." (author's abstract

    The special education profession and the discourse of learning disability in Germany

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    "Even today, school segregation continues to be understood as legitimate in Germany. Charting the discourse of learning disability provides insights into special education's development as a segregated, independent system of school types and the resulting legitimacy that contributes to the maintenance of school segregation throughout educational systems in Germany. We focus on learning disability discourse and knowledge, the special education profession, and the expansion of its main school type, the support school (Hilfsschule), from around 1900 to today. The special education profession exhibits not only junctures but also remarkable historical continuity. As delineated here, a key factor in the continued growth of special education is the authority of the profession with respect to 'learning disability' and the discourse that continues to legitimate the classification of pupils as 'learning disabled' and the resulting segregated schooling." (author's abstract)"In Deutschland stellt die Segregation von Kindern und Jugendlichen die gĂ€ngige Praxis bei der Zuweisung von SchĂŒler/innen an die unterschiedlichen Schultypen des gegliederten Schulwesens dar. Eine Analyse des Lernbehinderungsdiskurses zeigt, wie die Separation von armen Kindern und Jugendlichen an 'Förderschulen' (ehemals 'Hilfsschulen') historisch begrĂŒndet und bis heute aufrechterhalten wurde. Den Zusammenhang zwischen dem wissenschaftlichen Lernbehinderungsdiskurs, der Professionalisierung der SonderpĂ€dagogik und der Expansion des Sonderschulwesens fokussierend, wird in dem Beitrag die Entstehung der Sonderschule fĂŒr Lernbehinderte seit 1900 beschrieben. Es wird gezeigt, dass die professionelle Strategie, ein flĂ€chendeckendes und eigenstĂ€ndiges Sonderschulwesen zu etablieren, und der Lernbehinderungsdiskurs sich wechselseitig stĂŒtzen: Die Klassifizierung von Kindern und Jugendlichen als 'lernbehindert' wird diskursiv mit ihrer 'SonderschulbedĂŒrftigkeit' begrĂŒndet und legitimiert ihre schulische Segregation." (Autorenreferat

    Benefits, Motivations, and Challenges of International Collaborative Research: A Sociology of Science Case Study

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    Contemporary science is marked by expanding and diverse forms of teamwork. Collaboration across organizational and cultural boundaries extends the possibilities of discovery. International collaborative research projects often provide findings beyond what one team could achieve alone. Motivated to maintain existing relationships and grow their scientific network, researchers increasingly collaborate, despite often unrecognized or underappreciated costs, since such projects are challenging to manage and carry out. Rarely studied in-depth and longitudinally, the perspectives of scientific team members are crucial to better understand the dynamics of durable collaboration networks. Thus, this retrospective case study of a sociology of science project applies the novel method of autoethnography to examine teamwork benefits, motivations, and challenges. Key challenges found include spatial distance and differences of culture, language, and career stage. This study, spanning North America, Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, focused on collaborators' characteristics and evolving perceptions of team dynamics over a decade. © The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press

    Das wachsende Risiko, als 'sonderpĂ€dagogisch förderbedĂŒrftig' klassifiziert zu werden, in der deutschen und amerikanischen Bildungsgesellschaft

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    "Trotz des universellen Charakters des PhĂ€nomens Behinderung zeigen interkulturelle Vergleiche deutliche Unterschiede in deren Definition, in den sozialen Reaktionen darauf, und in den relevanten sozial- und bildungspolitischen Maßnahmen. Thema des Beitrags ist der soziale Mechanismus der Klassifizierung, der die Selektionsprozesse der Diagnose einer schulischen Behinderung legitimiert, wie auch der historische Wandel der Behinderungskategorien. Anhand der Analyse der historischen Institutionalisierung von Klassifikationssystemen und -praxen wird gezeigt, wie soziale Ungleichheiten produziert und legitimiert werden. In diesem auf die kulturelle Dimension zielenden Beitrag wird die langfristige Entwicklung von Klassifikationssystemen und Behinderungsparadigmen sowie der Prozess der Klassifizierung von SchĂŒlerInnen als sonderpĂ€dagogisch förderbedĂŒrftig hervorgehoben. Es wird gezeigt, dass Kategorien des Förderbedarfs hochgradig relative Kategorien sind, die vom jeweiligen historisch institutionellen, sozialen und rĂ€umlichen Kontext abhĂ€ngen. TatsĂ€chlich variieren die Klassifikationsraten zwischen den US-Einzelstaaten bzw. BundeslĂ€ndern erheblich. Mit dem Ausbau der nationalen Wohlfahrtsstaaten, der expandierenden Bildungssysteme und der Dominanz klinischer Disziplinen wurden die Klassifikationssystemen ausdifferenziert. Durch die Anwendung disziplinĂ€rer Behinderungskategorien werden symbolische sowie soziale Grenzen gezogen, die dann in Schulen durch Aushandlungsprozesse zwischen Gatekeepern (Schulverwaltungen, LehrkrĂ€ften und Experten) sowie im Dialog mit den betroffenen Eltern angewendet werden. Die unterschiedlichen institutionellen Regelungen und schulischen Klassifizierungspraxen beeinflussen die Zusammensetzung der grĂ¶ĂŸer-werdenden SchĂŒlerpopulation in sonderpĂ€dagogischen Maßnahmen in Deutschland wie in den USA." (Autorenreferat

