714 research outputs found

    Neutrino masses from higher than d=5 effective operators

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    We discuss the generation of small neutrino masses from effective operators higher than dimension five, which open new possibilities for low scale see-saw mechanisms. In order to forbid the radiative generation of neutrino mass by lower dimensional operators, extra fields are required, which are charged under a new symmetry. We discuss this mechanism in the framework of a two Higgs doublet model. We demonstrate that the tree level generation of neutrino mass from higher dimensional operators often leads to inverse see-saw scenarios in which small lepton number violating terms are naturally suppressed by the new physics scale. Furthermore, we systematically discuss tree level generalizations of the standard see-saw scenarios from higher dimensional operators. Finally, we point out that higher dimensional operators can also be generated at the loop level. In this case, we obtain the TeV scale as new physics scale even with order one couplings.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Some references adde

    Neutrino masses in R-parity violating supersymmetric models

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    We study neutrino masses and mixing in R-parity violating supersymmetric models with generic soft supersymmetry breaking terms. Neutrinos acquire masses from various sources: Tree level neutrino--neutralino mixing and loop effects proportional to bilinear and/or trilinear R-parity violating parameters. Each of these contributions is controlled by different parameters and have different suppression or enhancement factors which we identified. Within an Abelian horizontal symmetry framework these factors are related and specific predictions can be made. We found that the main contributions to the neutrino masses are from the tree level and the bilinear loops and that the observed neutrino data can be accommodated once mild fine-tuning is allowed.Comment: 18 pages; minor typos corrected. To be published in Physical Review

    Symmetry of the Atomic Electron Density in Hartree, Hartree-Fock, and Density Functional Theory

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    The density of an atom in a state of well-defined angular momentum has a specific finite spherical harmonic content, without and with interactions. Approximate single-particle schemes, such as the Hartree, Hartree-Fock, and Local Density Approximations, generally violate this feature. We analyze, by means of perturbation theory, the degree of this violation and show that it is small. The correct symmetry of the density can be assured by a constrained-search formulation without significantly altering the calculated energies. We compare our procedure to the (different) common practice of spherically averaging the self-consistent potential. Kohn-Sham density functional theory with the exact exchange-correlation potential has the correct finite spherical harmonic content in its density; but the corresponding exact single particle potential and wavefunctions contain an infinite number of spherical harmonics.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Expanded discussion of spherical harmonic expansion of Hartree density. Some typos corrected, references adde

    The combustion of waste, industrial glycerol in a fluidised bed

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    Large quantities of glycerol are produced as a somewhat useless, industrial by-product, when producing biodiesel. Thus, the combustion of this waste (containing glycerol, less volatile, non-glyceride oils, ash and water) in a fluidised bed has been investigated. The fuel entered the bottom of the bed (on its axis) as bubbles of vapour, which rose up the bed, surrounded by bubbles of fluidising air. While more difficult to burn than medicinal glycerol, continuous burning of the waste was sustained for a total of ∼ 4 h in a bed of silica sand (500 – 710 μm) at 750°C, fluidised by air. However, after ∼ 4 h, fluidisation ceased, because the silica sand agglomerated into globules a few mm wide, probably cemented by a eutectic of K2SO4 and KOH; this industrial glycerol did originally contain potassium and sulphate ions, from its manufacture. Under similar conditions, when burning the waste in a bed of fluidised alumina (Al2O3) particles (355 – 425 μm), the bed de-fluidised after almost ½ h, and then sintered into a cake, again possibly cemented by the potassium salts K2SO4 and KOH. As for combustion, there was evidence that waste glycerol can be burned in a fluidised bed of SiO2 particles autonomously, without supplying heat. In such a fluidised bed, it appeared that glycerol vapour, inside a bubble, first decomposes thermally, yielding CO and H2. The less volatile oils were slower to evaporate and decompose. Combustion of the waste fuel with air occurred in a bed of SiO2 particles only to a limited extent in rising bubbles, depending on the bed’s depth. Otherwise, burning occurred above the fluidised particles, just as a mixture of methane or propane in air burns, when fluidising a hot bed of silica particles. The role of the particles is to inhibit combustion by scavenging radicals

