43 research outputs found

    The EU's New Global Strategy: Its Implementation in a Troubled International Environment

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    Executive Summary In June 2016, High Representative Mogherini presented the EU’s new Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy (EUGS) to the European Council. With the Strategy now finalized, attention needs to turn to its implementation in an environment mired by crises both within Europe and the wider world. In September 2016, The Hague Institute for Global Justice and Europe House—the European Parliament Information Office and the Representation of the European Commission in The Netherlands—organized an expert meeting and a public panel discussion, which inform the present document as a first appraisal of the Global Strategy. Focusing on three areas of particular salience in EU foreign policy—the EU as a security actor, developing rules-based global governance in new areas, and the ‘joined-up’ approach in pursuing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)— the following recommendations for the implementation of the EUGS can be made: The EU as a security actor The EU needs a pragmatic and flexible approach in order to solve the crises around Europe and to improve its credibility in the short and long term, for example by using ad hoc coalitions. Moreover, a possible withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU could open up political space for deepened defense cooperation. The EU would need to find ways to make use of this political space in order to generate political will in the capitals for deepening defense cooperation. More broadly speaking, the EU should devise plans to connect with its citizens as a security actor and communicate the message that EU defense cooperation tangibly benefits the security of all citizens. Developing rules-based global governance Using the area of cyber governance as an example given its cross-cutting importance, the EU should fully embrace the role of ‘agenda-shaper, connector, coordinator and facilitator within a networked web of players’ by investing in multistakeholder initiatives and, together with the Member States, showing coordinated political leadership in this area. The EU, furthermore, needs to take its internal normative innovations (such as the “right to be forgotten”) to the global stage, where they can serve as inspiration to other actors. It should also use regional approaches and coalitions of like-minded countries as building blocks for working towards a global consensus. In addition, the EU should bolster its credibility as a cyber power by capacity-building, both within the EU Member States and third countries, to fight criminal activities and strengthen cooperation between law enforcement agencies. Capacity-building as part of a ‘joined-up approach’ in the case of the SDGs For SDGs to be progressively realized through ‘joined-up’ EU action, they need to be translated and concretized into measurable goals, which should be pursued through already existing policies and strategies and be taken into account during the framing of new ones. Moreover, the EU should invest, in tandem with the Member States, in communicating to the public that the SDGs are a global commitment with implications, both positive and negative, in the daily lives of citizens. For the EU, the most important next step is to translate the EUGS into prioritized and coherent sub-strategies with a view to maintaining the SDGs as a central element of the follow-up of the EUGS. The Global Strategy will remain the core guidance for EU external action for years to come. However, the period until the first yearly progress report in June 2017 will be crucial for establishing the traction and first concrete results produced by the Strategy. As the calendars of the EU institutions and Member State policymakers are filling up with more milestones for its implementation, existing sectorspecific strategies will be updated and new ones developed. Implementing the Global Strategy will be a momentous endeavor by any standard, both for the EU and its Member States. How well they will work together, use their resources, build political momentum and voice their common message will ultimately determine the role of the EU in the world.Global Challenges (FGGA

    Predictive biometrics: A review and analysis of predicting personal characteristics from biometric data

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    Interest in the exploitation of soft biometrics information has continued to develop over the last decade or so. In comparison with traditional biometrics, which focuses principally on person identification, the idea of soft biometrics processing is to study the utilisation of more general information regarding a system user, which is not necessarily unique. There are increasing indications that this type of data will have great value in providing complementary information for user authentication. However, the authors have also seen a growing interest in broadening the predictive capabilities of biometric data, encompassing both easily definable characteristics such as subject age and, most recently, `higher level' characteristics such as emotional or mental states. This study will present a selective review of the predictive capabilities, in the widest sense, of biometric data processing, providing an analysis of the key issues still adequately to be addressed if this concept of predictive biometrics is to be fully exploited in the future

    Nonlinear thermal instability in a horizontal porous layer with an internal heat source and mass flow

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    © 2016, Springer-Verlag Wien. Linear and nonlinear stability analyses of Hadley–Prats flow in a horizontal fluid-saturated porous medium with a heat source are performed. The results indicate that, in the linear case, an increase in the horizontal thermal Rayleigh number is stabilizing for both positive and negative values of mass flow. In the nonlinear case, a destabilizing effect is identified at higher mass flow rates. An increase in the heat source has a destabilizing effect. Qualitative changes appear in Rz as the mass flow moves from negative to positive for different internal heat sources

    Production and vegetative growth of coffee trees under fertilization and shade levels

