220 research outputs found

    Understanding the Observed Evolution of the Galaxy Luminosity Function from z=6-10 in the Context of Hierarchical Structure Formation

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    Recent observations of the Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) luminosity function (LF) from z~6-10 show a steep decline in abundance with increasing redshift. However, the LF is a convolution of the mass function of dark matter halos (HMF)--which also declines sharply over this redshift range--and the galaxy-formation physics that maps halo mass to galaxy luminosity. We consider the strong observed evolution in the LF from z~6-10 in this context and determine whether it can be explained solely by the behavior of the HMF. From z~6-8, we find a residual change in the physics of galaxy formation corresponding to a ~0.5 dex increase in the average luminosity of a halo of fixed mass. On the other hand, our analysis of recent LF measurements at z~10 shows that the paucity of detected galaxies is consistent with almost no change in the average luminosity at fixed halo mass from z~8. The LF slope also constrains the variation about this mean such that the luminosity of galaxies hosted by halos of the same mass are all within about an order-of-magnitude of each other. We show that these results are well-described by a simple model of galaxy formation in which cold-flow accretion is balanced by star formation and momentum-driven outflows. If galaxy formation proceeds in halos with masses down to 10^8 Msun, then such a model predicts that LBGs at z~10 should be able to maintain an ionized intergalactic medium as long as the ratio of the clumping factor to the ionizing escape fraction is C/f_esc < 10.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures; results unchanged; accepted by JCA

    Quantum lump dynamics on the two-sphere

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    It is well known that the low-energy classical dynamics of solitons of Bogomol'nyi type is well approximated by geodesic motion in M_n, the moduli space of static n-solitons. There is an obvious quantization of this dynamics wherein the wavefunction evolves according to the Hamiltonian H_0 equal to (half) the Laplacian on M_n. Born-Oppenheimer reduction of analogous mechanical systems suggests, however, that this simple Hamiltonian should receive corrections including k, the scalar curvature of M_n, and C, the n-soliton Casimir energy, which are usually difficult to compute, and whose effect on the energy spectrum is unknown. This paper analyzes the spectra of H_0 and two corrections to it suggested by work of Moss and Shiiki, namely H_1=H_0+k/4 and H_2=H_1+C, in the simple but nontrivial case of a single CP^1 lump moving on the two-sphere. Here M_1=TSO(3), a noncompact kaehler 6-manifold invariant under an SO(3)xSO(3) action, whose geometry is well understood. The symmetry gives rise to two conserved angular momenta, spin and isospin. A hidden isometry of M_1 is found which implies that all three energy spectra are symmetric under spin-isospin interchange. The Casimir energy is found exactly on the zero section of TSO(3), and approximated numerically on the rest of M_1. The lowest 19 eigenvalues of H_i are found for i=0,1,2, and their spin-isospin and parity compared. The curvature corrections in H_1 lead to a qualitatively unchanged low-level spectrum while the Casimir energy in H_2 leads to significant changes. The scaling behaviour of the spectra under changes in the radii of the domain and target spheres is analyzed, and it is found that the disparity between the spectra of H_1 and H_2 is reduced when the target sphere is made smaller.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figure

    Local versus Nonlocal Order Parameter Field Theories for Quantum Phase Transitions

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    General conditions are formulated that allow to determine which quantum phase transitions in itinerant electron systems can be described by a local Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson or LGW theory solely in terms of the order parameter. A crucial question is the degree to which the order parameter fluctuations couple to other soft modes. Three general classes of zero-wavenumber order parameters, in the particle-hole spin-singlet and spin-triplet channels, and in the particle-particle channel, respectively, are considered. It is shown that the particle-hole spin-singlet class does allow for a local LGW theory, while the other two classes do not. The implications of this result for the critical behavior at various quantum phase transitions are discussed, as is the connection with nonanalyticities in the wavenumber dependence of order parameter susceptibilities in the disordered phase.Comment: 9 pp., LaTeX, no figs, final version as publishe

    Spin dependent observable effect for free particles using the arrival time distribution

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    The mean arrival time of free particles is computed using the quantum probability current. This is uniquely determined in the non-relativistic limit of Dirac equation, although the Schroedinger probability current has an inherent non-uniqueness. Since the Dirac probability current involves a spin-dependent term, an arrival time distribution based on the probability current shows an observable spin-dependent effect, even for free particles. This arises essentially from relativistic quantum dynamics, but persists even in the non-relativistic regime.Comment: 5 Latex pages, 2.eps figures; discussions sharpened and references added; accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Negatively Charged Excitons and Photoluminescence in Asymmetric Quantum Well

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    We study photoluminescence (PL) of charged excitons (X−X^-) in narrow asymmetric quantum wells in high magnetic fields B. The binding of all X−X^- states strongly depends on the separation ή\delta of electron and hole layers. The most sensitive is the ``bright'' singlet, whose binding energy decreases quickly with increasing ή\delta even at relatively small B. As a result, the value of B at which the singlet--triplet crossing occurs in the X−X^- spectrum also depends on ή\delta and decreases from 35 T in a symmetric 10 nm GaAs well to 16 T for ή=0.5\delta=0.5 nm. Since the critical values of ή\delta at which different X−X^- states unbind are surprisingly small compared to the well width, the observation of strongly bound X−X^- states in an experimental PL spectrum implies virtually no layer displacement in the sample. This casts doubt on the interpretation of PL spectra of heterojunctions in terms of X−X^- recombination

    The 3D Structure of N132D in the LMC: A Late-Stage Young Supernova Remnant

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    We have used the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) on the 2.3m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory to map the [O III] 5007{\AA} dynamics of the young oxygen-rich supernova remnant N132D in the Large Magellanic Cloud. From the resultant data cube, we have been able to reconstruct the full 3D structure of the system of [O III] filaments. The majority of the ejecta form a ring of ~12pc in diameter inclined at an angle of 25 degrees to the line of sight. We conclude that SNR N132D is approaching the end of the reverse shock phase before entering the fully thermalized Sedov phase of evolution. We speculate that the ring of oxygen-rich material comes from ejecta in the equatorial plane of a bipolar explosion, and that the overall shape of the SNR is strongly influenced by the pre-supernova mass loss from the progenitor star. We find tantalizing evidence of a polar jet associated with a very fast oxygen-rich knot, and clear evidence that the central star has interacted with one or more dense clouds in the surrounding ISM.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Astrophysics & Space Science, 18pp, 8 figure

    Increased bone mineral density in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: Impact of body composition differences

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    Bone mineral density (BMD) has been reported to be both higher and lower in Indigenous women from different populations. Body composition data have been reported for Indigenous Australians, but there are few published BMD data in this population. We assessed BMD in 161 Indigenous Australians, identified as Aboriginal (n = 70), Torres Strait Islander (n = 68) or both (n = 23). BMD measurements were made on Norland-XR46 (n = 107) and Hologic (n = 90) dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) machines. Norland BMD and body composition measurements in these individuals, and also in 36 Caucasian Australians, were converted to equivalent Hologic BMD (BMDH) and body composition measurements for comparison

    The Parallel Magnetoconductance of Interacting Electrons in a Two Dimensional Disordered System

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    The transport properties of interacting electrons for which the spin degree of freedom is taken into account are numerically studied for small two dimensional diffusive clusters. On-site electron-electron interactions tend to delocalize the electrons, while long-range interactions enhance localization. On careful examination of the transport properties, we reach the conclusion that it does not show a two dimensional metal insulator transition driven by interactions. A parallel magnetic field leads to enhanced resistivity, which saturates once the electrons become fully spin polarized. The strength of the magnetic field for which the resistivity saturates decreases as electron density goes down. Thus, the numerical calculations capture some of the features seen in recent experimental measurements of parallel magnetoconductance.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Knowledge-based energy functions for computational studies of proteins

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    This chapter discusses theoretical framework and methods for developing knowledge-based potential functions essential for protein structure prediction, protein-protein interaction, and protein sequence design. We discuss in some details about the Miyazawa-Jernigan contact statistical potential, distance-dependent statistical potentials, as well as geometric statistical potentials. We also describe a geometric model for developing both linear and non-linear potential functions by optimization. Applications of knowledge-based potential functions in protein-decoy discrimination, in protein-protein interactions, and in protein design are then described. Several issues of knowledge-based potential functions are finally discussed.Comment: 57 pages, 6 figures. To be published in a book by Springe

    Physical Characterization of an Unlensed, Dusty Star-forming Galaxy at z = 5.85

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    We present a physical characterization of MM J100026.36+021527.9 (a.k.a. "Mambo-9"), a dusty star-forming galaxy (DSFG) at z = 5.850 \ub1 0.001. This is the highest-redshift unlensed DSFG (and fourth most distant overall) found to date and is the first source identified in a new 2 mm blank-field map in the COSMOS field. Though identified in prior samples of DSFGs at 850 \u3bcm to 1.2 mm with unknown redshift, the detection at 2 mm prompted further follow-up as it indicated a much higher probability that the source was likely to sit at z &gt; 4. Deep observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter and submillimeter Array (ALMA) presented here confirm the redshift through the secure detection of 12CO(J = 6\u21925) and p-H2O (21,1 \u2192 20,2). Mambo-9 is composed of a pair of galaxies separated by 6 kpc with corresponding star formation rates of 590 M o\u2d9 yr-1 and 220 M o\u2d9 yr-1, total molecular hydrogen gas mass of (1.7 \ub1 0.4) 7 1011 M o\u2d9, dust mass of (1.3 \ub1 0.3) 7 109 M o\u2d9, and stellar mass of (3.2-1.5+1.0) 7 109 M o\u2d9. The total halo mass, (3.3 \ub1 0.8) 7 1012 M o\u2d9, is predicted to exceed 1015 M o\u2d9 by z = 0. The system is undergoing a merger-driven starburst that will increase the stellar mass of the system tenfold in \u3c4 depl = 40-80 Myr, converting its large molecular gas reservoir (gas fraction of 96-2+1) into stars. Mambo-9 evaded firm spectroscopic identification for a decade, following a pattern that has emerged for some of the highest-redshift DSFGs found. And yet, the systematic identification of unlensed DSFGs like Mambo-9 is key to measuring the global contribution of obscured star formation to the star formation rate density at z \u2a86 4, the formation of the first massive galaxies, and the formation of interstellar dust at early times ( 721 Gyr)