    TeV-scale seesaw from a multi-Higgs model

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    We suggest new simple model of generating tiny neutrino masses through a TeV-scale seesaw mechanism without requiring tiny Yukawa couplings. This model is a simple extension of the standard model by introducing extra one Higgs singlet, and one Higgs doublet with a tiny vacuum expectation value. Experimental constraints, electroweak precision data and no large flavor changing neutral currents, are satisfied since the extra doublet only has a Yukawa interaction with lepton doublets and right-handed neutrinos, and their masses are heavy of order a TeV-scale. Since active light neutrinos are Majorana particles, this model predicts a neutrinoless double beta decay.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Stability of the Scalar Potential and Symmetry Breaking in the Economical 3-3-1 Model

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    A detailed study of the criteria for stability of the scalar potential and the proper electroweak symmetry breaking pattern in the economical 3-3-1 model, is presented. For the analysis we use, and improve, a method previously developed to study the scalar potential in the two-Higgs-doublet extension of the standard model. A new theorem related to the stability of the potential is stated. As a consequence of this study, the consistency of the economical 3-3-1 model emerges.Comment: to be published in EPJ C, 13 page

    New Leptoquark Mechanism of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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    A new mechanism for neutrinoless double beta (\znbb) decay based on leptoquark exchange is discussed. Due to the specific helicity structure of the effective four-fermion interaction this contribution is strongly enhanced compared to the well-known mass mechanism of \znbb decay. As a result the corresponding leptoquark parameters are severely constrained from non-observation of \znbb-decay. These constraints are more stringent than those derived from other experiments.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 1 figur

    NN,N\Delta Couplings and the Quark Model

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    We examine mass-corrected SU(6) symmetry predictions in the quark model relating vector, axial-vector and strong NN and N\Delta couplings, and demonstrate that the experimental N\Delta value is significantly higher than predicted in each case. Nevertheless the Goldberger-Treiman relation is satisfied in both sectors. Possible origins of the discrepancy of the quark model predictions with experiment are discussed.Comment: 22 pg. Latex file, figures available by reques

    Reopening the window on charged dark matter

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    We reexamine the limits on charged dark matter particles. We show that if their mass and charge fall in the range 100(q_X/e)^2< m_X < 10^8(q_X/e) TeV, then magnetic fields prevent particles in the halo from entering the galactic disk, while those initially trapped inside are accelerated through the Fermi mechanism and ejected within about 0.1-1 Gyrs. Consequently, previous constraints on charged dark matter based on terrestrial non-observation are invalid within that range. Further, we find that charged massive particles may simultaneously solve several long-standing astrophysical problems, including the underabundance of dwarf galaxies, the shallow density profiles in the cores of the LSB galaxies, the absence of cooling flows in the cores of galaxy clusters, and several others.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in JCA

    Low Energy Chiral Lagrangian in Curved Space-Time from the Spectral Quark Model

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    We analyze the recently proposed Spectral Quark Model in the light of Chiral Perturbation Theory in curved space-time. In particular, we calculate the chiral coefficients L1,...,L10L_1, ..., L_{10}, as well as the coefficients L11L_{11}, L12L_{12}, and L13L_{13}, appearing when the model is coupled to gravity. The analysis is carried for the SU(3) case. We analyze the pattern of chiral symmetry breaking as well as elaborate on the fulfillment of anomalies. Matching the model results to resonance meson exchange yields the relation between the masses of the scalar, tensor and vector mesons, Mf0=Mf2=2MV=43/NcπfπM_{f_0}=M_{f_2}=\sqrt{2} M_V= 4 \sqrt{3 /N_c} \pi f_\pi. Finally, the large-NcN_c limit suggests the dual relations in the vector and scalar channels, MV=MS=26/NcπfπM_V=M_S= 2 \sqrt{6 /N_c} \pi f_\pi and S1/2=<r2>V1/2=2Nc/fπ=0.59fm^{1/2}_S = < r^2 >^{1/2}_V = 2 \sqrt{N_c} / f_\pi = 0.59 {\rm fm} .Comment: 18 pages, no figure