22 research outputs found

    Парсическая роль интеллигенции в истории

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    In 1661, Borelli and Ecchellensis published a Latin translation of a text which they called the Ltmmas of Archimedes. The first fifteen propositions of this translation correspond to the contents of the Arabic Book of Assumptions, which the Arabic tradition attributes to Archimedes. The work is not found in Greek and the attribution is uncertain at best. Nevertheless, the Latin translation of the fifteen propositions was adopted as a work of Archimedes in the standard editions and translations by Heiberg, Heath, Ver Eecke and others. Our paper concerns the remaining two propositions, 16 and 17, in the Latin translation by Borelli and Ecchellensis, which are not found in the Arabic Book of Assumptions. Borelli and Ecchellensis believed that the Arabic Book of Assumptions is a mutilated version of a lost "old book" by Archimedes which is mentioned by Eutodus (ca. A.D. 500) in his commentary to Proposition 4 of Book 2 of Archimedes' On the Sphere and Cylinder. This proposition is about cutting a sphere by a plane in such a way that the volumes of the segments have a given ratio. Because the fifteen propositions in the Arabic Book of Assumptions have no connection whatsoever to this problem, Borelli and Ecchellensis "restored" two more propositions, their 16 and 17. Propositions 16 and 17 concern the problem of cutting a given line segment AG at a point X in such a way that the product AX· XG2 is equal to a given volume K. This problem is mentioned by Archimedes, and although he promised a solution, the solution is not found in On the Sphere and Cylinder. In his commentary, Eutodus presents a solution which he adapted from the "old book" of Archimedes which he had found. Proposition 17 is the synthesis of the problem by means of two conic sections, as adapted by Eutodus. Proposition 16 presents the diorismos: the problem can be solved only if K::::;;; AB · BG2, where point B is defined on AG such that AB = 1/zBG. We will show that Borelli and Ecchellensis adapted their Proposition 16 not from the commentary by Eutocius but from the Arabic text On Filling the Gaps in Archimedes' Sphere and Cylinder which was written by Abu Sahl al-Kuru in the tenth century, and which was published by Len Berggren. Borelli preferred al-Kiihi's diorismos (by elementary means) to the diorismos by means of conic sections in the commentary of Eutocius, even though Eutocius says that he had adapted it from the "old book." Just as some geometers in later Greek antiquity, Borelli and Ecchellensis bdieved that it is a "sin" to use conic sections in the solution of geometrical problems if elementary Euclidean means are possible. They (incorrectly) assumed that Archimedes also subscribed to this opinion, and thus they included their adaptation of al-Kuru's proposition in their restoration of the "old book" of Archimedes. Our paper includes the Latin text and an English translation of Propositions 16 and 17 of Borelli and Ecchellensis

    Analysis of clinical decision-making in multi-disciplinary cancer teams

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    Management decisions for patients with cancer are frequently taken within the context of a multi-disciplinary team (MDT). There is little known, however, about decision-making at team meetings and whether MDT decisions are all implemented. This study evaluated team decision-making in upper gastrointestinal cancer. Consecutive MDT treatment decisions were recorded for patients with oesophageal, gastric, pancreatic and peri-ampullary tumours. Implementation of MDT decisions was investigated by examining hospital records. Where decisions were implemented it was recorded as concordant and discordant if the decision changed. Reasons for changes in MDT decisions were identified. 273 decisions were studied and 41 (15.1%) were discordant (not implemented), (95% confidence interval 11.1-20.0%). Looking at the reasons for discordance, 18 (43.9%) were due to co-morbid health issues, 14 (34.2%) related to patient choice and 8 (19.5%) decisions changed when more clinical information was available. For one discordant decision, the reason was not apparent. Discordant decisions were more frequent for patients with pancreatic or gastric carcinoma as compared to oesophageal cancer (P = 0.001). Results show that monitoring concordance between MDT decisions and final treatment implementation is useful to inform team decision-making. For upper gastrointestinal cancer, MDTs require more information about co morbid disease and patient choice to truly optimize the implementation of multi-disciplinary expertise. © 2005 European Society for Medical Oncology

    The Dutch Multidisciplinary Occupational Health Guideline to Enhance Work Participation Among Low Back Pain and Lumbosacral Radicular Syndrome Patients

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    Purpose Based on current scientific evidence and best practice, the first Dutch multidisciplinary practice guideline for occupational health professionals was developed to stimulate prevention and enhance work participation in patients with low back pain (LBP) and lumbosacral radicular syndrome (LRS). Methods A multidisciplinary working group with health care professionals, a patient representative and researchers developed the recommendations after systematic review of evidence about (1) Risk factors, (2) Prevention, (3) Prognostic factors and (4) Interventions. Certainty of the evidence was rated with GRADE and the Evidence to Decision (EtD) framework was used to formulate recommendations. High or moderate certainty resulted in a recommendation "to advise", low to very low in a recommendation "to consider", unless other factors in the framework decided differently. Results An inventory of risk factors should be considered and an assessment of prognostic factors is advised. For prevention, physical exercises and education are advised, besides application of the evidence-based practical guidelines "lifting" and "whole body vibration". The stepped-care approach to enhance work participation starts with the advice to stay active, facilitated by informing the worker, reducing workload, an action plan and a time-contingent increase of work participation for a defined amount of hours and tasks. If work participation has not improved within 6 weeks, additional treatments should be considered based on the present risk and prognostic factors: (1) physiotherapy or exercise therapy; (2) an intensive workplace-oriented program; or (3) cognitive behavioural therapy. After 12 weeks, multi-disciplinary (occupational) rehabilitation therapy need to be considered. Conclusions Based on systematic reviews and expert consensus, the good practice recommendations in this guideline focus on enhancing work participation among workers with LBP and LRS using a stepped-care approach to complement existing guidelines focusing on recovery and daily functioning