    Welche Kinder werden in Schulen behindert?

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    "Über das 20. Jahrhundert hinweg wuchs der Anteil der schulisch behinderten Kinder. Mit der Medizin und der Psychologie spielte die (sonder-)pĂ€dagogische Profession eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung sonderpĂ€dagogischer Fördersysteme, um schulische Probleme individuell zu behandeln und organisatorisch zu kontrollieren. Mit zunehmender Professionalisierung wurden immer wieder neue Kategorien der schulischen Behinderung definiert, wobei zugleich natĂŒrliche und kulturelle Perspektiven auf abweichendem (Lern)Verhalten ausschlaggebend dafĂŒr waren. Mit den kontinuierlich steigenden schulischen Anforderungen erhöhen sich zugleich die Risiken fĂŒr Kinder, die diese immer prĂ€ziser definierte und öfters gemessene Leistungs- und Verhaltensstandards nicht genĂŒgen. FĂŒr ein VerstĂ€ndnis der zunehmenden Identifikation und Kontrolle von abweichendem (Lern-)Verhalten ist die Analyse der sich wandelnden Relevanz körperlicher Differenzen unabdingbar. Seit jeher trifft das Risiko der schulischen Behinderung insbesondere mĂ€nnliche SchĂŒler, ethnische MinoritĂ€ten und sozial Benachteiligte. ErklĂ€rungen dieser Expansion wie diese ÜberreprĂ€sentanzen sind umstritten. Um die Spaltungslinie zwischen dem medizinischem und dem sozialem Modell der Behinderung aufzuzeigen werden in diesem Beitrag unterschiedliche Zeitalter behandelt: Eine Epoche der Institutionalisierung um 1900 in dem klinische Diagnostik und rechtliche Definitionen ĂŒber zunehmende staatliche Hilfen entschieden; die Periode (bis in die sechziger Jahre) der wachsenden Behindertenpolitik, der Rehabilitation sowie der schulischen Exklusion und Segregation; und eine Zeit der wachsenden und selbst organisierten Behindertenbewegung und der davon nicht separierbaren Entwicklung sozialpolitischer Modelle der Behinderung seit den siebziger Jahren. In den letzten Jahren zeichnet sich aber eine neue Phase ab, die insbesondere auf neurowissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse basiert. Der uralte Streit zwischen den Disziplinen-schulische Behinderung eher als Ergebnis individueller Körperdifferenzen oder als strukturierte Ungleichheit zu begreifen entfacht sich neu. Wie ĂŒber diese Frage entschieden wird, determiniert welche Ressourcen zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt und welche meistens stigmatisierenden Etiketten verwendet werden, kurz: Welche Kinder behindert werden." (Autorenreferat

    Integrating international student mobility in work-based higher education: The case of Germany

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    Dual study programs are hybrid forms of work-based higher education that have expanded very rapidly in Germany—a country traditionally considered a key model in both higher education (HE) and vocational education and training (VET). The continued expansion of these hybrid programs increasingly raises questions if, how, and why they may be internationalized. Although comparative research suggests that this could be challenging due to the uniqueness of the German education and training system, strong forces support internationalization. This study examines the current state and the future prospects of internationalization of such innovative dual study programs by focusing on student mobility, a key dimension of internationalization. We find growing interest in but still relatively little mobility related to dual study programs, whether among German (outgoing) or international (incoming) students. Based on expert interviews and document analysis, we extend existing typologies of student mobility regarding specific features of work-based HE programs. Furthermore, we discuss opportunities—at home and abroad—for increasing student mobility in this rapidly expanding sector
