1,249 research outputs found
A recommender system for process discovery
Over the last decade, several algorithms for process discovery and process conformance have been proposed. Still, it is well-accepted that there is no dominant algorithm in any of these two disciplines, and then it is often difficult to apply them successfully. Most of these algorithms need a close-to expert knowledge in order to be applied satisfactorily. In this paper, we present a recommender system that uses portfolio-based algorithm selection strategies to face the following problems: to find the best discovery algorithm for the data at hand, and to allow bridging the gap between general users and process mining algorithms. Experiments performed with the developed tool witness the usefulness of the approach for a variety of instances.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft
Proteus: A Hierarchical Portfolio of Solvers and Transformations
In recent years, portfolio approaches to solving SAT problems and CSPs have
become increasingly common. There are also a number of different encodings for
representing CSPs as SAT instances. In this paper, we leverage advances in both
SAT and CSP solving to present a novel hierarchical portfolio-based approach to
CSP solving, which we call Proteus, that does not rely purely on CSP solvers.
Instead, it may decide that it is best to encode a CSP problem instance into
SAT, selecting an appropriate encoding and a corresponding SAT solver. Our
experimental evaluation used an instance of Proteus that involved four CSP
solvers, three SAT encodings, and six SAT solvers, evaluated on the most
challenging problem instances from the CSP solver competitions, involving
global and intensional constraints. We show that significant performance
improvements can be achieved by Proteus obtained by exploiting alternative
view-points and solvers for combinatorial problem-solving.Comment: 11th International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques
in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. The final
publication is available at link.springer.co
A new look at energy release rates for quasistatically propagating cracks in inelastic materials
A mapping technique is used to derive an integral expression for the energy release rate for a quasistatically propagating crack. The derivation does not depend on any assumptions in regard to the contitutive behavior of the material. It leads to a contour integral around the crack tip, plus an area integral over the region enclosed by this contour. Only the stress and displacement fields appear in the integrands. Although for stationary crack solutions known to the authors the area integral is not convergent, for propagating crack solutions in elastoplastic material, the integrals are convergent, and lead to zero energy release rate. This confirms conclusions by Rice from an independent point of view.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42773/1/10704_2004_Article_BF00012388.pd
Anomalous acoustic reflection on a sliding interface or a shear band
We study the reflection of an acoustic plane wave from a steadily sliding
planar interface with velocity strengthening friction or a shear band in a
confined granular medium. The corresponding acoustic impedance is utterly
different from that of the static interface. In particular, the system being
open, the energy of an in-plane polarized wave is no longer conserved, the work
of the external pulling force being partitioned between frictional dissipation
and gain (of either sign) of coherent acoustic energy. Large values of the
friction coefficient favor energy gain, while velocity strengthening tends to
suppress it. An interface with infinite elastic contrast (one rigid medium) and
V-independent (Coulomb) friction exhibits spontaneous acoustic emission, as
already shown by M. Nosonovsky and G.G. Adams (Int. J. Ing. Sci., {\bf 39},
1257 (2001)). But this pathology is cured by any finite elastic contrast, or by
a moderately large V-strengthening of friction.
We show that (i) positive gain should be observable for rough-on-flat
multicontact interfaces (ii) a sliding shear band in a granular medium should
give rise to sizeable reflection, which opens a promising possibility for the
detection of shear localization.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
Biochar Reduced Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Soil with Different Water and Temperature Cycles
Interactions among biochar, respiration, nitrification, and soils can result in biochar increasing, decreasing, or not impacting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This experiment determined the impact of water-filled porosity (WFP) and corn (Zea mays L.) stover biochar on CO2 and N2O emissions in May (spring) and August (summer). The May experiment contained two N rates [0 and 224 kg Ca(NO3)2–N ha–1], whereas the August had three N rates [0, 224 kg Ca(NO3)2–N ha–1, and 224 kg (NH4)2SO4–N ha–1]. The average temperatures in the May and Augusts 2014 experiments were 14 and 24°C, respectively. Biochar reduced CO2–C emissions in the high WFP Ca(NO3)2 treatment in the May and August experiments 15.4 and 16.3 kg ha–1, respectively. Associated with the CO2–C decrease was a 15.7% reduction in the soil solution dissolved organic C. In addition, N2O–N and CO2–C emissions were not correlated in the May Ca(NO3)2 ha–1 treatment, whereas in the August experiment, N2O–N and CO2–C emissions were correlated (r2 = 0.98, P \u3c 0.01). In August, biochar increased the apparent nitrification from 16 to 25 kg NH4–N (ha × d)–1 in the low WFP (NH4)2SO4treatment, and it did not influence the nitrification rate in the high WFP (NH4)2SO4 treatment. In general, N2O–N emissions increased with WFP and N rate and were reduced 21.7% by biochar. The findings suggest that multiple mechanisms contributed to N2O emissions and seasonal differences in soil temperature could result in biochar having a mixed impact on GHG emissions
Microstructural Shear Localization in Plastic Deformation of Amorphous Solids
The shear-transformation-zone (STZ) theory of plastic deformation predicts
that sufficiently soft, non-crystalline solids are linearly unstable against
forming periodic arrays of microstructural shear bands. A limited nonlinear
analysis indicates that this instability may be the mechanism responsible for
strain softening in both constant-stress and constant-strain-rate experiments.
The analysis presented here pertains only to one-dimensional banding patterns
in two-dimensional systems, and only to very low temperatures. It uses the
rudimentary form of the STZ theory in which there is only a single kind of zone
rather than a distribution of them with a range of transformation rates.
Nevertheless, the results are in qualitative agreement with essential features
of the available experimental data. The nonlinear theory also implies that
harder materials, which do not undergo a microstructural instability, may form
isolated shear bands in weak regions or, perhaps, at points of concentrated
stress.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figure
On neurobiological, neuro-fuzzy, machine learning, and statistical pattern recognition techniques
The analytic solution of near-tip stress fields for perfectly plastic pressure-sensitive material under plane stress condition
Different from dense metals, many engineering materials exhibit pressure-sensitive yielding and plastic volumetric deformation. Adopting a yield criterion that contains a linear combination of the Mises stress and the hydrostatic stress, the analytic solutions of plane-stress mode I perfectly-plastic near-tip stress fields for pressuresensitive materials are derived. Also, the relevant characteristic fields are presented. This perfectly plastic solution, containing a pressure sensitivity parameter μ, is shown to correspond to the limit of low-hardening solutions, and when μ=0 it reduces to the perfectly plastic solution of near-tip fields for the Mises material given by Hutchinson [1]. The effects of material pressure sensitivity on the near-tip fields are discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42771/1/10704_2004_Article_BF00034180.pd
Crack paths under mixed mode loading
Long fatigue cracks that initially experience mixed mode displacements usually change direction in response to cyclic elastic stresses. Eventually the cracks tend to orient themselves into a pure mode I condition, but the path that they take can be complex and chaotic. In this paper, we report on recent developments in techniques for tracking the crack path as it grows and evaluating the strength of the mixed mode crack tip stress field
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