12 research outputs found

    Rotational Graviton Modes in the Brane World

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    For a brane world embedded in various ten or eleven-dimensional geometries, we calculate the corrections to the four-dimensional gravitational potential due to graviton modes propagating in the extra dimensions, including those rotating around compact directions. Due to additional "warp" factors, these rotation modes may have as significant an effect as the s-wave modes which propagate in the large or infinite extra dimension.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    Gravitational Lorentz Violations from M-Theory

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    In an attempt to bridge the gap between M-theory and braneworld phenomenology, we present various gravitational Lorentz-violating braneworlds which arise from p-brane systems. Lorentz invariance is still preserved locally on the braneworld. For certain p-brane intersections, the massless graviton is quasi-localized. This also results from an M5-brane in a C-field. In the case of a p-brane perturbed from extremality, the quasi-localized graviton is massive. For a braneworld arising from global AdS_5, gravitons travel faster when further in the bulk, thereby apparently traversing distances faster than light.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, references added, minor corrections and addition

    Four-dimensional Einstein Yang–Mills de Sitter gravity from eleven dimensions

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    We obtain D=4 de Sitter gravity coupled to SU(2) Yang-Mills gauge fields from an explicit and consistent truncation of D=11 supergravity via Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction on a non-compact space. The ``internal'' space is a smooth hyperbolic 7-space (H^7) written as a foliation of two 3-spheres, on which the SU(2) Yang-Mills fields reside. The positive cosmological constant is completely fixed by the SU(2) gauge coupling constant. The explicit reduction ansatz enables us to lift any of the D=4 solutions to D=11. In particular, we obtain dS_2 in M-theory, where the nine-dimensional transverse space is an H^7 bundle over S^2. We also obtain a new smooth embedding of dS_3 in D=6 supergravity.Comment: Latex, 10 pages, references adde

    A Supersymmetric and Smooth Compactification of M-theory to AdS(5)

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    We obtain smooth M-theory solutions whose geometry is a warped product of AdS_5 and a compact internal space that can be viewed as an S^4 bundle over S^2. The bundle can be trivial or twisted, depending on the even or odd values of the two diagonal monopole charges. The solution preserves N=2 supersymmetry and is dual to an N=1 D=4 superconformal field theory, providing a concrete framework to study the AdS_5/CFT_4 correspondence in M-theory. We construct analogous embeddings of AdS_4, AdS_3 and AdS_2 in massive type IIA, type IIB and M-theory, respectively. The internal spaces have generalized holonomy and can be viewed as S^n bundles over S^2 for n=4, 5 and 7. Surprisingly, the dimensions of spaces with generalized holonomy includes D=9. We also obtain a large class of solutions of AdS\times H^2.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, references added, incorrect statement remove

    Massive-Scalar Absorption by Extremal p-branes

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    We study the absorption probability of minimally-coupled massive scalars by extremal p-branes. In particular, we find that the massive scalar wave equation under the self-dual string background has the same form as the massless scalar wave equation under the dyonic string background. Thus it can be cast into the form of a modified Mathieu equation and solved exactly. Another example that we can solve exactly is that of the D=4 two-charge black hole with equal charges, for which we obtain the closed-form absorption probability. We also obtain the leading-order absorption probabilities for D3-, M2- and M5-branes.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, reference adde

    No-Drag String Configurations for Steadily Moving Quark-Antiquark Pairs in a Thermal Bath

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    We investigate the behavior of stationary string configurations on a five-dimensional AdS black hole background which correspond to quark-antiquark pairs steadily moving in an N=4 super Yang-Mills thermal bath. There are many branches of solutions, depending on the quark velocity and separation as well as on whether Euclidean or Lorentzian configurations are examined.Comment: references added; statements corrected; eliminated computation of jet quenching parameter from Wilson loop of [Liu, Rajagopal, Wiedemann, hep-th/0605178] using Euclidean string configurations since those authors advocate [hep-th/0607062, footnote 14] the use of spacelike Lorentzian string configurations instea

    Resolution of Overlapping Branes

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    We obtain singularity resolutions for various overlapping brane configurations, including those of two heterotic 5-branes, type II 5-branes or D4-branes. In these solutions, the ``harmonic'' function H for each brane component depends only on the associated four-dimensional relative transverse space. The resolution is achieved by replacing these transverse spaces with Eguchi-Hanson or Taub-NUT spaces, both of which admit a normalisable self-dual (or anti-self-dual) harmonic 2-form. Due to the manner in which the interaction terms for the form fields modify their Bianchi identities or equations of motion, these normalisable harmonic 2-forms provide regular sources for the branes. We also obtain resolved 5-branes and D4-branes wrapped on S^1, which is fibred over the transverse Eguchi-Hanson or Taub-NUT spaces. The T-duality invariance of the NS-NS 5-brane is retained after the resolution. The resolved 5-branes and D4-branes provide regular supergravity duals of certain supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in five and four dimensions.Comment: Latex, 13 pages, typo corrected, references added, resolved D4-brane wrapped on S^1 adde

    Interpolating from AdS_(D-2) X S^2 to AdS_D

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    We investigate a large class of supersymmetric magnetic brane solutions supported by U(1) gauge fields in AdS gauged supergravities. We obtain first-order equations in terms of a superpotential. In particular, we find systems which interpolate between AdS_{D-2}\times \Omega^2 (where \Omega^2=S^2 or H^2) in the horizon and AdS_D-type geometry in the asymptotic region, for 4\le D\le 7. The boundary geometry of the AdS_D-type metric is Minkowski_{D-3}\times \Omega^2. This provides smooth supergravity solutions for which the boundary of the AdS spacetime compactifies spontaneously. These solutions indicate the existence of a large class of superconformal field theories in diverse dimensions whose renormalization group flow runs from the UV to the IR fixed point. We show that the same set of first-order equations also admits solutions which are asymptotically AdS_{D-2}\times \Omega^2 but singular at small distance. This implies that the stationary AdS_{D-2}\times \Omega^2 solutions typically lie on the inflection points of the modulus space.Comment: Latex three times, 49 pages, 9 figure

    From AdS Black Holes to Supersymmetric Flux-branes

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    We show that AdS black hole solutions admit an analytical continuation to become magnetic flux-branes. Although a BPS AdS black hole generally has a naked singularity, the BPS flux-brane can be regular everywhere with an appropriate choice of U(1)-charges. This flux-brane interpolates from AdS_{D-2} \times H^2 at small distance to an asymptotic AdS_D-type metric with an AdS_{D-2}\times S^1 boundary. We also obtain a smooth cosmological solution of de Sitter Einstein-Maxwell gravity which flows from dS_2\times S^{D-2} in the infinite past to a dS_D-type metric, with an S^{D-2}\times S^1 boundary, in the infinite future.Comment: Plain latex, 25 pages, references adde

    Spacelike strings and jet quenching from a Wilson loop

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    We investigate stationary string solutions with spacelike worldsheet in a five-dimensional AdS black hole background, and find that there are many branches of such solutions. Using a non-perturbative definition of the jet quenching parameter proposed by Liu et. al., hep-ph/0605178, we take the lightlike limit of these solutions to evaluate the jet quenching parameter in an N=4 super Yang-Mills thermal bath. We show that this proposed definition gives zero jet quenching parameter, independent of how the lightlike limit is taken. In particular, the minimum-action solution giving the dominant contribution to the Wilson loop has a leading behavior that is linear, rather than quadratic, in the quark separation.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures, statements correcte