14 research outputs found

    Evolution of diverse effective N2-fixing microsymbionts of Cicer arietinum following horizontal transfer of the Mesorhizobium ciceri CC1192 symbiosis integrative and conjugative element.

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    Rhizobia are soil bacteria capable of forming N2-fixing symbioses with legumes, with highly effective strains often selected in agriculture as inoculants to maximize symbiotic N2 fixation. When rhizobia in the genus Mesorhizobium have been introduced with exotic legumes into farming systems, horizontal transfer of symbiosis Integrative and Conjugative Elements (ICEs) from the inoculant strain to soil bacteria has resulted in the evolution of ineffective N2-fixing rhizobia that are competitive for nodulation with the target legume. In Australia, Cicer arietinum (chickpea) has been inoculated since the 1970's with Mesorhizobium ciceri sv. ciceri CC1192, a highly effective strain from Israel. Although the full genome sequence of this organism is available, little is known about the mobility of its symbiosis genes and the diversity of cultivated C. arietinum-nodulating organisms. Here, we show the CC1192 genome harbors a 419-kb symbiosis ICE (ICEMcSym1192) and a 648-kb repABC-type plasmid pMC1192 carrying putative fix genes. We sequenced the genomes of 11 C. arietinum nodule isolates from a field site exclusively inoculated with CC1192 and showed they were diverse unrelated Mesorhizobium carrying ICEMcSym1192, indicating they had acquired the ICE by environmental transfer. No exconjugants harboured pMc1192 and the plasmid was not essential for N2 fixation in CC1192. Laboratory conjugation experiments confirmed ICEMcSym1192 is mobile, integrating site-specifically within the 3' end of one of the four ser-tRNA genes in the R7ANS recipient genome. Strikingly, all ICEMcSym1192 exconjugants were as efficient at fixing N2 with C. arietinum as CC1192, demonstrating ICE transfer does not necessarily yield ineffective microsymbionts as previously observed.Importance Symbiotic N2 fixation is a key component of sustainable agriculture and in many parts of the world legumes are inoculated with highly efficient strains of rhizobia to maximise fixed N2 inputs into farming systems. Symbiosis genes for Mesorhizobium spp. are often encoded chromosomally within mobile gene clusters called Integrative and Conjugative Elements or ICEs. In Australia, where all agricultural legumes and their rhizobia are exotic, horizontal transfer of ICEs from inoculant Mesorhizobium strains to native rhizobia has led to the evolution of inefficient strains that outcompete the original inoculant, with the potential to render it ineffective. However, the commercial inoculant strain for Cicer arietinum (chickpea), M. ciceri CC1192, has a mobile symbiosis ICE (ICEMcSym1192) which can support high rates of N2 fixation following either environmental or laboratory transfer into diverse Mesorhizobium backgrounds, demonstrating ICE transfer does not necessarily yield ineffective microsymbionts as previously observed

    MbnC is not required for the formation of the N-terminal oxazolone in the methanobactin from <em>Methylosinus trichosporium</em> OB3b.

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    Methanobactins (MBs) are ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptides (RiPPs) produced by methanotrophs for copper uptake. The post-translational modification that define MBs is the formation of two heterocyclic groups with associated thioamines from X-Cys dipeptide sequences. Both heterocyclic groups in the MB from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b (MB-OB3b) are oxazolone groups. The precursor gene for MB-OB3b, mbnA, which is part of a gene cluster that contains both annotated and unannotated genes. One of those unannotated genes, mbnC, is found in all MB operons, and in conjunction with mbnB, is reported to be involved in the formation of both heterocyclic groups in all MBs. To determine the function of mbnC, a deletion mutation was constructed in M. trichosporium OB3b, and the MB produced from the ΔmbnC mutant was purified and structurally characterized by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and solution NMR spectroscopy. MB-OB3b from ΔmbnC was missing the C-terminal Met and also found to contain a Pro and a Cys in place of the pyrrolidiny-oxazolone-thioamide group. These results demonstrate MbnC is required for the formation of the C-terminal pyrrolidinyl-oxazolone-thioamide group from the Pro-Cys dipeptide, but not for the formation of the N-terminal 3-methylbutanol-oxazolone-thioamide group from the N-terminal dipeptide Leu-Cys. IMPORTANCE A number of environmental and medical applications have been proposed for MBs, including bioremediation of toxic metals, nanoparticle formation, as well as for the treatment of copper- and iron-related diseases. However, before MBs can be modified and optimized for any specific application, the biosynthetic pathway for MB production must be defined. The discovery that mbnC is involved in the formation of the C-terminal oxazolone group with associated thioamide but not for the formation of the N-terminal oxazolone group with associated thioamide in M. trichosporium OB3b suggests the enzymes responsible for post-translational modification(s) of the two oxazolone groups are not identical

    Oxygen generation via water splitting by a novel biogenic metal ion binding compound.

