5,100 research outputs found

    CFD model-based analysis and experimental assessment of key design parameters for an integrated unglazed metallic thermal collector façade

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    Active façade systems incorporating solar thermal collectors currently offer very promising energetic solutions. From among the available systems, a simple solution is the unglazed heat collector for potential integration in low-temperature applications. However, when adopting system definitions, the modification of some design parameters and their impact has to be fully understood. In this study, the case of an unglazed collector integrated into a sandwich panel is assessed and a specific analysis is performed for a proper assessment of the influence of key design parameters. Based on that case study of the real built system, a CFD model is developed and validated and a parametric assessment is then performed, by altering the configurations of both the panel and the hydraulic circuit. In this way, the potential of each measure to harness solar energy can be evaluated and each parameter with its different level of impact can be highlighted, to identify those of higher relevance. A characterization of the real solution completes the study, by providing the efficiency curves and the total energy collected during the experimental campaign. The maximum estimate of the efficiency of a 6 m2 façade was within a range between 0.47 and 0.34 and the heat loss factor was between 4.8 and 7.5. The case study exercises reveal the real energy efficiency and solar production patterns. There was also an opportunity to consider significant improvements to increase the output of the active façade. The main conclusions concerned the different criteria that improved the definition of the system and greater comprehension of alternative designs that may be integrated in the underlying concept.The authors are grateful to the Basque Government for fundingthis research through projects IT781-13 and IT1314-19 and to allthose involved in the different stages for their guidance andinvaluable help.The authors would also like to thank all those companies andresearchers participating in the BASSE project for their stronginvolvement during that research. Results from BASSE project haveinspired present research. The BASSE project received funding fromthe European Union, RFCS Program, Research Fund for Coal and Steel project Building Active Steel Skin (BASSE, Grant Agreement noRFSR-CT-2013-00026

    Metástasis Epidurales a Nivel Espinal (1982-1986) : Revisión de los Resultados. Valor del Tratamiento Quirúrgico

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    Se analizan retrospectivamente los resultados tras laminectomía descorrí presiva en una serie de 31 pacientes que presentaban compromiso medular debido a metástasis vertebrales. Las lesiones estaban localizadas a nivel torácico en 27 casos. Siendo el tumor má s frecuente el de próstata en hombres (10/21) y en mujeres el de mama (5/10). Previamente a la cirugía, 18 pacientes presentaban paraparesia y 5 paraplejia. El tiempo de supervivencia tras la cirugía fue limitado: 35.48% sobrevivían a los 6 meses y solo un 22.58% al año. La cirugía paliativa mediante laminectomía descompresiva, estaría indicada en pacientes con compromiso medular, a pesar de que en ellos no existen grandes expectativas de supervivencia.The results of decompressive laminectomy wer e assessed in a series of 31 patiens with spinal cord compression by epidural metastatic tumour. The thoracic spine was most often involved in 2,7 cases. The most frequent primary tumour in men was the prostate (10/21) and the breast in women (5/10). Preoperative , 18 patients wer e paraparetic and paraplegia was observed in further 5. Survival after surgery was limited with 35.48% alive at six months, and 22.58% at one year. The authors conclude that laminectomy and all possible tumour removal is indicated in patients with spinal cord compression without long life expectation

    Simulated evaluation of faceted browsing based on feature selection

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    In this paper we explore the limitations of facet based browsing which uses sub-needs of an information need for querying and organising the search process in video retrieval. The underlying assumption of this approach is that the search effectiveness will be enhanced if such an approach is employed for interactive video retrieval using textual and visual features. We explore the performance bounds of a faceted system by carrying out a simulated user evaluation on TRECVid data sets, and also on the logs of a prior user experiment with the system. We first present a methodology to reduce the dimensionality of features by selecting the most important ones. Then, we discuss the simulated evaluation strategies employed in our evaluation and the effect on the use of both textual and visual features. Facets created by users are simulated by clustering video shots using textual and visual features. The experimental results of our study demonstrate that the faceted browser can potentially improve the search effectiveness

