318 research outputs found

    Milk production estimation in goats by the Fleischmann method

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    Four adaptations of Fleischmann"s method, utilized for the calculus of accumulated milk production at complete lactation are compared. 551 lactations of the Florida breed goat were employed from the first to the tenth lactation with monthly controls. The mean reference productions obtained with the adaptations were different (p<0.05). These differences obey to a different way in which the milk production is calculated principally from calving to first control and, from the last control to drying.Se comparan cuatro adaptaciones del método Fleischmann para el cálculo de la producción de leche acumulada a lactación completa. Se emplearon 551 lactaciones de cabras de raza Florida de primera a décima lactación con controles mensuales. Las producciones medias de referencia obtenidas con las adaptaciones fueron diferentes (p<0,05) debido a la distinta manera de plantear el cálculo de la producción de leche, principalmente desde el parto al primer control y del último control al secado

    Guaranteed Detection of a Minimal Supersymmetric Model Higgs Boson at Hadron Supercolliders

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    We demonstrate that expected efficiencies and purities for bb-tagging at SSC/LHC detectors should allow detection of at least one of the Higgs bosons of the Minimal Supersymmetric Model in t\anti t~Higgs production, with Higgs\rta b\anti b decay, over a substantial range of supersymmetric parameter space. In particular, with the addition of this mode to those previously considered, there is no region of supersymmetric parameter space for which {\it none} of the Higgs bosons of the model can be seen at the SSC/LHC.Comment: 9 pages, uses phyzzx.tex and tables.tex macros, full postscript file, including embedded figures, available via anonymous ftp at ucdhep.ucdavis.edu as [anonymous.gunion]hbb_susy.ps, preprint UCD-93-2

    New Phenomenon of Nonlinear Regge Trajectory and Quantum Dual String Theory

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    The relation between the spin and the mass of an infinite number of particles in a qq-deformed dual string theory is studied. For the deformation parameter qq a root of unity, in addition to the relation of such values of qq with the rational conformal field theory, the Fock space of each oscillator mode in the Fubini-Veneziano operator formulation becomes truncated. Thus, based on general physical grounds, the resulting spin-(mass)2^2 relation is expected to be below the usual linear trajectory. For such specific values of qq, we find that the linear Regge trajectory turns into a square-root trajectory as the mass increases.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, HU-SEFT R 1994-0

    Determinación de las condiciones óptimas para la trilla de arveja (Pisum sativum)

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    Los sistemas de trilla de arveja usados tradicionalmente por los pequeños agricultores causan pérdidas elevadas tanto en calidad como en cantidad. Para mejorar tales sistemas se llevó a cabo el presente ensayo, se emplearon 2 tipos de cilindro, de dientes fijos y de dientes resortados, trabajando a 4 velocidades periféricas: 215, 465, 705 y 955 m/min. Se usó arveja de la variedad comercial Guatecana, cosechada con los siguientes contenidos de humedad: 13.7, 17.2, 21.1, 23.5, 44.7 por ciento. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la operación de los 2 tipos de cilindro respecto a daño interno del grano y porcentaje de trilla. En cambio el daño visual del grano el cilindro de dientes resortados presentó valores inferiores. La velocidad del cilindro fue factor que más incidió en el porcentaje de grano trillado, mientras que la humedad del grano fue el que más influyó en el daño visual y el daño interno. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron trillando grano con 17.2 por ciento de humedad y utilizando el cilindro de dientes resortados a velocidades de 705 y 905 m/min. Bajo estas condiciones, el porcentaje de grano trillado fue superior a 99.6 por ciento y el de grano sano superior a 97.3 por cientoArveja-Pisum sativu

    Recognizing new trends in brain drain studies in the framework of global sustainability

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    Indexación ScopusScholars had been documenting the Brain Drain phenomenon producing scientific literature for more than 50 years. After three decades of slow but steady progress, literature about this concept has accelerated its progress and growth path, in line with the 9th sustainable development goal “Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation” Thus, the present article aims to define the current theoretical trends about the analysis of advanced intellectual human capital’s international migratory phenomenon. This study uses a scientometric methodology on a corpus of 1212 articles indexed to the JCR-WoS from Social Sciences. The period cov-ered in the study is from 1965 to 2020. The paper looks to understand how researchers studied the brain drain concept over the last 55 years in various disciplines. The report covers 99 categories from the Journal Citation Report (JCR) index. Results show that there is a scientific research critical mass that is studying the brain drain phenomenon. The analysis shows thematic trends at the sources, discourses, and consolidates classic works and some novel authors. Those new scholars and theoretical trends lead to refocused analysis beyond countries with a high development level. Such movement constitutes a new challenge in this line of research toward studying the effects of the brain drain in the peripheral areas of knowledge production. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/6/319

    Severe Deoxygenation Event Caused by the 2011 Eruption of the Submarine Volcano Tagoro (El Hierro, Canary Islands)

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    The shallow, near-shore submarine volcano Tagoro erupted in October 2011 at the Mar de las Calmas marine reserve, south of El Hierro island. The injection of lava into the ocean had its strongest episode during November 2011 and lasted until March 2012. During this time, in situ measurements of dissolved oxygen were carried out, using a continuous oxygen sensor constantly calibrated with water samples. A severe deoxygenation was observed in the area, particularly during October-November 2011, which was one of the main causes of the high mortality observed among the local marine ecosystem. The measured O2 concentrations were as low as 7.71 µmol kg-1, which represents a -96% decrease with respect to unaffected waters. The oxygen depletion was found in the first 250 m of the water column, with peaks between 70-120 m depth. The deoxygenated plume covered an area of at least 464 km2, distributed particularly south and south-west of the volcano, with occasional patches found north of the island. The oxygen levels were also monitored through the following years, during the degassing stage of the volcano, when oxygen depletion was no longer observed. Additionally, during the eruption, an island-generated anticyclonic eddy interacted with the volcanic plume and transported it for at least 80 km, where the O2 measurements still showed a -8% decrease after mixing and dilution. This feature draws attention to the permanence and transport of volcanic plumes far away from their source and long after the emission.En prens

    Kinks in the Hartree approximation

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    The topological defects of the lambda phi^4 theory, kink and antikink, are studied in the Hartree approximation. This allows us to discuss quantum effects on the defects in both stationary and dynamical systems. The kink mass is calculated for a number of parameters, and compared to classical, one loop and Monte Carlo results known from the literature. We discuss the thermalization of the system after a kink antikink collision. A classical result, the existence of a critical speed, is rederived and shown for the first time in the quantum theory. We also use kink antikink collisions as a very simple toy model for heavy ion collisions and discuss the differences and similarities, for example in the pressure. Finally, using the Hartree Ensemble Approximation allows us to study kink antikink nucleation starting from a thermal (Bose Einstein) distribution. In general our results indicate that on a qualitative level there are few differences with the classical results, but on a quantitative level there are some import ones.Comment: 20 pages REVTeX 4, 17 Figures. Uses amsmath.sty and subfigure.sty. Final version, fixed typo in published versio