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    It is difficult to separate the effects of light reduction versus nutrient and water competition in agroforestry systems. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of shading and fertilizer supply on the vegetative development and yield of Coffea arabica over six years. The coffee trees were covered with shade screens (photosynthetically active radiation reduction up to 48%) and fertilized from 100 to 40% of the recommended amount from 2001 on. Leaf area, number of leaves, number of nodes, leaf area per branch and, yield were determined. Although no effect of fertilization was found, shading influenced the number of nodes, leaf area and production from the third year on. The number of nodes and yield decreased as shading increased. The effect of the yield bienniallity was more evident in the unshaded trees, which yielded an average of 2,646 kg ha¹. The trees under 48% shading yielded an average of 2,094 kg ha¹. After 2004 the leaf area per branch increased as the shade increased, at the end of both the maximum and minimum growth periods. During the first three years, the coffee trees do not change their vegetative or productive characteristics as a response to shading. The shade effects become more intense after the beginning of the higher yield period. The shaded coffee trees have a larger leaf area and a smaller number of nodes than the coffee trees under full sun. The yield decreases as photosynthetically active radiation limitation increases, and yield bienniallity is less intense in shaded trees.Em sistemas agroflorestais é difícil separar os efeitos da competição por luz daquela por água e nutrientes. O objetivo do experimento foi avaliar o efeito do sombreamento e do fornecimento de fertilizantes sobre o desenvolvimento vegetativo e a produtividade de cafeeiros arábica ao longo de seis anos. Os cafeeiros foram cobertos com telas sombreadoras (redução da radiação fotosinteticamente ativa em até 48%) e fertilizados de 100 até 40% da recomendação. Foram determinados a área da folha, o número de folhas, o número de nós, a área foliar por ramo e a produtividade dos cafeeiros. Embora não houvesse efeito da fertilização, o sombreamento influenciou o número de nós, a área da folha e a produção a partir do terceiro ano. O número de nós e a produtividade reduziram conforme aumentou o sombreamento. Cafeeiros sob pleno sol apresentaram maior bienalidade da produção e produtividade média de 2646 kg ha¹. Cafeeiros sob 48% de sombreamento produziram em média 2094 kg ha¹. Após três anos a área foliar aumentou com o aumento do sombreamento, tanto no final do período de maior quanto de menor crescimento. Nos três primeiros anos, os cafeeiros não diferiram nas características vegetativas ou reprodutivas devido ao sombreamento. Os efeitos do sombreamento tornam-se mais intensos após o início do período de altas produtividades. Cafeeiros sombreados apresentam folhas maiores e menor número de nós do que cafeeiros sob pleno sol. Nos anos de alta produtividade esta decresce com o aumento do sombreamento e a bienalidade é menos intensa nos cafeeiros sombreados

    Bio-analytical Assay Methods used in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antiretroviral Drugs-A Review

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    Plasma gut hormone levels in 37 patients with pheochromocytomas

