380 research outputs found

    A study of the far infrared Spectrum of N -Acetyl-D-Glucosamine using THz-TDS, FTIR, and semiempirical quantum chemistry methods

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    The far infrared spectrum of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine has been studied by combining THz-TDS and FTIR characterization techniques with theoretical studies based on semiempirical quantum chemistry methods. A strong spectral peak at 60 cm-1 has been identified, which constitutes the main signature of the material in the terahertz band. Calculated molecular vibrations are in good qualitative and semiquantitative agreement with both the THz-TDS and FTIR experiments. In comparison to previous DFT-based studies, the semiempirical approach chosen herein, suitable for parallel multi-core and GPU acceleration, allows for a full study using periodic boundary conditions and no further approximations within a constrained computing time

    FT-Raman and infrared spectroscopic study of aragonite-strontianite (CaxSr1-xC03) solid solution

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    Synthetic aragonite-strontianite solid-solution samples have been studied using dispersive IR and FT-Raman spectroscopy. In addition to the end-members, nine samples over a range of composition from Ca0,9Sr0,1CO3 to Ca0,1Sr0,9CO3 were analysed. Carbonate anion internal modes are examined in detail by means of band-shape analysis and component fitting procedures. Positional disorder induced by the random cationic substitution results in strong increase of the halfwidth in several vibrational bands. Results obtained for the doubly degenerate modes (antisymmetric stretching and bending, v3 and v4) reveal the presence of three components both in the IR antisymmetric stretching band as well as in the Raman antisymmetric bending band. These observations are interpreted in terms of an overtone 2v4 in possible Fermi resonance with the corresponding vg fundamental in the IR spectra, and the presence of Davidov (factor group) splitting in the FT-Raman v4 band. Lattice modes in the FT-Raman spectra demonstrate weaker cohesion between the cation/carbonate/cation layers in aragonite (synth) than in strontianite (synth)

    Study of association between Pre-Senile cataracts and the polymorphisms rs2228000 in XPC and rs1042522 in p53 in Spanish population

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    To determine if the presence of certain polymorphisms in the DNA repair gene XPC and the apoptosis inductor gene p53 is associated with pre-senile cataract development. Methods We have performed a retrospective study over three groups of patients. The group with presenile cataract formed by 72 patients younger than 55 with cataract surgery. The group with senile cataract formed by 101 patients older than 55 with cataract surgery. The group without cataract was formed by 42 subjects older than 55 without lens opacities. We analyzed the presence of SNP rs2228000 from XPC and rs1042522 from p53; and the relationship between risk factors such as smoking, alcohol intake, hypertension or diabetes. Results The comparison of the genotype distribution in XPC, within the different groups, did not show any statistically significant association in any of our analysis (p>0, 05). The comparison of the genotype distribution in p53 within the different groups did not show any statistically significant association (p>0, 05); except for the comparison between the pre-senile cataract group and the group with senile cataract where the genotype Pro/Pro (C/C) in the recessive inheritance model showed a higher risk for developing pre-senile cataract (p = 0, 031; OR = 1.04-15.97). This association decreased when we performed the analysis adjusting by the studied risk factors (p = 0.056). Conclusions Allelic variants in the gene XPC are not associated with an increased risk for developing pre-senile cataract. The presence of the genotype Pro/Pro in p53 might be associated with a major risk for developing pre-senile cataract

    Rehabilitación del pabellón Plaza de América de la exposición universal de 1992

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    Establecemos aquí una serie de consideraciones teóricas que sitúan nuestra obra en su adecuado contexto de universalidad y diferencia con e! pensamiento de presente

    Antiferromagnetism in four dimensions: search for non-triviality

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    We present antiferromagnetism as a mechanism capable of modifying substantially the phase diagram and the critical behaviour of statistical mechanical models. This is particularly relevant in four dimensions, due to the connection between second order transition points and the continuum limit as a quantum field theory. We study three models with an antiferromagnetic interaction: the Ising and the O(4) Models with a second neighbour negative coupling, and the \RP{2} Model. Different conclusions are obtained depending on the model.Comment: 4 pages LateX. Contribution to Lat9

    Oral hygiene instructions and professional control as part of the treatment of desquamative gingivitis. Systematic review

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    The aim of this present article was to evaluate the scientific evidence on the efficacy of daily hygiene and professional prophylaxis for treatment of desquamative gingivitis. The present systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA protocol. Searches were carried out in Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science and Cochrane Library up to July 2018, randomized clinical trials and cohort studies on desquamative gingivitis (DG), and oral diseases joined to DG. After screening, we found that nine publications met the eligibility criteria eight cohort studies and one randomized control trial. The diagnosis of the diseases corresponded to oral lichen planus (n=185), mucous membrane pemphigoid (n=13); plasma cell gingivitits (n=15) and pemphigus vulgar (n=11). The follow-up was between a week and a year after instructing patients. Dental daily hygiene and professional prophylaxis, at least with supragingival scaling and polishing have significantly improved the extension of the lesion and reduced the activity of DG, and gingival bleeding in all patients. Furthermore, these techniques have also reduced pain and gingival plaque. In conclusion the studies presented support the efficacy of maintaining personal and professional oral hygiene in patients with GD, reducing the clinical signs of the disease, regardless of its pathogenesis

    Análisis de la solución sólida aragonito-estroncianita mediante espectroscopia vibracional (Infrarrojo y FT-Raman)

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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    The Spalt Transcription Factors Generate the Transcriptional Landscape of the Drosophila melanogaster Wing Pouch Central Region

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    The Drosophila genes spalt major (salm) and spalt-related (salr) encode Zn-finger transcription factors regulated by the Decapentaplegic (Dpp) signalling pathway in the wing imaginal disc. The function of these genes is required for cell survival and proliferation in the central region of the wing disc, and also for vein patterning in the lateral regions. The identification of direct Salm and Salr target genes, and the analysis of their functions, are critical steps towards understanding the genetic control of growth and patterning of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc by the Dpp pathway. To identify candidate Salm/Salr target genes, we have compared the expression profile of salm/salr knockdown wing discs with control discs in microarray experiments. We studied by in situ hybridization the expression pattern of the genes whose mRNA levels varied significantly, and uncovered a complex transcription landscape regulated by the Spalt proteins in the wing disc. Interestingly, candidate Salm/Salr targets include genes which expression is turned off and genes which expression is positively regulated by Salm/Salr. Furthermore, loss-of-function phenotypic analysis of these genes indicates, for a fraction of them, a requirement for wing growth and patterning. The identification and analysis of candidate Salm/Salr target genes opens a new avenue to reconstruct the genetic structure of the wing, linking the activity of the Dpp pathway to the development of this epithelial tissueThis work was supported by institutional grants from Fundación Ramón Areces and Banco de Santander to the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa. BFU2009-09403, BFU2012-33994, CSD2007-00008 (http://www.mineco.gob.es/portal/site/mineco/). We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip