48 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Monetary Policy Rules: Some New Evidence for the U.S.

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    This paper derives optimal monetary policy rules in setups where certainty equivalence does not hold because either central bank preferences are not quadratic, and/or the aggregate supply relation is nonlinear. Analytical results show that these features lead to sign and size asymmetries, and nonlinearities in the policy rule. Reduced-form estimates indicate that US monetary policy can be characterized by a nonlinear policy rule after 1983, but not before 1979. This finding is consistent with the view that the Fed's inflation preferences during the Volcker-Greenspan regime differ considerably from the ones during the Burns-Miller regime.Dans cet article, nous dérivons les règles de politique monétaire optimales dans des cadres où \"l'équivalence certaine\" n'est pas satisfaite. On trouve des cas de ce type lorsque, par exemple, les préférences de la banque centrale ne sont pas quadratiques ou lorsque la relation d'offre agrégée n'est pas linéaire. Les résultats théoriques semblent montrer qu'ils peuvent conduire à des asymétries de signe et de niveau et à des nonlinéarités dans la règle de politique. À partir d'estimations de la forme réduite sur données américaines, nous trouvons que la politique monétaire des États-Unis peut être caractérisée par une règle décisionnelle non linéaire après 1983, mais que ce n'est pas le cas avant 1979. Ces résultats reflètent bien la nette différence d'attitude de la Réserve Fédérale face à l'inflation durant les périodes Volcker-Greenspan et Burns-Miller

    Photocatalytic ethanol oxidative dehydrogenation over Pt/TiO 2: Effect of the addition of blue phosphors

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    Ethanol oxidative dehydrogenation over Pt/TiO 2 photocatalyst, in the presence and absence of blue phosphors, was performed. The catalyst was prepared by photodeposition of Pt on sulphated TiO 2. This material was tested in a gas-solid photocatalytic fluidized bed reactor at high illumination efficiency. The effect of the addition of blue phosphors into the fluidized bed has been evaluated. The synthesized catalysts were extensively characterized by different techniques. Pt/TiO 2 with a loading of 0.5wt of Pt appeared to be an active photocatalyst in the selective partial oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde improving its activity and selectivity compared to pure TiO 2. In the same way, a notable enhancement of ethanol conversion in the presence of the blue phosphors has been obtained. The blue phosphors produced an increase in the level of ethanol conversion over the Pt/TiO 2 catalyst, keeping at the same time the high selectivity to acetaldehyde. Copyright © 2012 J. J. Murcia et al.Peer Reviewe

    Internet gaming disorder clustering based on personality traits in adolescents, and its relation with comorbid psychological symptoms

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    Altres ajuts: This work was funded by an AIS (Atención e Investigación en Socioaddiciones) intramural research program. This research is partially supported by the Marsden grant E2987-3648 (Royal Society of New Zealand).In recent years, the evidence regarding Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) suggests that some personality traits are important risk factors for developing this problem. The heterogeneity involved in problematic online gaming and differences found in the literature regarding the comorbid psychopathology associated with the problem could be explained through different types of gamers. Clustering analysis can allow organization of a collection of personality traits into clusters based on similarity. The objectives of this study were: (1) to obtain an empirical classification of IGD patients according to personality variables and (2) to describe the resultant groups in terms of clinical and sociodemographic variables. The sample included 66 IGD adolescent patients who were consecutive referrals at a mental health center in Barcelona, Spain. A Gaussian mixture model cluster analysis was used in order to classify the subjects based on their personality. Two clusters based on personality traits were detected: type I "higher comorbid symptoms" (n = 24), and type II "lower comorbid symptoms" (n = 42). The type I included higher scores in introversive, inhibited, doleful, unruly, forceful, oppositional, self-demeaning and borderline tendency traits, and lower scores in histrionic, egotistic and conforming traits. The type I obtained higher scores on all the Symptom Check List-90 items-Revised, all the State-Trait Anxiety Index scales, and on the DSM-5 IGD criteria. Differences in personality can be useful in determining clusters with different types of dysfunctionality