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    Pheochromocytomas are usually recognized by the effects of overproduction of catecholamines, but there are clinical features that cannot be ascribed to catecholamine excess that may be due to vasoactive peptides. We, therefore, measured blood levels of vasoactive intestinal peptides (VIP), substance P, somatostatin (SS), and motilin in 50 instances in 37 patients with pheochromocytomas-21 malignant, 10 benign intra-adrenal, and 6 ectopic (5 paracardial and 1 perirenal). Hormone levels were considered raised if the level was more than 3 S.D. above the mean value found in 52 healthy subjects. Of the 37 patients, 20 (54%) had an abnormality in 1 or more gut hormone levels. The most common abnormality was a raised SS in 9/37 (24%). In addition to these, however, 3 (8%) others had raised VIP, 5 (13.5%) raised motilin, and 3 (8%) raised substance P. Patients with benign adrenal adenomas had raised levels of SS and substance P. Ectopic pheochromocytomas produced only SS in addition to catecholamines, but malignant pheochromocytomas could secrete all 4 peptides, and more than 1 in the same patient. We conclude that pheochromocytomas may secrete multiple vasoactive peptides, and they are more likely to do so if malignant. Somatostatin is the most commonly secreted peptide and is found with benign adrenal and ectopic (paracardiac) tumors. If the level of more than 1 peptide is elevated, the likelihood of malignancy is significantly increased . Les phéochromocytomes sont généralement déceléspar les effets dûs à la surproduction de catécholamines, mais certains troubles ne peuvent être attribués à ce phénomène et relèvent peut être de l'action de peptides vasoactifs. Les auteurs se sont donc attachés à doser dans le sang le VIP, la substance P, la somatostatine (SS), et la motiline. Ces dosages furent pratiqués 50 fois chez 37 malades porteurs de phéochromocytomes: 21 malins, 10 bénins et 6 ectopiques (5 paracardiaque et 1 péri-rénal). Les taux des hormones furent considérés comme élevés lorsque leur niveau fut supérieur à plus de 3 fois le taux de 52 sujets sains. Sur les 37 malades 20 (54%) présentaient un excès d'une ou de plusieurs hormones digestives. L'anomalie constatée la plus fréquente fut l'élévation de la SS (9 fois sur 37 soit 24%). Ajoutée à ce fait fut l'élévation de la VIP chez 3 sujets (8%), de la motiline chez 5 (13.5%) et de la substance P chez 3 (8%). Les phéochromocytomes bénins surrénaliens présentaient à la fois une élévation du taux de la SS et de la substance P. Les phéochromocytomes ectopiques en revanche présentaient seulement une élévation de la SS. Les phéochromocytomes malins pouvaient sécréter les 4 peptides ou plus d'un chez le même malade. En conclusion les phéochromocytomes peuvent secréter de multiples peptides vasoactifs et plus particulièrement lorsqu'ils sont malins. La SS est la substance qui est la plus souvent secrétée et elle est trouvée dans les tumeurs bénignes surrénaliennes ou ectopiques. Si plus d'une de ces substances est produite en excès les risques de malignité de la tumeur sont significativement plus importants. Los feocromocitomas generalmente son diagnosticados por los efectos del exceso de producción de catecolaminas pero hay características clínicas que no pueden ser atribuidas al exceso de catecolaminas y que pueden ser más bien manifestación de péptidos vasoactivos. Hemos establecido los niveles sanguíneos del péptido intestinal vasoactivo (VIP), de la sustancia P, de la somatostatina (SS), y de la motilina en 50 determinaciones en 37 pacientes con feocromocitomas; 21 malignos, 10 benignos intra-adrenales, y 6 ectópicos (5 paracardiales y 1 perirrenal). Se consideró que los niveles hormonales estaban elevados cuando el nivel era de más de 3 de desviación estandar sobre el valor promedio en 52 individuos normales. De 37 pacientes, 20 (54%) presentaron un valor anormal en 1 o más determinaciones del nivel de hormonas intestinales. La anormalidad más común fue la elevación de la SS en 9/37 (24%). Además de esto, sinembargo, otros 3 (8%) presentaban elevación de VIP, 5 (13.5%) elevación de sustancia P. Los adenomas suprarrenales benignos exhibieron niveles elevados de SS y de sustancia P. Los feocromocitomas ectópicos demostraron producción sólo de SS además de catecolaminas, pero los feocromocitomas malignos demostraron ser capaces de secretar todos los 4 péptidos, y más de 1 en el mismo paciente. Hemos llegado a la conclusión de que los feocromocitomas pueden secretar múltiples peptidos vasoactivos y que ésto tiende a ocurrir cuando son malignos. La SS es el péptido más frecuentemente secretado y se lo encuentra en los tumores suprarrenales benigno y ectópico (paracardiacos). Si se encuentran niveles elevados de más de 1 péptido, la posibilidad de malignidad aparece significativamente aumentada.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41274/1/268_2005_Article_BF01655534.pd

    The EU’s Contribution to Common Global Rules: Challenges in an Age of Power Shift, Summary of Findings of the Expert Consultation in the Framework of the EU Strategic Review Process

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    On 8 and 9 December 2015, The Hague Institute for Global Justice, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, organized both a public high-level discussion and a closed expert consultation on the EU’s forthcoming Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy. The events focused on how the Union and its Member States can promote a rules-based international system and effective multilateral institutions in a rapidly changing environment marked by numerous crises and challenges. The high-level discussion on the morning of 8 December featured keynote addresses from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Bert Koenders, and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini. The high-level discussion also served as a prelude to the subsequent expert consultation, which was carried out according to the following methodology. The participants in the consultation were selected from among leading experts in EU foreign policy, global governance, European and international law, and multilateral diplomacy. Reflecting a diverse and representative set of stakeholders and professional perspectives, the experts came from think tanks, academia, international organizations, NGOs, and the private sector. Particular attention was paid to ensuring gender balance and including external perspectives from emerging powers and key partners of the EU, such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Nigeria. In the course of several breakout sessions and plenary discussions, the participants elaborated on the themes of: the EU’s role in developing the international legal order, promoting effective multilateral institutions, and engaging non-state actors in tackling the most pressing global challenges (see Annex I for the program). The expert consultation, held under the Chatham House Rule, was preceded by an e-consultation, which ran from mid-November and included a wider circle of experienced international specialists, as well as younger, emerging experts and youth representatives from diverse disciplines and professions (see Annex II for the summary of the econsultation). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, working together with a number of like-minded Member States, such as Romania and Austria, can draw on the output of the high-level discussion and the expert consultation to contribute to the discussion on the new EU Global Strategy.Global Challenges (FGGA