1,491 research outputs found

    A consistent pattern of minor immunodeficiency and subtle enteropathy in children with multiple food allergy

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    J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2004 Jul;39(1):101-2. A consistent pattern of minor immunodeficiency and subtle enteropathy in children with multiple food allergy. Gomes L, Dias JA. Hospital Santo António, Porto, Portugal. PMID: 15187791 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Generalized derivations and additive theory II

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    AbstractWe return to the theme of generalized derivations related to symmetric functions to correct the hypothesis of one of the main theorems of our first paper, so that all cases are now properly covered

    Institutional and political challenges of accreditation at the international level

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    This contribution is a strong plea for approaches in quality assessment and accreditation, which honour diversity and promote innovation and creativity in higher education. For many reasons, accreditation has become an important issue for higher education, which has occurred during a period in which there has been a major shift in values. Higher education, always considered primarily a public good, is increasingly being transformed into a predominantly private good; a commodity that could be subject to trade rules. Basic questions should be answered before any action is taken in this field. Accreditation for what purpose and for which qualities? Who will be the gatekeepers of the system and what will be their criteria? The implications of the concepts of quality and of accreditation, and the methods adopted in this field, will produce consequences not only at economic and financial levels but also in terms of the cultural, social and political life of institutions and nations. In 1998, during the World Conference on Higher Education (WCHE, UNESCO, Paris), a consensus was reached and the idea of evaluation was accepted, based on the general acceptance that quality in higher education is multidimensional. The WCHE favoured a system in which quality and relevance should go hand in hand. Since then, accreditation, a method already used for a long time in some countries, in particular the United States, was added more prominently to the international agenda. The concept of quality is crucial here. Aproposal of the WCHE, requesting institutions of higher education to define or redefine their missions together with society, could serve to help create the necessary conditions for appropriate evaluations, by comparing what the institutions actually achieve with what the society as a whole expects from them. Standards could be defined through this mechanism instead of using models that do not relate to the cultural environment of institutions or the specific needs of society. These standards should guarantee appropriate quality, while at the same time enhancing diversity, innovation and creativity.Peer Reviewe

    Antioxidant properties, total phenols and pollen analysis of propolis samples from Portugal

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    Pollen analysis, total phenols content and antioxidant activity were studied for the first time in Portuguese propolis samples from Bornes and Fundão regions. Total phenols content was determined by colorimetric assay and their amount was of 329 mg/g of GAE in Bornes sample and 151 mg/g of GAE in Fundão propolis. The antioxidant capacity of propolis extracts was assessed through the scavenging effects on DPPH (2,2- diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and reducing power of iron (III)/ ferricyanide complex assays. A concentration- dependent antioxidative capacity was verified in DPPH and reducing power assays. Low values of EC50 on DPPH scavenging assay were obtained for Bornes and Fundão propolis (of 6.22 lg/mL and 52.00 lg/mL, respectively). For reducing power the values were 9.00 lg/mL, for Bornes propolis, and 55.00 lg/mL, for Fundão propolis. The high activity of propolis from Bornes could be related with their different pollen composition. The results obtained indicate that Portuguese propolis is an important source of total phenols showing antioxidant properties that could be beneficial for human health

    On the identity of Festuca jubata Lowe (Poaceae) and the description of a new Festuca species in the Azores Islands

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    The majority of authors consider Festuca jubata Lowe as an endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores. Saint-Yves proposed that F. jubata was an Azorean endemic and described a geovicarious taxon in Madeira: F. filiformis C. Sm. ex Link in Buch ssp. mandonii St.-Yves. We undertook a complete bibliographical revision of the taxonomy, nomenclature, and chorology of F. jubata s.l., and contrasted it with morphological and anatomical studies performed on samples from the Azores and Madeira. Azorean plants usually identified as F. jubata had a character combination distinct from that of those with a Madeiran provenance. Saint-Yves’ proposal of two independent taxa was correct, but he erroneously considered F. jubata as an Azorean endemic because the name F. jubata was based on Madeiran plants. Consequently, F. jubata auct. pl. from the Azores belongs to a new species

    On the identity of Festuca jubata Lowe (Poaceae) and the description of a new Festuca species in the Azores Islands

