153 research outputs found

    Autism as a disorder of neural information processing: directions for research and targets for therapy

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    The broad variation in phenotypes and severities within autism spectrum disorders suggests the involvement of multiple predisposing factors, interacting in complex ways with normal developmental courses and gradients. Identification of these factors, and the common developmental path into which theyfeed, is hampered bythe large degrees of convergence from causal factors to altered brain development, and divergence from abnormal brain development into altered cognition and behaviour. Genetic, neurochemical, neuroimaging and behavioural findings on autism, as well as studies of normal development and of genetic syndromes that share symptoms with autism, offer hypotheses as to the nature of causal factors and their possible effects on the structure and dynamics of neural systems. Such alterations in neural properties may in turn perturb activity-dependent development, giving rise to a complex behavioural syndrome many steps removed from the root causes. Animal models based on genetic, neurochemical, neurophysiological, and behavioural manipulations offer the possibility of exploring these developmental processes in detail, as do human studies addressing endophenotypes beyond the diagnosis itself

    Soccer and homosexuality: the conflicts that lie within the affective game of the coach-adolescent athlete relationship

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    Discussions regarding homosexuality within a sports context are mediated by emotional nuances, especially in the world of soccer, where practitioners are required to have attributes such as strength, masculinity and aggressiveness. As a consequence, this work aimed to analyze the symbolic representation of homosexual relationships between adolescent soccer players and their coaches; and, furthermore, to understand the intention behind homoerotic relationships that are established between members of the management team and its players. In this study, researchers used the life history methodology, with participation from three adolescent athletes, ages 14, 15 and 16, and three former athletes, ages 26, 28 and 45, who we called speakers. Based on the collection and analysis of research participants’ testimonies, homosexual relations were found to have occurred between athletes and coaches, or between athletes and other members of the management team, as a part of a “social contract” that is exclusively linked to their professional objectives. These relationships appear to be purely objective; authentic affective links are absent, due apparently to the transient nature of the athletes in these groups. Too, this context is usually marked by the athlete’s physical and emotional vulnerability, and the agreements he makes within this context are accompanied with moral dilemmas, because such adolescents idealize the coach as a paternal archetype.“Futebol e homossexualidade: Os conflitos que se encontram dentro do jogo afetivo da relação treinador-atleta adolescente.” As discussĂ”es a respeito da homossexualidade no contexto esportivo sĂŁo mediadas por nuanças emocionais, especialmente no mundo do futebol que exige de seus praticantes atributos de força, virilidade e agressividade. Por este motivo este trabalho teve como objetivos diagnosticar existĂȘncia de relaçÔes homossexuais entre atletas adolescentes da modalidade de futebol e seus tĂ©cnicos e sua representação simbĂłlica e ainda, compreender a intencionalidade das relaçÔes homoafetivas que se estabelecem entre componentes da equipe diretiva e os jogadores. Esta pesquisa Ă© de natureza qualitativa e a tĂ©cnica adotada foi a “histĂłria de vida” e a participação de trĂȘs atletas adolescentes em atividade, com idade de 14, 15 e 16 anos e trĂȘs ex-atletas profissionais, com idades 26, 28 e 45 anos serviram de base metodolĂłgica. A partir da anĂĄlise e tratamento dos depoimentos verificou-se que ocorreram relaçÔes homossexuais nas categorias de base envolvendo tĂ©cnico e atleta, ou com outros membros da equipe diretiva, como parte dos contratos sociais, ligados exclusivamente a objetivos profissionais. Estas relaçÔes parecem ser puramente objetais, nĂŁo parecendo existir vĂ­nculos afetivos duradouros, aparentemente, devido Ă  natureza transitĂłria de atletas nesses grupos. TambĂ©m, nesses ambientes, muitas vezes marcados pela vulnerabilidade fĂ­sica e emocional dos atletas, os acertos para as relaçÔes homossexuais sĂŁo permeadas por dilemas morais, tendo em vista que os atletas adolescentes idealizam o treinador como o arquĂ©tipo paterno ideal.“El fĂștbol y la homosexualidad: Los conflictos que se encuentran dentro del juego afectivo de la relaciĂłn atleta-entrenador de los adolescentes.” Las discusiones sobre la homosexualidad en contexto deportivo estĂĄn mediadas por matices emocionales, sobre todo en el mundo del fĂștbol que exige a sus jugadores atributos como la fuerza, la virilidad y los jugadores. En este estudio, los investigadores utilizaron la metodologĂ­a de la historia de vida, con la participaciĂłn de tres atletas adolescentes, con 14, 15 y 16 años, y tres ex atletas con 26, 28 y 45 años, que llamamos ‘oradores’. Basado en la recogida y anĂĄlisis de testimonios de participantes en la investigaciĂłn, se encontrĂł que las relaciones homosexuales que se han producido entre los atletas y entrenadores, o entre atletas y otros miembros del equipo de gestiĂłn, son como parte de un “contrato social” que estĂĄ vinculado exclusivamente a sus objetivos profesionales. Estas relaciones parecen ser solamente como un objeto; porque a veces no hay vĂ­nculos afectivos autĂ©nticos, debido aparentemente a la naturaleza transitoria de los atletas en estos grupos. Demasiado, este contexto es generalmente marcado por la vulnerabilidad fĂ­sica y emocional del deportista, y los acuerdos que hace dentro de este contexto se acompañan con dilemas morales, debido a que tales adolescentes idealizan el entrenador como un arquetipo paterno. la agresividad. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo diagnosticar la existencia de relaciones homosexuales entre adolescentes atletas de fĂștbol y sus entrenadores y la representaciĂłn simbĂłlica de estas relaciones. TambiĂ©n comprender la intencionalidad de las relaciones homoafetivas que se intercambian entre algunos componentes del equipo directivo y(undefined