    Si ocurrió un evento adverso piense en decir “lo siento”

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    Fundamento. La información al paciente víctima de un evento adverso (EA) presenta ciertas particularidades en función del marco legal del país en el que se produzca, especialmente en lo referido al ofrecimiento de una disculpa. En el presente trabajo se pretende establecer los límites y las condiciones que debemos considerar a la hora de trasladar una disculpa al paciente que ha sufrido un EA. Método. Conferencia de consenso entre 26 profesionales de distintas comunidades autónomas, instituciones y perfiles profesionales con experiencia acreditada en la gestión de sistemas de Seguridad del Paciente y Derecho Penal de diferentes ámbitos laborales (sanidad, aseguradoras, inspección, académico). Resultados. El paciente, tras un EA además de ser informado, debiera recibir una disculpa expresada en términos neutros (manifestación empática y de pesar por lo sucedido), sin que el informante se identifique a sí mismo como responsable del daño, culpabilice a terceros, ni ofrezca una compensación en nombre de la compañía aseguradora. El profesional que se siente más directamente involucrado en el incidente es normalmente el menos indicado para informar y disculparse. El informante debe ajustarse al tipo y gravedad del EA. La normativa y condiciones del seguro de responsabilidad aconsejan no ofrecer información concreta sobre la magnitud de la compensación. Conclusiones. La disculpa debe medirse en función del marco normativo que rige en cada país. En nuestro caso procede una respuesta de empatía hacia el paciente, manifestando pesar por lo sucedido (decir lo siento) que puede facilitar la relación con el paciente, reducir su desconfianza y el número de litigios. Background. Disclosing information to a patient who is a victim of an adverse event (AE) presents some particularities depending on the legal framework in the country where the AE occurred. The aim of this study is to identify the limits and conditions when apologizing to a patient who has suffered an AE. Methods. A consensus conference involving 26 professionals from different autonomous communities, institutions, and profiles (health, insurance, inspection, academic) with accredited experience in patient safety management systems and criminal law. Results. Open disclosure should include an apology expressed in neutral terms (showing empathy and regret for what has happened) without the informant being identified as responsible for the damage, blaming third parties, or offering compensation on behalf of the insurance company. The professional who feels most directly involved in the incident is usually the least likely to report it and apologise. The informant profile must conform to the type and severity of the AE. The rules and conditions of liability insurance advise against providing specific information on the amount of compensation. Conclusions. The apology should be offered in terms of the regulatory framework in force in each country. In Spain, an appropriate response of empathy for the patient is warranted, expressing regret for what happened (apologising), which can facilitate the relationship with the patient, mitigate their mistrust, and reduce the number of disputes

    Suicide attempts in bulimia nervosa: Personality and psychopathological correlates

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    Background: Little evidence exists about suicidal acts in eating disorders and its relation with personality. We explored the prevalence of lifetime suicide attempts (SA) in women with bulimia nervosa (BN), and compared eating disorder symptoms, general psychopathology, impulsivity and personality between individuals who had and had not attempted suicide. We also determined the variables that better correlate with of SA. Method: Five hundred sixty-six BN outpatients (417 BN purging, 47 BN non-purging and 102 subthreshold BN) participated in the study. Results: Lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts was 26.9%. BN subtype was not associated with lifetime SA (p = 0.36). Suicide attempters exhibited higher rates on eating symptomatology, general psychopathology, impulsive behaviors, more frequent history of childhood obesity and parental alcohol abuse (p < 0.004). Suicide attempters exhibited higher scores on harm avoidance and lower on self-directedness, reward dependence and cooperativeness (p < 0.002). The most strongly correlated variables with SA were: lower education, minimum BMI, previous eating disorder treatment, low self-directedness, and familial history of alcohol abuse (p < 0.006). Conclusion: Our results support the notion that internalizing personality traits combined with impulsivity may increase the probability of suicidal behaviors in these patients. Future research may increase our understanding of the role of suicidality to work towards rational prevention of suicidal attempts

    A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins

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