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    The majority of authors consider Festuca jubata Lowe as an endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores. Saint-Yves proposed that F. jubata was an Azorean endemic and described a geovicarious taxon in Madeira: F. filiformis C. Sm. ex Link in Buch ssp. mandonii St.-Yves. We undertook a complete bibliographical revision of the taxonomy, nomenclature, and chorology of F. jubata s.l., and contrasted it with morphological and anatomical studies performed on samples from the Azores and Madeira. Azorean plants usually identified as F. jubata had a character combination distinct from that of those with a Madeiran provenance. Saint-Yves’ proposal of two independent taxa was correct, but he erroneously considered F. jubata as an Azorean endemic because the name F. jubata was based on Madeiran plants. Consequently, F. jubata auct. pl. from the Azores belongs to a new species

    Application of FTIR-ATR spectroscopy on the bee pollen characterization

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    Bee pollen contains almost all nutrients required by the human organism as well as diverse health-promoting substances. However, its composition and nutritional value greatly depend on the botanical origin. As such, it is important to develop a rapid and non-expensive methodology that allows studying its characteristics, making labelling more objective and easier. The FTIR-ATR technique was used to predict some nutritional parameters in 126 bee pollen samples. FTIR-ATR spectrum obtained in the region between 4000 and 400 cm -1 with PLS Regression models were used to correlate spectral information with the data obtained using reference methods. In this first approach with pollen samples, good correlation models with appropriate accuracy were obtained for the evaluated parameters with r 2 varying from 74.8 to 97% and residual prediction deviation between 2.0 and 5.8. These results suggest that FTIR-ATR may be a useful technique for assessing bee pollen’s composition.Centro de Estudos Florestais is a research unit funded by FCT (PEst-OE/AGR/UI0239-2014). Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology is a research unit funded by FCT, UID/ BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) and by the ERDF through the COMPETE2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizac¸a˜o (POCI).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The genus Huperzia (Lycopodiaceae) in the Azores and Madeira

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    The taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Huperzia Bernh. in the Azores and Madeira have been reviewed. Plants collected in the Azores and Madeira were characterized morphologically. The independence between two endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores Islands – Huperzia suberecta (Lowe) Tardieu and Huperzia dentata (Herter) Holub – is clearly shown. A clear-cut morphological separation between these taxa and Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. of continental Europe is established

    The genus Huperzia (Lycopodiaceae) in the Azores and Madeira

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    The taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Huperzia Bernh. in the Azores and Madeira have been reviewed. Plants collected in the Azores and Madeira were characterized morphologically. The independence between two endemic species common to Madeira and the Azores Islands – Huperzia suberecta (Lowe) Tardieu and Huperzia dentata (Herter) Holub – is clearly shown. A clear-cut morphological separation between these taxa and Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. of continental Europe is established

    Application of a potentiometric electronic tongue for assessing phenolic and volatile profiles of Arbequina extra virgin olive oils

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    The capability of determining the phenolic and volatile profiles of olive oils is of major relevance since these compounds are known to greatly influence the gustatory and olfactory positive attributes of olive oils. An electronic tongue with multiple linear regression models was used to evaluate both profiles based on olive oils potentiometric data generated during a single assay. The proposed electronic tongue-chemometric procedure enabled the quantification of flavonoids, phenolic acids and phenol alcohols of Arbequina extra-virgin olive oils with a similar accuracy of UPLC-MS (0.93 ± 0.03≤R2≤0.98 ± 0.08 for the repeated K-fold cross-validation procedure). Also, it was verified that the potentiometric device should not be applied to evaluate volatile compounds in solution (0.80 ± 0.14≤R2≤0.94 ± 0.05 for the repeated K-fold cross-validation procedure), showing a lower accuracy than HS-SPME-GS-MS. The overall satisfactory results showed that electronic tongue could be used as a practical sensing instrument to generate a chemical profile of the compounds known to influence the positive sensory attributes of olive oils.The authors would like to thank Consejo Regulador de Denominación de Origen (DOP) Estepa and DOP Les Garrigues; Casas Hualdo, Castillo Canena, Cortijo de Jara, Quaryat Dilar, EPAMIG and Olivas do Sul for the donation of samples. We would like to dedicate this work to the memory of Carmen Cabrera-Vique. We are grateful to the CAPES Foundation, (Ministry of Education, Brazil), for scholarship support provided to Thays Helena Borges (grant number 6073/13-1), being presently a Ph.D. student from the Official Doctoral Program ‘‘Nutrition and Food Sciences” of the Granada University. This work was also financially supported by Project POCI-01–0145-FEDER- 006984–Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM, strategic project PEst-OE/ AGR/UI0690/2014 –CIMO all funded by FEDER - Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional through COMPETE2020-Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) – and by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio