65 research outputs found

    Research-practice interactions as reported in recent design studies: Still promising, still hazy

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    This study portrays recent research–practice connections found in 18 design research reports focusing on the creation of instructional solutions. Solutions in different stages of development varied greatly in duration, ranging from one lesson to a whole year curriculum, spanned all levels of education, many subjects (science, math, language, culture, teacher education, etc.). Close collaboration between researchers and practitioners was prominent in all of the 18 projects studied. Participants in primary and secondary education projects have quite distinct roles regarding the teaching and researching, but they design their instruction solutions often collaboratively. Nearly all projects reported on how designed solutions were anchored in research, either from literature or from in-house project data. All articles indicated that research fed (re-)design, but few specified how. Based on our findings, we call for increased research and reporting on the specific strategies employed by design research participants to facilitate the production of new theoretical understanding through design of instructional solution

    The role of citizen science in addressing grand challenges in food and agriculture research

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    The power of citizen science to contribute to both science and society is gaining increased recognition, particularly in physics and biology. Although there is a long history of public engagement in agriculture and food science, the term ‘citizen science’ has rarely been applied to these efforts. Similarly, in the emerging field of citizen science, most new citizen science projects do not focus on food or agriculture. Here, we convened thought leaders from a broad range of fields related to citizen science, agriculture, and food science to highlight key opportunities for bridging these overlapping yet disconnected communities/fields and identify ways to leverage their respective strengths. Specifically, we show that (i) citizen science projects are addressing many grand challenges facing our food systems, as outlined by the United States National Institute of Food and Agriculture, as well as broader Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations Development Programme, (ii) there exist emerging opportunities and unique challenges for citizen science in agriculture/food research, and (iii) the greatest opportunities for the development of citizen science projects in agriculture and food science will be gained by using the existing infrastructure and tools of Extension programmes and through the engagement of urban communities. Further, we argue there is no better time to foster greater collaboration between these fields given the trend of shrinking Extension programmes, the increasing need to apply innovative solutions to address rising demands on agricultural systems, and the exponential growth of the field of citizen science.This working group was partially funded from the NCSU Plant Sciences Initiative, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences ‘Big Ideas’ grant, National Science Foundation grant to R.R.D. (NSF no. 1319293), and a United States Department of Food and Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture grant to S.F.R., USDA-NIFA Post Doctoral Fellowships grant no. 2017-67012-26999.http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.orghj2018Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI

    ICT met meerwaarde: Laat je niet verleiden door techniek alleen

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    ICT betekenisvol inzetten in de les vraagt meer dan plug-en-play. Schoolleiders kunnen leraren hierbij ondersteunen. We geven enkele vuistregels

    Exploring teachers' use of TPACK in design talk: The collaborative design of technology-rich early literacy activities

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    Research shows the benefits of collaborative design activity by teachers are that in their conversations (design talk) they develop technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). While more and more teachers engage in collaborative design, little is known about how they use TPACK during design. The main question of this study was: “What is the nature of design talk of a group of teachers during the design of technology-rich early literacy activities?” Using a holistic case study on design talk, the analysis focused on the topics that were under discussion and how these topics were discussed. Three phases of coding were applied: (a) how design represents any of the seven domains of TPACK knowledge (Pedagogical, Content, Technological, Technological Pedagogical, Technological Content, Pedagogical Content or Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge); (b), how design talk represented three aspects of reasoning (external priorities, practical concerns and existing orientations); and (c), and what levels of inquiry are reached (no-depth; sharing ideas; analyze; and plan). Findings indicate that design talk reflects moments in which teachers reach deeper levels of inquiry. Findings also indicate that TPACK was mostly linked to expressing practical concerns. However when engaging in deeper inquiry, teachers existing orientations featured more prominently in the conversations. External priorities hardly seemed to play any role in design talk. Also, when addressing TPACK or PCK, design talk mostly reflects practical concerns. Pedagogy was addressed not as a single knowledge domain, rather in conjunction with the other two domains. Practical implications are discussed regarding how to support teachers during collaborative desig

    Towards a knowledge base for using ICT to foster early literacy development: A review study

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    Belo, N., McKenney, S. & Voogt, J. (2013). Towards a knowledge base for using ICT to foster early literacy development: A review study. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. August 27-31, Munich.and Instruction. August 27-31, Munich.A review study was conducted to describe the knowledge and skills teachers need for designing, organizing, and adapting technology-rich learning environments for fostering early literacy development in the kindergarten classroom. The sample consisted of 46 articles that reported on the affordances of technology in relation to kindergartners’ early literacy development. The review included studies on electronic books, computer-based training programs, technology-based curriculum supplements, technology-rich literacy curricula, assistive technology, and other educational media and sources for technology-rich literacy education. The findings report on the effects of technology and ict-applications on (aspects of) children’s early literacy development including emergent reading and writing skills. The conclusions and discussion section focuses on the kind of evidence these studies provide in light of teachers’ knowledge base for using technology and ict in early literacy education

    Teacher learning during design of curriculum material and activities

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    Boschman, F., McKenney, S., & Voogt, J. (2013, 29-31 May). Teacher learning during design of curriculum material and activities. Paper presented at the Onderwijs Research Dagen, Brussels, Belgium.In deze exploratieve studie is leerkrachtgestuurd curriculumontwerp als gezamenlijk ontwerpproces onderzocht in de context van een ICT-rijke leeromgeving voor beginnende geletterdheid. Interviewdata en discourse analyse zijn hiertoe ingezet. Aan de studie namen 3 groepen kleuterleerkrachten deel (N = 10). De resultaten geven aan dat praktische overwegingen de grootste rol spelen in het ontwerpproces en dat deze meer dan andere overwegingen terugkomen. Mogelijk wijst dit op de behoefte van leerkrachten om het ontwerp zo praktisch toepasbaar mogelijk te maken, zonder daarbij leerinhoud en doelen van beginnende geletterdheid voor ogen te hebben

    ICT en de ontwikkeling van beginnende geletterdheid bij kleuters: een Delphi-studie naar de benodigde kennisbasis voor leraren

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    Belo, N., McKenney, S., & Voogt, J. (2013, 29-31 May). ICT en de ontwikkeling van beginnende geletterdheid bij kleuters: Een Delphi-studie naar de benodigde kennisbasis voor leraren. [ICT and early literacy development in kindergarten: A Delphi study on the knowledge teachers need]. Round table presentation at the Onderwijs Research Dagen, Brussels, Belgium.ICT-applicaties voor beginnende geletterdheid kunnen een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan de verbetering van leeropbrengsten op dit gebied. Echter, om de mogelijkheden van ICT optimaal te benutten in de context van het kleuteronderwijs, dienen leraren over bepaalde kennis en vaardigheden te beschikken. Tijdens de ronde-tafel sessie worden de resultaten van een Delphi-studie besproken waarin onderzocht is 1) welke kenmerken van ICT applicaties een meerwaarde vormen voor de beginnende geletterdheid van kleuters en 2) welke kennis en vaardigheden leraren nodig hebben op het gebied van didactiek en klassenmanagement, om ICT zodanig te integreren in het onderwijs dat de beginnende geletterdheid van kleuters bevorderd wordt. De Delphi-studie is gehouden onder experts op het gebied van ICT, beginnende geletterdheid en onderwijs aan jonge kinderen