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    Methanobactins (MBs) are small (&lt;1,300 Da) post-translationally modified copper-binding peptides and represent the extracellular component of a copper acquisition system in some methanotrophs. Interestingly, MBs can bind a range of metal ions, with some reduced after binding, e.g., Cu2+ reduced to Cu+ Other metal ions, however, are bound but not reduced, e.g., K+ The source of electrons for selective metal ion reduction has been speculated to be water but never empirically shown. Here, using H218O, we show that when MB from Methylocystis sp strain SB2 (MB-SB2) and Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b (MB-OB3) were incubated in the presence of either Au3+, Cu2, and Ag+, 18,18O2 and free protons were released. No 18,18O2 production was observed either in presence of MB-SB2 or MB-OB3b alone, gold alone, copper alone, silver alone or when K+ or Mo2+ was incubated with MB-SB2.In contrast to MB-OB3b, MB-SB2 binds Fe3+ with an N2S2 coordination and will also reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ Iron reduction was also found to be coupled to oxidation of 2H2O and generation of O2 MB-SB2 will also couple Hg2+, Ni2+ and Co2+ reduction to the oxidation of 2H2O and generation of O2, but MB-OB3b will not, ostensibly as MB-OB3b binds but does not reduce these metal ions.To determine if the O2 generated during metal ion reduction by MB could be coupled to methane oxidation, 13CH4 oxidation by Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b was monitored under anoxic conditions. The results demonstrate O2 generation from metal ion reduction by MB-OB3b can support methane oxidation.IMPORTANCEThe discovery that MB will couple the oxidation of H2O to metal ion reduction and the release of O2 suggests that methanotrophs expressing MB may be able to maintain their activity in hypoxic/anoxic conditions through "self-generation" of dioxygen required for the initial oxidation of methane to methanol. Such an ability may be an important factor in enabling methanotrophs to not only colonize the oxic-anoxic interface where methane concentrations are highest, but also tolerate significant temporal fluctuations of this interface. Given that genomic surveys often show evidence of aerobic methanotrophs within anoxic zones, the ability to express MB (and thereby generate dioxygen) may be an important parameter in facilitating their ability to remove methane, a potent greenhouse gas, before it enters the atmosphere

    Evidence for methanobactin "Theft" and novel chalkophore production in methanotrophs: Impact on methanotrophic-mediated methylmercury degradation.

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    Aerobic methanotrophy is strongly controlled by copper, and methanotrophs are known to use different mechanisms for copper uptake. Some methanotrophs secrete a modified polypeptide-methanobactin-while others utilize a surface-bound protein (MopE) and a secreted form of it (MopE*) for copper collection. As different methanotrophs have different means of sequestering copper, competition for copper significantly impacts methanotrophic activity. Herein, we show that Methylomicrobium album BG8, Methylocystis sp. strain Rockwell, and Methylococcus capsulatus Bath, all lacking genes for methanobactin biosynthesis, are not limited for copper by multiple forms of methanobactin. Interestingly, Mm. album BG8 and Methylocystis sp. strain Rockwell were found to have genes similar to mbnT that encodes for a TonB-dependent transporter required for methanobactin uptake. Data indicate that these methanotrophs "steal" methanobactin and such "theft" enhances the ability of these strains to degrade methylmercury, a potent neurotoxin. Further, when mbnT was deleted in Mm. album BG8, methylmercury degradation in the presence of methanobactin was indistinguishable from when MB was not added. Mc. capsulatus Bath lacks anything similar to mbnT and was unable to degrade methylmercury either in the presence or absence of methanobactin. Rather, Mc. capsulatus Bath appears to rely on MopE/MopE* for copper collection. Finally, not only does Mm. album BG8 steal methanobactin, it synthesizes a novel chalkophore, suggesting that some methanotrophs utilize both competition and cheating strategies for copper collection. Through a better understanding of these strategies, methanotrophic communities may be more effectively manipulated to reduce methane emissions and also enhance mercury detoxification in situ