    Teaching of Energy Issues: A debate proposal for a GLobal Reorientation

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    The growing awareness of serious difficulties in the learning of energy issues has produced a great deal of research, most of which is focused on specific conceptual aspects. In our opinion, the difficulties pointed out in the literature are interrelated and connected to other aspects (conceptual as well as procedural and axiological), which are not sufficiently taken into account in previous research. This paper aims to carry out a global analysis in order to avoid the more limited approaches that deal only with individual aspects. From this global analysis we have outlined 24 propositions that are put forward for debate to lay the foundations for a profound reorientation of the teaching of energy topics in upper high school courses, in order to facilitate a better scientific understanding of these topics, avoid many students' misconceptions and enhance awareness of the current situation of planetary emergency

    Data from a pre-publication independent replication initiative examining ten moral judgement effects

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    We present the data from a crowdsourced project seeking to replicate findings in independent laboratories before (rather than after) they are published. In this Pre-Publication Independent Replication (PPIR) initiative, 25 research groups attempted to replicate 10 moral judgment effects from a single laboratory's research pipeline of unpublished findings. The 10 effects were investigated using online/lab surveys containing psychological manipulations (vignettes) followed by questionnaires. Results revealed a mix of reliable, unreliable, and culturally moderated findings. Unlike any previous replication project, this dataset includes the data from not only the replications but also from the original studies, creating a unique corpus that researchers can use to better understand reproducibility and irreproducibility in science

    The pipeline project: Pre-publication independent replications of a single laboratory's research pipeline

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    This crowdsourced project introduces a collaborative approach to improving the reproducibility of scientific research, in which findings are replicated in qualified independent laboratories before (rather than after) they are published. Our goal is to establish a non-adversarial replication process with highly informative final results. To illustrate the Pre-Publication Independent Replication (PPIR) approach, 25 research groups conducted replications of all ten moral judgment effects which the last author and his collaborators had “in the pipeline” as of August 2014. Six findings replicated according to all replication criteria, one finding replicated but with a significantly smaller effect size than the original, one finding replicated consistently in the original culture but not outside of it, and two findings failed to find support. In total, 40% of the original findings failed at least one major replication criterion. Potential ways to implement and incentivize pre-publication independent replication on a large scale are discussed