    Feasibility evaluation and critical factor analysis for subway scheduling

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    In strategic subway scheduling stage, the conflict sometimes comes from different requirements of the subway operator. This study aims to investigate the significant factors concerning strategic subway scheduling problem and to develop an automatic procedure of feasibility analysis in subway scheduling. To this end, accurate simulation of train movement (via a simulator, named HAMLET) is applied first by considering the line geography, train performances, actual speed restrictions, etc. The critical elements of subway scheduling and their correlations are then studied and a bound structure of the critical factors is established. The feasibility of primary plan requirements is analysed with the restrictions of the bound structure. Infeasible aspects and possible adjustments are shortly discussed. Finally, the subsequent applications including schedule generation and optimization according to various objectives are indicated as well

    Fatigue crack characterisation in 2024-T351 aluminium alloy through SEM observation combined with the CJP model

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    This work characterises crack growth in AA2024-T315 by combining different methods to further increase the reliability of the results. The Christopher-James-Patterson (CJP) model was fitted to experimental data obtained by digital image correlation (DIC). The effective value of the CJP stress intensity factors were successfully correlated with the ΔK-da/dN curve as obtained with Scanning Electron Microscopy measurements of the depth of striations on the fracture surface. This approach based on fitting the CJP model with DIC data and SEM observations allowed estimation of opening and closure loads and allowed the propagation rate and fracture mode to be effectively characterised.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of Programa Operativo FEDER from the Junta de Andalucia (Spain) through grant reference UMA18-FEDERJA-250. Industrial support from Bettergy SL and from Dr N Ordonez and M Carrera is also greatly acknowledged, as well as access to different components and materials in the energy industry. The authors would also like to acknowledge the financial support from Junta de Andalucia through the research project “1380786” funded by the program “Proyectos de I + D + I en el Marco del Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucia 2014-2020. Convocatoria 2020.” We would also like to acknowledge funding for open access charge: Universidad de Malaga / CBU

    A short overview of the programme for the socio-economic reactivationof the Spanish forest sector

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    During the session “Tools and initiatives for forest development” of the 4th Mediterranean Forest Week in Barcelona, two national strategies allowed to show how these tools and initiatives can be incorporated in national forest policy orientations. The first example, described in this article, is that of Spain, which adopted its program in 2014

    Un bref aperçu du programme pour la relance socio-économique du secteur forestier espagnol

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    Lors de la session « Outils et initiatives pour le développement forestier » de la 4e Semaine forestière méditerranéenne de Barcelone, deux stratégies nationales ont permis de montrer comment ces outils et initiatives peuvent être déclinés dans les orientations politiques forestières nationales. Le premier exemple décrit dans cet article est celui de l’Espagne, qui a adopté son programme en 2014

    Molecular dynamics simulations of iron- and aluminum-loaded serum transferrin: Protonation of tyr188 is necessary to prompt metal release

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    Serum transferrin (sTf) carries iron in blood serum and delivers it into cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. The protein can also bind other metals, including aluminum. The crystal structures of the metal-free and metal-loaded protein indicate that the metal release process involves an opening of the protein. In this process, Lys206 and Lys296 lying in the proximity of each other form the dilysine pair or, so-called, dilysine trigger. It was suggested that the conformational change takes place due to variations of the protonation state of the dilysine trigger at the acidic endosomal pH. In 2003, Rinaldo and Field (Biophys. J. 85, 3485-3501) proposed that the dilysine trigger alone can not explain the opening and that the protonation of Tyr188 is required to prompt the conformational change. However, no evidence was supplied to support this hypothesis. Here, we present several 60 ns molecular dynamics simulations considering various protonation states to investigate the complexes formed by sTf with Fe(III) and Al(III). The calculations demonstrate that only in those systems where Tyr188 has been protonated does the protein undergo the conformational change and that the dilysine trigger alone does not lead to the opening. The simulations also indicate that the metal release process is a stepwise mechanism, where the hinge-bending motion is followed by the hinge-twisting step. Therefore, the study demonstrates for the first time that the protonation of Tyr188 is required for the release of metal from the metal loaded sTf and provides valuable information about the whole process